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Fantasy Wormingshire Stories

Jofune caught her and hugged her, but had to react quickly to rescue the mirror. He had a seal ready and threw it at the mirror to stop it from rippling further. He then continued to let her cry into him.
Just as the seal hit, a small creature emerged from the mirror and negated the seal. It was in the shape of a sphere, made from shards of broken mirrors. It made a sound akin to shattering glass and transformed into a small cat made of broken mirrors. It rubbed affectionately against Qritz's leg.
As the mirrors shattered, energy unchecked flowed into Jofune. He paid little attention to the cat creature, and focused on containing all the energy the mirrors had trapped inside them.

Running to the cardinal north direction of the room, startling a sleeping Anya, he slammed a glowing hand down speaking loudly "Wise Turtle", Running to the east side of the room, he slams his hand again saying "Noble Dragon." Running south, he again slams his hand down "Caring Pheonix." And at the west point, where the ruined mirror lain, "Fearless Tiger." The points started to glow as stone and wood came together, creating the effigies of the Noble Beasts, guarding their directions. He felt his energy being drained to those positions again.

"Little cat, you know not what you set fourth." He spoke as colorful breath left his lips. "The guardians will take our energy, in exchange for offerings every three days. Vegetables for the turtle, meat for the tiger, fish for the pheonix and semi precious stones for the dragon. Please, try not to upset the balance, or this entire place will make your old home look quite beautiful." he said collapsing, as Anya crawled over him, choosing to try and hug him, but also practicing her trapping too.
"...You must realize that I am more than a mere cat." The cat spoke as it backed away. "My name is Genocide, I am this girls Contract." Genocide lifted a paw to point at Qritz who was backing away from him. "Weird, it is usually your kind who goes to our realm for the selection...no matter...I am here now to contain the bleed-off of her magic to acceptable levels."
"Well if you must, fulfill your contract, but please, I am trying to return her to normal. So let us not step on each others toes in the process." he said warmly, sensing the power of the creature. He began grabbing his instruments and scrolls as he set about to study her condition, through meditation and contact with his masters and betters back at the school.
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"No need, I know exactly what the problem is." Genocide said as it hopped down to Qritz's arm and ruffled his wings. "She's adjusting, starting to get used to her new form and abilities. My presence here simply smooths the entire thing so it's less....dangerous."
"The last time I had seen her, before this, she was a teenaged girl, now shes a little girl. A new form surely would not come at the cost of age?" he asked intrigued. He began writing things down, in his newly fashioned book, and as soon as the words appeared, they vanished. It was best to keep his findings secret, until people who knew more could be contacted. "So tell me, Genocide, from what "side" do you hail from?" he asked bemusedly. The more he had a chance to learn the better. "Care for something? I have dried fish, and some Goya milk." he offered, as a host would.
"I hail from the side of *insert static noise*." Genocide said. "And don't worry about the age thing she'll grow back after a few years. That or when she learns to unlock the rest of her new power." He transformed back into a sphere. "And yes, I'd like some glass."

Qritz eyed Genocide and slowly reached out to touch him. Despite being made of broken mirrors he felt oddly smooth. Genocide made a said akin to a wind chime, as if he was purring.
Jofune takes out a small bag of silica. "Here, it is the only thing close to glass I can spare." he offered, pouring it into a small wooden bowl. "So she must learn her powers to regain her lost age....hm." he said, writing until the book was filled. Once filled he spoke some words softly, kissed his two fingers and touched the book. It vanished without much ceremony. Making tea, he offers his little sister some. "Care for some tea, and cookies?" he quipped, he could not help it. It was his friend, but she has changed into a kid. Going to the closet, he pulls out a nightgown for Anya and Qritz. Okay ladies, dinner time. He got up, and opened his traveling bag, as a weighted note hit his head. "Ouch" he spoke rubbing his head, while picking up the note. Inside the note was a small golden necklace with a small woman pendant. The note read:

My boy, I am fresh from my disciplinary action and have created this pendant for your female "friend" be careful, though, some places have laws against pursuing younger women. I would not know anything about that, however, word has reached me that you will be participating in a battle. This displeases me, but since it is not a full out world destroying war, please do your best to keep the Onmyoji code sacred. Do No Harm. Before I retire to my studies, the pendant will allow her to appear older, but her childish mannerisms will remain. Keep her from talking to much and help her through this crisis. I am pulling for you. Also does that school have a girls locker room, and did you know that there is this wonderful device.......

Master Kotsu

The letter trails off before it finishes its point. Holding up the necklace, Jofune could almost swear the woman effigy winked at him. Odd. Dropping the note and pocketing the necklace, he returns to making dinner for everyone.
Qritz slowly reached out for the cookies and picked one up. Genocide approached the bowl and sucked all the silica up like a vacuum. He sighed with content and rested on Qritz's lap while she absentmindedly stroked him.
With supper finished he feeds Anya, who is content at staring at the guests from upside down in her homemade nest (which will be removed later.) Anya takes her plate and crawls up the web to her perch. Placing a plate of warm food and cool tea in front of Qritz, he then puts out more silica for Genocide.

"Master has responded. I am to help you learn and overcome this crisis. Also he sends a gift." Jofune hesitantly reaches for the necklace. Holding it up before Qritz, "This will give you the image of being your original age. However there is no substance to it, nor will it alter your voice. Master agrees with Genocide as this might be a challenge for you to overcome." Jofune speaks before digging in to his dinner.
Qritz nodded and took the necklace. Genocide rolled onto the table. "Don't worry, tomorrow we'll start on control exercises and with some luck she might be able to figure out how to change her form." Genocide announced before rolling of the table and under the sofa where he fell asleep. Qritz followed and swiftly fell asleep on the couch.
"As you wish, Let us rest and I will prepare the training grounds come first light." he spoke as he gathered the dishes and cleaned them, and went to take a bath. He rinsed himself, then settled into the hot steamy water. He was confused. But it did not bother him, as long as he soaked, he was fine.
To be merged.

Update: MERGED :D Alright, at the 19th/20th when I have access to a computer I'll do another proper write up to get the plot moving.
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(Jofune, I hope you don't mind the timeskip)

Qritz was slowly woken up by Genocide. "Okay, wake up lady." He said while gently shaking her. She groaned and slowlt stood up. "Let's get started then..." She said as she fixed her hair and put on the necklace. She looked at the mirror and frowned. "This is supposed to be what I look like but it feels...wrong..." She said before heading out.
If you haven't picked up engineer gear yet, assume you got it and can describe it in your CS and/or post

Elicas He sighed as another letter landed on his lap. It was this time directly from Barthus asking him to join the Military council in their op. It lists his strategy which will be employed by the academy.

As the head of the Military council, I have been asked to strategize for the imminent defence of the academy. As such the plans are as follows.

Strygen will probably attempt a frontal assault, seeing as magic has all of the wall guarded, so will attempt to pour their forces into the weakest point. This would be the gate.

All students and teachers will assume a front-line defence behind the gates. Advanced mages at offensive magic or abilities from a range will attack from the top of the walls, the rest behind the walls to attack on-comers or on the walls to attack any that scale the wall. It is assumed the collective force of the school will be enough. Amy will lead the attack force, seeing as she has faced the Strygen.

The council of five will be also attacking, however along with the other important people like the president, will be from a safe distance.

The military council, including you, will be with one of the fast travel mages who will with their Telekinesis Manipulation transport us to any point where a small strike force may attack. This will help us avert any possible attacks that come through infiltration into key areas.

Meet us at the Stadium where training for the upcoming battle for all students and combatant staff is running.


"Looks like I got a job to do." Elicas rose out of his seat on the bench and began walking to the stadium.

Letters describing this strategy are being sent out to all students and they will gather at the stadium if they wish for training
GM notice

If people CBA continuing this, they can post their char in the sequel http://www.rpnation.com/forums/under-construction-wormingshire-adventures.691/

I'm sure I can pull out of my ass a conclusion from this RP.

I will do more work on that RP when I'm not so horrendously busy in other RP's :)

This can be your old char (which therefore has immediate acceptance), a modified version of it or a completely new one. Or two of the above.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
(*Has been terribly terrible about keeping up with this* Sorry, Pica, as you may know, I'm in the middle of a move across the world, so for the next month or so, I may be pretty scarce around here :( I'm definitely planning on having Priscilla back in action, either finishing here and moving on to the sequel, or just straight on to the sequel if this here is done. I've come to love Wormingshire, and I'me just sad to see it's numbers drop so suddenly and go silent :( But, I'll do what I can to get/keep it up and running after I get to my next place ^_^ )
(I'm ATM busy with other RPs. When I have more free time, I'll reboot it.)

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.

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