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Fantasy Wormingshire Stories

Getting a bite to eat was easier than finding the engineering team. Class can wait if it is war time. However, he was not so inclined to harm anyone, seeings how it interferes with his do no harm code. Meat eating was forgivable, killing someone, not so much. But his small arsenal of spells could incapacitate rather than kill. And he could look heroic while doing so! His master would be so proud. However, not so much that he took an active role/side in a war, a war that had little to do with him, but more to do with people wanting to kill him. His staff felt hot to the touch as he held it aloofly. Man this was getting complicated. And there was Anya to worry about.
Elicas gets his gear

Elicas walked through the door to the engineering department. They'd been given a large, and rather messy (Engineers can get rooms ver messy very quickly) laboratory. The other engineers were at work building items built on request for various people, or just simply items they suspected were generally useful for people.

As Elicas walked down and dodged some items on the ground, including a large steel pipe which looked installed, he commented to himself: "Well things fell into entropy here rather quickly."

A young woman, Clara, walked over who seemed to be wearing less than most females should. Be that from the heat or their simple disregard for big clothed was anyone's guess. She strode to him while holding a large wrench going "Hey there hunk~ what can I do for ye today?"

He completely blanked/ignored her open invitation to flirting. "I need gear to get stronger for the upcoming war. Preferably something to help my Dark Divination."

"Well usually something like that would take a week for us to build. Buuuut just for you big guy I got something just for that~."

Clara walked to a shelf which had an eclectic mix of items. She got out a gauntlet that covered an entire upper arm and hand. "Here give this a shot."

The design was sleek and he put it on, slotting his wand on the underside like he did with his old wand bracer. "Huh that's a neat thing, seems a shame to replace it with a new model. This thing will replace your wand entirely, meaning all you need is that bracer. It is basically a wand, but better. Try it out. I tell you though, the tool makers are noooot happy with us, since we make sooo much better stuff than them~" She giggled at her last statement.

Elicas summoned his Dark Soul and his entire left arm glowed with an aura. His Dark Soul was 3x bigger now, already previously the size of him. He tried lifting a heavy object using Dark and noticed how much easier it was too with the new gauntlet. Clearly the increased size was indicative of its multiplied strength too.

"But don't go trying it on the waaaaalls~ we need the building in one piece to use after all..."

"I won't."

"I would get all comfy to such a big sweet guy like you, but I bet you got a girl and leave you in peace~, besides, I got more people to deal with now that all these new requests have come in. See ya lateeer~"

Elicas waved goodbye and left the department, sitting on a bench outside the building and lounging. He flexed his fingers in the gauntlet, still trying to get used to it. He might even see some people come in to the department now, since he seemed to be the first one here.

GM Notice: You can bunny any engineer and assume that they either just happen to have what you want or request something custom, timeskip, then come back with it built
Jofune, after nearly succumbing to the onslaught of letters, had in fact found the Engineering Lab. He had spent his entire walk there deciding on what exactly he could use to help in the war. He stepped up to an old, yet cluttered desk, where a girl, about his age was tinkering with something, watched it glow red, then......

Sensing something amiss with the device she was holding, he had used a few dolls to shield the girl from the small blast. His overly large robe sleeve always did the trick, and protected him well. Once the smoke settled, and after checking to make sure the girl was okay, he pulled out a scroll and some ink. She was still dumbfounded at his quick save of her, but she managed to keep up with the strange fast talking guy.

"I need a set of stamps made, with these symbols in this order." he said showing her. The stamps need to supply their own ink, to which I have enough to fill them." He said, laying out the quickly written design. "Also, I need something extra special made. A staff, with five smaller stakes at the top, made from the base metals, and infused with crystals and energy. It also must synch with my magic on the fly....." he spoke on, going into detail as to what this device was for.

After her assurance that everything can be made and will be delivered to his room, he left to finally have that bite to eat. Upon returning to his room, bearing a tray of food for Anya, more ninja letters descended upon him, this time with revenge and murder on their minds. The hallway erupted in a tidal wave of blade like letters, all seeking the blood of the mystic......Is what would have happened, if Anya had not tried to ensnare him for the billionth time, as he passed through the door. His room, again, was a web filled play house for Anya, as she skittered through the webs, carrying the pilfered tray of food, while leaving daddy hanging by his feet. Daddy already had known how to escape, as he brought his fingers to his lips, he speaks a hushed spell, and all but the strand of web she is perched on, eating her food, vanish in a puff of slightly acrid smoke.
Qritz decided that she would try to practice her magic when she got home. She felt weird as she used it, as if she had too much. She made some crystals orbit her, they took on a yellowish tint as she made them spin. Suddenly, they shook violently and exploded, knocking off a decent portion off the house and knocking her away. "N-no..." she sobbed out as she recovered. "My own magic?" she cried out as the silver coloring in her hair spread completely. Minute amounts of magic created tiny orbs as she sobbed, they exploded loudly and brightly, as if calling for attention. She slowly became unrecognizable as her age regressed into a child's.

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Jofune heard the explosion and felt the magical ripple. "Crap, this is not good. Anya, go take your nap, I will return shortly." he said as he ran out of his room, and following the magical ripple back to its source. What awaited him was a half demolished house and another little girl. If this keeps up, everyone will assume he is collecting little girls. Offering his hand to the little girl, he smiles warmly. "Are you okay?" he asked warmly.
Qritz slowly looked up when she heard a familiar voice. She saw Jofune and immediately gave a leap hug. She was crying uncontrolallably. "I'm not okay Jofune, my own magic is working against me." she sobbed out as more explosions occured.

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Jofune shielded them from the explosions. "Hmm, this is very interesting, as magic flows with the user, not against." He spoke, while holding Qritz, during her crying fit. "Well first off, we need to find a way to seal your magic, until it comes back under your control." he spoke softly to her.
Qritz slowly nodded. "I can try calming down." She said as she tried stop crying. She let out a few sobs before her magic calmed. She then realized that she was now a child. "Do you recognize me?" She asked hesitantly as she looked at Jofune who now towered over her because of sheer height.

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"I recognize you, you are Qritz, but in Chibi form." he said trying to comfort the woman child. "Do not fear, there will be a way to fix you, I guess?" he spoke, worried about her. She was smaller, tinier and slightly cuter than her normal self. However, she was not safe, in this condition. "Looks like your house blew up. You can stay with me and Anya, I think her clothes might fit you too, if you do not mind the webbings of an immature arachne." he said, trying to lighten the mood.
"N-no! What if I lose control again? I don't want to hurt anyone important to me!" She said quickly as she backed away. She panicked a bit, causing her magic to go out of control for a while.

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Ciquala was all armoured now, it felt strange against his fur, but it was better than fighting without it... He'd had a light armour made to fit his form, it was leather and light enough to not constrict his movement. The part he liked most was the fact they were able to attach some vines to it, so he could manipulate them if needed. He was practicing moving in this armour right now, ready to defend his home.
"My, my, calm down. My room is magically balanced. There are four mirrors that will settle the wavering magics of a cute girl, and a wandering Onmyoji. I have safeguarded my room to prevent any of my learnings from harming me or Anya. So you will be safe in there, but not so much out here. I wont force you to come, but please consider it for your sake, not mine." he ran his hand over her head, pet patting it.
Qritz calmed down after he said that. "Fine...but can we tell them that I'm your sister until we get this fixed?" she pleaded. She really didn't want them figuring out while she was like this. "It's okay if you say no..."

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"Of course, or it would be weird for a sixteen moon old boy to be hanging out with a nine, maybe eight moon girl." he said as he covered her with his robe top coat. "Come now onee-chan, let us get back to our room." he spoke loud enough for anyone close by to tell he was speaking to his sister.
Qritz replied a way that would cement her position. She moved in for a hug ang snuggled into him. "Yes big bro!" she said in a manner that would make any casual observer blush because of her newfound cuteness.

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He hugged her back. It felt nice, to have a friend like her, even though she was in her child form. he held her close, little sister close. They made their way back to the room.
"...Well...what do we do now?" She aaked as they entered his room. She could feel her magic calm and no longer go berserk.

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Priscilla waved her hand in front of her face, specifically her nose, the smell was rather intense. She was not as surprised by Luke's transformation, simply because she had seen stranger things recently, and she had been anticipating something... worse. He ended up looking like an enormous snake, rather than the voracious and multi-headed hydra with a basilisk's angles and form she had been expecting. "Alright, big guy, let's get this over with." Her hand became metal, a bulky version of itself, like she was wearing an enormous gauntlet. She gripped one of the two prolonged fangs in the front of his mouth, and she felt him shudder in slight pain. "This'll all be over in just a moment, I'm going to start counting now. 5. 4. 3." She yanked on the tooth now, using his expectations against him, and it came out with minimal effort, she had pulled it straight from the root. "2. 1." she said with a smile on her face, "There, all better?" Priscilla held the fang up above her head to show the cringing hydrasilisk that it was over, then she carefully wrapped it up in her jacket, not wanting to touch the poisonous edge before returning her metal skin to itself again.


Antri saw the fang and stood up walking over to the two from where she had waited on the side."It's a very pretty fang." I said and reached out a hand. A small little bubble of the poison flew up off the fang and hovered near her head."It has te same chemical compounds of the poison i was given to practice with but it seems to be built together differently, interesting." Antri let the poison drift back down to the fang and then walked back picking up all her stuff except the vial of poison."May I siphon a little bit of the poison off into the vial to test it further later?" I asked Luke. I didn't want to do it without hid permission as the poison came from his fang."The more poisons i can study, the better i'll be at drawing them out of people."
Picking up a Mandala, he hands it to her, while extracting webs off of his meditation mat. "First we will try to pinpoint the problem, which will have you meditating right here on the rug." he said, patting the rug. Anya just watches from her hidey spot. "This will allow you to focus, now I want you to imagine your magic as a a glass of water. When the level rises, shake the mandala, when it lowers, try to get it to rise again. You want to maintain the level of magic that is comfortable to you." He instructed, as his Master did to him.
Luke transformed back into human form, the red scar flashing brightly for a second during the transformation. He'd almost bit her when she'd pulled it out. Precisely why he'd wanted someone with her capabilities to do it for him. Still, it wasn't his primary head, so he wouldn't have to think about the pain as it was stored away. "Thank you." He told her respectfully, taking the fang from her jacket. It was safe for him to hold, though probably not everyone else. The fang was about the length of his arm now that he was in human form. He held the jacket out for her. "I don't want to steal your jacket, and it's alright for me to hold."

The boy's eyes flashed unpleasantly when she asked him if she could take some, and he shook his head. "No. You can't take any. I understand your intentions but we're a small race and we have to protect both our secrets, and ourselves. It's all we have. I hope you forgive me." Smiling then, indicating the discussion was over, Luke began trudging along towards the place called the engineering area. "Are you coming?" He asked them both, politely.

@Stickdom @Bearbar123
Antri followed Luke."I understand, there are some things I keep hidden as well." She said and adjusted her necklace. Antri hurried inside once they got to the engineers building. Stopping one of them she smiled then asked."Do you have anything that I could hook my scrolls into, and holds some ink?" He lead her over to his area and Antri saw sort of what she wanted. It was a glove but on the inside there was a bar you could use to hit someone with or in her case, loop Antri's scrolls around, the only problem was she had no way to keep ink on her. Untill the guy brought out a belt that had a whole bunch of loops on it for holding vials. The set up was perfect for her.

Antri put the stuff on letting him make adjustments for her small size, she told him he would have to make adjustments when she got bigger as she would get eight feet tall. Once she had it all one she went outside to try it out slipping the pen out of the place right behind her ear she pulled out the scroll and as it flew out she wrote the runes on it. It fell around Antri in a circle and she was gone from view."Perfect, and I can write a special rune on the paper for the runes to disappear once the magic flow goes away." Antri then started to pull in the paper with the little catch on the end of the scroll.
Qritz nodded and started to meditate. She tried to imagine her magic. She shook the mandala immediately when she felt it rise. She frowned when she felt it lower and tried to make it ri-BLOODBLOODBLOODDEATHKILLEVERYONEAHAHAHAHAHAHABURNWITHYOURGODSYOUWORTHLESSFOOLSIDONTNEEDYOU

She immediately screamed and backed away from Jofune. She was trembling with fear.
(sorry spent the entire afternoon in the ER)

"Hmm.." Jofune thought out loud. " It seems that you have something attached to your magic." he said. "Something very bad." he puzzled. "The question is, do you feel as the thing feels, that you want to be all alone?" he asked. He opened his arms, to comfort his "little sister."
Without hesitation Qritz dove for Jofune and started crying again. "T-there was so much blood!" She sobbed. "Everything was burning and everyone was dead!" She continued, burying herself further into him. "They felt like memories! My memories!" She sobbed. Her magic started to react violently and reach out for one of the mirrors. The mirror rippled as if it was water. (gtg for 6-10 hours, college)

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