[World of Roslan] Forest of Einsmere


Neren'Talen'Hao felt some annoyance at the Water Dragon's lack of focus, but he chided himself. She cannot help it, it is part of her very nature to be fickle and changeable. Such is why her kind come to sexual maturity so young and feel the yearnings to mate so keenly. They have great difficulty in maintaining long term monogamous relationships. Like water they cannot and will not be kept in one place by natural means, even the bonds of love.

The contents of the wagon could wait until a more appropriate time. He sighed and wandered into the crowds himself, keeping away from the throngs of younger creatures and seeking vainly for the eldest. Perhaps they would have information regarding the state of affairs since he had left through the Portal. He lamented for the friends he would as likely never see again, the aged scholars who would never have abandoned their scrolls and tomes of ancient lore. Perhaps, once Roslan was restored to its former glory, he could re-establish the institutes, libraries and seminaries of old. It would, perhaps, be a feat worthy of his attention for a century or two.

Taris, now dressed properly as a royal, her crown shining and the gem in the rod glittering in the rays. She made her way down the steps and looked to Denom, "Come... Walk with me my husband... Let us go..." Some of the people noticed the rod and began to mutter. She ignored them and walked to Rghia'anth'arghu, "Thank you... You have saved my life many times and have been helpful... Thank you..." She turned to the older male, "Your kin has been very kind to me... I'm very grateful..." She smiled to them then bowed lightly to them, "But i would like to know how so much has survived from the Great Darkness..." She looked at gem on the rod, to think elves took all the elements and put them in a stone is unbelieveable... but my mother had made it worked.... She twirled the rod in her hand, staring at it with wonder.

Denom walked and stood beside Taris. He too, began to wonder how many people had survived. Of course life will always find a way of preserving... He looked at the rod Taris was carrying. What is that? What purpose could it have? He didn't like the stone in the rod. It gave him an uneasy feeling and had a strange smell. Some sort of humanoid and dragons made it... He growl softly to himself and decided to wait.

Mashi was happy to see one of her own kind, but for some reason she felt bad. She pardoned herself from him and sighed. Its been so long, i have forgotten what its like to be with my own... She walked around, thinking to herself and not paying to where she was going. She ended up going towards Neren'Talen'Hao without noticing until she bumped right into him. She shook herself and her face turned red, "Sorry Neren'Talen'Hao.... I should have been paying attention...." She looked down and felt her face red hot. What's the point?! I can't even talk to one of my own kind!! I don't even act like a dragon! I'm more human than a dragon! As she stared at the ground, her eyes welled up with tears. "I'm so stupid and foolish....I'm no dragon...", she mumbled.

Havior was helping a child who got a cut when a lady walked up to him. He looked up at her, "Yes? How may I help you?" The woman had green hair and dark green eyes, her skin a strange brownish hue. She only stared then smiled, "I'm fine... I just wanted to see you..." The woman walked off and Havior felt strange at the encounter. There's something about that woman.... I wonder... He picked up his bag and quietly followed her into the woods. Suddenly the woman disappear and Havior paused at the tree line, Where did she go....? He sniffed and smelt a strange odor then his eyes sparked, Of course! She's a Javilan! An earth sprite! That's why i thought she looked out of place! He quietly sat there, hoping for her to return. An earth sprite...

At her sudden tearful outburst, Neren'Talen'Hao could not at first speak. What can one such as I say to one such as her? Our races are wildly divergent, though our species be the same. Ach! But I'm not the best to be offering advice about affairs of the heart. My own heart has never, can never, be moved by the stirrings of love. But I must say something.

He reached out and placed a caring hand on her shoulder and lead her into a private courtyard, in the center of which stood a dried-up and mossed-over fountain. He sat her down on a stone bench and sat beside her.

"Sister Mashi, why do you chide yourself so? You are as much a dragon as any of your kin, your only failing is that you have not yet had chance to act like one. You are no different to any of the refugees who fled Roslan for the human realm. You were forced to exist in an unnatural state, divorced from your true nature to protect against the depredations of those evil creatures. None would fault you for what is lacking in your nature, nor for your worries and anxieties. Now you are among friends, Mashi of the Water Dragons, go forth and be yourself.", he paused thoughtfully, then continued, "And if you do not know how to be yourself, consider that fountain. Currently it stands dry and overgrown, but with a little work and a little care, it can one more be a beautiful fountain."

He rose to his feet and stood before her, "The only fear in this place is that we bring ourselves."

Mashi heard Neren'Talen'Hao words and looked up with a small smile, "Thanks... That was really means a lot Brother....." She smiled and gave him a hug. She blushed a little and with a smile, walked back to the male dragon. I can do... it just takes practice... They started talking again.

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