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One x One World Of Entertainment (WOE) - Neutral Characters



  • ?POI Application Form ?


    Birth Name: Unknown

    Stage Name: Vincent

    Age: 30

    Gender: Male

    Eye Color: Brown

    Hair Color: Dark brown

    Skin Tone: Fair

    Height: 6'2"

    Race: Korean-American

    Nationality: Dual citizen of America & Korea

    Talent: Acting of all genres

    Level of Fame: Cosmopolitan

    Quirks: Has the skill of manipulating people into doing what he wants.

    Hobby(s): Unknown

    Personality: Mysterious man with many faces.

    Relationship status: Single


    Vincent entered WOE as an agent at age 22. No one knew much about his background. All they heard about him from his colleagues was that of an efficient worker. He changed his career path at age 23 from an agent to a POI and debuted a month after training.

    He starts out as an action/drama actor and steadily moved into other genres building his acting portfolio. He received many offers for blockbusters and lead drama roles. Soon after a year, his fame had risen to Famous.

    Since then, he has acted in many well-known movies, dramas and television series across the globe. He is known as the man with a thousand masks in the entertainment world for his many acting roles of different personalities and is admired by many actors and actresses. Though well-known, the past of Vincent still has yet to be heard of. He was a mysterious man that no one could ever get close enough to know more about him, not even his manager. Be it on the island or the outside world.

    Assigned Living Quarters: Unknown

    ?POI Application Form ?


    Birth Name: Oceane

    Stage Name: -

    Age: 7

    Gender: Female

    Eye Color: Red

    Hair Color: Hazel brown

    Skin Tone: Light

    Height: 3'10"

    Race: Unknown

    Nationality: Unknown

    Talent: Child actress & model

    Level of Fame: International Star

    Quirks: Oceane has the habit of staring at strangers weirdly. People often can't tell what she is thinking.

    Hobby(s): Exploring

    Personality: Oceane is a sweet, quiet child. She can be playful and mischievous with people she knows well and is always curious about the outside world as she was raised on WOE. She has a thing for roses and is often seen carrying one around wherever she goes. For some reason, she hates the Hospital Director. No one understands where her hatred comes from but people have guessed that it could be related to her many trips to the hospital for check-ups.

    Relationship status: Single of course.


    Oceane was an orphan that was taken in by one of the executives of WOE as a baby. Strangely, no one knows who she belongs to. Peopleoften spot her wandering around WOE withthe populartwin brothers, Zigmund & Zann. The three of them were almost an inseparable trio unless either of them has a schedule to attend to. There were many questions surrounding Oceane but none were ever answered as nobody was allowed near her for some reason.

    When Oceanewas five, she followed Zigmund & Zann to their photo shoot for a magazine cover.The photographer took animmediate liking to her and pulled her into the shoot. The magazine was publishedandbecame a big hit. People described it as the "Pretty doll"between the two twin brothers and that was Oceane. That was how she became a child model and the only kid in contract with WOE.She modelled for many kids magazines, toy stores, advertisements and even music videos.

    Oceane was then offered a role by a Director to act in a movie that turned out to be a huge success. That was how her acting career began. From then, she started attending acting related classes with the older kids at IOA and continued toreceive roles in well-known movies andtelevision series.

    Assigned Living Quarters: Unknown

    ?POI Application Form ?

    (Zann left, Zigmund right)

    Birth Name: Zann & Zigmund

    Stage Name: (Zigmund) ZIG ZAQ (Zann)

    Age: 20

    Gender: Males

    Eye Color: Deep blue

    Hair Color: Midnight blue

    Skin Tone: Fair

    Height: 5'9"

    Race: Irish

    Nationality: Ireland

    Talent: Singing & Hosting

    Level of Fame: International Stars

    Quirks: Both twins have pentagon shaped birthmarks. Zigmund has it below his right ear while Zaan has it below his left ear.

    Hobby(s): Zig does Aikido while Zaq does Judo.

    Personality: Prior a few months ago, the pair used to be lively, kind, friendly and playful to everyone around them, but ever since their imprisonment in the Penal Institution they have closed up and gave people the cold shoulder. People now think of them as the arrogant twins.

    Relationship status: Both are single though Zigmund tends to flirt around every now and then.


    Born into a loving family with average income, this pair of handsome twin brothers were always the center of attention with the singing competitions between the two of them.

    They were lovely boys who always had the knack of getting into trouble for being suspiciously nice. There was once that the duo followed a man home because he looked sickly pale. They were mistaken for thieves by the man and were whacked with a walking stick. That was an incident the twins would never forget.

    A scout from WOE spotted them and offered them a place in WOE. Being fanatics of music, they begged their parents to let them go. They were 16 when they entered a contract with WOE as singers and met 3 year old Oceane when she was out exploring on her own. After that meeting the trio became inseparable. To them, Oceane was a little sister they never had. They debuted a year later and gained fame at a remarkable rate.

    During that period of their rising fame, the twins had broken rules not just once but a few times ignoring the warnings they received. They were taken away by security guards and locked up in the Penal Institution for weeks.

    Since then, their attitudes changed drastically and they refused to say anything to anyone. "Like a wary animal" was what people described them as after their release from the Penal Institution. The lively boys people knew them as were no more, in their place were a pair of cold-hearted twins. Anyone that wasn't Oceane were given the cold treatment. Their personality on stage though still the same, were less lively. Fans of theirs came to the conclusion that they had matured thus found them even more captivating, more charming in a way resulting in their promotion to international stars.

    People could only wonder what happened in the Penal Institution.

    Assigned Living Quarters: POI's Dormitory, Prestige Underwater Dorm, Floor 3U

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NPC Players and Face Claims

  • Player Character Gender Face Claim(optional)
    Koorimizu Saki Vincent M Tsuruga Ren from Skip Beat!
    Koorimizu Saki Oceane F IB the game
    Koorimizu Saki ZIG ZAQ Ms No idea where they're from lol

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If you would like to roleplay with one of the characters above please PM me and we can plot it out.

Thank you!


Your GM

P.S Do take note some of them are off-limits. Example; the Director of WOE.


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