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World of Darkness

There in the room with all the screens was Astaroth, unnoticed by the humans as he flitted around and watched the screens, getting a good idea of where everything was and how best to aid the young Valentine heir. So, he was present to see the werewolf come down and punch a guard, only to punch her fist into the air.

For a moment, he froze, familiar with that gesture but in another context. ‘Oh, that’s not….’ And a sigh of relief passed his lips.

The young Valentine made that gesture, and though he was loathed to admit it, when that power of hers came into play, even he fell under the sway of her sovereignty. He could break it, and he had broken it, but it was a difficult task.

The young woman dropped after the werewolf, landing roughly on her heels. She straightened slowly, hearing the blood pounding in the body of the other guard as they finally rose and turned, gun raised. This, Adria couldn’t see, but she looked his way anyway as if she could see. There was a subtle sway in her step as she moved towards him, speaking, “Be calm, love,” the word was tossed around so easily.

And yet, he relaxed, not knowing why, those honeyed words suddenly putting him at ease as his heart swelled with affection for the woman who drew close, and put a hand first on his arm, then moved it up to his shoulder. “Let me have just a bit of your blood, won’t you?”

His whispered ‘of course’ was followed by a tilt of his neck. Her fingers trailed along his shoulder to find it, and then her fangs pierced it.

The demon simply moved over to Jinx, glancing down at the floored guard before saying, “I’ve figured out the way to get out of here, and to the armory.” He would then motion her over to the screens, and try to point to the ones that would piece together the path they had to take.
Seeing that the vampire had the other guard covered, Jinx went over to view the screens that the spirit was referring to. "So this is the way out, where is the armory?" she asked not seeing it on there at first.

Looking at the other screens she could see guards moving around frantically, checking every cell block for them. They knew now where it was they had lost the two, but didn't know yet where the electrical shaft actually let out since it spread through the whole building. Apparently a werewolf and vampire trying to escape thru the ceiling hadn't occurred to them. A thought occurred to Jinx however and she glanced over at the spirit. "Hey, which of these rooms is furthest from our exit?" she asked
Blood was sweet and blood was life. It was starting to truly flow through her and heal now that the minor things had been dealt with. Sight would come, not that night, but the next, when she was able to actually sleep.

This guard was drained completely as the other started to get up. Adria didn’t waste her breath on that one, but put a knee to his stomach and then dropped down with him, cracked his neck, and drank deep as the spirit continued to talk.

“The armory is in a building not far from here. Ah, this one,” he motioned to the outside of a building, obviously locked up. Astaroth then considered what she was asking, and he moved along the wall of monitors and again gestured, “That would be this room,” it was a freezer, of course.

The vampire rose from the ground then. “You should call your little friend.” He noted.

“Very well,” she didn’t even argue it.

Astaroth offered as an explanation, “She has a rather violent friend who she has a habit of calling when she’s in trouble. He used to hate it.” Not anymore. It always meant fun for him.

Yet, she didn’t even pull out a cell phone. She didn’t even make a gesture, just said, “He knows.”

Whether or not he would come was always the question, but anymore, he seemed to.


The electronica beat around the room, and a vampire with blue hair sat at the bar, with a comic book of all things, in the midst of a clearly bumping party. He was spying, as he always did, and played off disliking the scene when in truth he’d love to get out there and enjoy it. It was not the persona he was playing that night, though.

Trevor Arachnos perked up when he felt something at the back of his mind, and got a flash of a location and a woman in his mind. “Oh hells,” he complained as he shut the Lucifer comic and pushed himself away from the counter.

There went the spying mission.

“Heeey!” That high-pitched squeal of a voice called, and the buxom blonde vampiress came to drape herself over him, “Where are you going, Trevy? The party has like, just begun!”

“Sorry,” he callously brushed her off of him, “Princess needs me.”

She blew air out, a few blonde strands rising from her face. “What’s she gone and done now?”

“Dunno. Gonna go find out. Wanna come?”

She shook her head, “No, but I’mma go tell Valerian in case you both die.” She never went to tell Malachi. Malachi scared her. Valerian had her wrapped around his finger.

“Have fun,” he saluted, knowing Adria would hate that.

Not his problem. ‘Not yet.’ And off he went, taking out a small diamond out of his pocket as he went to his blue car. ‘Decisions, decisions.’ He could grab the map, roll the diamond, and be near her location in a second.

Or he could take the car and ram it through whatever got in his path.

That sounded more fun.
Jinx looked behind her at the vampire that was mutely and blindly starting off into nothingness, apparently calling for back up. "Alright, so long as new bloodsucker knows the same rules apply to him I'm cool with back up." Jinx said before looking back at the screen. "Let's see here, I'm going to guess this button is how to turn on the mic-y thing-ah-ma-bob." she muttered before clearing her throat. Pushing down the button she leaned into the mic. "Attention, the prisoners have been spotted in the Freezer, I repeat, the prisoners have been spotted trying to escape thru the freezer." she announce with a sense of urgency in her voice. Letting go of the button she looked over at the spirit thing smugly. "That should help us for a bit." she said as some of the guards started rushing to the freezer.

Suddenly the radio on the dead guard's belts went off. "Mike, Is everything good up in the control room? Who was that on the mic?" it demanded to know. "I've warned you about 'entertaining' new cadets up there." the voice said pissed off.

Jinx pointed down at the radio. "Sooooo, I wasn't counting on them double checking that. We should probably get going to where our stabby things are now." she said as she started looting the dead bodies for a key card to get out.
“You will have to tell him,” the demon told the wolf, “The communication between their kind is not that…advanced? Think of it more as a mother suddenly knowing her child was in danger, and knowing exactly where that child was.”

“Trevor is not my mother.”

“No, just your knight in blue armor whom we should have killed ages ago.” Astaroth longed to have that soul devoured and that power that the blue boy had passed into what would be his future host. However, the blue boy had his uses. He was ridiculously powerful and quite enjoyed the thrill of combat, which made him a good tool for protecting the rather weaker host.

She was working on that, at least.

She was still squishy. The werewolf’s claws could have shredded her.

Then a voice called back, and Adria turned towards the radio as the wolf explained her lack of a plan b. “Did you get any names in moving through here, Astaroth?”

“A few,” he answered, “Try Maria,” he told the wolf, “Mike had to use the restroom.”

Adria facepalmed. It was so stupid. It might work, though. Mike clearly wasn’t the sort to be a good guard if he ‘entertained’ new cadets.
Finding the key card needed Jinx let out a sound of triumph and held it up. "Awesome." she said before picking up the radio off the guy's belt. "This is Maria, Mike had to use the bathroom. Something he ate." Jinx explained hoping it would work.

The mic was silent a moment before it came back on. "Maria? I thought you were on vacation." the voice said confused.

Jinx went back on the radio, "No, that starts tomorrow." she insisted and looked back at the spirit and vampire. "Guys, get that door open. This ruse isn't going to last long." she stated and put the card into the vampire's hand. On the video cameras guards could be seen flooding into the freezer and looking around confused. Rushing over to the control panel she pushed the button that was labeled as lock down for that wing of the building.

The radio started buzzing again. "Alright, well we are still going to send- HEY! What's going on?!" it demanded as the doors to the freezer started closing to lock them in.

"Yeah, let's go." Jinx insisted and put the radio on her belt to hear if they called for back up or knew where they were.
If Jinx could have seen Adria’s eyes, there would have been a very ‘what the fuck am I supposed to do with this’ look in them, as she felt the card key fall into her hand. Then, she felt the touch of Astaroth—cold and barely there, and she turned with the direction given, desperate not to look like an idiot as she tried to find a key pad.

Astaroth simply whispered the instructions into her ear so there wasn’t much groping about for it. There was a bit, but once her hand found the device, sliding the card through it wasn’t too difficult.

She heard the shout as the door beeped open, and she pressed her hands to the door to open it and walk out as Jinx spoke of going. “Lead the way,” the blind, obviously, was not going to be leading. Astaroth chuckled, and would walk alongside Jinx to assist with direction if need be, glancing back now and then to make sure that Adria kept up.

Adria herself was straining her own ears to listen to the radio, hoping for word of the blue knight. It wouldn't be arriving yet, since the fool had chosen his car over teleportation.
As Jinx walked through the halls they were deserted since most guards had headed to the furthest wing of the building. "Sooooo, how did Miss Cadaver and 180 Vape guy end up in a place like this?" she asked as she walked briskly. Her fingers anxious to feel the weight of her weapons again in them.

Occasionally if she wasn't sure the way to go she would glance at the ghostly specter and see which way before leading again in that direction. "Cause, I know how I got here, and that was intentional and only slightly suicidal. But somehow I don't feel like she would really choose to have her eyes burned from her sockets. But hey, if that was part of some plan, cuddos to you for stepping up to it." she said making polite conversation to fill the silence of the escape. Sure,there were alarms and men shouting orders in the distance as they tried to get out of the locked down areas, but she just didn't feel like it was the right noise to keep her attention focused.

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