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Fantasy World of Andos - Lore Pages

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The World of Andos is a Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online (VRMMO) game role play where characters aren't trapped within the game.
Game Description
  • Blackvelvet

    World of Andos
    Welcome to the world of Andos, A highly realistic virtual reality massive multiplayer online game set in a fantasy realm. Made possible through new Sense6 technology that immerses you into a world where all of your five senses are engaged. The world itself is divided up into a a total of seven countries who are at war with each other. The world is packed with quests, dungeons, raids and events that will be the premise of the game along with player vs player combat.

    Game Mechanics
    Respawning: Characters will Respawn at their set home town when they die. Exceptions to this rule is that if characters are in a dungeon they will spawn in front of the dungeon.

    5 Senses: Characters in the game will not only be able to see and hear things as if they were a part of the environment, they will also be able to taste, smell, and feel everything in the world.

    Home Menu: To access the home menu and log out you need simply swipe your dominate hand across your body with your palm facing outwards

    Parties: If you decide to Party up with other players in game for dungeons, raids, quests, or events PVP is turned off between the party members.

    Towns and Cities: These are considered safe zones where PVP is turned off, though Players can challenge others to duels for money or items here.

    These are just some of the things included in World or Andos
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    The World
  • The World
    Map (1).jpg
    Map (2).jpg

    • Egrin
      Egrin is the central territory in the world, it is considered neutral territory in the world of Andos where all races coexist. It is the central hub of the world and is known for its diverse trade and its multicultural acceptance. It is the only country that is able to stay out of the war. Its borders are heavily guarded by ncp soldiers but they do not provoke attacks and hardly have to defend against them. They maintain their neutral status with other countries and allow for trade and movement between countries. The Terrain its self mostly consists of Planes and small hills and the plant life ranges from Oak and birch trees to most common shrubbery and small plants.

      Capital: Springhollow
      The Capital of Egrin is Springhollow, All adventures Spawn here at the town square upon beginning the game. The Town is self is made up of a market district, a craftsman district, a housing district, a military district, the council building, and the guild hall.

      The market district is an area where you can find common goods and street vendors. Here there are vendors and shops that sell foods, common goods, herbs, ingredients, and more. As well here you can find weapon shops, armor shops, magic shops, and more goods pertaining to you class.

      The craftsman district differs from the market district because this is were items are crafted. here you can often find specialty shops willing to craft specific armors or enchant weapons for higher prices. Here is also where player characters can set up shop should they choose to upgrade a crafting skill.

      The housing district is where players can buy their own houses. some Npcs also live in these houses.

      The military district is basically a camp for city guards and the guards that patrol the borders of Egrin and enforce the law. There is also a prison in this area.

      The council building is where the council that governs Egrin meets.

      The guild building is where players can sign up to own or join a guild. This basically allows you to become friends with more people, have people to join a party with most of the time, and have a team for raids and large scale events.

      The Country of Egrin is governed by a government that meets to discus issues regarding the country. It is made up by elected members of the 6 founding races the Humans, the Elfs, the Dwarfs, the Halflings, the Beastkin, and the Orcs taking up one main seat on the council each. Every other race is represented in smaller parties that are elected based on their presence in the country come the time for election. The members are elected in the pursuit of peace and are usually all born in Egrin or have lived there for a long time so that the opinions from other countries dont take over the council.
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    Sub Skills
  • Sub Skills
    Aside from the main skills in the game that make up your Class skills and Race skills there are also Sub skills. These skills include things Like Cooking, Smithing, Alchemy, Brewing, Crafting, and all other relevant skills that can be used outside of combat. These skills can be upgraded through using these skills rather than through the typical leveling system and can make items that can give bonuses in combat or provide you with a extra edge.
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  • Beastiary

    • Giant Rat
      Level: 1
