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Fantasy World Of Amross

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Seeming to recover from his drunken stupor Grubthak responds, "Ahh, ello young miss. My name be Grubthak, and that there is me wolf," He points to the Wolf curled around his feet, "What might now be yours?"
((Im Back now))

After he held the vial Faye let Anora finish the job...after he let go of that man...She followed Anora and said..How about we adventure together?.
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((I can re-read the posts but I didn't think Wren had anything to do with your encounter with Anora and Ericor.))
((There were two clumps of people. I was trying to get mine to merge with ya'lls and then we'd leave and do adventuring stuff))
((OOC: xD LOL, My character wants to join too!! xD LOL)) "That's a nice name Grubthak and your wolf is beautiful" she said to him sweetly, "and my name is Wren" she responds, still using a sweet tone and having just the slightest smile on her face
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((Off to school be back in 10 hours..Keep Rping don't mind about me..Maybe we will start Partying and Adventuring on weekends or just whenever you'd like...))
"Ahh, I don't really know how to respond to that kind a thing. I've never been complemented bef-" suddenly Grubthak stopped and his eyes widened. He seemed to sniff the air and then bolt off down the road.

The wolf looked up and Wren wishfully and appeared to shake his head. Slowly he started to trod after his master.

Slowing down near a smithery Grubthak continued to sniff the air and look around, "I can smell the booze, ale to be exact, but there be none in sight that I can see of," Grubthak moaned.

Grubthak stood only a few feet away from Ericor who he couldn't see and sniffed in his direction.

Sighing Grubthak almost gave up before his wolf arrived. As the wolf was settling down he jumped up suddenly and gave a yelp staring wide eyed at the area where Ericor sat.
She was about to help him respond to her compliment and say something wise but suddenly he cut off his sentence and bolted off somewhere. His wolf shook his head at her and followed Grubthak, she just stared in absolute confusion but she went along and raced after Grubthak and his wolf to see what was going on. She took out both of her hatchets from her pouch on her back and held onto them with a tight grip in both hands, just in case. Once she got to Grubthak she looked at him worriedly "what happened?" She asked, still a bit confused.
While Faye was with Anora she noticed Wren walking towards the smith...She was thinking if she would be happy if they joined them and if she was an adventurer..
Grubthak turned to Wren and pointed to where the wolf was looking and where (although Grubthak couldn't see it) Ericor sat.

"I can smell it, ale and I know it, but I can't see naught but road!" Grubthak sulked and looked up at Wren.

The wolf still staring wide eyed started to walk backwards away from the spot where Ericor was sitting, whimpering while doing so.
"What is wrong with someone having ale??" She asked, she didn't really care or mind much for what other people did, it was her job to respect everyone no matter who they were, what they did, and or where they came from.
((Oh yeah weekends!!Lets start Rping))

Wait a minute here..Faye said to Anora...Then she ran into the smith and talked to Wren...Hey are you an adventurer..She said
She turned her attention to Faye for a minute and when Faye said the word adventurer a big smile appeared on her face and she nodded, she could barely talk from holding in too much excitement, a few seconds after she finally regained herself and repaired her insides she nodded rapidly "I LOVE ADVENTURES!" Wren said excitedly and enthusiastically.
Great!Faye exclaimed with excitement I have a friend who likes adventure too..She is right outside..She will be glad to be friends with you.

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