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Wordcrafters, AHOY!

Hello fellow internet denizens.

Tis I, a formerly unknown citizen just like you, Napoleone the Kiwi.


This thread is, in essence, a place in which to place your collections of sub-par rhymes about the nature of cheese to magnificent odes of the glories of assorted chocolate flavours. All poetry, discussion of poetry, repeating of poetry, and criticism of poetry is welcome. The content, the structure, the punctuation, all should be liable to be discussed in a pleasant and enjoyable fashion that promotes the furthering of peoples growth as not only poets, but literary critics, readers, and word enthusiasts. In saying so, please don't be an ass. This IS supposed to be enjoyable, not a trial by writing/typing/speech, so take you time.

Please, post at your leisure.

I know I will  ;)

Well, I figured I'd start us off with one of my earlier poems. It is...quite long~


By Napoleone the Kiwi


Why at night do you howl with no one to listen?                                 

Why at day do your sands but glisten?

Why do you silently atone?

Why is it I’ve found nought but bones?


Were you ever clean?

Not barren or rough, did you gleam?

Where is that so precious water,

That men tire and toil over?


Did you once shine?

With beasts and trees that were to be climbed?


Did you once glitter?

With jewels born of nature’s litter?


Why is it now that you wail alone?

Is it we who should atone?

With no one here to walk the skies

With no one near, too petrified…


Are you but past?

A treasure made not to last?


Do you feel?

Is it late?

Can you heal?


Do you burn?

Do you think... We can learn?

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Rising Down

The first light of day bursts through the closed window.

Specks of dust only receive its warmth.

A table and a chair. 

A six pack of finished drinks.

All feeling nothing but divine retribution as the rays pierce through their collective hearts' blight.

The clothes and the food beneath them smoulder at the hideous sight.

Blankets and tissues reek of salt and water, a receptacle of sadness they are.

The message that never came, the phone lies in wait afar.

A promise broken. Lies now in their place as

A cold wind rises and the summer dies down.

It blows through the branches in blizzards' wake.

Signaling the coming of winter, that the spirit and heart partake. 


By TPBx, Inspired by @Zaboo
A collection of Haiku I composed. 


[SIZE=8pt]Sparkling in the dew[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]Wagging tongues lap at bright scents[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]New experience                [/SIZE]



[SIZE=8pt]Burning red skin cracks[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]So a midday breath labours [/SIZE]




[SIZE=8pt]Marching two by two[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]To battle, away they go[/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]Autumn leaves fall  [/SIZE]

Please enjoy Haiku

They are so addictive

Like chicken nuggets


Its also fun when you write it in the original language. Though only having taken one introductory course in Japanese and most other knowledge coming from manga/anime, I'm going to 10/10 butcher the language without doing the proper research (thank you google translate and wikipedia).






Ano Sakura

tabun ochimashoo.

Anata ga suki.


That cherry blossom --

will probably fall.

My dearest, I like you
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Its also fun when you write it in the original language. Though only having taken one introductory course in Japanese and most other knowledge coming from manga/anime, I'm going to 10/10 butcher the language without doing the proper research (thank you google translate and wikipedia).






Ano Sakura

tabun ochirumashoo.

Anata ga suki.


That cherry blossom --

will probably fall.

My dearest, I like you

Well, I cannae speak Japanese, so I am enamoured by any semblance of fluency even if it's with google translate  ;)

I can, however, speak Maori which has an almost identical sound to Japanese in the pronunciation of vowels and consonants just lacking in some of the letters.



E rongo ai au

Te tangi a ngarara

Te tarakihi


I do hear it now

The cry of the forest god

The cicada looms

Just being a proper Kiwi

Time takes no favorites

Time takes no love

Can we not see?

It is this predated nature that we bear

This burden we struggle beneath

With broken knees and bleeding fingers

Is the crux of our toils

Crying, sobbing, shouting, groaning

Screaming, pleading, bawling, begging

Never enough

Never satisfied

Always searching for one to blame

Preserve the species

Our argument is folly.

It's what we choose

What we do

What we carry

What we preserve

That keeps us humble

Keeps us down

Keeps us human

And yet we fail to see

That a notion of misunderstanding

Is upon our own selves.

Time cannot think

Time does not orchestrate

Time takes nothing

It is what we do that rips us apart.

We are human.

We are imperfect.

We are to blame.

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