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Wonderland? I Think Not..

She stopped as well, placing her feet on the ground, "Wonderful." She crooked an arm, wanting to escort the girl herself. As they began walking, Cheshire's tail swayed behind them and she got to talking, "I never caught your name..."
"Oh how rude of me.. My apologizes, my name is Evelyn." She replies with a slight smile. One could say she didnt look like an Evelyn but that was a matter of opinion.
She nodded, "It's a pleasure to finally know your name, Evelyn. Although...I believe I will call you Eve..." She gave a small smile and continued walking with her.
Evelyn gave her a cute smile and small nod. "Im honestly fine with whatever you'd like to call me." She replies.
She nodded, looping her arm through Eve's and beginning to walk, "So...tell me about yourself."
"Well um... I love to read.. Write, sing, and paint.. I have a habit with falling into things.. Hm.. Im not that interesting.. Sorry." Evelym apologizes with a sigh.

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