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Which do you prefer bats or wolfs

  • Bats

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • wolf

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"oh uh i'm Fang whats yours" he said as he went back to sucking out the fruit juice from a apple
((I'm going to sleep now. It's 3:47 am already xD nyahahaha~ Oyasuminasai))

"It's Yume and it was really nice meeting you." She faced him with a sincere smile on her face before she chomped down her peach and went for the apples next.
Fang nodded having moved over for another apple and smiling at Yume "i like your name" he said smiling at her
She smiled back at him. "Thanks. Although it really doesn't have a good meaning. It means 'Danger' as what my brother had said."
he smiled "well mines fang which is kinda bad for a bat considering you know..." his voice trailed off as he grinned thinking he wasn't the only half human anymore
The female laughed and shook her head. "What's wrong with it? It fits you just fine." She poked his stomach playfully.
I smiled "yours is pretty nice too" he heard a screech from the peach tree "uh oh i must go" he turned into a bat and flew over to the tree gasping at what he saw. there laying daed and covered in blood were his parents
Abunai's fur in her back stood up straight and when she was about to walk away, she saw an rotten apple fall from a tree and bumping through some branches three times. 'That is not a good sign...' She mused. Her head turned towards the direction to where Fang flew. 'I hope he's okay...'
Ok back.)

Fang didn't return to Yume after that he just sulked toward the cave falling into a uneasy sleep
((What did you do? :D ))

Abunai felt her heart getting heavy. She wanted to check on her friend but knew that wasn't a good idea. It was fated since the beginning that they were to be enemies so her presence would just be trouble rather than beneficial to Fang. With a heavy sigh, she continued her way home and slept. She just had a dreamless sleep that night.
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(uh mostly i watched Americas got talent :P and i still am so i can't write till commercials)

The next night fang fluttered sadly to the apple tree landing on a branch
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Abunai was strolling leisurely at the beautiful night when she spotted Fang. "Oi!" She barked happily at her friend, not seeing the sad expression on his face as it was concealed by shadow.
"F-fang?" A frown appeared on Abunai's face before she jumped from tree to tree to look at her friend closer. "What's wrong?"
Fang didn't feel like talking so he just squeaked and pointed his wing to the two brand new graves by the peach tree
Abunai gasped as her eyes landed upon the stone graves. It looked a bit new like it had just been placed there. It was since she had been here plenty of times and did not see that there. "Is that...." She was silent for a moment before she placed herself beside Fang and licked his head in comfort.
Fang fluttered down and became human tears in his eyes"My parents were killed and they found wolf claws marks on the bodys"he glanced up at yume tearfuly "You didn't do it right."he asked
Yume went down along with him and transformed back into a human as she landed at the ground. At first, her eyes were filled with sympathy but when she heard the male's word, it was changed into shock and a little hurt at the accusation. "W-what? Why would I do that?"

She knew that Fang was just saddened at his loss so she let his assumption slid. "I'm here." She pulled Fang into her arms and wrapped her arms around his neck, patting his head gently. Yume was indeed saddened as the sorrow of her friend was her sorrow as well.

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