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[WoD] Heart of the Mountain

Caeda would notice as she sat outside the Casino that the two guys were coming out on the steps behind her, walking rather slowly and playfully insulting each other as they made their way towards the casino parking lot. She was a bit more woozy than whatever seemed normal if she ever drank before. It was way stronger than a normal drink.

After a few seconds of sitting there... seconds suddenly felt like minutes... how long had it been? The bikers walking nearby her seemed to move very slowly, way too slowed down for it not to be some kind of effect. At this point, it'd be reasonable to question if she was dreaming. Did she pass out? No, she didn't have that much to drink, but this had to be a dream.

Birds flying overhead squaked loudly and moved frame by frame in the air, the warped sound echoed through her mind. She sat there for a few minutes in her own mind. Time seemed to bend and slow down, and it wasn't clear when anything was happening for her anymore. The sky in her blurred vision was tinted a deeper blue. A deep, dark, blue...so relaxing. She would feel parts of her body, the tips of her fingers and her toes, grow a bit tingly and numb.
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Her vision was beginning to blur around her. She could see the things around her acting in slow motion... like a video effect for people's voices echoing out. Time distortion... those people should not be walking that slowly... what was going on, exactly?

She got up. Panic begin to take over a little it... the sky was off color. She felt wrong, terrile even.. she wasn't asleep, she wasn't THAt drunk, was she? All she had was a Jack Rose! She had tons of t hose before! What was going on, exactly? She began to walk, actively looking for a cab or some sort, wanting to get home.
'Michael' nodded, taking Burns' comment as a sign to continue. "You're right, we've never met before. A pleasure." He said, taking a gallant bow--flattery and buttering him up would be key. "I'm actually here on Julia's behalf. She's been very busy and couldn't make it--could we talk in private? I wouldn't want your customers or staff to overhear--unless of course there is one that you have already confided in about this business." He made sure he wouldn't be overheard by whispering, though it would be audible enough for the casino owner to hear.

"It is my hope that we can be mutually beneficial to each other." Leaning back, he placed his hands behind his back, his left hand grabbing his right wrist to keep his arms in place. It was a relaxed look, and he wanted to come off as easy going and friendly as possible in the situation. So far, he was undecided whether Burns was worthy of running this place or if he should report that he needs to be replaced. He decided to reserve his judgement for after he heard Burns' reason for stopping the deals, and how...compliant he was to work with. While he tried to keep it out of his composure as much as possible, he would resort to violence if he thought it was necessary to make the casino owner obey.
Burns grumbled a bit, "Julia...hm?" The name seemed to strike him like a punch to the face, and yet he simply closed his eyes and tapped his foot as the man in front of him continued to speak. He moved over to a garbage can, and his slick shiny shoes clicked against the carpet floor as he walked. He threw out his cigarette with a flick of his hand, smoke trailing from it as it fell into the bin. He returned to Julia's messenger and made a beckoning wave as he moved to the left toward the restaurant section of the casino. "This way, I have a private room." The carpet was replaced by tile as they moved down the hallway together.

Eventually, they moved past the restaurants and stopped at a door marked "Staff Only" that Burns opened with the swipe of a key-card. Past that door was a white painted hallway of offices and other doors, and in the back of that hall was a glass door with a golden plaque adorned in the center of it. The golden-handled oak door read above it, "board meeting room", and burns opened the door. The quiet click of the handle was heard as he led the man inside and invited him to sit and make himself comfortable in one of the large black armchairs. "Cut to the chase and don't waste my time then, what does Julia want with me now?" He sounded clearly a bit angry as he took a seat at the front of the table, a whiteboard and projector also visible in the room.
"It's very simple, Burns. She wants to know why you have backed out of the deal with her and her companions. And she will own this Casino." 'Michael' responded. It was as a statement of fact rather than something to be negotiated, and he stated it with such calm that there was no room for negotiation on that. He took a seat on the opposite side of the table from Burns, indeed making himself comfortable. He leaned forward on the table, careful to keep his forearms against it instead of his elbows, interlacing his fingers and placing them against it. Prim and proper. "You should know, she is not a...patient woman. Everything would have been fine had everything continued as normal, but crossing her has certain ramifications. I'm sure you are aware how...persuasive she can be."

He took a moment to let everything he had said sink in as he watched Burns closely, not only to gauge his reaction but also to perceive his aura. He needed to better understand his target. He could see the agitation that Burns displayed, the red-hot intensity in the man's aura, near the point of violence. Even with the outburst of anger shown by the casino owner, 'Michael' remained completely calm, composed. "I figure it's best not to beat around the bush with you. I've given you Julia's intent, now what I would like is to negotiate the terms as much in your favor as possible. I have a certain amount of sway over Julia's decisions, and while she has decided what she wants, she has not decided what she wants to do with you afterwards."

He paused once more to let the casino owner think it through. After another moment, he finished with, "But let's start with the reason you are no longer dealing with her, I may be able to paint it in a more...positive light." Though he hadn't decided whether he was going to help Burns quite yet, if the owner would comply easier, he would see what he could do. If the owner attacked him, he'd have to put the man in his place.
"This is bullshit!" he slammed his fist on the table, and the thundering crack looked like it would almost splinter the wooden table.

"Listen! I didn't take your deal 'cause I got a better deal from someone who isn't going to just ignore me and pull this kinda shit! Take MY Casino? Bullshit!" Burns screamed at the man who called himself Michael.

His face was red with rage, scrunched in anger as he spat towards the negotiator. "I'd rather take a deal from someone who's going to help me expand and give me a cut than just take this place." He said, "...and that's the deal I got. So you can take your deal and shove off, bub."

He stood up, clearly no longer in the mood to simply sit down and take this. His aura flared up like a campfire under firewood as he screamed, growing more and more aggressive. He was still across the table from Michael, but it didn't seem like it would be long before he closed that gap.

Though in his anger he did let slip a key detail. The negotiator was not aware there was another deal, and whatever it was...it was also made with the same level of secrecy as the original deal they had made. Under the table, private, and probably unlike your average deal in many other ways. If it was any other kind of deal, then they would have been able to find information about it, but it didn't matter anymore because now they had a clue. His goal was also made clear in this, he wanted to expand this place beyond how big it already was.

Another thing to consider was that either this mythical deal was so hidden that his resources couldn't find it (which is actually not uncommon, depending on who they were dealing with), or he could assume that the man was telling a bald faced lie and that he was just trying to put pressure on them. What he said had sounded impossible enough that is could've easily been a lie.

Burns' Aspirations

-Expand The Casino

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Johnny as soon as he thought Caeda and after failing to grab her guns. Did he mentioned he loved double entendres. Never mind the mental image there he could spend a whole day just thinking down that road. He had his bike to get back. He put some money on the table and ran out to chase after the bikers. Fuck he wish he had something in case things turned ugly.

Johnny was younger, and faster on his feet than the two bikers. He was able to rush down the casino floor and he only lost a bit of momentum on the stairs where Caeda sat. After stopping himself, he now stood in the parking lot of the casino. The bikers were moving down the stairs past Caeda now (who was still just sitting there, looking a bit absent minded). Johnny was about 10 feet apart from them, and after they saw his form and heard him running loudly, they started to look up at him.

Johnny's Speed w/ run action

10 x 2 = 20 yards

Johnny's Cash

970-15 = $955

Caeda's Cash

390-15 = $375

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Kreigar was startled by the acknowledgement from the dragon-kin that he was following. Kreigar hopelessly hid once again behind a slot machine, but this effort would be rather worthless against a half-dragon, though the stranger was rather friendly about the ordeal. He asked Kreigar what he was looking for.

"Oh me?" Kreigar spew "Just looking for certain things, big things" suggesting that he's looking for something greater around these parts. He slowly approaches the half-dragon fellow with a certain caution, "I've been hearing of certain things, that are mostly considered legends to most". He says in a low tone that only the half-dragon can hear "and my intuition has led me to this location". While Kreigar blabbers on, he obverses the body language of the Half-Breed, and sees that he's rather calm and well collected, just like in the game he just lost, Kreigar was rather fascinated on why he was like this.
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'Michael' quirked an eyebrow as he watched Burns, whose aura was clearly to the point of exploding--it seemed like this would be getting violent rather quickly. "I apologize, I was not made aware of your long-term plans. I don't know anything about your side of the deal, other than what it was you were dealing with us. If you wanted to talk expansion, you should have mentioned it to Julia instead of backing off of the deals--those who participate with us are very much more likely to thrive in the business world." He stood up, looking Burns square in the face, his smile had faded, and he let an air of danger and anger leak through on his face. He was readying for a fight, though he would not take action just yet...he was better with words than with fighting.

"I wish your aspirations had been made known to me. I was not aware that you had been made a better offer. As I said, while I am here on Julia's behalf, I want to try to give this thing the best possible outcome for you. I can try my best to talk her into allowing you to expand, but threatening her pawn will do nothing but bring her wrath down upon you" Taking a deep breath, as if showing an attempt to quell himself from attacking, 'Michael' continued, keeping his voice tempered, "Your rage is an adolescent behavior. I suggest you sit. The. Fuck. Down, chill out, and listen to the only person trying to help you in this situation. I will not hesitate to put you in your place if I need to."

  • "What kinda legends? There are tons of tales told around this place..." James nodded his head in interest. He looked the Hunter in the eyes, staring at him for more than a few moments. In these moments James' eyes had a certain flare about them, like tiny flames flickered in his eyes for a few seconds. If kriegar didn't already know he was a dragon, it would certainly be a bit strange. However, knowing he was dragonkin, he could only suspect that the man was doing something. Swiftly, he closed his eye again and turned his head slightly. He appeared a bit angered now as he gritted his teeth a bit. He swung his head back, in a swift motion, toward the man in front of him and opened his eye once again. This time his eyes clearly gave off a strange flaming radiance only visible from close range. After this, he told the man, "If you're interested in legends, did you ever think to check out the old ruins by the mountain path?" trying to make it seem like he had turned his head to speak another sentence, when it was obvious that he was just trying to get another look at him.

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Johnny saw the two men and Caeda, what the hell was she still doing there and why did she looked so drugged out? Maybe he dodged a bullet if she was some kind of addict. He would have to check on her after he dealt with the two.

"Gentlemen, I could not help but hear that you have a new bike, and you got it from someone who got scammed?" He said with a bit of a wince and clicked his tongue like they were going to get into some deep shit.

"This is very bad indeed." He moved up and moved to put a hand around both the men's shoulders and he started whispering. "Look man, I didn't want to tell you this but you're all sorts of cursed. You see, I've seen that bike before, they say that bike use to belong to Old Dead Tom Dill or as he used to be known, the Butcher." He paused for dramatic effect and continued.

"...Now the butcher was said to be a biker so evil that hell spat him back up after he was gunned down and his soul is still in that bike and it will suck the soul out of anyone who rides it for too long, leaving them an empty husk. A lifeless doll for the dead man to use to take over and rise again."

He said and looked at the man who now had ownership of his bike. He even moved to reach at the man's eyelids opening them up to check on them. He gave a wince like something was very wrong with the man. "Fuck man, it might already been too late, have you been sleeping alright the past few nights? Do you have anything that's been feeling not quite right?" He said trying his best to look worried for the man.

"If I was you I'd head to the nearest church with jewelry made of chalcedony, obsidian or silver, throw salt over both your shoulders, find a horseshoe and stick it over your door, and plant rosemary outside." He said and added "Oh, and you should leave the bike alone and never think about it again. In fact why don't I take it off your hands and drive it into the river for you and get the same treatment after I wash my hands of the evil thing."
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When Johnny put his arms around them, the two growled with discontent, the larger man looked down at Johnny and tried to shake him off, but he slipped away before he could.

The young man with the green mohawk and tired looking eyes blinked a bit, and then johnny reached for his eyes. He quickly looked very annoyed and backed away from Johnny. He staggered backward to the right, closer towards the bike rack where the row of bikes were actually parked.

"That bike isn't haunted, I checked. There ain't no ghost in there!" the man raised his arms in a fit, looking towards Johnny and then toward the large man who was now next to Johnny. "There's a Spirit in that bike though, and I talked to it. It wants its owner back or something, but I told it I was the owner now, and after a bit it calmed down and left." He kicked his feet and looked toward the bike in question. "It ain't gonna suck out no souls and ya don't need any damn salt...just be careful with it."

The large man shoved Johnny to the side, pushing him like a bulldozer and trying to shove him into the ground. "I'm gonna waste you for trying to mess with us, you psycho!"

When he pushes you it suddenly feels like he has the strength of a giant, shoving his hands full force into you. It's almost impossible how hard he's pushing, like you're getting hit by a statue rather than a man. You notice that up close that the bald man is wearing almost tribal looking blue face paint, but it also looks similar to what football players smear on.

Johnny crashes to the ground, feeling a harsh pain as his body crashes into the pavement. That guy is way stronger than normal, but he was also huge so the matter of his power could just end at that.

~Scene 2 End~
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[Session 1, Scene 3: Battle for the Bike Begins Badly]

Caeda would look to the side. It was hard to really tell what was going on between Johnny and the two men she had been considering chasing before realizing she was drunk. It was weird, she felt blurred, but it was almost a state of awareness. She was drunk yet... she was still a police officer. She couldn't let someone get hurt.on her watch. It just wasn't in her.

She gets up, looking at the two and flashing her badge. "Police." She said, flashing her badge. "Walk away now before I get curious about that bike you mentioned earlier." She says. She knew her condition, she couldn't conduct an official investigation because she was drunk... her priority was getting Johnny out of combat. "Are you alright?" She asked
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Johnny felt the push and it felt like he was hit by a truck. In his mind he was thinking of all the swears he could to yell at whatever god set up this encounter. He had to think of something fast. Ok, these are an occult biker gang so they clearly believe in supernatural shit.

He jumped up rather quickly and dusted himself off like that was the only thing affected by the push. "Gentlemen, I see now that you actually do know what what you preach. I see the rumors of you being a bunch of fakers is unfounded. I was hoping to get you to let go of the bike without need for incident and perhaps there still can be for your sake." He finished dusting himself off and stepped back to the man who pushed him. "But as you can see the police are involved and you and I don't want them to report the events of this afternoon."

He glanced over a bit thankful that she was still able to flash the badge in a drunken state. Hopefully the two could not tell that she was not fully herself at the moment.
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As Caeda stood up, her left leg started to feel very relaxed, but she managed to stand and deliver a line to the criminals and showed that she was an officer. Johnny wasn't badly injured, just some minor back pain that would heal in an hour or so.

After checking on Johnny she looked like she would almost fall over, falling closer... deeper...

sinking deeper into delirium the more she tried to struggle.

Before a real fight could break out, the two bikers looked at eachother for a minute. They didn't wanna mess with the police, and they didn't even notice her body continuing to fall into an unnatural slumber. They focused on the badge, the symbol of law that repelled them.

"We're gonna go race. Don't get in our way, bitch, or we'll knock you upside the head." The huge bald man said, cracking his knuckles and threatening the police officer as if she was some common whore rather than a strong woman.

They both moved to their bikes (Well, one of them was Johnny's) and drove off with the loud roar of bike engines, screeching into the road away from the casino. Within minutes they were gone, off in the distance like a pair of really bad-ass cowboys. In reality they weren't heroes, but just a pair of renegade freaks on the run from the law.
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Caeda watched them go... and it couldn't have been too soon, either. She felt her leg going against her orders... it wasn't being proper at all. She could feel her body begin to give way, slowly but surely. How long until she lost full control of her legs? She figured that, at this rate, t would not be that long at all.

"Don't go into fights you can't win." She says to Johnny, but smiles. "I don't want that handsome face of yours getting black all of a sudden." She says
"Sorry, what can I say, pretty girls make me stupid." he said with a bit of a laugh. He moved to take hold of her, seeing how ready she was to fall over. "You ok?" He asked worried for her after she did save his life a bit... Ok she saved it a lot, he would have been a stain on the ground if not for her. "Thank you for your help by the way." He said as he helped her to her feet. "My place is not that far from here why don't I take you and you can sleep this off." He said thinking she was still just drunk.
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She nods to the man. Weary and tired. "I... i'm feeling a bit off." She admits. "I've had plenty of Jack Rose's before, but I can't...focus right now..." She admits. "I'm glad i was able to help... just file a report with the police and we'll try and get it back." She says.

She lets him help her up. "That sounds good.... thank you." She says. She doesn't look at him, instead focusing on trying to focus energy into her body. She was feeling really pathetic right now and that wasn't helping her case right now.
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He nodded and started to move to his apartment, "Sorry we have to walk, I would normally take my motorcycle but its currently being crushed by some fat ass who I'm sure comes home to his lover named Bubba." He said if he can't beat the man with his fists he could beat him with insults... From really far away.

Anyway onto his way home, he took her down to his apartment and opened the door and lied her down on the bed. "So make yourself at home. I can bring you my trash can if need to throw up."
Caeda nodded. "It's fine, don't worry about it." She says. She didn't mind the walk... it was just hard for her to walk. There was nothing she could really do but try and focus as time seemed to fade in and out, blurring everything possible.

She lied down on the bed, not juding Johnny for the state of his house right now. "Thanks... I'm going to the doctor in the morning and see what's up... you're very kind." She adds with a soft smile, curling up against a pillow.
"Yeah well just don't spread the word around. I got to look like a bad ass when getting beat up like a grade school nerd by bikers." He chuckled and let her lie down. He said and moved to the kitchen part of his apartment. "Do you want me to get you anything?" He said as he started open a shelf that had a box in it, inside the box was his revolver and some bullets. He did not really want to use it but he wanted to keep safe just in case he ran into someone in a dark ally.
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Caeda would sit back, closing her eyes. She tried to focus on her body, trying to remember the events of the night. It must have been... the Jack Rose. She knows her own limits. Come to think of it...there was that blue liquid she had been suspicious about... she resolved to go to the station and check her blood. If there was aything in her system, she was going to arrest that bartender for ruining her night

"I'll try not to spread any rumors." Caeda said with a smile, her lips moving up despite the pain in her head. "Maybe a glass of water. Besides that some company." She says, clutching her head. "And maye a ra... sorry."
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"Sure water, I think I can manage that." He said opening the fridge and getting her a cold glass of water. He moved over to bring it over to her. "Sorry what was that last bit?" He asked as he thought for a moment. "Have you eaten anything yet? I know a good Chinese place and can order some in."
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"Uhh, rags please. Cloth of some sort." She said, clutching her head . She tries to focus her thoughts, shifting them elsewhere besides the blurriness... anything to make her seem like someone who wasn't constantly strung out. Truth is she felt bad for imposing on the guy she had just met... doubtless she seemed like some weak woman who had no business joining the police force. In truth stuff like that bothered her. She knew she had no presence, no aura that scared people like a cop should. If it wasn't for her wits she would have just gone back to school for something and suffer under loans or the like.

"Chinese food sounds good. I'll pay for it." She offered with a smile. "You're already being nice by letting me stay here, so that's the least i could do."
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