• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern witness - characters


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)



This thread is only for posting completed character profiles for this roleplay.

Use the OOC thread to ask me questions relating to character creation, or send me a conversation with the roleplay's title in the subject. If you have a character in progress that you wish to share with me, send it to me via a conversation with the roleplay title and your character's name in the subject.

Posts that are not completed character profiles will be deleted without notice.


To keep everything nice and organized, there are going to be rules about how to submit your profile. As stated above, only fully complete profiles may be posted in this thread.

Before you post your profile, please send me a copy in a conversation titled "Witness: [your character's name]". If there are any changes that need to be made, you and I can discuss them privately there.

I will decline your application/character sheet if i don't feel your writing is up to par with a detailed roleplay. This is not the end of the world, it doesn't mean you're a bad person, it just means that if you really want to join one of my roleplays you should keep an eye out for the casual ones instead.


Character creation, everyone's favorite thing! Here's some vital information.


All characters are human. That's right. Even though the plot is "aliens did it", the only aliens that will be showing up will be the parasite your character may have unwittingly ingested, and possibly an NPC if the story goes in a particular direction.


In this setting, the world is exactly like our own except for the part where aliens exist and have accidentally dropped their top-secret experiment on our planet while passing by. This is important. It means that unless your character absolutely and truely believes that this stuff is possible, there is absolutely no precedence for aliens being real or people having powers. The hosts are literally a freak of nature, an accidental alien experiment. They should be suitably surprised and respond accordingly.

Related to the above point, it is entirely possible for your character to be an agent of the Extraterrestrial Reconnaissance Agency or the Xenophilliacs Anonymous club and not really believe in aliens. It's also entirely possible that they believe in aliens, but aren't in either of those organizations. These factions have missions related to the hosts and existence of aliens, but your character's philosophy is all on you.

Powers (aka Functions)

The only characters who have powers are the parasitic hosts. The parasites themselves hold these powers (and they are simple, modest powers I might add) and upon death or expulsion of the parasite, the host will lose their powers and return to normal.

All the parasites, and therefore the hosts, have at least one power in common - the ability to telepathic detect the presence of another parasite and communicate with them once within range. Each parasite then has one primary power, and one or two secondary abilities directly relating to the primary power. These powers lie on a spectrum from further mental powers such as telekinesis and advanced telepathy, to physical powers such as heightened senses or increased strength.

Parasites are not capable of powers that involving metapowers, manipulating particular elements, folding spacetime, or physical feats that involve massive physical transformation of the host's body such as shapeshifting. The goal is to keep things simple and low-key (especially compared to previous stories I've ran).

Many parasites have the same or similar powers, therefore it's totally okay for multiple characters to have the same abilities. Don't stress out about having the most unique powerset.


A blank version of the character sheet will be posted below. While you scroll, here's what you'll need for your character

  • An anime profile picture
  • Their name, age, gender, and occupation
  • A written description of their appearance
  • Their personality
  • Their backstory

If your character has a parasite, the profile will also require (on the same sheet, mind you)

  • The parasite's serial code and an alias if applicable
  • Its personality
  • Its functions, aka powers.

    Base functions, which are the same for all parasites, so do not edit that section of the profile
  • Primary function, which is their main power
  • Secondary functions, which is one or two subpowers that relate to or augment the primary function
  • Side effects, any unusual effects the parasite has on the host


The following is a list of characters submitted to the roleplay so far. Clicking their name will take you to their respective post in this thread. The number of blank table cells is merely a placeholder and does not in any way indicate how many total characters are allowed in the roleplay.

A character may show up in the list multiple times if they are part of multiple factions.

Parasite Hosts
Character name (username)
Character name (username)
Character name (username)
Character name (username)
Xenophilliacs Anonymous (Xe-Non)
Character name (username)
Character name (username)
Character name (username)
Character name (username)
Extraterrestrial Reconnaissance Agency (E.R.A.)
Character name (username)
Character name (username)
Character name (username)
Character name (username)
Character name (username)
Character name (username)
Character name (username)
Character name (username)

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Center your character's (preferably anime) picture here!

Use height restrict to limit your picture to 500 pixels tall.

Character Name




Your character's full name.


Your character's age.


Your character's gender identity.


Your character's job.


Describe your character's appearance as though there's not a picture attached.



Your character's personality. This section should be around a paragraph long.


Your character's backstory. This section should be around two paragraphs long.


Serial Code

All codes are a letter (X or S) followed by a number between 001 and 099. Brawn-type parasites' codes start with X and end with an even number. Brain-type parasites' codes start with S and end with an odd number.


The parasite's name, if they have one.

Behavioral Analysis

The parasite's personality. This should be one paragraph.


Base Function

Telepathic detection of the presence and location of other units within a mile radius

Telepathic communication with other units within a 200ft radius

Important! Damaged units may not be able to produce a telepathic signal, and consequently it may be impossible to detect and communicate with them until you are in a closer range.

Primary Function

Describe your character's singular main power.

Important! Describe the power's weaknesses.

Secondary Functions

Up to two other functions that directly relate to and/or augment the primary function.

Important! Describe additional weaknesses.

Side Effects

Effects of the parasite that are not necessarily functions in their own right, or are unintentional consequences of the parasite's infection of the host.



[CENTER][COLOR=#bfbfbf]Center your character's (preferably anime) picture here![/COLOR]

Use height restrict to limit your picture to 500 pixels tall.[/COLOR]



[/bg][bg=#cc0033][h][/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf][FONT='Courier New']Character Name[/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#bfbfbf][/h][/bg][bg=#262626][centerblock=70][/COLOR]

[sh][/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf][FONT='Courier New']{{:LOADING FILE... //[/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#bfbfbf][/sh][/COLOR]


[sh][/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf][FONT='Courier New']SUBJECT OVERVIEW[/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#bfbfbf][/sh][/COLOR]


Your character's full name.[/COLOR]


Your character's age.[/COLOR]


Your character's gender identity.[/COLOR]


Your character's job.[/COLOR]


Describe your character's appearance as though there's not a picture attached.[/COLOR]

[sh][/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf][FONT='Courier New']SUBJECT BIOGRAPHY[/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#bfbfbf][/sh][/COLOR]


Your character's personality. This section should be around a paragraph long.[/COLOR]


Your character's backstory. This section should be around two paragraphs long.[/COLOR]


[sh][/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf][FONT='Courier New']UNIT OVERVIEW[/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#bfbfbf][/sh][/COLOR]

[/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf][B]Serial Code[/B][/COLOR]

All codes are a letter (X or S) followed by a number between 001 and 099. Brawn-type parasites' codes start with X and end with an even number. Brain-type parasites' codes start with S and end with an odd number.[/COLOR]


The parasite's name, if they have one.[/COLOR]

[/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf][B]Behavioral Analysis[/B][/COLOR]

The parasite's personality. This should be one paragraph.[/COLOR]

[sh][/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf][FONT='Courier New']UNIT FUNCTIONS[/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#bfbfbf][/sh][/COLOR]

[/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf][B]Base Function[/B][/COLOR]

[FA]caret-right[/FA] Telepathic detection of the presence and location of other units within a mile radius[/COLOR]

[FA]caret-right[/FA] Telepathic communication with other units within a 200ft radius[/COLOR]

[/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf]Important![/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf] Damaged units may not be able to produce a telepathic signal, and consequently it may be impossible to detect and communicate with them until you are in a closer range.[/COLOR]

[/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf][B]Primary Function[/B][/COLOR]

[FA]caret-right[/FA] Describe your character's singular main power.[/COLOR]

[/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf]Important![/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf] Describe the power's weaknesses.[/COLOR]

[/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf][B]Secondary Functions[/B][/COLOR]

[FA]caret-right[/FA] Up to two other functions that directly relate to and/or augment the primary function.[/COLOR]

[/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf]Important![/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf] Describe additional weaknesses.[/COLOR]

[/COLOR][COLOR=#bfbfbf][B]Side Effects[/B][/COLOR]

[FA]caret-right[/FA] Effects of the parasite that are not necessarily functions in their own right, or are unintentional consequences of the parasite's infection of the host.[/COLOR]


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Trevor Anthony Lahey








Tony is a big boy: he stands at 6'2 and weighs in at 254 lbs. Thick brown hair, dense sideburns and a goatee all coalesce to paint the image of a lower class, working man of the '90s. Track pants and button up, collared shirts with short sleeves - the kind with printed patterns you'd only find at a Wal-Mart - comprise almost the entirety of his already small wardrobe. His arms, shoulders and chest are muscled, but a love for alcohol, processed meats and junk food have graced him with a solid beer belly.



"It's theft under a thousand: you can't go back to jail for that."

The law is more of an annoyance than anything to Tony. He's a man who is inclined to do what he wants, when he wants. He's incapable of holding an honest job - mostly due to his complete lack of motivation in applying for one - and instead relies on his twisted sense of independent entrepreneurship. On the outside, he's the spitting image of what you'd expect to find when you enter the run down trailer parks on the South. However, he is extremely open minded and for the most part lacks and preconceived notion of bigotry that is generally associated with the conservative mindset. Politics, religion and any other source of moral dictatorship are all things that are far and beyond his scope of attention. He can be a real prick to those who have crossed him in the past, and this is especially true if it was someone who got in his way just because they were doing their job. However, there's an unrelenting sense of loyalty for those around him who have proven to have his back.


Tony was born out of wedlock to a mechanic and a hair stylist. He began his drinking career early on in life. The notion of succeeded in academics had quickly been abandoned by the time he reached the fifth grade. Instead, his natural affinity for growing dope and profiting from petty crimes flourished in its place. He's been to jail twice and thrown into the drunk tank more times than he can count. Despite his life long affair of grappling with the long arm of the law: he's only ever really left home once.

He met his ex-wife Charlotte at a Rush concert in the spring of 2002. She had been following the band for a month as they made their way down the Eastern Seaboard. As a resident - born and raised - of Long Island, New York: her life style and world views could not have been further from the ones Tony had been handed at birth. However, it was those same differences, combined with Tony's simple-minded charm and cheap debonair, that caused her to fall for him in the first place. He asked her to marry him within the span of a week: she said yes, but the only stipulation was that he would move back to New York with her.

Three years went by until Charlotte had finally had enough of what her friends referred to as her "dead beat husband." Tony had gone through six jobs in the first year and a half. After that he started selling bud through an operation a few of his buddies had set up back home. He was eventually arrested, and by the time he got out: Charlotte and all their things were gone. With no where else to go, Tony headed back to the trailer park he'd known his whole life. The extended family he refers to as "the boys" were there to help get him back on his feet. Charlotte may have broken his heart, but his time with her - and the State that seemed to exist in a whole other galaxy with its liberal mindset - changed him forever.

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Ira Chekono




Ira Anna Chekono






Working at a local CVS.


Ira possesses fair skin and long dirty blonde hair, she has piercing grey eyes and is approximately 5'10 (often ridiculed for her height) as well as possessing slender features to her facial area and a lanky build.



Ira is a observant person, often studying people's mannerisms or actions and straying away from social interaction. To most she is considered either emotionally detached or robotic however this is not the case as Ira is autistic and has a certain inability to connect with others. Ira values numbers and finds comfort in symmetrical objects and is often alone or keeping to herself when attending social events.


Ira's mother is a devout Christian and is somewhat strict and uptight, Ira is made to attend Church often and is required to do menial tasks for both her mother and father. Her mother considers Ira's autism as a 'curse from the Devil' and blames Ira for her impediments and lack of social conventions, punishing her for when she lacks an emotional response to certain situations. Ira attends a private school that has a large religious demographic and is made to work in order to supply for her own basic needs and necessities. As a child, Ira would often be unable to stay around children her age and as a result her mother made her attend various parties in order to socialize with others which resulted in said children crying or claiming that they never wanted to invite Ira again. Despite Ira's mental condition she is highly intelligent and excels in her classes whilst maintaining a steady 'A' average with all of her subjects in order to ensure that she will be able to graduate. She continues to reside with her mother for the last year of High School and plans to move away to attend a prestigious University in California.


Serial Code




Behavioral Analysis

Len is fairly paranoid and has a morbid obsession with insects. Len is sociable despite her weariness of others and has a need to be the center of attention at times, she is clingy as well as sensitive to negative feedback and is often considered 'desperate' at times although Len would argue otherwise.


Base Function

Telepathic detection of the presence and location of other units within a mile radius.

Important! Damaged units may not be able to produce a telepathic signal, and consequently it may be impossible to detect and communicate with them until you are in a closer range.

Primary Function

They are able to telepathically alter electronics.

Important! Only works for a short amount of time and drains power.

Secondary Functions

Up to two other functions that directly relate to and/oraugment the primary function.

-They are able to absorb certain heat sources.

-A strong electrically-charged area

Important!Describe additional weaknesses.

-The transfer can be interrupted by an electronic being turned off.

-The power can only be performed when you do not move.

-Can only work over a span of 2 hours before having to be re-charged.

Side Effects

Effects of the parasite that are not necessarily functions in their own right, or are unintentional consequences of the parasite's infection of the host.

-Sudden waves of nausea


-Temporary hearing conflicts

-Uncontrollable twitching



Noah D. Niccals




Noah Drustin Niccals.




College Student - Works at a book store




Noah is a tall and lanky fella with dark blue dyed hair. He wears circular frameless glasses for his short-sightedness. He's normally thought to be a suspicious character due to the fact that the white space (sclera) below his iris is visible, giving him an intimidating appearance. He typically dresses in clothing with logos for his favorite bands or shows or with phrases and the such. He's very into pop culture. Sometimes he'll even dress up in costume.



Noah is a hyperactive nerd that obsesses over everything that interests him. He loves the X-Files, anime, 80s movies, and all things supernatural/paranormal and conspiracy related. Despite his appearance he tends to eat a lot of food, this habit grew out of his anxiety issues regarding social interactions and general day-to-day life as a coping mechanism. He tends to be very nice to people, but his attention spans is akin to that of a goldfish and he'll often fall into rants or tangents and completely forget the conversation at hand.


Noah was born to a happy mother and father and a twin brother. They were raised in a cul de sac with other happy little boys and girls with happy mothers and fathers. Everything was happy for the family for a long time until the brothers grew up and went to high school. In high school the brothers split up into their own social groups and developed their own distinct identities and interests. The twin, Dante, more or less ended up as a gangster dressing and acting like a business man.

Noah, on the other hand, grew into a nerd of the most epic proportions. He grew an interest and love for the occult, conspiracies, and all kinds of paranormal/supernatural things. Once in college things got even more diversified for Noah as he found a love for anime and manga. He browsed the trashcans of the internet for things and soon he was joined in with the local conspiracy junkies and alien buffs.



Simon VanHoff




Simon VanHoff






A weak, sniveling man of about 5'6" and 110 lbs, Simon could best be described as forgettable. There is nothing remarkable or even particularly attractive about Simon's appearance. In terms of the genes lottery, he drew the short, short straw. Simon's hair is a greasy brown bowl cut, often badly treated and unkempt, which only serves to add to his homeless appearance. His angular, thin face is often sullen, a general downcast look about him. His facial hair is somewhere between a beard and clean-shaven, never one or other. In reality, Simon seems unable to grow a beard. His entire body is bony, barely any muscle or fat can be found. On his chest, it's remarkably easy to see the rib cage underneath. Simon can often be found wearing darker clothing, dark greens or blacks or dark blues are his color range. He wears nothing fancy, just t-shirts and jeans or shorts when the weather is good.



When a person first looks at Simon, they'd think he was a coward, and they'd be right. Simon is an extremely passive person, simply trying to keep himself from being noticed. Substantial teasing as led him to shy away from any spotlight. Simon is not a brave person, more prone to go running or cower in fear than help someone else. He does not speak his mind for fear of criticism or harassment. He's willing to cave his views and opinions to meet or align them with whatever will be the most inconspicuous.


Born to a normal American family, Simon should have been a normal child who went on to college and lived a moderately successful middle class life. Sadly, what should be and what come to pass are not always the same thing. Simon's fortunes changed when in grade school a group of friends decided that Simon was to become the subject of their abuse and torment. Sadistically, they started by befriending the young Simon, putting on the appearance of true friendship. But Simon was their plaything, their pet, not a friend. He was the one who would be told to "go do this" or "try this on Simon", and because Simon did not know better he would go along with it.

These "friends" continued to play this game with Simon for years, until in high school they stopped pretending to care about Simon, opening berating or mocking him in front of others. The school turned a blind eye to the acts, and Simon never said anything to his parents, believing it was just how friends who were guys acted. Simon did not realize the difference until the antics of his "friends" got him expelled from high school. His parents tried to react and stop the damage, but by then it was too late. The loss of his friends and years of now realized abuse took a heavy toll on Simon.

Now a days, Simon works at a grocery store as a shelf stocker. After his expulsion, no college in the state would take him in, and Simon did not go back to get his GED. He's the laughing stock of the other employees, and the butt of all their jokes. His managers never fail to express their displeasure with the job Simon does. In short, nothing has changed for Simon the ways things were in high school, and perhaps nothing ever will.


Serial Code



Behavioral Analysis

X745 is a parasite slightly different than the rest. Rather than those that seek to establish dominance or rule over their host, X745 strives to work with the host, establishing a repertoire built upon trust and cooperation. Typically, X745 does this by winning the host over to its side, using promises of grandeur and an important life. Despite skeptics, X745 has a history of delivering its promises. The hosts X745 have bonded with have gone on to become some of the most successful assets to them. While X745 may be gentle to the host to win them over, the same cannot be said for those who are not on the same team. X745 can be ruthlessly efficient, dark, cold and calculating when it needs to be. It's very much a task and goal-orientated personality, wanting to go out there and get the job done as quick as possible.


Base Function

Telepathic detection of the presence and location of other units within a mile radius

Telepathic communication with other units within a 200ft radius

Important! Damaged units may not be able to produce a telepathic signal, and consequently it may be impossible to detect and communicate with them until you are in a closer range.

Primary Function

Describe your character's singular main power.

Important! Describe the power's weaknesses.

Secondary Functions

Up to two other functions that directly relate to and/or augment the primary function.

Important! Describe additional weaknesses.

Side Effects

Effects of the parasite that are not necessarily functions in their own right, or are unintentional consequences of the parasite's infection of the host.



Alissan Gardner




Alissan Gardner






National Reconnaissance Office- Special Agent

Under Supervision of "Extraterrestrial Reconnaissance Agency"


She is 5ft 8in

Long dark hair

Dark blue eyes

She wears a beige suit jacket, beige peg legged slacks, belt, square toed black shoes, and a double shoulder harness.

She has a mature, yet stern feel and look about her.

Pale skin

Slender figure

Very Fit

Knuckles are callus and scarred

Dual Five-Seven Pistols in harness.




Her personality stems from a life of hardship. She is dedicated, head strong, and efficient. She is often assumed to be an introvert although it is quite the opposite. She enjoys the company of others very thoroughly although she doesn't know how to quite express it in a way people understand. Her reserved and sometimes cold persona tends to make people wary of her, she's also very straight to the point. She's honest, and blunt. Her opinion on matters has been known to get her into trouble, and by trouble I mean a bare knuckle boxing match. She's not a sore loser at all and loves a good challenge.


Growing up in a tough living environment with her parents constantly fighting about money and their personal problems, she was also subject to the crime in her area. There were a lot of shootings that took place while she was a kid, some were just a block over. She was never scared of the neighborhood though and often found herself getting high and stealing things with her friends. Until she turned about 13-14 at this point she had been convicted with 3 Felony's which were thankfully reduced when she plead no-contest. Forfeiting her right to a jury. After her 400 hours of community service and a month in a youth correctional facility she began studying law and how to become an officer.

At the age of 18 she began working under the police department as a field officer. She would drive around in her police cruiser doing routine checks of neighborhoods and occasionally directing traffic for large events. After about 2 years as a field officer she found her passion was detective work and began her training to become an on-site forensic science technician. She learned about physical evidence and it's importance to a trial. Soon after at the age of 22 she was approached by a man and a woman in suits. She was asked if she'd like to become part of a very special division known as "National Reconnaissance Office". She gladly accepted and has undergone extreme training unlike in any of her other fields. From close-quarter-combat to intelligence she has been carved into a swiss army knife of the justice system. Her current task is to investigate crimes regarding an odd nature. Her task is top secret and is to be kept under wraps and not in the eye of the public.


Serial Code




Behavioral Analysis

Parasite is extremely active, it is considered one of the more volatile parasites. S-009 is a parasite that's purpose is to elevate the hosts senses to that of an extraterrestrial level as to create a symbiotic bond and understanding of the aliens thoughts and ideas. This parasite acts on it's own to ensure the cooperation of it's host, although the parasite is not destructive to any of it's hosts organs(Usually), it is very destructive to the exterior level. This parasite attaches itself to the cerebral cortex of the brain and latches on deeply inserting a number of tendrils to embed itself and synchronize itself with it's host. Although the transmission of the parasite is not yet known.


Base Function

Telepathic detection of the presence and location of other units within a mile radius

Telepathic communication with other units within a 200ft radius

Important! Unit is in good health, use with caution.

Primary Function

The main function of S-009 is a keen awareness of ones surroundings. More perceptive than the most trained eye it has a perception rate 9 times faster and more accurate than any human on earth.

Important! Although S-009 is far beyond human capability it's potential is restricted by that of the host. If the host is partially blind it takes a much longer time for the parasite to adjust. The parasite is also subject to the blind spot every human has. It's main weakness however is the limitation of the human brain. Although it can perceive 9 times better than any human it can also only function for a short period of time otherwise it would cook the hosts brain.

Secondary Functions

Increased reflexes: In addition to being more perceptive it also gives the host reflexes 9 times quicker than any human.

Important! Again the parasite is limited by the hosts body. If the host is slow and sluggish the effect of this would be lessened. However on a fit in shape person the parasite's secondary has the potential to reach full effect. Also this effect can get out of hand quickly and the Host must learn to not over exaggerate it's movements. Just like getting into a faster car than you've ever driven you can't efficiently drive at 100mph until you've done it quite a bit. If the host is not careful it can tear muscle, or even detach tendons.

Side Effects

EMP disturbances within a 500 ft radius. Cause unknown



Gilligan N. Brahn






22 years.




National Guard; College Student


Described as a beanpole by those who know him. Gil is a rather slender-built individual that fancies long-sleeved shirts and coats, despite the environment around him...It might be a personal thing, or maybe just a fashion statement of the suicidal, who knows?



For the most part, Gil prefers to be out of the circle of most people. It's not to say he cannot get along with people in general, quite the contrary, it's that he seems to like his space so he can think to himself in silence. It may also be a product of him wanting little human interaction after Boot Camp. That would make more sense than the typical 'antisocial, brooding yuppie' generalization.


Gil grew up in your typical one-child family in the northern 'States; the white-picket fence that peeled and splintered all across the yard, the dog that saw more than a fair share of intruders fail at a robbery, and a mother and father who had problems with the term 'responsible shopping'...Yeah, scratch that, Gil joined the National Guard right out of High School to get out of the area before they uncovered some crime organisation in their escapades...Hell, the only notable thing from his High School was his participation in the Track Team, still not enough to bother talking about, either.

He did well in the Reserves, not that anything really ever happened besides practice drills and storm evacuations, but he never had any real reasons to complain. Sure, the military seemed to blow their budget to hell too, but their purchases could actually be USEFUL, not like the bizarre 'Snow Doll' collection his mother amassed...

Orlando, Florida was his newest deployment. The land of Hurricanes, the dreaded Mosquito, Humidity, and overfed cold-blooded reptilian creatures known as the elderly....Oh, and Alligators. Can't forget them...


Serial Code




Behavioral Analysis

X-14, AKA 'Froyd', has shown an incredibly 'human' personality. And by that, we mean we find him insufferable. Never acting properly serious in any given situation, he is far too busy being curious about the world around him to pay attention to what is SUPPOSED to be his primary goal of leaving this planet....There's also the fact he has shown signs of laziness, glibness, and downright insubordination, but those are traits best left unsaid...


Base Function

Telepathic detection of the presence and location of other units within a mile radius

Telepathic communication with other units within a 200ft radius

Important! Damaged units may not be able to produce a telepathic signal, and consequently it may be impossible to detect and communicate with them until you are in a closer range.

Primary Function

Adrenal Overload; inducing a fight-or-flight scenario within the host, the subject gains a boost to his Adrenal System, causing a period of incredible feats of stamina, increased muscular expansion, and remarkable pain

tolerances. This function lasts as long as the 'danger' process continues running through the host's brain, or until the parasite shuts it off itself.

Important! Depending on the severity of the situation, onset fatigue can leave the subject either vulnerable from hostile targets, or unable to replenish energy on their own without aid.

Another drawback comes from the added pain tolerance; while active, most damage is ignored. Once the function ends, the pain hits like a wall. Immediate medical assistance may be required.

Secondary Functions

Enhanced reaction; The subject's reaction times have been noted to have been increased to the point of split-second timing, aiding to their mobility when their Primary Function is active. Because of this, maneuverability has been increased exponentially.

Minor Healing Factor; The subject has shown signs of increased healing rate outside of a hostile environment. Nowhere near instant, nor quick, the greatest term would be 'convenient'. Broken bones and damaged muscles from strenuous activities brought on from dangerous elements tend to heal over the course of days, depending on the severity of the injury..

Important! The increased reaction time causes abnormal stress upon the subject's body. Broken bones,torn muscles, and other symptoms can become a common occurrence if not careful. The Healing Factor was apparently created to mind this, but it also calls for a massive amount of energy, throwing the subject's metabolism into a spiral of chaos not seen since the invention of Pixi Stix.

Side Effects

Vehement sugar cravings...



Hope Briggs




Hope Angela Briggs






Mechanic / Student


Hope is a little on the short side, reaching only up to 5'4". But what she lacks in height she makes up for in strength, working on cars all day has given her well defined muscles all over her body. She has chin length red hair that is normally hidden under a ball cap. You can typically find her wearing shorts and short sleeve or sleeveless shirts, occasionally with grease stains on them from work.



Always ready with a laugh or two Hope tries to look on the bright side of things. She's diligent and won't stop till a project is done. Hope also happens to love to play practical jokes on people and has the science back pulling some crazy one's off. Let's just say that she doesn't look for or enjoy trouble but somehow it always seems to find her. As her newest hitchhiking resident can attest to.


Hope's father was a mechanic, his father was a mechanic, and yada yada yada. So naturally she grew up tinkering with and fixing things [mostly, explosions weren't her fault nope~]. However she has always had her sights set on something more which is why she decided to enroll in the local university to study science in hopes of getting enough credit to maybe apply to one of those fancy universities that teach robotics. With every new calls she takes at the university all she really wants to do is to be free to create and explore! The very tight knit feeling of this hometown is starting to feel claustrophobic but she doesn't know if she'll ever be able to escape.

She was out on a midnight run on her motorcycle to test out a new exhaust system she'd cooked up in her daddy's garage when a spin out landed her in a big pile of eck and garnered her a big ol' brain slug. Let’s just say that her and the new brain resident don’t quite get along. They are definitely opposites in just about every manner so the new voice in her head is starting to drive her insane.


Serial Code




Behavioral Analysis

Think grumpy grandpa and you'd be pretty close. This brain hitchhiker is very stoic and no-nonsense about things. It doesn't like things he sees as frivolous or a waster of time. Which it isn't afraid to tell you about in great detail. Just so happens that it doesn't mind telling you all of the things it doesn't like or that you are doing wrong. In fact there isn't anything it can't find fault in and loves voicing its opinion on the matter, wither its wanted or not.


Base Function

Telepathic detection of the presence and location of other units within a mile radius

Telepathic communication with other units within a 200ft radius

Important! Damaged units may not be able to produce a telepathic signal, and consequently it may be impossible to detect and communicate with them until you are in a closer range.

Primary Function

Heightened senses - sight, touch, taste, hearing, smell. Can do an extreme give and take with senses as well (ex: lose hearing and be able to have her sense of smell so heightened she could follow it like it was a painted trail of color, but essentially be deaf until she stopped using her heightened sense of smell)

Important! Has the potential to overpower the user

Secondary Functions

Sonic hearing, infrared vision

Important! Possibility of loss of sense or deadening of sense for several hours after powers use.

Side Effects

Side effects may include but are not limited to:

  • Sleep loss
  • Increased risk of epilepsy
  • Mood swings
  • Loss of motivation







Alexis Kwan






E.R.A. Field Agent


There isn't much to describe about Alexis Kwan. She has long, straight, sable-black hair, that easily reaches her hips, with its front swept to one side in a fringe, and framing her sharp features. Her chin and her nose give her a distinctly severe look, coupled with her wood-brown eye
s which seem to naturally glare at their its targets. It's usually not her, it's just her resting face, which naturally seems threatening, or just really really worn out. She is about 168 cm tall, with her weight undisclosed. Her measurements are also similarly undisclosed. Alexis is notably not very well-endowed, though she is really not too bothered about this. She lacks the usual womanly charms that most have, almost having a rather androgynous build. It is still clear that she isn't male, but from a distance..She is usually seen in a rather unkempt suit, with one side of her shirt untucked, and her hands shoved into pockets.



An agent of ERA, she is the definition of Ice Queen, as well as the definition of having a 50 foot pole stuck up her ass. She has very little need for humor, and less so for the whole 'good cop' behavior. She is what most will describe as the bad cop, the blunt, and straight to the point. She has very little patience for those who beat around the bush, and sometimes takes brutal measures to get her answers. She doesn't have any opinion on human opinions, except that religion and beliefs are eclipsed by the greater good. No matter what your god says about not killing, if there is a need for it, she will do it, without remorse. That is, however, not to say that she doesn't have basic human capabilities. She may be cold and unapproachable, but she isn't a complete psychopath. Human decency still exists somewhere within the lady. To 'friends', which number between 0 and a single digit integer, she has shown less of her flippant attitude towards them. She is also not devoid entirely of human urges and feelings, and occasionally rates appearance of both men and women mainly out of boredom. She has also shown some chummy attitude with both her brother and sister: she keeps irking the former to get her a niece as soon as possible, and the latter to get a boyfriend. Both of them rail on her for being an expired christmas cake in return.

Alexis shouldn't be looked down upon in the brains department, however. She has been said to be manipulative and scheming, twisting words and puppet events in such a way that it benefits her. She may prefer brute force over talking, but she is not just dumb muscle for the ERA. She has had been a detective once, and her astute observational skills are quite, as they say, top tier, despite her obvious handicap.


Rich, powerful, and demanded respect from those around her. That was the way of the Kwan family. Alexis, despite being the second-born of her family, just three years younger than her brother, Alexander Kwan, was treated no less like the princess she was. Even after her youngest sister was born, she enjoyed the privileges of being the child of an influential man, and the sister of a charismatic and successful brother. She was given no responsibilities, and not a lot of hope was heaped on her, well, not as much as they heaped on her brother. Despite all this, the Kwan siblings were just as close-knit as any other functional family's.

She later joined the police force after attending a law enforcement academy as a field officer at 21. After several years of being in the force, and graduating from university, she attained the rank of detective, and was classed as a quote, unquote "exemplary officer of undeniable performance ability". After losing her eye at 24 to an unfortunate accident during one of her investigations of a homicide case, she retired from her job, and applied for a license for private detective work. Instead of being accepted, she was instead shunted aside to a separate organisation, which called themselves Extraterrestrial Reconnaisance Agency, some half-baked government-based group that were looking in the skies for 'aliens'. Although Alexis laughed at the ridiculousness of it all, she relented after she saw the numbers on the paycheck. There was nothing on the rule book that said lucrative ventures HAD to be entirely sane.

Her opinion soon changed when she started her missions, which were mostly to cordon off suspect areas, and retrieve otherworldly items from said areas. The things she had held in her hands were definitely not natural nor were they man-made. So she stayed. This business was interesting. So much more interesting than sitting in a musty office waiting for some heartbroken minx to come knocking on her door demanding she investigate the husband's involvement with some other woman.


Serial Code



Aurhgurhlgrimr. Everyone calls it Auggy. It doesn't like the name.

Behavioral Analysis

Unit X088 is characterized by its heavily blue-and-orange morality. It believes itself to be not an individual creature, but in fact, a part of something larger, as well as its own brethren. As such, it shows near insufferable apathy towards even its own kind. It also treats humans the same way, regarding them as disposable beings for the sake of a greater good, especially a greater good such as its own self. Due to its regenerating ability, it believes an early death to be sweet release from the chains of life. That said, however, it views suicide as an affront to the curse that all beings are born with. One has to suffer through their lives until the fates come for them.It is not beneath being harsh and rude, though it prefers to communicate in more eloquent and polite words. Yet, it is known as one of the more brutal units amongst its brethren, relying on brute force to settle its problems wherever words cannot.

It has also expressed a desire to learn, and is quite curious about the human world as a whole, although it makes it clear that it has no wish to conform to the status quo. X088 also refuses to identify by any gender, and vehemently denies to be identified. It sees gender as a subject that people use simply just to make themselves feel special about themselves, that they are different from another person. And yet, if this 'bible' is to be trusted, every human was created equal.


Base Function

Telepathic detection of the presence and location of other units within a mile radius

Telepathic communication with other units within a 200ft radius

Important! Damaged units may not be able to produce a telepathic signal, and consequently it may be impossible to detect and communicate with them until you are in a closer range.

Primary Function

X088 inhabits the entirety of its host's left arm, allowing it to morph it at will. Its morphings can be twisted at times, bordering on physical horror, complete with bones snapping and reformation of flesh, skin and bones to recreate an item to fit the situation.

Secondary Functions

Creation of dermal armor: X088 hardens the skin of the host's arm as a reaction to force, allowing it to receive blunt force trauma without any setbacks at all. This, combined with its main function, allows it to create extremely durable weapons and implements.

Important! This is less of an ability than it is of a reaction. It is a passive and reactionary ability, hardening its skin upon impact. X088 is unable to perform the same feat under normal circumstances.

Accelerated healing: At the very least on the arm it inhabits. X088 is able to reproduce tissue to heal and recover lost bits of its body, allowing its user to survive from any injuries sustained on her arm, as well as keeping itself safe.

Important!The healing is not immediate, however, and takes time. Furthermore, if a projectile is lodged into the body, the host or the unit must find a way to extract it before the healing occurs, otherwise the wound will heal around the projectile, leaving a whole lot of problems for later.

Side Effects

x088's point of infection has discoloured skin, resembling skin that has been tanned out too much as compared to the rest of the body. On a host with darker skin, there would be no difference, but on someone as pale as Alexis...

The unit and host share thoughts and memories with the other, allowing both to converse in private through thoughts, though this is quite the tedious task, since humans don't usually have a regular thought process.

I hope this woooorks.
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Karen Virchow




Karen Lee Virchow






ERA agent / paramedic


5’7’’, has been “tall for her age” throughout her childhood although she stopped growing quite early. Shoulder length, slightly curly red-orange mane that often appears less of an integrated mass of hair than an unruly aggregation consisting entirely of cowlicks.

Her facial features have the tendency to make her appear hostile and judgemental at rest, but that is compensated by the fact that she rarely doesn’t have a smile on her face for whatever she happened to be thinking about. A degree of freckles, most noticeably under the eyes.

Attire choices are comfort and convenience over beautification, but not without a sense of personal style. She owns a favourite racer jacket that she routinely pulls over a long sleeved T-shirt as a typical getup, along with trousers and, depending on conditions, a pair of gloves that leave the fingertips exposed. One of her first questions asked upon recruitment into the ERA was reportedly, with great worry, whether the suit-and-tie outfit was mandatory. That doesn’t, however, negate the fact that she is perfectly capable of rocking that look when out on an operation. One of the most eminent influences her days in the agency had on her was incidentally the development of an avid love for ridiculously oversized sunglasses.



The ERA has not yet given its members a convincing enough reason why the last pair of hands one would want in one’s wounds belongs to the team’s operational medic.

Loud, straightforward, and dangerously on the line between likeably forthright and outright rude. Karen is a stark character, if only also somewhat confusing as the orange and blue morality runs strong in her ideals. She’s the sort of person who laughs at things in a way that makes people want to punch her in the face even when she’s around the people who she knows for sure will not hesitate to actually do so. Karen’s credibility as an agent and professional practitioner of medicine comes almost solely from the fact that there are friends of hers who are still willing to back her up on her trustworthiness, with some additional support from her expressed insistence that things live unless there is given a very, very good reason for them not to. Her legendary quirkiness hides much of her intelligence, which is really the only reason career-destroying blunders don’t happen nearly as frequently as her personality alone will suggest (which, incidentally, will possibly be on the level of once every few weeks) - and considering how far she got in her profession, that probably isn’t something to overlook. A detective fanatic first and student of medicine only later, her observational skills had only improved through received training, if honed in specifically on phenomena related to her medical knowledge.

It is also a noted fact that she has a rather morbid sense of humour - it is entirely possible that this fact is unperceived on her end, but the more likely case is that she had intentionally embraced that specific unsettling blend of comedy. She probably also enjoys how it works at least just as well intimidating unwitting subjects, in comparison with the whole Men in Black routine of the ERA’s that she finds so much harder to sustain.


The notion that “all kids want to be cops” is only more amusing when you apply it to the Virchow family in the days of Karen’s early life, where the conservative couple were being increasingly troubled for that statement holding true for their daughter by the time she turned 10, and the fourteen-year-old brother had his eyes set on becoming an astronaut.

In retrospect, her history was tailored to make her a person for whom “ERA agent” was a dream job. For most of her life, though, she was only the student with a fascination towards the mystical and the absurd. While the other half of the siblings went on to become the definition of academic excellence, Karen lived most of her campus life as that one insufferable student that also happened to be clever enough to do decently despite obviously not putting her effort in the right places.

And that “decently”, in Karen’s case, was
surprisingly decently. All qualifications met, the reconciliation her parents reached was to have her study medicine, which was at least not as severe of a deviation from their predetermined gender roles. That she took that to mean the permission to train as a paramedic under a law enforcement facility was a development entirely unforeseen by her parents.

It is a fact that by the time she had established a career in the force, her name had also been on the agency’s watch list for quite a while. Unaware of that, however, her eventual recruitment into the ERA was perceived on her side mostly as a result of several coincidental happenings that cumulated in her encounter with the man in a suit sitting next to her on a civilian aircraft who suffered a heart attack halfway into the flight.


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