• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Within The Broken Mirror (Dreams Beyond The Broken Mirror OOC)


Two Thousand Club




This is just a free chat for speaking about whatever you guys want. About the roleplay, gaming, or well whatever you want. This can also be used as an interest thread if people wish to come by and look at it and ask if you'd like to join or anything along those lines. Feel free to post whatever you'd like.
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Ah! Before I set my mind to joining the roleplay, I was wondering....can you pick a side from gathering the shards for the government or for the brother?
Ah ok, one more thing. will there be any romantic settings, pairs, etc.?
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Well that's more up to everyone whether or not they wanna get into romantic relationships with other or not.

It's encouraged for romance and fighting and such to make things always interesting, but not a full requirement that is needed.
Ah ok, I shall work on my character now. (Crosses fingers for someone to like my idea.)
@happydeathYeah, that's one of the most common things that happen on RPN, *sobs* I'll be making a character, is a Grim Reaper considered a demon?
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