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Fantasy Witchy Days (Maya & Furtuna)



Witchcraft by witches

Yes! We are the witch!

Which witch is which witch

Ya! We are the witch!

Witching bewitched witch

O' we are the witch!


Witch bewitching witch bewitched which bewitched witch?
"Little cozy tiny house! A guest is at entrance!"

Fortuna called as knocking the door. The house belonged to her best friend. She had hurried there on her pine branch carrying a thick roll of newspapers to bring her some hot news. 'Oh, hurry and open up!' She thought impatiently. She had developed great plans in her mind that needed to share them with a real friend. It was early in the morning and birds had just started chirping so she couldn't had left the home therefor she knocked harder.

"Open now or I'll break in!"

She shouted.
Amber heard the frantic knocking at her tiny houses door, and groaned. It was super early in the morning, and she didn't want to get up. She ignored it, hoping whoever was there would go away. But when it didn't stop, she growled under her breath. "Cursed for having to get up out of my slumber." She murmured to herself. She got up from out under her blankets, tossed on her robe to cover up her pajamas, then sped down the hall in his slippers before opening the door with a swing.

"Whatever you are selling, I don't want any." Amber said sleepily and tiredly, but with some assertiveness in her voice. Wearing her pajamas and slippers with her black matted hair a mess, she was a sight to see, and not all that mean looking she can protrude herself to be.

"Oh, Fortuna. Why the hell are you here this early?" She snapped, realizing the person knocking was her best friend of all time. They hugged, and then Fortuna as always had let herself it with all those newspapers she was carrying.
Fortuna jumped and hugged Amber tightly as she appeared at the door, causing some papers flip and fly around. She ran in dragging the other girl along, leaving a paper trail behind. "sit! Sit and listen carefully!" She said as dropped papers on the coffee table and then they both sat on comfy armchairs. "Look... you know about this wand maker... Mr.Pan, right? I've been following his articles in news paper and seems that he has been mentioning something every time. He always said dragons are the strongest and he makes some wands from their heart tissue. Well, we don't use wands like some wizards but look..." She said and held up the newspaper of the day in front of her. "He is going the to exchange his Emerald Essence with a dragon heart!" She cried out and bounced excitedly. "We can get it if we find a dragon heart before others." She held Amber's hands in her hands and looked into her eyes hopefully. "Let's do this Amber! Let's do this!" She almost begged.
Amber sat there with Fortuna clutching to her hands, and Amber rolled her eyes. She really didn't feel up to the mood for hunting down any dragon, and carving it's heart out. She slipped one free hand to pick up and read the paper Fortuna had just shoved in her face, but didn't get to properly see due to her eyes not focusing yet. Amber's eyes skimmed over the paper. "Blah blah blah... willing to part with Emerald Essence...yadayadayada...exchange for dragon's heart....deadline when first heart arrives....heavy inspection..." Amber only read bits and pieces from still being somewhat sleepy. "I don't know Fortuna, killing a dragon and carving its heart out is gonna leave a lot of blood. And isn't it illegal to kill dragon's if you get caught? And what's this Emerald Essence he's talking about?" Now don't get Amber wrong, she was all about adventure and doing dangerous stuff. But this early in the morning, her rational side kicked in.
Fortuna rose her brows. "Illegal? Pftt... Who care?! I'm not a witch if don't deny rules." She said then grinned widely as was asked about the emerald essence. "That's a wonderful product of alchemy. They say it has the power of a mountain of emerald in each drop. Do you know how powerful our potions will be with that? for example... if we use a drop instead of a 10 carat emerald crystal in eye beam potion, then we can become queens of serpents! All reptiles will obey us as soon as we glance over them... even dragons!" She said. "The cost is fair enough, isn't it? And if it's against the law to hunt dragons then why has he published his request in a newspaper? Something must be going on behind the scene... but we can find that out after getting our hands on the essence." She explained with shining eyes.
"It is strange he would mention killing a dragon in the paper." Amber said out loud, skimming through the paper some more. "Surely the mortals wouldn't have allowed this to slip through their papers. Hmm, maybe they just didn't notice it." Amber then got up from her comfy chair, and stretched out her crooked back. "If you do the research on the last sightings on any dragons, I'll consider going hunting." Ambers green eyes flickered a bit with the sun shining through her curtains, then looked down at the scattered mess of papers. "And pick up these damned things will you? Making a mess of my house like you own the place." Amber then strutted into the kitchen and made herself a witches proper pot of tea. She made the flame increase in temperature, but not in volume to speed up the process of heating up the water to a boil. When the tea finished, Amber took a long sip of the bitter sweet tea she loved so much in the morning. Made her lips pucker even more with added lemon.
Fortuna tapped her hand on the pile of papers and smirked. "It's warlocks' publication; the average can't get their hand on this but still..." She said. It Amber was nagging like always but she hoped that she would never empty her back. When she said she would help, Fortuna sprang up and hugged her. Groaning like an old woman she started picking her papers up. "I know where to begin." She said as soon as joined Amber in the kitchen. "The white peaks." She added, mentioning three high mountains in the North. "I've heard the ice and snow dragons live in such places."
"No. Try another. You know how much I hate the cold." Amber said and got chills down her spine just thinking about it. She whisked her wrist towards her fireplace, and the fire inside it roared much warmer. "Besides, those nasty things have frozen booger icicles dangling from their noses. Utterly disgusting. And their caves in the white peaks go all the way down to below freezing in bedrock. I don't feel like mining either to come up empty handed incase they're out on a hunt." Amber sipped her tea, thinking of any other places she knew of that habituated Dragons. She set down her porcelain cup on the counter. "And sure, their hearts are practically worth more than diamond to a mortal, they're heavy too. Literal stone cold beasts."
Fortuna humphed. "You can't avoid it forever." She said and started looking among her papers. "Ah... here is another..." She pulled out a picture from under papers. "This red one is a fire breathing dragon. It lives in Vanishing Volcano." She explained and glared at the picture with disdain. "It looks really dangerous. I think getting burned is more painful than freezing." She searched the papers again and this time found a map. "Ho a but a mud dragon? I've gotten a swamp map here." She asked.
Ambers ears perked up when she heard about the mud dragon and a swamp. "Hand me that swamp map." Amber started, and playfully snatched it and scanned her eyes over it. Amber loved the low hanging trees, the chirp and buzz of crickets, and it didn't seem hard to get the this dragon dungeon. Well, easier than freezing or burning to death first. "Look up anything about the heart quality of the dragons in Mud Gulch. Quality of the heart is what we want to look for, cause if we get that heart and someone has a better quality one, we're screwed legally." Amber finished off the pot of tea, then sat down at the table with the map all spread out smoothly while she scanned over it in great detail.
Fortuna smirked slightly. "So, finally something caught your eye?!" She said and let her breath out. "I know them well, darling. They're smaller that regular dragons... mostly as large as horses. And tackle every person stepping into their territory from beneath the mud and drag them into the swamp. The breath gas; that's why their smell bad and their breath burns in small colorful flames when they're sleeping in the swamp." She explained and sighed. "But there is a reason why I didn't bring them up first; their heart turns to clay a few hours after being plunked out. Therefore, if you want to use them you should take them to the lab alive. Are you ready to capture and bring a dragon to that wand maker?" She asked.
Amber stood there thinking about it, and contemplating their options. "What do you think? You want this to be our dragon or no?"
"I'll get along with whatever you're cool with." Fortuna said and clapped her hands. Extra papers disappeared and necessary one's which were related to mud dragon remained. "So... what do we need now for a safe trip?" She asked, looking up the map. "The closest location is behind the black forest. Let's go there first... but before that, I'm so hungry! Can we have breakfast?"
"Make yourself whatever is left in the kitchen, Fortuna." Amber said busily distracted by what to bring on their journey. Amber got up and grabbed a notepad, feather and jar of ink, and began writing down things off the top of her head. "We will need a weapon of some sort to cut through the density of the black forest, and a few others to defend ourselves with for any unwanted creatures we may encounter. Water proof boots are a must for the mug and gunk. Rope indefinitely in case either one of us runs into quicksand again." Amber eye-balled Fortuna at that memory from their last adventure, where she stupidly ran into quicksand and freaked when she couldn't simply 'swim' out. Amber chuckled, then fanned her feather back and forth across her face thinking of more they could need. "Some bug repellant potions would be nice to have on hand as well."
"So kind!" Fortuna said sarcastically as went to the kitchen and started making herself a mixture of cheese, butter and parsley sandwich. "I prefer to fly to swaps instead of passing that cursed forest. You know, those old witched living there aren't kind enough to let us pass..." She said and poured tea for herself. "And what will you do about food? Are you bringing a magic pot?" She sipped her tea. "Elfin blade and long wand look handy for forest and swaps." she suggested, making a honey and sesame sandwich this time.
"Elfin blade would help, but my broom is currently uninhabitable." Amber looked over to the closet her broom lay in, snapped almost completely in two. "And your broom cannot simply fly two witches at once."
"Broom? Aren't pine branch more suitable? I mean... witches of black forest always use them..." Fortuna said while looking chests for grape, but she found apple instead. "Or maybe..." She tossed an apple up in her and and catch, walking lazily toward Amber with a smirk on her lips. "You're afraid of flying on blanches, aren't you?" She took a bite of the apple and enjoyed the sweet-acrid taste of green apple. "Flying carpets are too expensive, then we have no way but to walk." She admitted defeat and sighed. "At least let's have a cab take us as far as it can..." She gave a new suggestion.
"I am NOT afraid of flying those bloody branches, they're just very unreliable." Amber retorted in defense. "Besides, we're better than those female dogs of witches from the black forest. We don't need their branches."
"Let's go while we're still in mood~" Fortuna summoned her back pack she had gotten ready before and with a snap, her clothes changed into walking outfit; khaki long shirt and trousers with sneakers and a hat. "Are you ready? Shall we go to the road?" She asked excitedly.

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