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Fantasy Witchwood

The fire was warm and Gina shook that burning to death fantasy. She looked up at Maggie who's hair was covered in monster saliva "so... awkward question but what was that boy you where wearing as a hat? cause he left all his stuff here and I'm a little concerned about the two tents.... bit much for on kid".
Maggie sighed. Noah had fallen asleep, leaving Maggie alone with the cat whose name she didn't know. "I guess he had it set up as a trap. If his plan had worked he probably would have lured me into one of the tents, I would have fallen asleep and then he would have eaten me." She stood up to stretch her legs. "But, as we can see, that didn't work out, so finder keepers, they're our tents now!" She ran off in the direction of the bigger tent. "I call dibs on the top bunk!"
Noah was standing around in complete and utter shock. He wasn't sure what he had just witnessed, but it was chaotic and somebody was dead and Maggie was acting like it was no big deal. A fire started in his hands, cupped in their altogether largeness. He nursed it subconsciously as a child might have done a comfort blanket.

"So, do we just stay here now? The cat's name is Gina, by the way," he added to Maggie. He transferred the fire to one hand and readjusted his glasses.
Maggie entered the tent and was immediately disappointed to see only some blankets piled on the ground as a bed. She hated the idea of having to share a bed with these two losers. she cast a spell and smiled as some fireflies crawled out of her sleeves and flew lazily around the tent, drenching the room in a mystical light. Maggie lay down on the blankets and emptied the contents of her coat onto the ground. One knife, a large, arcane book, a list of names that meant nothing to her, except one. Brad. Maggie wasn't sure what to do, so she took the knife and carved a small tick next to his name. She tucked the list back into her coat and went through the rest of her belongings, a large, colourful feather, and a long stick that Maggie could only assume was a wand. She tucked everything back into her coat and went out to other two, still wondering about the list of name
Gina lay stretched out next to the fire "so how the tent?" she asked Maggie. Maggie must have not been listening because she just stood there, saying nothing, staring intently at the fire. Gina decided to take matters into her own hands. she entered the tent and smirked. The tent was empty except for some blankets on the floor in the form of a makeshift bed. Gina pulled into a circular, thicker pile that was more suited to her size. she sat in the center and quickly feel asleep.
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It was getting late, Noah had fallen asleep next to Maggie and she had no idea where Gina had gone, so she waved a hand to put out the fire and picked up Noah to carry him into the tent. She gave Gina a disapproving look when she saw what the cat had done to the blankets. "Noah's asleep, so you have to help me with this, got it?" She started tidying up the tent, sorting the blankets into three rough;y even piles. She put Noha down on one and lay down on another. "See you guys in the morning."
Gina slept uncomfortably with less blankets than she had hoped for. After a night of restlessness and backache the sun rose in a way that seemed slightly aggressive to Gina and the damn birds started chirping. some days it seemed like the wind blew just to piss her off. The old Gina never would have let this happen, the old Gina would have lowed the sun and parted the ocean on a whim. The old Gina had thumbs and the current Gina was a cat and all the current Gina could do was muster up enough magical energy to kill a bird. Having said that she killed it with a single glance which put a little swing in her step. She swagged back into the tent with the bird in her mouth. "What's up maggots, guess what i just did!" Gina looked around to see Maggie sleeping peacefully besides an empty spot where Noah used to be. "HEY! Get up! I need attention!"Gina yowled. "Wow, I am embodying this cat thing really well" she thought to herself.
Maggie sat up slowly, wiping sleep from her eyes. that stupid cat was yowling again. 'Yeah, what going on?' asked Maggie, still groggy. She looked over to see where Noah should have been sleeping. 'Hey, where's Noah?'
Gina reflected on Maggie's question, "no idea" she said. Gina sniffed about for a bit looking for something to tell them what had happened, all his stuff was here, she searched the perimeter of the tent. Around the back she found some of Noah's barefoot prints leading towards the woods. Gina thought about telling Maggie when she saw a second pair of prints the owner of which was wearing shoes came from the other side of the tent and when they intersected Noah's just stopped. Gina called to Maggie
Maggie heard Gina calling and got dressed as quickly as she could, running out of the tent still putting her shoes on. 'What's going o...' she stopped when she saw the tracks. 'Are they Noah's? Who would have taken him?' She looked to the cat for answers.
Gina looked back at Maggie. She sat down, back straight, first she let a little tongue out, just enough for a successful blep, but the tongue just kept coming and coming, not particularly fast. but that made it all the more unsettling. as soon as it reached the ground it shot back up into Gina's skull. "oh yeah we should follow the foot prints,". Maggie stared discussed at the cat. "we should move fast this", they said almost in unison.
Slightly confused at the surreal thing that just happened, Maggie picked up Gina and walked into the forest, following the tracks. Every tree they passed Maggie would press her hand to it, naming it and commanding it to protect them. 'The trees know things, but they won't let on about them.' she said to Gina. 'I think more is going on here than we previously thought.'
"oh damn, i'm travelling with a hippy" Gina thought when Maggie started stroking trees. Gina squinted her eyes at Maggie "oh look at little miss tree huger, she think she's so smart with her opposable thumbs" Gina said under her breath.
Maggie scowled at Gina but said nothing as they walked deeper and deep into the woods. The trees whispered to Maggie, but she tried to ignore the eldritch sounds they made. 'The tracks have stopped.' she said, and she was right. The tracks came to a sudden halt, as if Noah's kidnapper had suddenly dissapeered. Maggie sank to her knees. 'How are we going to find him now?'
Gina jumped down from Maggie's arms and inspected the ground. She teased the steps to where they stopped and stood in the prints. "Mag, I-".Gina never finished her sentience because she was being thrown in to the air by something unseen to most.
Magie yelped, actually yelped as Gina flew through the air, gripped by what seemed to be an arm. Reflexively, her magic bloomed, sending roots and vines to smack and slash at the attacker. But he swiped them away with a knife, the hilt of which he used to strike maggie on the head, leaving Gina alone to fend for herself.
Gina's chest tightened as this beast squeezed her. Maggie lay unconscious on the floor, blood rushing on the floor and pooling on the floor. Gina had to get to escape soon if Maggie was going to survive. Gina swiveled towards the indescribable monster, it still was ascending, faster and faster. Gina dug her claws into its wrist, its veins turning black and its skin turning grey. It howled, both ear-piercing highs and earth rumbling lows. The arms grip loosened and Gina squirmed free. New problem, Gina was hurling towards the earth. she pointed her paws at the ground and inhaled. gradual, she began to slow in her descent. Gina gracefully landed about a meter away from Maggie and ran to her side. Maggie was surrounded in a pool of her own blood and Gina lapped it up like milk. After every last drop of Maggie's blood fallen from her head had been drunk, her wounds healed and her eyes opened. At that point Gina was busy vomiting onto a nearby tree.
Maggie sat up and spent a second staring at the cat vomiting blood nearby. "What just happened?" She stood up surprisingly well considering her last memory was being assaulted with a knife and rusheded over to Gina. "Did he tell you where Noah is?"

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