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One x One ~ Wishing Well ~

~ The Basics ~

Name: (Your full name)

Nickname: (What people call you)

Preferred Name: (What you like to be called)

Age: (26-28)

Gender: (This one should be easy)

~ A Little About You ~

Personality: (At least one paragraph)

History: (Optional)

Likes: (At least five things)

Dislikes: (At least three things)

Fears: (At least two things)

Occupation: (If you have any)

~ Appearance ~

Looks: (At least one picture)

Tattoo(s): (Optional)

Piercing(s): (Optional)

Other: (Any other body modifications)

~ Something Else ~

Other: (Something else you want to eat)
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~ The Basics ~

Name: Jack Forester

Nickname: "People just call me Jack."

Preferred Name: "Just call me Jack, it's that simple."

Age: "I hate to say it, 28..."

Gender: "Really?"

~ A Little About You ~

Personality: Jack is a guy who puts others before himself. However, this does not mean that Jack doesn't enjoy himself. He wants to enjoy life to the fullest, seize the day. He's full of surprises and loves spontaneous things, adventurous describes him well. Jack is very energetic and sometimes others may find that annoying or overwhelming but that's just how he is. He's not the kind of guy who sits infront of the T.V all day watching Netflix even though days like those can be gold. Jack's a night owl and he can have a hard time getting out of bed but since he's a teacher he's gotten used to early mornings. Loyalty is important to him, liars are one of the worst things according to Jack.

He's suffering from mild-heavy OCD which makes him do weird things such as locking twice before leaving, having things organized in a special way. The list could go on forever but you get the point...

Basically Jack is a caring person who loves to have fun, a day with Jack is not a day wasted!

History: Jack comes from a music family, given his profession.

Likes: Music, Kids, Adventures, Spontaneous People and Guinness.

Dislikes: Racists, Liars and McDonalds.

Fears: "Believe it or not but I'm scared to death by snakes and spiders, next question..."

Occupation: "I'm a music teacher at the local High School."

~ Appearance ~

Looks: IMG1

Tattoo(s): N/A

Piercing(s): N/A

Other: N/A

~ Something Else ~

Other: As I said earlier he's got mild-heavy OCD and he's also a vegetarian.
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~ The Basics ~

Mavis Chamberlain

Nickname: May

Preferred Name: "I prefer to be called May, but I'll let certain special people call me Mavis. It's cute, sometimes."

Age: 26

Gender: Female

~ A Little About You ~

Mavis is a very compassionate person. When others are upset, it causes her to be unhappy also, which can be a blessing and a curse. Her mood very much depends on the mood of those around her, and if others don't like her, she becomes shy and resentful towards them. She puts a lot of emphasis on her morals, and if others don't agree on them she ends up looking down on them for not having the same high standards she does. She's very emotional and can cry at the drop of a hat over some of the silliest things. She's a hopeless romantic and has always dreamed of finding her true love, though she's decided that love doesn't exist anymore. The constant encouragement that there's plenty of people out there does nothing for her- in fact, whenever someone mentions it, she gets angry. The sudden realization that there's no one out there for her has made her depressed, and she doesn't feel as enthusiastic about things she used to enjoy. She had been a very active person up until a few months ago. She's very passionate about her beliefs and can be rude if she's crossed.

History: Mavis grew up in a small town, her father always away on business and her mother always taking care of her three younger siblings. She has always been a very hopeful person. As a child, she read books and strove to be like the characters she read in the stories- kind, compassionate, brave. They were all such beautiful people who did wonderful things and fell in love along the way. The one thing she couldn't achieve herself was getting out of her 'ugly duckling' phase. She was always the most plain out of her friends, and when they would get dates and boyfriends, she was doomed to watch from the sidelines. She eventually blossomed into a beautiful woman, though she couldn't get out of the mindset that she wasn't good enough, and therefore never made an effort to seek love herself. All through college and afterward it was the same thing- her roommate and friends got boyfriends and eventually got engaged and married, while she was too afraid to talk to a man for fear of being rejected. She assumed if there was such a thing as love, it would find her. Her true love would be someone who would seek her out. But after years of no luck, she doubted love's existence. Half of marriages end in divorce. None of those people assumed they would get divorced, did they? They had all thought they'd found their true loves, but apparently, love doesn't last. 'Is it really love if it ends?' she asked herself. And after years of wishing, she finally gave up. She was tired of longing for what she couldn't have, so she stopped looking for it.

Likes: Hiking, reading, chocolate, sushi, and the outdoors.

Dislikes: Being wrong, promiscuous people, and people who make assumptions without knowing someone.

Fears: Death and being alone.

Occupation: Secretary for a divorce therapist.

~ Appearance ~


"I have a tiny heart on my ribs. I was in college, and it was a very bad decision. Don't ask to see it."

Piercing(s): Just earrings.

Other: N/A

~ Something Else ~

"I don't need your pity, just because I'm single."

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