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Dice wiped.exe


New Member
You are created to destroy anything that tries to hurt Mother. Mother talks to you from everywhere but nowhere. She is almighty but vulnerable. She can wipe her creations with a snap of a finger or even just the thought of it.

Out of millions of her creation, you and a few fated companions will go on an adventure to help protect Mother from "the Outsiders". All of you will be the ones to change the course of things to come.

Will you help protect Mother from the Outsiders?

Or will you destroy Mother without you knowing?

Each action has its own consequences. Tread lightly, dear creations; for Mother is you and you are Mother.
This is a test of RP to see if this type of RP is viable or not.

Open to suggestions.

This has been tested with friends via Skype but never with just typed words.

You can PM me for secret actions towards other creation(s) or to yourself.

Secret actions are secret unless you’re told that it needs to be told to everyone before it can take action.

Unlike other role-plays, you’re allowed to be yourself or be what you wish to be it’s up to you on what kind of person you are.

Outcomes of action may need you to roll a dice to see what happens next, good or bad.

Characters are allowed to help each other, sabotage each other or anything.

It’s up to you on what your actions are.

An action that leads you or other creation(s) to die will mean game over for creation(s) that died.

Your data will be stored by Mother for future references.

If any of the characters die midway, they’ll be kicked out of the RP and RP will continue.

Only 4 players are allowed to RP at any time.

New players are allowed to sign up for RP if it’s less than 4 players at any time.

Old players who are dead will be allowed to sign up again for another round but depending on Mother’s choice.

Lastly, like I said. Play however you want. There’s no rule. Just have fun. Make new friends, enemies or rivals. It’s up to you.


Everyone starts at 1 level each excluding S-Chip level.

There will be chance to upgrade on the attributes later on.

S-Chips are obtained through buying them from stores or drops.

Memory chip: 1

Carrying capacity

1 = 64 cc

S-Chip level: 0

The chip level you can currently use

You can only use 1 chip at a time

Can replace anytime

S-Chips are still under research and development department so its effects are unknown before the first usage

Warning: May backfire

Observe chip: 1

How much information you can gather, see and hear from your surrounding

Knowledge chip: 1

Troubleshooting skills and knowledge of things (Outsiders, weaknesses, the way around the places)

Hacking: 1

It’s the skill to hack into things itself

M-points: 50

M-points are dice modifiers. Every 10 points spent will give a +1 or -1 to dice checks

M-points are given by Mother if she finds any actions amusing, witty and/or even an eye opener

M-points are allowed to disrupt or help other player rolls

B: 500

The currency of the world

You may earn it by selling chips or any item to the store

Security clearance level:

The jacket you will be wearing will determine what clearance level you are







Red is the lowest and yellow the highest

Normal creations of Red will be too dumb to do anything but basic task

The higher the NPC SCL is, the more intelligent they are but are rather snobbish to lower SCLs

You’ll start with Orange and may be demoted or promoted base on Mother’s reaction on your actions or inactions

You may not at any time step on a higher SCL floored color

If caught will be shot by security trooper who will be randomly walking about

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