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Realistic or Modern Wintercrest Academy [Closed]




Jace chuckled as the girl asked if he was okay. “I’m fine, you better be careful though.” He stated, raising his eyebrows in questioning, wondering if she was really alright. She seemed rather out of breath, and her face was flushed in a fading crimson. He shook off his concern for her, reminding himself that caring for her would make being an asshole that much harder. “Well, I’m just going to let you unpack I guess..” He told her, walking towards the door for the second time, this time with both his shirt and jacket. Before he could safely escape however, things seemed to become 100 times worse. “Can I catch a fucking break?” He muttered under his breath as he came face to face with the exact person he didn’t want to see. Lena DeCaprio.

Jace almost physically shuddered as the girl spoke, her voice going right through him. Lena and Jace have never been on good terms, for reasons that seem to escape him. Even though he couldn’t recall his exact reasoning for despising her, didn’t mean it would make him feel any less negativity. As much as he didn’t enjoy her presence, what he did like about having her around was so he could piss her off. It was enjoyable to him, to watch the girl take his sarcastic and ill-mannered remarks and attempt to hit him back. It was enjoyable to him because
he didn’t care about what she said. He only cared about getting a rise out of the usually collected and calm Lena. As strange as it was, he lived for the moment in which she would explode on him, not being able to take his sharp words a second longer. Jace sat silently, an arrogant grin present on his face as Lena questioned what seemed to be her friends, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Very comfortable, actually.” The boy remarked, stepping towards Freya and wrapping his arm around her waist, making sure not to make contact with any place the girl might feel uncomfortable, but still displaying close proximity with her. “Me and Freya here were just chatting. She’s very perceptive and generally kind. You should take some social interaction instruction from her.” He stated matter of factly, pulling away from Freya and walking towards Lena as she stood in the doorway. He wished to stay and throw more grating words towards the girl, seeing that his opening statement wasn’t nearly as harsh as their conversations usually delved into. But Jace had previously glanced at the crooked clock on Freya’s wall, noticing he would only have about half an hour to get to his dorm, take a shower, and get ready for the idiotic introductory meeting that was mandatory for all the students. He simply just didn’t have enough time to play today.

Instead, he strode towards Lena, his jaw clenching as his facial expression turned neutral.
“I’d love to stay and chat babe, because I know how much you just love because I know how much you just love talking to me..” He spoke smoothly, his voice displaying both inpatient and calculated tone. Cocking a bushy brow at her, Jace Wintercrest took confident steps towards Lena and leaned in, crossing his own arms over his chest. Gingerly brushing his lips on Lena’s earlobe, the tall man began to speak, “But I don’t really have the time to entertain your childish behavior, sweetheart. Our cherished words have to be saved for sometime later..” He told her, making it sound as if he was distraught over the lack of time. In reality, he couldn’t freaking wait to get away from the blonde. There was just something about her that made him go crazy. “ And don’t get too jealous of your friend over there...“ he continued, his hand reaching up to her cheek to bring her even closer to his soft lips. “All I did was help her carry her things to her dorm room.” He stated matter-of-factly. Jace’s next statement was spoken in his same chilling voice, on this time at a much, much lower volume, so that only Lena could here. He knew this next line would piss her off, and so he said it with such emphasis and passion, bringing his other hand to rest on the small of her back. “ You can relax baby, I’m all yours.” Pulling away, the boy grinned, nodded towards Freya, and before Lena even had the chance to react, Jace was already gone.
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River Aurora Allgate

Location: Autumncliff Dormitory - With: Jace (@delirious) - Mentioned: Lena (@Aio) - Outfit:
River's Outfit

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9101319a_RiverAurora2.jpg.182408efdd66f4025bea8bbad93af845.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117635" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9101319a_RiverAurora2.jpg.182408efdd66f4025bea8bbad93af845.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

River ended up at the girl’s dormitories, her vision blurry from the rain, her reddish-brown hair plastered to her face and neck. She felt numb. Oddly numb. She wasn’t cold or fatigued even though she was drenched and panting. All River felt was a guilt that caused a piercing pain to scrape through her gut.

Her and Lena had been best friends from eight years old to twelve. They had been like sisters back then, when life was simpler. In those five years, River didn’t have a memory that Lena wasn’t in. But then things changed or rather River changed. Caring for her two sisters, Willow and Meadow, was a lot of pressure for any kid but paired with her suddenly violent mood swings, she began having trouble coping. She became lonely and detached and for some reason, River felt like confiding in her best friend wasn’t an option. To this day, River still isn’t clear why she couldn’t tell Lena her troubles. Maybe because River knew some of the things Lena was going through and didn’t want to add any more negativity to her situation. But then River pushed her away. Not just pushed her away but said things that could never be forgiven. Or at least River thought that they couldn’t.

She pressed the heels of her palms to her eyes, trying to push away the memory of Lena’s hurt face as River said things to her that were too horrible to repeat. Another sharp pang of guilt went through her gut and River turned on her heel meaning to begin pacing but instead crashed into hard muscle. It was a boy, a tall one, tall enough that River had to tilt her head back to glare at him. Then she saw his eyes and her face softened. They were beautiful, a luminous green that was more like a cat’s eye color than human.

River thought staring and not saying anything was more than a bit odd so she uttered a simple, soft “Hello.”. She rocked back on her heels, gazing up at his rather lovely face with clouded brown eyes. She imagined that she looked a hot mess and probably more than a little distraught but River was in no mood to care about appearances. It wasn't as if she planned on staying and chatting anyway.



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William Brooke


In his Dorm talking to Win (@Zelda18) and Adam (@Physiicz)

William shook hands with the boy with the surprisingly weird name, Win. Win asked if we were on the football team and I realize that he is the Athletic type, "No...I'm more of a Studious type or as jocks say...Nerds..." William said embarrassingly, most kids were Athletic in Wintercest, he seemed like an underdog to all, "I'm in Math Club..." William mutters, "So what's your name?" William asks as he directs his hand for Adam to shake.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/d14840f5cd2b569911aea67d03eda2dd.jpg.c2540e64c03690be8276c8316eec7a01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117628" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/d14840f5cd2b569911aea67d03eda2dd.jpg.c2540e64c03690be8276c8316eec7a01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Lena Efima DeCaprio

Location: Dorm > Ravenwood

Interaction: @insanitea @delirious

As soon as Jace started opening his mouth she regretted even coming to check on Freya. While she loved Freya dearly Jace was another story, one she wished to forget but always held some place in her mind. It wasn't as if she liked their bickering though she did to some extent but she never admit that. The truth is she was looking forward to their daily exchange. Seeing Lena rarely fought with anyone Jace was a nice change in the day though in the moment it can be said differently.

Lena felt as if she was about to blow, the arms around her chest tightening and her hands balled into fists. She knew he was trying to get a rise out of her but she resisted the provoking. Though when he started to slink himself over Freya it was all she could do not to scream. It wasn't the fact that he was the one doing it but rather that her poor friend had to be a part of his little show for her.

Every time she would attempt to retort Jace would just fill the void with another slur of words. She could feel her ears start to turn red out of pure anger something she doesn't experience quite often. It wasn't until he was inches away from her face that Lena felt as if she needed to give him a good slap across the face though she never give him that satisfaction. Though she wasn't expecting him to grab her face, taking her completely off guard, losing her composure for a few milliseconds before regaining her usual glare that she always gave when seeing him.
“ You can relax baby, I’m all yours.” While she wasn't really listening to any of his other words that sentence stuck out like a sore thumb. It drove her absolutely crazy when he said that and he knew it. Pure rage was now on her usually put together face but when she could finally see past the red he was gone. Lena was relieved but also annoyed he skipped out like that without letting her get a word in but they both knew Lena wasn't the best and giving comebacks mostly because she never had to.

It took a few minutes for Lena to calm down before she could even look back at Freya slightly embarrassed for the interaction between her and Jace. "Sorry, you had to see that though even though it's your choice I wouldn't be around him. He is arrogant and cocky and never takes into consideration of others feelings." Lena knew what she was saying was harsh but she didn't care it was Jace she was talking about and she knew that if he was talking about her the words coming out of his mouth would be even worse.

"Anyways I just wanted to see if you were settled in okay. I was just about to go find another friend if you care to join." Lena gave Freya one of her smiles, a smile that seemed to say sorry all on its own. After her and Jace little interaction she really needed to see Adam knowing he was someone who would listen without judgement. She pressed a button that turned on her phone to see the time. "We have an hour-ish before we need to go to the welcoming ceremony so there's just enough time to find him if you want to tag along." She didn't want to pressure Freya into coming knowing the girl still had to unpack, unlike her Freya hadn't been her for two weeks already and if she was anything like Lena it took two weeks to unpack. It wasn't that she was a slow unpacker just had better things to do.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9117d74d_ScreenShot2016-04-07at3.14.24PM.png.d21faeca01a472c3ec8ef64bddcaa51d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117688" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9117d74d_ScreenShot2016-04-07at3.14.24PM.png.d21faeca01a472c3ec8ef64bddcaa51d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Freya's face turned red with embarrassment once again and watched as Lena and Jace spoke, and it was very noticeable that they despised each other. Freya wasn't even paying attention to their conversation and suddenly froze in her place while Jace reached his arm around her waist. Why the fuck was he doing this to me? Although she could tell that he was doing it just to piss Lena off, which caused her to slightly frown at Jace, if his long arm wasn't tightly wrapped around her she would have fallen to the ground from becoming weak in the knees.

Freya furiously blushed, and Jace's arm soon fell to his side as he made his way over to Lena. He came very close to her and seemed to be whispering something. Freya couldn't make out what he was saying, but she most certainly didn't want to know, as it would increase the slight amount of jealousy that bubbled inside of her, which she hated to admit to herself. Freya looked away and tried to focus on something else.
The floor. Just look at the floor. Don't even pay attention, it's not like you like him or anything. Why are you freaking out over this? It was probably just the extreme amount of tension and awkwardness that soared throughout her bedroom.

She didn't see him leave, due to the fact that her eyes were planted on the ground. She averted her gaze back to Lena, and they sat in silence for a minute or two before she began to tell Freya about Jace and his arrogant personality. Freya nodded quietly, and agreed to Lena's offer to visit a friend of hers.

"Sounds great, I'm probably just gonna unpack after the ceremony." Freya gave her a nervous smile. She stood up from her seat on the bed and stood next to Lena. "I'm really sorry about what just happened, it wasn't what it looked like. That was really awkward."

Freya hoped that every bit of what just happened would clear out of her mind, and that she would just forget about it all. Especially Jace. But somewhere deep inside of her, Freya had a feeling that the thought would always come back to her.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9117929a_ScreenShot2016-04-07at3.14.35PM.png.319cddfdaca5a93e0a966acb57678e20.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117687" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9117929a_ScreenShot2016-04-07at3.14.35PM.png.319cddfdaca5a93e0a966acb57678e20.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[ @delirious @Aio ]



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Win Loscalzo

Win laughed uncomfortably, lifting his hands in a peace-making gesture to William. "Oh, that's cool man. Math is my favorite subject," he said quickly, smiling crookedly.

He unlocked his dorm, examining his room critically. A bed, desk, and dresser with a bathroom attached. It actually looked pretty nice. He threw his bags onto the neatly made bed, closing the door without bothering to lock it.

"I'm gonna go check out the campus. See ya later," he announced cheerfully, nodding at Adam and William before striding over towards the exit. What did it matter that it was still pouring rain? He was already soaked. When he'd made it outside he pulled up his hood, searching the grounds for the football field.

@Physiicz @CoolCortex



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9119dbdd_simongif3.gif.90336ce1eb58d42e05e2b6d6c9eea0f9.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117690" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9119dbdd_simongif3.gif.90336ce1eb58d42e05e2b6d6c9eea0f9.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Adam was shocked as another boy came up to them. They boy started talking before holding out his hand to shake. Adam took it, "Adam," he told the boy. Oh god, Maths freaks Adam thought to himself. He hated maths and anyone who enjoyed it. Once the other boy said he was going Adam decided he should go looking for Jace or Lena. "Yeah, I'm going to go as well," he said, "Uhh talk later?" he added and he wasn't quite sure why. Adam walked out of the dorm dropping his bags in his room as he left.

As he walked out he caught a flash of dark hair heading to the girls dorm and a face vaguely familiar. With nothing better to do he headed towards the girls dorms. Hopefully he'd run into Lena. Putting his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket as he walked. He entered one of the girls dorm, not really sure which one. Then he spotted Jace and the dark haired girl. "JAAAAAAACEEEE!!" he screamed running towards Jace.

@CoolCortex @delirious



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William Brooke


In Blackpond Dorms

William was happy that he already met some friends, once Adam and Win left, He said bye to both and went back to his dorm, he continued reading a Magazine about Scientifical Research and noticed that he was still wet and tracking mud, he cursed and saw that his sheets were wet as well, he took a shower and got changed again and noticed that the rain outside started to get lighter, he ignored his wet sheets and continued reading, he decided to go outside when the rain stops and meet other people that he hasn't met yet.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/d14840f5cd2b569911aea67d03eda2dd.jpg.1a7c17c11e2bb09b82d02d4ae16dc204.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117726" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/d14840f5cd2b569911aea67d03eda2dd.jpg.1a7c17c11e2bb09b82d02d4ae16dc204.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Lena Efima DeCaprio

Location: Ravenwood

Interaction: @insanitea @Physiicz

Lena listed to Freya try and explain herself but only smiled in return as she opened the door. "Yeah I know it wasn't anything. And if it was I would blame Jace. He may seem sweet but he definitely has ulterior motives." She definitely didn't mean to pull Jace into the conversation but she just thought to warn Freya in case she had any second thoughts.

When she was half way out the door she heard the distinct sound of Adam Hart's voice and smiled. "Well that was easy." She mumbled as she caught sight of Adam's smiling face but that was before she really heard what he was saying.
Jace. God what is he still doing in the dormitory? She bit her lip and sighed. If she walked passed Adam he would know she saw him and she wasn't about to put that friendship in jeopardy. Just suck it up. Suck it up Lena. If you don't acknowledge then you will be okay. She thought before looking back at Freya and smiled. "There he is. I'll introduce you two. You'll love him." Lena smiled taking Freya's hand as they walked up to the group that seemed to be forming.

"Adam! I was just about to go find you!" She said walking up to him and giving him a hug. It was pretty obvious she was avoiding any eye contact with Jace but just his presence made her cringe. She hadn't looked at the girl Jace was talking to and honestly didn't care to know who she was. She gestured Freya to come forward and started to introduce the two. "Freya this is Adam. Adam this is Freya, we used to know each other when we were kids Adam." She laughed softly.



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Jace let out an impatient sigh, long legs striding through the hallway in an attempt to escape the girl’s dormitory as quickly and efficiently as possible. He already felt that he had been there for too long, and after being caught off guard by Lena’s presence, he was definitely more on edge than he was previously. Jace began to think about the close proximity he had entered only moments before fleeing the scene in Freya’s room. He couldn’t exactly understand what had come over him, but he was partially certain that the only reason he had leaned in that close to Lena was to test the waters. Were all girls as soft and comforting as Freya was? The answer was no, for being that close to Lena made his adrenaline pump, his muscles tense. He didn’t feel the comfortable lull of her heartbeat, he felt the pounding of his own against his ribcage. She didn’t smell of french vanilla, she smelled of lavender, and Jace wasn’t sure whether or not he liked lavender. He did notice, however, that it seemed like she reacted differently to him then when he would keep his distance, throwing merciless insults towards her from afar, compared to their most recent encounter. Being so close and personal with her, his sultry voice lowering to almost a purr; it seemed to have made her react much quicker, hitting a particular nerve that Jace had never reached before. Before the boy could ponder further, however, it seemed as if he came in contact with another body. It was virtually impossible for him to leave Ravenwood.

Before he could scold whoever got in his way, the boy instinctively wrapped his hands around the person’s arms, removing the person from his chest and holding them in place in front of him. It was a girl. Dark satiny hair, sultry warm brown eyes. Jace’s jaw clenched and unclenched, trying to decide whether to set the girl aside and continue on his path, or deal with her in a polite, controlled manner. He chose the latter, although he wasn’t sure why. She uttered a soft hello, her voice melodically dancing throughout the boy’s head. “Hello.” He returned to her, remembering to release his grasp on her arms. He briefly remembered that he was still shirtless, and that in their collision, he had dropped his shirt and jacket. He cleared his throat, before bending down and picking up his damp clothing. “I- uh, hope you're alright." He continued, remembering the time and all the thing's he still had to do."Well I guess this has been a rather enlightening interaction, but i’ll have to be going now.” He stated hastily, running his hand through his hair before looking down at the girl. His eyes were apologetic, not wanting to rush through their interaction, but also not wanting to be late to the introductory presentation. Jace was typically always late to important events in years past, and so this year he made a vow to himself to at least try to be on time. “You better be careful next time.” He told the girl whose name he didn’t know, and hopefully never will. He found it to be rather odd that he had been able to catch at least two girls within a matter of hours. “Have a nice day.” He stated before stepping to the girl’s side and attempting to continue on his way.

It was then, however, he heard a rather familiar voice, to which a sly grin spread across his face. Jace laughed, running up towards Adam and embracing him in a strong bear hug.
“I’ve been looking all over for you, you asshole!” Jace grinned, patting the boy on his back before releasing him. “How’ve you been, man?” Jay questioned him, before adding. “Are you going to ditch rugby and join the football team this year?” He teased, chuckling before hearing Lena address Adam. Can you fucking not? He thought to himself, his facial expression transitioning from a grin to a rather neutral expression. Jace sighed impatiently as the blonde walked over to hug Adam. Jace honestly couldn’t understand how that guy could tolerate her. Lena then introduced Adam and Freya, which caused a frown to spread across his face. Jace wasn’t particularly sure why Adam knowing Freya bothered him, but he did know that he suddenly felt rather uncomfortable in the situation. “Well, I’d love to stay and watch Lena pretend to be friendly, but I’m pretty sure I have about a hundred better things to do soo..” The boy stated, looking at Lena briefly, before looking towards Freya. “I’d stay away from her if you don’t want to be associated with that.” He spoke, before looking towards Adam. “I’ll see you around, man.” He stated, before walking past the group and out to the main entrance. He finally reached the door, letting the crisp air caress his skin.
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Freya and Lena conversed about the incident with Jace as they exited her bedroom, walking into the hallway together. The small area in front of her room was empty, however, Freya could hear people speaking to each other on the other side. Lena's facial expression transitioned to one that was happy, and the smiling girl spoke of her friend, whose name was Adam. They turned around a corner and approached a group of three people, a small girl with dark hair, another very attractive boy, and Jace. This day just keeps getting better, doesn't it? Freya's face fell, and she tried as hard as she could for her face not to turn a dark shade of crimson.

Lena embraced the other boy standing in the small group, and Freya stood there, failing to avoid making eye contact with Jace. It was nearly impossible not to look at him, as he was standing right in front of her as Lena and Adam hugged each other. Freya nervously looked away towards Lena, who had stopped hugging Adam, and she introduced them.

"Hi, I'm Freya. It's nice to meet you." Freya smiled at him, taking in his attractive features. It would be a lie to say that the tall brunette wasn't cute. She then stepped backwards and listened to Lena tell her about how her and Adam were childhood friends. Freya nodded her head, a smile still sitting on her face. As she listened to her, it became more and more awkward with Jace standing next to them, and Freya hoped that they wouldn't make eye contact again.

Jace’s rude comment about Lena made her frown at him.
Why did they hate each other so much? Lena was nothing but a nice girl, and she didn’t understand why they constantly bickered. He walked away from the group, leaving Freya with many questions regarding Jace and Lena’s relationship.

“Well, that certainly wasn’t interesting.” Freya stated to the rest of them, laughing quietly. “I’d better get going, the meeting should be starting pretty soon. I’ll see you guys there.”

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c91318334_ScreenShot2016-04-07at3.14.35PM.png.13047ae9105b2060a76c70f082a08c7a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117741" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c91318334_ScreenShot2016-04-07at3.14.35PM.png.13047ae9105b2060a76c70f082a08c7a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[ @delirious @Aio @Physiicz @Miss Alice ]



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Pacing through the hallways Vincent was surprised to see the great deal of detail put in each room, not that he was peeking into girls' rooms or anything. He couldn't tell if he liked the scent of perfumes mixed together or not, it was somewhat pleasant but overwhelming.

Vincent had basically gone around the entire building at this point and returned to the entrance to move on to the next one. On the way to the entrance he came upon something that seemed like a reunion of old friends. There was a blonde girl introducing a guy he could already tell he wouldn't like to the girl he saw entering the building behind the guy carrying the box in when Vincent first arrived, she exchanged a couple words he couldn't make out over the sound of every other girl's voice.

Rather than asking the two where Tallenview was, like he should have, he decided he would save himself the trouble and just continue his search alone. Vincent walked between the girl and the guy, accidentally bumping into the guy, and grabbed his bags which he was glad were still where he left them.

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William Brooke


Reading in his Dorm

William continued quietly reading a magazine and noticed that there were a few of people gathering outside, including some people he already knew, such as Adam and Lena, also Freya who seemed to have left, he thought it would be a good opportunity to meet new friends but he feared that he would be disliked for his 'Nerd' side, also because Lena was there, he had a slight crush on Lena that he didn't let show, he has no idea why he likes Lena and he can't explain it, he won't even try to make it blossom since he has gotten turned down by many girls before Wintercrest, where he thought he could start his life over again, but it seems with the peoe around him, it wouldn't be easy, so he just decided to leave his Dorm and maybe explore inside the actual Academy.

He got up and found the main doors to the academy, he creaked it open and heard...Complete silence. He ventured inside and saw that Wintercrest had a slightly rustic look, he decided to look around more before returning to Blackpond, and maybe even meet somebody new.

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River Aurora Allgate

Location: Ravenwood Dormitory - With: Jace (@delirious) Lens (@Aio) Adam (@Physiicz) Freya (@insanitea) - Mentioned: Lena & Adam - Outfit:
River's Outfit

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c916606f8_RiverAurora2.jpg.80d351d7c307651a839421052b100e6c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117859" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c916606f8_RiverAurora2.jpg.80d351d7c307651a839421052b100e6c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The boy, whom River hadn’t caught the name of, didn’t seem particularly interested in interacting either. His words were quick and rather quippy if she thought about it but she understood, though she could’ve gone without the physical contact. It was just the fact that he was a stranger and not to mention shirtless and his nearness made crimson stain across her cheekbones. She was glad when he left, relieved really.

She was about to turn, to go to her room and unpack, change out of her soaking wet clothes maybe, but familiar voices made her look over her shoulder. One voice was Lena’s, River knew that before looking, and the other voice was deep and seductive. Or maybe it just sounded seductive because she was remembering it whispering in her ear that maybe they should go find a bedroom.

River wasn’t exactly sure what to do at first. Run again or confront two of the reasons why she left Portland. Her first thought was:
Run as fast as you can, but then she really looked at Adam and all the feelings she’d been trying to push down since she left her hometown seemed to nearly cave in her chest. Then Lena hugged him, fucking hugged him. River clenched and unclenched her hands, her teeth furiously working her bottom lip. It wasn’t that she was jealous, she’d let Lena have Adam if she wanted him no matter how in love with him River may or may not be, it was just that of course this shit would happen to her.

River wanted to turn and walk away, she truly did, but she was rooted there. She knew they would see her if she kept standing there, staring and looking disheveled and besides, if she would be living at Wintercrest with them, she couldn’t run from them the entire time. This confrontation would happen sooner or later. River just wished it didn’t have to be now when she was in such a foul mood but if she didn’t do it now, she’d lose the confidence that seeing Adam had given her.

“Hey. Lena, hi.” River tried for a smile but it was more of a twist of her mouth. “And Adam, you… remember me right?” she laughed, meaning to sound indifferent and light but it came out too high-pitched. River shoved her hands into her hoodie pockets.
Fuck. “Do you all know each other?” she asked, gesturing to the other two kids in the small group with a tilt of her chin.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c917e546b_simongif3.gif.03f3006aa5698e884f3ed547fa6e720f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c917e546b_simongif3.gif.03f3006aa5698e884f3ed547fa6e720f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He watched as Jace untangled himself from the girl who he had seen. Why did she look so familiar? he though to himself but then another familiar face came into view. Lena the name passed through his head as she embraced him. "It's good to see you," he smiled. The ran a hand through his hair as Lena introduced her friend. The other girl was definitely pretty, he smiled again this time a more charming one. "Adam," he told the girl, Freya, after she introduced herself. Then a deeper voice sounded and again he was in another embrace this one more stronger. It was Jace.

He grinned as Jace asked him about dropping rugby for football, "Yeah fat chance I'll play your little pussy game," Adam laughed. His face didn't stay like that though as Jace looked to Freya and said something about not wanting to be associated with Lena. Oh for fuck sake are they actually fighting? he thought to himself. That's all he needed. "Are you and Jace fighting or something?" he asked Lena. Soon after Freya left because of the meeting. As quickly as she left another girl came up, the one he had followed in here.

Her face was planted in his mind from years back. Drunk, messy but hot as fuck. "Oh, uh, err.... hi," he stuttered losing his charming confidence. His face was set to an uneasy almost sick expression. "Yeah, River... Right?" he asked.

@delirious @Aio @insanitea @Miss Alice



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c91bc744c_4cdd6f4b31862950242639cfb0c992ca(1).jpg.b5490b09bfd0f8c64ee1a54f2e433b58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118023" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c91bc744c_4cdd6f4b31862950242639cfb0c992ca(1).jpg.b5490b09bfd0f8c64ee1a54f2e433b58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Lena Efima DeCaprio

Location: Ravenwood

Interaction: @Physiicz @Miss Alice @insanitea

Lena rolled her eyes at Jace's comments not wanting to be rude in front of the others. Though the next chance, she got she be sure to return the favor. She never really understood why he always had it out for her but she guesses it could be the same reason she had it out for him and that reason she had absolutely no idea...No wait she did. It was because of his god awful attitude. This is why she tries to stay away from him as much as possible sire she love to let her girls challenge the boys Football team like they've been begging her since the beginning of time but whenever she thinks to ask something foul always has to come out of his mouth. "He as absolutely no filter," Lena mumbled, glaring at the back of Jace's head. She needed to have a serious with Jace but somewhere, private that way no one can hear their screams, or at least not as loud.

She looked to Freya and nodded when she said she was going. Soon after Freya started walking Lena thought to tell her something. "I'll look for you at the assembly!" She yelled down the hall towards Freya before looking back at Adam. "Not my fault, he just won't learn to close that god awful mouth of his. Seriously he has no filter, Adam, I don't even see how they're letting him be captain of the Football team with that vocabulary. Sorry, I know you two are best buds but honestly, Adam why him?" Lena knew her question was loaded and to dump it on Adam after just seeing him was wrong to do but the adrenaline coursing through her body was making the heat rise to her cheeks, she knew thus was all because of Jace and him getting to her but she was far from admitting that.

A voice caught her off guard almost causing her to mix up her words, turning to locate the voice but she already knew who it was.
River. Her best friend since she was eight, though after twelve everything seemed like a blur and she never really understood why they stopped talking. Lena was still uncertain about River seeing all the things that she had said to her, some she still holds close believing to be true. Speak...Speak to her don't be rude. Lena though, nodding subconsciously before she spoke. "R-River! So good to see you again. It's been what four years...ah kinda. I've known Adam the longest, seriously best guy you'll ever meet and the others I've met a long time ago and are just now seeing them. Kinda like you...Oh, look at the time I need to go to the auditorium to make sure everything's set up okay. Nice seeing you again...ah...Adam, we'll continue our little chat later!" With this Lena was off and out the doors in record time. The words came out sounding more forced than she would have liked but she hoped it was masked by how fast she was speaking. Honestly, she felt on the verge of tears, seeing River drew up a lot of memories she rather not go back to. You have to learn to deal with it. You'll be seeing her every day till school ends.

Lena nodded to herself before looking around. She needed to be alone and the assembly was the last place she wanted to be right now. She needed to feel comforted and she knew just the place.
The football fields. Even though it was slightly muddy Lena made her way down to her own little slice of heaven. Going over to one of the benches as she sat down and looked out at the muddied grass. She rests her head on her hands feeling hot tears spring up around her eyes. Stop. You're being ridiculous. She told herself but she wouldn't listen. It was the beginning of the school year and Lena felt like her life was over, great.



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- T I M E S K I P -

Almost every student of Wintercrest was packed into the massive auditorium that sat behind the area with all of the dormitories. It was difficult to hear, due to the chatter of the hundreds of teens mingling with each other. Here, they would learn about life on campus, including the rules, facilities, and their schedules to get a feel for what every day would be like for the next year, and it was also a chance for students to meet each other.

Below is featured the seating arrangement in which our characters will be assigned. The front row is directly in front of the other. (I tried to make it as interesting as possible.) Don’t you just love assigned seats?

Front row:

Adam Hart

River Aurora Allgate

Win Felix Loscalzo

Vincent Geise

Back row:

Freya Adele Mason

Jace Wintercrest

Lena Efima DeCaprio

William Brooke

[ @delirious @Aio @Physiicz @Miss Alice @CoolCortex @TYGERShrk @Zelda18 ]


William Brooke


Sitting and Waiting in the Auditorium

William just arrived in the Auditorium and saw that he was assigned on the back row, beside...beside...Lena...William blushes and slowly sits beside her...


William just sits there without a word and waits for the ceremony to begin.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c91d9e168_simonnessmangif5.gif.ec053c60b4b755b96648be391cfd38ef.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118090" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c91d9e168_simonnessmangif5.gif.ec053c60b4b755b96648be391cfd38ef.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Adam was glad the little chat was over. He could not go back to that, oh no. Love doesn't exist, that was just... y'know adrenaline or something you may have felt back then he thought to himself over and over. He was currently walking to the Auditorium for the big meeting. He had changed from his wet clothes to dryer ones.

As he entered the Auditorium he was assigned a seat in the front row. He quickly sat down but nobody else seemed to have been assigned a seat in his row or he was early which was a surprise to Adam as he was never early.



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River Aurora Allgate

Location: Wintercrest Auditorium - With: Adam (@Physiicz) - Mentioned: Lena (@Aio) - Outfit:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9205c558_RiverAurora2.jpg.dddb4f9222502e5b6b6be183c012303a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118199" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9205c558_RiverAurora2.jpg.dddb4f9222502e5b6b6be183c012303a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

River had thought about going after Lena but the hurt in her once-best-friend’s eyes stopped her. They both needed time to… figure things out. Whatever that might mean… River hoped it meant becoming at least acquaintances or some kind of friends. She did know that at some point they’d have to talk about what had happened if she ever wanted to have any kind of relationship with Lena. Though right now, River couldn’t even think of how that conversation would go. It was even harder to think about that with Adam looking at her like he might be sick.

River thought Adam had forgotten about her. He hadn’t so much as glanced at her since they’d slept together. Not even a word. Nothing. She honestly didn’t expect anything from him, they both understood it was a one-night-stand, but she always had hope for something more. She’d fallen for him, hard, and when he blatantly showed no interest in her, River had begun to resent him though she still loved him. It was something that she herself didn’t even understand.

By the time River got to her room to change, she was shaking with anger and sadness and nerves. It was too many emotions for her to process at the moment. She could feel herself withdrawing, entering that default mood of bitterness. It wasn’t something she liked but it was better than dealing with too many emotions when she was having an off day. Though admittedly, River wasn’t very good at dealing with emotions anyway.

She peeled off her wet clothes, changed into simple leggings and a sweatshirt that partly described her mood, threw her luggage on the bed and, very unwillingly, stalked to the auditorium. River had considered simply curling up in her room and sleeping but she had no desire to be clueless. However, once she saw who was sitting in the front row, the row that she was assigned to, River wished she had chosen to sleep.
God dammit, Adam. She rolled her eyes rather dramatically as she flopped into a seat two places down from Adam’s.

River crossed her legs, jiggling her foot and biting her nails rather violently. She leaned her head back against her seat, cutting her eyes at Adam. “I thought you forgot about me.” she said in a voice that was low yet laced with poison. Her brown eyes were deep, dark like a forest at night; filled with secrets and danger if you didn’t pay attention.



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He walked to his dorm, grasping his clothes in one hand, the other hand shoved in his pocket. He didn’t even remember why he never got along with Lena, it was almost as if he didn’t have the motivation to be rude to her anymore. But that wasn’t going to stop him. The boy tried to think back to past encounters with her, seeing if his answer lay deep within his memories. Aside from slight brawls and verbal fights with one another on the football field, he didn’t really seem to have any reason to hate her. He just knew that he was supposed to. And it wasn’t like he was being ridiculous for no reason, she seemed to hate him just as much as he hated her. He hastily entered his dorm room, shaking his head of his thoughts as he wordlessly prepared himself for the stupid introductory course. He didn’t even know why he was going.

Jace slammed the door to his room, quickly making long strides towards the front door of the Tallenview Dormitory. His hair was still slightly damp from his shower, but at least he was fully clothed this time as he stepped out into the public. The boy was clad in one of his signature look; a worn black leather jacket with a vintage white rolling stones tee underneath, paired with his signature black ripped skinny jeans and worn out black boots. Jace knew exactly where he was going as he made his way towards the massive auditorium. The air was slightly chilly, but the earth itself smelled of fresh rain. He had noticed then that the sky had cleared up considerably, although he wouldn’t be surprised if by the time the course was over, it was raining again. It always seemed to be raining at Wintercrest, not that he was complaining. The rain made for more fun on the field, allowing one to be challenged further by the slick terrain, and it also allowed for one to cool down after a tough practice. He couldn’t wait for the season to start. In fact, his thoughts had reminded him to get out on the field for some warm up drills early next morning, just to get back into the swing of things. He most definitely hoped that Lena wouldn’t have the same idea.

He glanced down at his phone to see that as he stepped into the fairly crowded room, he had about ten minutes to spare. Nodding to himself, the boy walked around the aisles, groaning at the realization that there was assigned seating. He began to worry, hoping he wasn’t seated anywhere near Lena, or even worse, Freya. He had different reasons for not wanting to sit next to either girl, but he swore to himself if he was to sit next to either one of them, he would stand up and leave. Jay just didn’t think he would be able to maintain his composure with Lena glaring at him, or Freya looking at him with those damn puppy eyes. The room began to fill as the boy finally approached a near empty section of seating towards the back, finding his name off to the side. He glanced at the other names around him: Adam, some girl named River. It wasn’t until he looked immediately around his seat that he almost lost it right then and there. To his left: Freya, and to his right, Lena. Jace quickly crumpled his name tag, hoping no one had seen his last name, before grumbling to himself as he sat down.
This is going to be a fucking long ass day, isn’t it? He thought to himself as he crossed his arms over his chest, and periodically glanced at his phone. He hoped both girls had forgotten about the event, so he wouldn’t have to get up and leave once they sat on either side of him. .

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c92199026_simongif2.gif.9d3919f85783165726c5b2bf979613c4.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118257" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c92199026_simongif2.gif.9d3919f85783165726c5b2bf979613c4.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Adam looked across to where a figure had flopped onto a seat. River. "Brilliant," he muttered to himself. He repositioned his snapback before he heard River speak. I thought you forgot about me ... he looked away, staying silent. His mind was in a craze, working overtime. Mulling the words over he decided it was best to reply. "Look," he started in an aggressive tone, "It was one fucking night. Ok? Just get over yourself it was nothing special-" his voice gave way. Complete and utter embarrassment flooded his body, You have to be fucking kidding me!! his mind screamed at him.

He turned away quickly, red faced. What the hell happened to you Adam? he thought to himself. Where's the badass hit and run guy?? He wanted to hit something so bad or even storm out but that really wouldn't be the best idea.



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River Aurora Allgate

Location: Wintercrest Auditorium - With: Adam (

@Physiicz) - Mentioned: N/A - Outfit:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9223d67c_RiverAurora2.jpg.6b13d4b94b17f8428c7e4a6a5f668132.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118281" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9223d67c_RiverAurora2.jpg.6b13d4b94b17f8428c7e4a6a5f668132.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

River’s cheeks stained a deep crimson at Adam’s words. They were true, albeit being quite harsh, but even though they were true, she still felt anger prickle her scalp. She knew she shouldn’t have said anything to him, it was just being ridiculous, yet she couldn’t help herself from responding.

“Why do you have to be a fucking asshole about it? You shouldn’t have said anything if you were going to be a dick. And honestly, I forgot about you until now. So you’re not that special either.” she said, her voice lowering an octave with every sentence so that she didn’t end up yelling. River shoved her hands between her knees. If she didn’t keep her hands trapped, she’d hit him. God, she wanted to hit him.

River knew very well that Adam was right and that she was probably making a fool of herself but she didn’t care. She felt like being stupid and unreasonable. She felt like getting into a fight. Right now, she wanted nothing more than to feel her fist connect with Adam’s flesh. She wanted his blood on her hands.

River sat up straight, her hair falling around her face. She usually didn’t think that violently even when she was in these kinds of moods. It startled her but she didn’t tell herself not to think it. Though it was odd to think those things about a boy you supposedly loved. Maybe she didn’t love him. Maybe she just hated him.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/8ed708a2669d30f16f91790bbac98336.jpg.1b60e9eadd84a18feaa098841010a8b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118341" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/8ed708a2669d30f16f91790bbac98336.jpg.1b60e9eadd84a18feaa098841010a8b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Lena Efima DeCaprio

Location: Feilds > Auditorium

Interaction: @CoolCortex @delirious

After Lena gave herself a little pep talk she got up from the bench and started to walk towards to auditorium. Her shoes were now slightly muddied due to the fields though she didn't seem to mind. Still a mess of emotions Lena put on a smile knowing it's best not to get other people mixed in her business.

When she got to the auditorium she saw that there were assigned seat and groaned. "Really?" she mumbled as she looked to see who she was forced to sit by. Please not River or Jace... I can't deal with that right now. She thought but was met with disappointment when she saw her name paired with Jace's. Closing her eyes Lena tried composing herself before entering the auditorium to go to where she needed. Looking up Lena saw that Jace was already there and rolled her eyes, making her way up to her spot to go and sit. Honestly she didn't feel like dealing with Jace today and hoped for once they could both be civil about things. She wasn't going to talk unless he spoke to her first, that was a deal she made to herself knowing how much Jace meant to Adam.

To get her mind off of Jace she looked to her other side and saw William. She smiled and offered him a small wave before looking forward. She didn't really know how to talk to William seeing how they really had nothing in common but in the future she would try and hold a conversation knowing William was a genuinely nice guy, unlike some people she knew.



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Vincent walked out of the Ravenwood dorm with his bags to continue his search for Tallenview. The rain was lowing down, which was good because he was soaked. The thought of the rain seeping into the duffel bag that contained his phone (the source of his happiness) and his headphones; he quickly dropped a bag and searched the one with the items of importance. When he pulled his phone out from the top of the bag, it seemed to only be wet slightly on the screen and it would turn on. He let out a sigh of relief and put the phone back into the bag, this time deeper than before.

Vincent spotted the building marked Tallenview near Blackpond. As soon as he was about to enter the building to find his room, other students began to leave their room, almost in waves. "Hey... where's everybody going...?" he asked a kid who looked the same age. The kid said that they were all going to the orientation with a hint of sarcasm, Vincent thanked the kid although he could tell the kid thought he was an idiot. Nobody had told Vincent about an orientation, and despite it being on such short notice and his current clothes being soaked through, he decided it would be goof to go so he could avoid situations similar to the dorm building.

Vincent reached into his bag to grab his music devices and left for the orientation, which was he learned was mandatory anyway. He followed the flocks of other students to the structure in which the orientation was being held. As he was about to sit down he noticed a piece of paper with a name on it. Vincent made the connection that it was assigned seating and he needed to find his seat.

After a couple o minutes of searching he found his seat. He was supposed to sit next to some kid named...Win. Vincent read that piece of paper several times to make sure he read it right, he did. next to where Win was to sit was what looked like a couple having an argument. it was a girl he thought he may have seen in the Ravenwood halls, the other was the guy he bumped into on the way out of said dorm. Vincent, being his normal self, just started listening to music. His song of choice was 'Bright Lights in Silent Rooms' by Home. It was the perfect contrast to his current environment. He subconsciously started to hum the melody.


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