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Realistic or Modern Winter Light (Mystery/Horror) [Detailed]


Biji YPG!
There is a killing cold in the winters of the north. Even today.

Ahhh...college life. Make friends, hook up, go new places, meet new people, try not to die in a wintry valley in eastern Europe...wait...what?

Greetings all! I’ve got a pretty interesting game lined up for you. Here's the pitch. Bear with me, it might be a bit long, but I expect this to be both a very fluid, player-driven story, and a great character driven one. Hope you enjoy mystery/horror! Now onto The Premise.

(Short Summary) (Long Summary below cover image)

You play a group of multinational students from an american college on a semester abroad to a remote valley in Poland, where the university sends some of its most out-of-the-box students for unconventional study during their semester abroad. Horror tropes may be played straight or averted depending on the situation (mostly averting silly tropes though) and there is a story and background, but it is incredibly fluid, and the flow of the story will be dictated by player actions. The mood will be serious, but IC humor is encouraged. Please commit. Multiple characters are encouraged. Have fun
:) )


Baron Bronimir Kazpar, resident of Rojek Castle, in the Zima Valley, deep in the Karkonoze mountains passed away last new year's eve. In his will, the childless baron left his lands to Androscoggin University, in Maine, in the United States, where he studied in the 1940s, after fleeing nazi-occupied Poland as a young adult. Androscoggin University has a high proportion of international students.

Surprising everyone, the Educational Foundation of Androscoggin College decided to use the castle not as a money sink, or convert it to a tourist trap, but instead take the fantastic opportunity for a study abroad. It’s an extremely well preserved castle, hardly renovated since the 14th century and instead kept meticulously maintained. The locals, in the village of Stary Miasto, the small settlement near the mouth of the Zima Valley are also an extremely well preserved artifact. Their local customs and traditions date back to the pre-christian era of polish-Lithuanian paganism, providing a wonderful opportunity for students of social sciences, such as anthropology, and even history, as the community apparently has ‘extremely well kept records’ of everything from the Baltic Crusades to the Holocaust.

The local flora and fauna are also in almost untouched conditions. As Stary Miasto does not have any internet connections, factories, fire stations or any other trappings of an ‘industrial’ village, the area has experienced very little pollution. The only internet access in the valley is a Wi-Fi network within Rojek Castle itself. The people live almost medieval lives, and most of them are farmers, hunters or blacksmiths. The society here is self-sufficient, though they do depend on the larger town of Sneizka Miasto, a town about 40 miles away, for medicine and police services. (Stary Miasto has a total constabulary of 2) There is only one way in or out of the valley by car, a narrow gravel road through a pass at its mouth. The road stops just past Stary Miasto, and Rojek Castle must be accessed via footpath.

This semester’s visit to the Zima Valley will be the third visit thus far. Previously, last spring and this fall, others from AU have come, but this is to be the first winter semester in the Zima Valley.

The route there is rather complicated, as the valley is inaccessible by both plane and helicopter. The Plane will land at Ostrava Int’l Airport, in the Czech Republic. The students and their professor will travel roughly 80 km on a bus, as per usual, to town of Sneizka Miasto, just over the Polish border, where they will change from a bus and be picked up in a small van by Wiktor Jarakz, the castle’s keeper, who formerly worked for the Baron and brought to the castle itself.

Over the rest of the semester, the students will conduct various efforts to learn more, be it humanitarian aid, cultural anthropology, historical research or anthropology or even science.

Of course, nothing’s never as simple as all that. No students have been in the Zima Valley for Christmas yet.

No students have felt the killing cold of a mountain winter, where dreadful tales are told huddled around dying fires of a terrible secret buried in the valley’s past, under the snow and ice.


You the players will take the roll of between 1 and 5 college students each (I.e. multiple characters are allowed. This is advised. I don’t have to tell you why, haha. My mates can vouch for me when they say I'm an extremely fair GM, but I also make George RR Martin look like Dr Seuss when it comes to pulling punches with players. Therefore, feel free to have multiple characters who are siblings, significant others, best friends, cousins, etc.)

Your characters will be the main characters of the story.

Here’s the character sheet I’d like for each character

Player Name:

Character Name:

Facial Appearance: (Describe their face)

Appearance: (What they look like overall)

Major: (What his or her study major is)

Reason for coming on this study: (Why is your character here?)

Background: (life story, more or less)

Family: (Please include at least names of mother and father, siblings if your character has any)


Belongings: (Specific items brought. May not include any dedicated weapons like firearms.)


The Zima Valley

+Very light green: Open grass, shrubs, etc

+Green: Woodlands, forest

+Dark green: Very dense forests

+Note: All of this will be covered in snow of course, as it is winter ingame.


KEY: To all locations in the Zima Valley known to the college board.

1: Stary Miasto

-A small, very isolated, very rural and low-tech village at the mouth of the valley.

2: The Downland Pasture

-Here is where some of the locals pasture the livestock in the downland

3: The Upland Pasture

-Here is where some of the locals pasture livestock in the uplands

4: The Fields

-The crop fiends, that mostly grow corn, pumpkins and grain these days

5: Rojek Castle

-Rojek Castle

6: Teutonic Monastery (Unsafe, please do not enter)

-An old, fortress-monastery, a relic of the occupation of the Zima Valley by the Teutonic Knights. Currently the outside has been explored, but not the inside, as it’s falling apart

7: The Clearing

-A large clearing, evidently cleared some time within the last century, with a long sunken trench running the length.

8: The Glade

-A small glade dotted with stones from an old pagan henge, frequented by deer.

9: The Zimno River

-A wide, deep, cold river that bisects the valley.

10: The Forest Center

-A very tangled section of dense forest

11: The Collapsed Bunker

-A collapsed german bunker from the second world war that remains unexplored.

(final note: Please keep to a relatively high writing standard. Thanks guys!)
Nice! I'll put up the map to the castle soon enough.

As it is, for now, if you think you can handle it, feel free to start writing up your characters. Year is 2015. If you have any questions, shoot me a PM.
Character Name: Willem van der Vaart

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Facial Appearance: Blockheaded bit of a neat gelled up hairdo, brown eyes, growing a goatee.

Appearance: Tall build with average strength, doesn’t wear glasses but has lenses, often wears his overcoat.

Personality: Diligent, bookwork, likes gaming, very confrontational, blunt, prideful.

He is prepared to go to large lengths for his friends and is able to forgive and forget but keep slighting him and the buildup wont be pretty.

Major: WW2 history specializing in the eastern front.

Reason for coming on this study: He has a great interest in seeing the abandoned bunker and talking to the locals who experienced the war.

Background: Willem is a mixed bag of a person, if you were to ask him about his past he would say it wasn’t that exciting, and it really wasn’t, he grew up in a middle class family in Rotterdam, spend his time in high school as a HAVO (above average) student and upon finishing that he managed to get a loan from the government to move to the university in America.

Now what made Willem less ordinary was that he had always had an interest in ww2, he had heard stories from his grandfather who had been a collaborator instead of an insurgent during ww2 and so he was confronted with two very conflicting views during his youth, this combined with an interest sparked through his love of video games centred around ww2 led to him deciding that he should do his own research if he wanted to find his answer, and so he did.

Purchasing allot of literature from varying sources led him to gain a more nuanced position, it being that although the nazi regime under hitler was obviously bad, not much arguing there, the base concept of fascism was far from incorrect and it carried many benefits that were often overlooked. This ofcourse led to friction at his new university, allot of the students appeared to already have a strong bias against most of his beliefs and his explanations merely led to him being a labelled a Nazi most of the time, this in turn led to him being rather isolated at his generally left leaning university with only a couple of friends around for him to talk with, and hence when he was presented with the opportunity to leave the environment that was suffocating him as much as it was he immediately jumped on it.

Family: Marie (de weide) van der Vaart, Henrie van der Vaart

Relationships: Friends with Emmanuel de Silva (second character),Thomas McMillan (Glasses char) and in a while on the surface rivalry with jessica merical, there are other feelings involved for the young dutchmen but he does not yet know what.

Belongings: Heirloom overcoat, a couple of books pertaining to the eastern front, good old smartphone with charger, some snacks, Regular clothes, a laptop.
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Character Name:

Nina Truman



Facial Appearance:

Nina has a soft rounded face with still a bit of puppy fat on it if you squint hard enough two very light scars shall be seen across her left cheek, her eyes are a bright green and are very big and her hair is dark brown in colour and is often seen worn down messily.


Nina has a short petite build, is prone to wear colorful clothing and having her left hand painted in some designs.



Reasons for coming:

Nina's parents forced her to go to the trip, and she couldn't pass up the chance of visiting a nearly mideival village.


Nina grew up in a normal fairly well off family that had a few financial problems in the past, most of her life she grew up as normal, boring and over all meh, she has a huge interest in psychology ever since having her big brother explain what it is. She also lived most of her life with her cousins instead of actual family because of school.


Mother, Elenor Truman

Relationship, strained

Father, Nigel Truman

Relationship, just patched up

Elder Brother, Stan Truman

Relationship, best friends

Younger Brother, Tim Truman

Relationship, mock apprentice

Younger Sister, Macy Truman

Relationship, right-hand woman

Cousin, Sophie Nash

Relationship, faked

Cousin, Toma Nash

Relationship, mock partners

Relationships: Look above for family relationships, her relationship with her classmates tends to be very one sided, as people see her as weird often.


Nina is a bright, colourful and a out of whack type of person who cracks jokes at the worst moment and is and extrovert through and through, her bright personality is a bit of a coping mechonism for her, as she tries to avoid reality as much as possible. Despite all that Nina is a very smart person who just seems to be very stupid, it's just the fact that she rather keep her thoughts to herself in order not to worry anybody. While Nina is very adaptable, she dislikes being thrown into new situations a lot, and tends to have a secret plan for nearly everything.


MP3 Player, six notebooks and a set of over fifty pencils and writing and drawing utensils, a large black backpack, a red blanket, her electronic tablet with everything she finds nessisary downloaded, a handy swiss army knife, a computer, her teddy bear, a pendant with the spades playing card symbol on it that she wears around her neck.

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Very good character there Lilah. Just two thing. The text is pretty hard to read, mind upping the font a bit? And...mayyybe going a little less turquoise, so it doesn't burn out peoples retinas from sheer color overload.

(Subnote for erryone. Forgot to add 'age' as part of the thing. Admiral Nine already edited his in, but if possible guys just stick it anywhere)

OH HEY Extra subnote.

If possible, maybe list your character's personality and defining mental traits, etc. Thanks!
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Player Name: Klimino Zepehphor

Character Name: Joseph Carpmann

Facial Appearance: square small frame glasses ontop a small nose on a pale, bony face with small green eyes and medium length unkept brown hair, and a beard between creepy stupple and manly.

Appearance: always wears a raggedy, but still in good condition jacket that was handed down by his grandfather through the generations. Underneath he is keen to wear whatever pants have the most pockets and a long sleeve button up shirt of colors that clash with whatever else he is wearing. His pockets always seem to be stuffed with junk or things that he thinks hes lost.

Age: 27

Major: Microbiology

Reason for coming on this study: wanted samples of unique microorganisms in the area

Background: Joseph was always the odd kid, interested in video games or books rather then friends or toys. One day in his early life though, he discovered through a wonderful biology book the world of bacterium and other microorganisms, and the idea to him was wonderfully exotic. The idea of billions of tiny organisms always begin with him was one he could not let go of, and an obsession was born, one that has been proven unhealthy more then once.

Family: Mother, Tarissa Carpmann,51

Father, Fred Carpmann,53

Sister, Sarah Carpmann,21

Sister, Kristi Carpmann, 19

Relationships: a one way friendship with multiple bacteria colonies.

Their names are;


'Nathaniel'/(he doesn't remember and is to afraid to open it to find out)

'Sir Rumpus'/s.epidermis

'Samantha'/ bacillus stearothermophilus

and 'George'/s.aureus


>Pockets; small notebooks, empty petri dishes, petri dishes with his favorite Bacteria Colonies in them, Petri Swabs, Napkins, 3 Wallets somewhere, loose change, paper clips, loose papers, assorted pens and pencils, his phone, and am extra pair of glasses.

>Backpack; 4 pairs of extra clothes, laptop, microscope, more petri dishes and swabs, hygiene equipment, another pair of glasses, and another wallet.
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Character Name:

Toma Nash



Facial Appearance:

Toma has a heart shaped face and orange almond eyes, her hair is long, dark brown and is usually seen in a low ponytail.


Toma has a thin athletic build and her skin is very tanned from her time outside, her casual attire consists of anything she finds comfortable.



Reasons for Coming:

She was just dragged along with Nina, and before she never got out of America, so this was her chance to explore the world.


Toma came from a rather famous family of buissness men, so she is quite rich and a bit spoilt, nothing really big ever happened in her life untill this trip, before that she never even been out of wherever the school is from.


Mother, Kim Nash

Relationship, close,

Father, John Nash

Relationship, distant,

Elder Sister, Jennie Nash

Relationship, distant,

Elder Sister, Annie Nash,

Relationshp, close,

Elder Sister, Sophie Nash,

Relationship, frenemies

Cousin, Stan Truman

Relationship, formal,

Cousin, Nina Truman,

Relationship, mock partners in crime,

Cousin, Tim Truman,

Relationship, close,

Relationships: Family relationships see above, her relationship with her fellow classmates is good, she at first comes of as friendly, but that is far from the truth, Toma has a gift of seeing the bad in people.


Toma is a very down to earth person, at first she may come off as repulsive and annoying, and for the most part that is how she is, she is also very superstitious and dislikes being proved wrong. Tomu may at first seem to be smarter and less impatient then Nina, and it is often assumed that Toma is the brain of her and Nina, that is untrue however as Toma is way more impulsive then Nina, Toma dislikes planning and tends to make stuff up on the fly.


A suitcase with a galaxy painted on it, a portable telescope, her pet cat, a star map, a notebook with two pens, a wallet, a Swiss Army Knife identical to Nina's, a couple of books she carries for both her and Nina, her old Nokia phone, and a bottle of her favorite perfume

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Player Name: The Glass Ninja

Character Name: Thomas McMillan

Age: 19

Personality: Observant, quiet, courageous and kind to those who he thinks need it - Thomas is shrewd and quick witted - especially when in charge. He is able to process things quickly; but this can come off as him being cold and calculating, even a little harsh.

Facial Appearance: A wide, friendly face with small watery blue eyes set above pale lips. His hair is long and blonde, scraped back into a tail from soft cheeks. A pair of glasses perch on his short nose, black rimmed and square.

Appearance: Pale skinned, tall, and broad across the shoulders - Thomas looks like he'd fit in on a rugby team. But the wide shoulders come with a bit of a belly, thick arms and legs, and feet almost always covered in heavy duty combat boots. Fond of long jackets and practical clothes, Thomas can often be relied upon to be at least a little prepared for what weather he's surrounded by.

Major: Social sciences

Reason for coming on this study: To study the distinct differences between a pre-industrial society from various perspectives; criminologically, sociologically, psychologically and historically compared to the rest of Europe - and the world. He also really likes castles.

Background: Born in Scotland, and raised in a lower class family, Thomas never expected that he would make much of himself. A difficult school career fraught with bullying and in many cases failure saw him fight his way through depression and an utter lack of motivation to eventually find a deep well of determination within himself. So he decided to make something of himself.

After several years of hard work, he left secondary school with a good set of qualifications behind him and a keen interest in humanity - their vagaries and details, their customs and their lives. Rather than vindictive hate or bitter anger, Tom became a man who rather cared for the society and people around him. That's what allows him to make friends even amongst those that would be his opposite in politics and philosophy - such as Willem van der Vaart.

With his refuge being his own mind, Thomas enjoys reading - almost always carrying a book. He also sings, though that's a far rarer occurrence.

Family: Kerry McMillain - Mother

Harold McMillain - Father

James McMillain - Brother, younger

Relationships: Willem van der Vaart - good friends.

Quisley Hart - Best friends

Belongings: Lighter, utility knife, a few textbooks over various subjects, notepads, pens, a fiction book or five, a laptop, silver pendant.

Character 2

Character name: Quisley Hart

Age: 20

Personality: Brave, loyal and outgoing, Quisley will always be at the forefront of a situation, if a little quick to act. He doesn't like to take the lead, which is why he follows Thomas so loyally.

Facial description: Square jawed with calm brown eyes and heavy eyebrows, Quisley looks almost like a bear. He's clean shaven, flat nosed (which looks like it's been broken a few times) and thin lipped. Close cropped brown hair covers his head and clings close to his skull.

Appearance: Six and a half feet tall, and muscular, Quisley looks like what he is - an athlete. His face is scarred along the jaw from an accident in one of his favoured hobbies when younger.

Major: Sports sciences and education.

Reason for coming on the trip: A general interest in the management of overseas trips, a wish to make sure his friend is alright during the trip, as well as to enjoy the environment and weather - perfect for several of his hobbies.

Background: Raised in Minnesota, Quisley was always a big guy. He hunted with his dad and performed...poorly in academic subjects. His life became sport - its what got him into college. Football, or 'American Football' as his best friend insists on calling it, got him on a full scholarship. That wasn't his only interest though - fencing with rapiers and heavier swords, shooting with guns and bows and hunting were things he kept close to his heart - as well as snowboarding and skiing.

He's not the sharpest tool in the box, by his own admission, but he's determined to get through college with his degree at the end and enjoy himself doing it. He's the one who'll drag Thomas from his books and out to parties, usually ending with the both of them getting blind drunk. The most difficult thing he's had to do in years was leave his girlfriend behind when going on trip overseas. But he feels its essential, if he's to achieve his goals, of learning the organisational vagaries of such an endeavour - he wants to be a teacher.

Family: Jackson Hart - Father

Emilia Hart - Mother, deceased.

Relationships: Thomas McMillan - best friend

Pamala Quinn - Girlfriend, back home.

Belongings: A pocketwatch his dad gave him, a deerbone necklace from his first kill, his hunting/utility knife, skiis and snowboard,various sports gear and boots for the winter weather.
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I'm down! Making character!

Based off an obscure 90's RPG character if you know who it is and why I chose him, major points
Player Name: Dia

Character name: Jeffrey "Call me Jeff" Andon

Age: 21

Facial Appearance: Heart shaped jaw, with a light skin tone. a generous dusting of freckles over his low cheekbones and slightly elfish nose. His eyes are a bright green, although he was noticeable dark circles under them, they're easily seen through his Buddy Holly glasses that he relies on. He has light blond shaggy hair. He gets dimples when he smiles. Shorter than most.

Appearance: fair skinned, with freckles running down his back. Skinny, with not a lot of muscle to show. He looks like someone you might see in the library near the fireplace in the back, reading The Lord of the Rings. He wears mostly formal suits and jackets in (nice) colours. (Usually a dark green)

Personality: A shy, friendly demeanor from the way he stands with a slight slouch, not looking judgeful. Although reserved, he will (at first) always greet someone with a smile. He won't go out of his way to be rude, even scolding others who make fun of others (he doesn't mind teasing). But give him something to be angry at, and he becomes a hellsent ball of fire. he isn't bland however, he is quite the character, if you are interested in befriending him. A clever thinker and problem solver who is a bit of a wisecracker. He can be reckless, and it often does not end well. He's also compassionate without being patronizing, as he's very observant on things like body language. He has a slight anxiety about being around too many people at once.

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Reason for coming on this study: He was far interested in the tech from the era and wanted a chance to see some of the sights in the region in Europe. (He is from the UK, but went to the American college because his dad pushed him to get out. He can't say no to his dad) He plans to try and stay alone, but, see how that fairs.

Background: Growing up in northern England was snowy and cold, but he enjoyed it, as he was simply not much of an outdoors-men. He was book smart, but socially awkward, avoiding large groups of people whenever he could. He put himself into his studies, deciding at 13 that he wanted to be an engineer. A few years later he decided that he would be a mechanical engineer, as he was very interested in seeing how things worked. He would try and take everything apart, (including his computer and consoles) then challenge himself to try and fix it, or even make it better. His mother died when he was 15 due to terminal bone cancer. This closed off Jeff even more, and he poured himself into his studies. Honing his skills by burning the midnight oil frequently, he received high credit and grades all throughout high school. He not sure what he'll do with his planned PH.D, but he wants to make things that'll help lots of people.

Family: Lloyd Andon (Father)

Anna Andon (Mother, Deceased)

Relationships: Friends with Duster


(aside from a suitcase filled with clothes and essentials that is.)

-A large leather-bound journal and several pens that his mother gave him. It means the world to him.

-A seemingly bottomless red worn tool box made in shop class. It contains cogs, batteries, springs, a screwdriver, small crowbar, hammer, wrench and a pair of large gloves, among other things

-Work Laptop

-A large book signed by a favourite author

-A large wool blanket knitted by his grandmother

-A plushie of a fictional hero that he's had since childhood (don't tell anyone)


Character Name: Duster Callan

(It's on his certificate)

Age: 24

Facial appearance: A longer face with sharp features. He's slightly tan, and has a large, (hooked?) node. Big eyebrows and rockin' sideburns, along with a mustache and gotee. His hair is slicked hair, with a few random strands falling out in the front. His hair is a rich chocolate colour and his eyes are green-ish brown.

Physical appearance: 6'2, Lanky with toned muscles. He has scars around his left ankle area because of an accident in his childhood that left his ankle paralyzed. He walks with a limp. Button up shirts and florescent pants are his thing.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.9a4014cc5d18b4136c23f60391b70290.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84034" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.9a4014cc5d18b4136c23f60391b70290.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.png.5796b34189076591a48cf4c7abcd4884.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84035" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.png.5796b34189076591a48cf4c7abcd4884.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Those staple looking things are some dork flip-out knives that Jeff gave him for no good reason other than he wanted to work with springs. They've shown to be deadly, as that's what gave him his limp.

Personality: Duster is a total quirk. He is quite agreeable (albeit cheeky) and more of the artsy type. Quite companionly, he's someone huggable, someone you feel at ease around. He's got a quick wit about him, along with plenty of charm. He tries his best to stay clear-headed, but sometimes he can get caught up in a panic where he feels that he might get trampled. He's easy to talk too, and can strike up a conversation with just about anybody. He can't really hold a grudge, so he gives many second chances. According to his father he's a "Lovable moron."

Major: Psychology, Minors in Music

Reason for coming on the study: When he saw Jeff branching out he had to come follow.

Background: Despite his hometown being in eastern USA, he has many connections and he jumps around frequently. You can never seem to get a hold on him. He could fly to Canada if he wanted, simply because he has connections.

Duster was and is the class clown. He liked preforming and getting attention because he was better than others at something (Although now he is a bit embarrassed to say it like that.) He told his dad, who offered him his old Double bass. Duster liked playing it, but in truth felt a bit ripped off because he wasn't as good as his dad. However with practice comes reward and after a few years he had surpassed his dad. He had grown up with an absent mother, and at this point in time, wondered if there was something wrong with him psychologically. He looked into it, (online, of course) and started worrying that he only craved attention because of an absent mother. He confessed to his father (making him feel guilty in the process) and that's where his interest in the human brain and it's workings with personality and emotion came into play.

Family: Wess Callan (Father)

??? Callan (Mother)

Relationships: Jeff's homie

Belongings: (Aside from the basics and essentials)

-His red snake Licorice Rope, (Often just called Rope Snake) He's a hunter, and can find mice and whatnot if Duster can't feed him. Snake in the bunks anyone?

-A Cane with an intricate dragon's head for the handle.

-A shiny golden pendulum that doubles as a pocket watch

-His psychiatrist book

-His Bass

-His iPod shuffle, filled up with music.

-Two flip knives

-Two ankle braces (He'll be wearing one almost all the time)



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Player Name: Josh

Character Name: Hayden Vick

Age: 21

Facial Appearance: Strong chin with symmetrical features, even if they're hidden under the thick brown beard and wild hair. AU's resident cave man.

Appearance: About 6'0 tall with a toned and athletic build. Would be considered attractive by some, and a Neanderthal by others. Often wears flannels with torn sleeves, with jeans and a brown boots. For colder climates he breaks out the beanies and an earthy brown leather jacket.

Personality: Easy going and soft spoken. Enjoys the finer things in life, such as a pretty girl, 20 year old bottle of scotch and junk food. Takes his work serious, but doesn't let it consume him. Given his past, is a natural leader, which tends to rub some of the more tenored scholars and students the wrong way.

Major: archeology

Reason for coming on this study: Opportunity to study a community and area virtually untouched by the modern world.

Background: If you spoke with Hayden's friends and family while he was in high school, a scholar was the last word they would use to describe him. It wasn't that he was of limited intelligence or any sort, in fact he was an exceptional student, but that was simply the means to fulfil his dream. Football. The small community of DeLand, Florida revolved around it. Needed it. Worshipped it. Entire strips of downtown DeLand would be lined with closed businesses, signs noting they were closed for the game, be back Saturday morning. The town would flood into Spec Martin Stadium to watch their champion Bulldogs steam roll over the competition. The previous year they had 12 players sign division 1 letters of intent. Now was the time for DeLands beloved long haired quarterbacks turn.

Referred to affectionately as "hippie," Hayden led the state in most major statistics, and was top 5 nationally. Now in his junior year, Hayden had brought the green and gold two championships, and was working diligently for a 3rd. Scouts from Auburn, Oregon, Miami, Oklahoma and Colorado State had already personally visited him. There were far more scouts in the stands for the season opener.

And then disaster struck. The game had gone as anticipated. Bulldogs with a healthy lead, which was preserved by a stout defense (despite having Hayden, the consensus best player on the team was #1 nationally ranked and future pro bowl linebacker Abraham Lewis), and was extended by Vicks lightning quick release and reads.

The crowd knew something was wrong when the coaching staff called an unneeded time out. It was seen as questionable, and perhaps even patronizing to the visiting team. Hayden watched the three coaches accompanied by a police officer ominously make their way towards him. His teammates backed away slowly to give him space. Hayden felt like he was tied to tracks watching a slow moving train approach him. Absolute, and unavoidable. No one knows exactly what was said except for the coaching staff, the officer and Hayden. It was rumored Vick eventually told Abraham Lewis, but he always kept an oath of secrecy.

That night the town of DeLand watched their star QB run from the field screaming. The last time they would ever see him in green and gold. The last time he would ever play another down.

Upon returning home the citizens of DeLand saw the reason for the commotion. Channel 6 news broke the story first. Benjamin and Victoria Vick, parents to 16 year old Hayden Vick, had been killed instantaneously when their car was struck by a drunk driver.

They were supportive of their sons athletics, but truly wanted something better for him. Wanted to change the world. In their honor, he dropped all athletics, taking that same drive and work ethic he had, and applied it to his studies. The result was a full ride scholarship to the University of Florida. (Ironically, the one school who seemed to have no interest in him athletically.)

After spending 3 years there, he found their archaeology department to be lacking and void of opportunity. He finally settled on Androscoggins University in Maine, and After doing little more than packing and bidding farewell to his grandmother, who got him through the worst of times, he began his journey.

Family: Benjamin Vick (father - deceased), Victoria Vick (mother - deceased), Abigail Malady (maternal grandmother)

Relationships: Only the kind when he tries to be gone before she wakes up.

Belongings: a basic archeology kit with some basics, such as brushes, chisels, basic handtools, string, markers etc. A laptop with different schematics, models and research on various points of interest in the valley. Android smartphone, a hatchet, munchie stash, and a large bottle of Smirnoff he plans to break out to celebrate the team's opening night at Rojek Castle.
@Diminium[/URL], I can already see Thomas having a go - Scotsman v. Englishman pressure right there.
heheh! No question, Jeff is may not seem it, but if his country is insulted, he's all ready for a classic English brawl. although he probably has less than no chance. Is this Brain v. brawn or...
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Whereas Thomas is Scottish (gotta insert a bit of myself somehow). And very prone to insulting the English. He's a mix of brains and brawn too, so Jeff may have a challenge and a half on his hands.

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