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Fandom WingClan’s Awakening

Bramblethorn had been pacing in the forest, infuriated by both Violetstream and his leader. Vulturestar was being unreasonable and being yelled at by his leader didn't help the storm of feelings that were brewing inside of him. He had kits that could ruin everything he had going for him and, now, the cat he had secretly fallen in love with moons ago was now here, living in his clan. It was a horrible situation. His fur was bristling. Why had Vulturestar acted like that?
Moonfeather nodded and rushed in, she sat down next to Vulturestar and looked down at the smaller leader. "What can I do to help?" She asked. She tilted her head.

"You're welcome, and it's a pleasure to meet you as well." Redfoot spoke with a happy tone. The Tom was known for being kind and cheering others up, he was just doing what was natural to him.

~Ravenflight looked up at Violetstream, then looked to the kit, and then Redfoot~ "Thank you! And it's nice to meet you as well!" ~For some reason, he didn't feel shy with Redfoot around, so maybe he could manage being friends~
Violetstream nodded at the two toms and started purring. This all helped her feel much better. Oliver nestled into his mother's fur and felt the purr radiate through her body. He was glad that she felt better, but was also thinking about his father. He didn't really understand at all. Why didn't he want to raise them? It was a sad thought that his father didn't want to know even know him before making that decision.
- Vulturestar calmly looked at her “I think Bramblethorn wants to quit, i got so mad at him I…”
//some how I feel like very cat has a great relationship with Violetstream, and I’m the only cat that she thinks of I just met her lol
(Well, Vulturestar is kind of on another level. He's the leader so she kind of thinks she should be more formal around him than she would another warrior. Plus, she's still getting adjusted and settled into the clan. She doesn't know the others that well yet either, but wants to try to be friendly with her fellow warriors and just overall wants to make close friends with her new clanmates.)
~Ravenflight looked back~ "Should we head back to the camp? Everyone need some rest." ~He said, showing a caring side~
(I was thinking, once everyone gets comfortable with each other, our characters that get along best could be just like a little family? Or just really great friends, including Vulturestar! But, it's all up to you all!)
Moonfeather nodded softly. "Are you ok now?" She asked as walked out behind him. Her tail swaying softly behind her.

Redfoot nodded. "I believe that would be a good idea, after all, kits need rest to grow." He chuckled looking at Oliver. He then looked up at Violetstream. "If you're ready to go back that is."
(That sounds like a good idea.)

"Yes, that sounds good." It had been a long day, and she was very tired and still a little sad. But, she was sure Oliver and the other two would be tired as well. "C'mon, Oliver, its time to get you asleep in the nursery."

"Alright." He said and didn't protest as his mother picked him up by the scruff and started making her way back to camp with her three clanmates.
(That sounds cool!)

~Ravenflight followed behind, the black and white Tom yawned softly, he was sure he'd sleep well that night~
Redfoot followed behind the other two, making sure they'd get back safely. After he entered the camp, he stretched softly.

Moonfeather had spotted the others, and nodded her head Ina greeting to them, her tail still swaying behind her.
I like the family idea, idk soon when violetstream was starting to get here, I thought of how Vulturestar might like her idk. I think he would love her mate if thats fine //
Vulturestar took flight heading off to a new clan, Called Feather clan, a clan that came from Wingclan family’s that were kicked out due to out of clan mating, some cats even had 1 wing. Soon he came back with apps that were dumped to wing clan. “Nina’paw, Checker’paw Leg’paw Violet’paw, you will be raised here from now on due to feather clan mistreating you. I will get you mentors soon I promise” vulturestar said
//anyone feeling that Bramblethorn needs to be bramblestar, and that we should have a new Clan cat that is called Thorn’Pool?, (I’d be thorn’pool im sorry I like me high ranked characters
Im making this a new thread due to that now this is not Wingclan awakening
Guys this is one of your last warnings, the story is going on on the link I posted, that’s the new story you must join it, this story is closed and ended
(( uh ngl i was excited to join until i saw the rp was moved just so the kits would be apprentices - ))
(( uh ngl i was excited to join until i saw the rp was moved just so the kits would be apprentices - ))
(Hello! That was a decision that was made without all of our consent. We explained our side of it to Kuromi and have come to the decision to move it back over to the original plot. Though, I really don't know if that's still happening since its been a while since Kuromi last responded to our dms since we were still in the middle of discussing how to get everything back on track. But, if its still happening and you'd still like to join, I'm sure everyone would welcome you and be ok with it.)
(Hello! That was a decision that was made without all of our consent. We explained our side of it to Kuromi and have come to the decision to move it back over to the original plot. Though, I really don't know if that's still happening since its been a while since Kuromi last responded to our dms since we were still in the middle of discussing how to get everything back on track. But, if its still happening and you'd still like to join, I'm sure everyone would welcome you and be ok with it.)

awe im glad ! i was really upset to see it just be shoved aside just for the excuse of making a new oc h

though i would like to join if he ever responds :)

i dont like being the one edgy or picky person, but i do wanna note that kuromi has a problem with controlling things and not reading things correctly/fully and that makes me a little nervous with trying to join so eh.. im saying this as i have read through the whole rp so i could be caught up on it all ///
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Yeah, Its all good now thankfully!

Well, you're welcome to join! ^_^ We'll just have to wait and see when they get on if this will still be on going.

Yes, that's been a little bit of a problem but we were able to clear everything up for now. This group seems to be relatively good with pointing out problems and helping to correct them. Everyone's nice and chill here so if you have any problems, y'know with anyone at all, just point it out and we can talk and make sure everyone is alright and stuff. Make sure the problem gets solved easily so we can all enjoy the story were building together. I mean, its worked so far, so I don't imagine we'll have any big issues or arguments.

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