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Fandom WingClan’s Awakening

(Thank you! Also thanks for them compliments! Granted, the art isnt mine, I just really love the picture! I think I have the basic idea of the story so far. My character is Ravenflight, a black and white Tom warrior who mostly keeps to himself)

~Ravenflight had joined the meeting, just to hear the news, he was a shy warrior who mostly kept to himself, enough that he wasn't really known in the clan~
Once the meeting had ended, Bramblethorn and Violetstream had gone out into the forest to talk. Once they had found a secluded spot where they wouldn't be disturbed, Bramblethorn had started the conversation. "What are you doing here?"

"Your leader, our leader, said I could join the clan. It wasn't much of a problem at all." Violetstream responded. After a few moments of silence, Violetstream started talking again, "Y'know I have kits now. They're here to. Bramblethorn.. your kits."

Bramblethorn looked taken aback. "There's no way. You're mistaken. How do you know their mine?"

"Wings." Violetstream simply answered.

Bramblethorn looked deep in thought and when he didn't answer her, she kept on going. "I think they'd really like to get to know their father. That's why I brought them here. So you could be apart of their life-"

"They are not my kits." Bramblethorn almost snarled out the response.


Bramblethorn raised his voice, but still kept it hushed, "Violetstream, I'm Wingclan's deputy! What will the clan say when they find out I've gone and had kits with a Riverclan she-cat!? I'll be forced to resign as deputy once they know I broke the code. I'll be disgraced."

"So you'd chose your clan over you kits? Your kin?"

"My clan is my kin. Those kits have no relation to me, do we understand each other?" He said almost threateningly.

Violetstream just nodded, shocked at the veracity of Bramblethorn's words. "Good." He meowed and stalked away to go hunt for some prey.

Violetstream sat alone until a small cat poked out of a bush, "Mommy are alright?"

"Oliver! You shouldn't be out here. Did you hear anything?" She asked worried. She didn't want to burden her kits of the knowledge of a father who didn't care about them.

"Nope! But, are you alright?" He asked worriedly.

"Yes, sweetie." She said and gave him a lick on the head.

But, Oliver had lied. He knew that Bramblethorn was his father and that the winged cat wanted nothing to do with him and his littermates.
Vulturestar walked over to Ravenflight, He was shorter than ravenflight, a bit surprising, but had a soft spot for him, he wanted to get to know the Tom, so he started a conversation
“hello! I just noticed you? Im sorry I didn’t announce you, I was too busy on that bramblethorn wasn’t there, I’ll have a stern talk with the cat“ Vultrue star said, Pouring out some words he shouldn’t have
“I’m sorry I’m just a bit mad right now,Very sorry” Vulturestar Took flight to Bramblethorn ready to scream at him for breaking the rules
Moonfeather's ears had perked up, she heard something, but she didn't know what it was. She had also seen the young kit, Oliver run out, she was slow behind him, but nonetheless, she made her way to where she spotted Violetstream.

She looked back as she saw the deputy. Something didn't feel right about this. But she wasn't going to prod for answers.

"Is everything alright Violetstream?" She asked turning back around to the queen.

She shook the feeling, wanting nothing more then to help her new friend. "Did he hurt you? Or did he say something about you joining the clan? Cause if he said something bad, trust me, you are more then welcome. At least, I believe you should be here." She sputtered over her words, anger, and trying to make the queen feel wanted collided together.
Vulturestar soon hopped down to bramblethorn to ask him to join him In the meeting den, ready to blow about him breaking the Wingclan deputy code, He was mad, BOILING I should Say, ready to scream
“ MOONFEATHER “ He called he took his anger out on everyone, it was hard to make him angry but when vulturestar was, He was a bit to offensive. “BRAMBLETHORN” he called he wanted to have a meeting with the two, after his with the deputy.
~Ravenflight went to speak, but the shy Tom couldn't speak in time. He sighed gently shaking his head.~ "Why is everyone just rushing out..?" ~He asked himself before deciding to brave it and follow~
Vulturestar was waiting for Bramblethorn to come,He was stomping, mad and angry, He had never been this angry at a cat, nor deputy. But if one cat breaks the code, he will do anything to make them understand they were in the wrong. Angry tears fell from his eyes he hated waiting and now super angry, he was off the Walls
"I-I'm alright. Really I am." Violetstream lied. Oliver was there and she wanted to be strong for him.

Bramblethorn ran up to his leader. He was still dazed from learning he had kits and also angry that Violetstream had brought them. It could ruin everything he had worked hard for. "Yes?" He answered his leader as he got to him.
Moonfeather looked up when she heard her name. "I-I'll be back! Don't go anywhere!" She said before running to Vulturestar, she thought he was in danger.

Redfoot had seen Ravenflight leave, and decided to follow the quiet Tom. He was curious about the cat.
he pulled the fur of Bramblethor, dragging him into the meeting room, screaming in anger

” HOW COULD YOU LEAVE A MEETING? ARE YOU MATING WITH THAT CAT!?” Vulturestar fell to the table feeling like a bad leader but he had to tell him he was wrong

”next time you do that again, i will pull the cat skull out of you and eat your flesh, Get it?” Vulturestar calmed down
~Ravenflight spotted the queen, he tried to remember her name but hung his head in shame as he didnt~ "Is everything ok? Everyone is rushing everywhere.. are we having another battle?" ~Ravenflight asked as he stepped up to Violetstream~
Moonfeather walked in and looked at the scene Infront of her. "What's going on? Are you hurt Vulturestar?" She asked, her voice was shaky in fear. She had never seen a leader angry. And she never thought she would. She wanted to get back to helping her friend, but if the leader was angry, it would mean she had done something wrong. Did she do something wrong?
"Would you relax?" He was angered, thinking his leader was overreacting. "A clanmate needed my help. I responded, that's my job as deputy." His tail lashed in anger.

Violetstream looked up to see Ravenflight. "Yes, everything is alright." She lied. "This little rascal just followed me out of camp when he shouldn't have." He scolded. Oliver looked at his paws. "But, thank you for asking. I'm new here, by the way. What's your name?" She asked, trying to calm down but also trying to learn the names of her new clanmates and make friends.
~Ravenflight looked down, pawing at the ground~ "I'm Ravenflight." ~He spoke up and sat down, curling his tail around himself~
Redfoot came out, he was unsure of what all was going on. "This night is weird." He said as he sat down. "You're the new queen! It's nice to speak to you! It's also nice to see that you're speaking Ravenflight!" Redfoot spoke happily, the male could sense something was wrong with Violetstream, so, he did his best to cheer her up.
Violetstream smiled, "That's a very nice name. I'm Violetstream and this little guy is Oliver, one of my kits." She gave Oliver a tap with her muzzle and the kit looked up.

"Hi." He greeted Ravenflight.

"Well, its nice to meet you. I hope we grow close as friends." She smiled and looked over to see Redfoot join them. "Yes, I am. And its nice to speak to you as well. Could I ask, what's you name?"
"I was sure Moonfeather would have mentioned me, I'm her brother, Redfoot." He looked happy. "You and Moonfeather seem to be good friends already, I'm glad to see that! Also, thank you for joining our clan!" He purred gently as he spoke.
"Thank you for having me! And yes, Moonfeather is a good cat and I very much enjoy her company. I'd be honored if she called me her friend." This little gathering did seem to cheer her up and that made Oliver happy. Violetstream was glad that her new clanmates welcomed her into clan. It was a good pick-me-up after what had transpired between her and Bramblethorn. "Its nice to meet you, both of you."
Vulturestar went to his den, Crying he didn’t want to lose his deputy.. he was To harsh on him, and he soon was crying buckets, Under his wings. Nightwing came checking by, so did bee’eye and tried to comfort there brother but they couldnt

”bee’eye, go get moonfeather it’s the only person who could maybe stop this. He’s very close to her, don’t get the deputy, I think he is the problem” Night’wing asked
”sure,” Bee’eye soon ran to Moonfeather to come to the leaders den

”Vulturestar needs your help.. he trusts you more than us with his feelings, I think you can maybe help” Bee’eye asked

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