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Realistic or Modern Willow Creek Equestrian Center - RPG Orga

Raptor At Heart

Junior Member

so there is the orga for our rpg. I'm gonna post in some normal rules that apply to the rpg itself, some ingame info on the stables, the house rules, the area, competitions etc.

This is supposed to help you find any important information, check up and on planned competitions, join them etc.
Rpg - Rules, Stables etc...

I've actually managed some rpgs on other platforms and I've come across somethings tat caused quite some conflict, so here are a few things I'd like to note (some of these might be close to the forum rules):

+ It's an equestrian themed roleplay, so I'd be please if it wouldn't venture to far away from the horse theme... whilst it's totally okay that your characters have a live away from horses as well, and whilst we can have them live it in the rpg, I wouldn't be pleased if this ends up to be a crime story or else.

+ This is an open RPG, so nothing too violent or too graphic please... romance is fine with me, same as kissing, just keep the bedroom doors closed please ;)

+ Please don't start picking on other charas outside of the rpg...
If your charas don't get along that's fine, they can actually fight when they want. It's totally okay if you think someone elses chara is a complete moron, just please don't start picking on other charas in the chatter. It has already caused quite some trouble in another rpg and I wouldn't like to have that again...

+ Please don't use your charas to pick on other players (I hope you won't)... so please don't leave a player hanging if your characters are doing sth together and you get in a fight... log in an write please so the rpg doesn't freeze completely.

+ I'd appreciate it if you'd post rather regularly and in not too short posts (so try and make more then 1 sentence at the time...) It's okay if breaks or 1-line-posts happen sometimes, but I'd appreciate it if it wasn't the normal case.
Please also tell if you want to leave the rpg or take a break. It's okay if you message me about it, just don't vanish ;)


Willow Creek Equestrian Center
Stable Map, Valley description and house rules​

North lies above the map ;)

01 -
2 Loose Barns for foals and young horses; 4 activity loose barns* for a: 7 broodmares and foals, b + c: mixed groups of 15 mares/geldings each, d: 7 geldings and stallions; areas extend further north and west of the map

02 - horse fields; areas extend further south and west of the map

03 - 6ab - outdoor arenas, areas extend partly further north of the map:
03: Show jumping arena, 80x120m, suitable for competitions
04: Dressage arena, 20x60m, suitable for competitions
05: Allround arena, 20x40m
6a, 6b: Round Pens, 17m diameter
7ab - Indoor lunging circles; areas extend partly further east of the map:
17m diameter, roof-topped with half walls and height adjustable wind nets between roof and walls.

8ab -
2 Stables with each 34 individual stalls and small paddocks for each horse:
Each stall measures 4x4,5m, each paddock 8x4,5m. All stalls are made from wooden planked, modern styled frames with low fronts. The stall dividers can individually lowered from full height to half wall height to allow contact between horses.
Feeding computers installed in every stall same as frost resistant drinkers and low hay feeders.

Each stable also provides 3 wash stalls with chip based horse solaria and 3 normal grooming areas, 1 toiletroom, 1 tool room (with brooms etc.) and 1 small hay and litter storage.

9 + 10 - Indoor Arenas, areas extend further south of the map:
9: Show jumping arena, 60x80m, competition suitable with bleachers on 1 long side and 2 toilet rooms
10: Dressage arena, 20x60m; competition suitable with bleachers on galleries above the short sides, 2 toilet rooms

11 - farming building with tack rooms, feed rooms, saddlemaker workshop, office, 1 common kitchen, 1 "class room", laundry room, toilet room etc.

12 - 2 residential buildings, area extends further south of the map:
Building partly on the map is the family residence, providing 4rm flats for every member of the Weslake family (check following NPC-post)
1 additonal residence further south providing a total of 10 2rm+bath-appartments for patrons.

13 - way into the valley: provides acces to the trails and the cross country courses. Counting both there is a net of 75km to be ridden in the valley. The Cross Country course offers a variety of obstacles for each level, and can be variably combined with the trails.
A net of ligt beams ensures safe crossings by temporarily blocking the trails if riders are on the course approaching a crossing.
Includes a fix 15km marathon driving course. This can be combined with parts of the normal CC course and the trails by moveable marathon obstacles and fencing. Fits competition saftey levels.

14 - way towards parking area, litter (pellets) and hay storage barn and vehicel hall; way to te only road entering and leaving the valley.
Area Information

The stables lies rather isolated at the beginning of the beautiful Willow Creek (Valley). The entire valley is private, so riders do have it for themselves.
Crossing the western mountain chain you'll reach a flat open land for about 10 Miles before reaching the pacific coast.
Crossing the eastern mountain chain will lead you into the national park.

The climate is moderate and mixed, providing snow in the winter and hot but not too dry summers (compareable to climate around Seattle to Vancouver).

If you follow te road you'll reach some small town (sth we'd call a village in europe) after 20 min. and the next citie's outskirts within 45 min.

The area is inhabited by pretty normal people with a calm and almost suburban lifestyle. There aren't really any extremist groups in the area, so no worries.
The entire area is known for it's good apple crops, so buy some... they taste great.

NPC and stud info and house rules...

Jenny + Alex Weslake
The equestrian center is owned by the parents of my chara, by Jenny and Alex Weslake. They're both white and mid-fifties, Jenny has long blond hair and Alex short, dark brown hair. Alex is a successful lawyer in the city close by, Jenny manages the place and the family.
They do have a lot of money but they don't brag about it. Their flat looks aveage. Jenny and Alex are plain good people and pretty generous if you're in need.
Jenny is regularly presenting the appaloosas at Showmanship at Halter Competitions. She's not a trainer but she'll show you for free how it's done.

Byron Weslake, 32
Byron is Jenny's and Alex' eldest son. He's got short dark hair, and grey eyes. Byron is a lankily man, reaching almost 1,95m. He's a tax accountant who works from home. Byron is also an avid dressage rider who'sregularly presenting horses of the stud.
He's competitive and a true perfectionist. Byron is single - mostly because he doesn't take the time for a relationship.

Roman Weslake, 25
Roman is the middle aged child of Alex and Jenny. He's got medium length brown hair and dark eyes. Roman is a hard working guy who’s never graduated college. He failed his studies and is now the saddlemaker of the stable. In the last years he’s been taking in the job of the breeding director and has proven himself doing a good job.
Roman is an amateur rider – he neither has the nerves nor the ambition to be a top competitor – but he organises all the stables events.He's pretty shy and sometimes comes off as akward, but he's truely a good guy.

Amy Weslake, 21
She's te youngest of the Weslake children... and younger then her adoptive brother Aiden. She’s got long blonde hair and blue eyes.
Amy is a true athlete – she’s been doing pentathlon from child age on. After getting some trouble with her knee she’s given that up and focused on her riding career. Amy is the cross country specialist of the stable. Due to her relatively small and lightweight stature she feels more comfortable on the appaloosa horses of the stable.

Further NPCs (really short):

The stable's Vet. She's a strong and fearless woman with curly red hair and friendly eyes.
John: The stable's blacksmith and barehoof - expert. He does anything for the horses and gets around well with Liz.
James: cross country and show jumping trainer up to pro levels.
Dennis: dressage and lunge trainer up to pro levels.
Laury: young horse trainer and universal genius. Ifyou have any questions, ask her ;)
Diane: Trainer for Saddle Seat / Show Hack.

Stud Info:
The stud is managed by Jenny - it's a family heirloom from her great-grandparents. She fell in love with appaloosas during a camping trip but wouldn't leave the english style, therefore she decided to change the studs direction from cross country Hanoverians to Appaloosa Sport Horses by systematically incrossing som mares and stallions.

House rules

  • You can have up to characters and up to 5 horses per character
  • Your character can bring other pets as long as they're not too destructive or noisy or dirty. Exotic pets like snakes, parrots etc. are allowed, following the rule above and being legal.
  1. Horses come first - so take good care of them. Cruel training methods in fact any method of handling, training or caring for te horse that implicate pain to the horse etc. are strictly forbidden and can actually get your character kicked out of the stables. Same with neglect...
  2. You're not allowed to smoke on the immediate vicinity of the stable or directly around horses. There are smoke detectors, manual fire extinguishers and sprinklers at every room in every building. There's also an automatic fire alert - so no need of calling the firefighters in case of a fire.
  3. Every rider has to show his skills shortly to proof he can handle his horse safely - this is only to ensure you can go on trailrides alone.
  4. You're supposed to wear a safety helmet with correctly attached and adjusted chin strap every time you ride a horse, on trail rides as well. Show jumping and cross country require saftey vests. You're encouraged to wear safety vests, riding gloves and proper shoes at other riding activities as well, sames as you're encouraged to wear helmets, safety vests, riding gloves and sturdy shoes while handling a horse from the ground. Not following can also get you kicked, it's implied your rider wears gloves, proper shoes and helmet when he rides if you don't explicitly tell otherwise ;)
  5. It's okay if you want to drink alcohol als long as you're obeying the following rules:
    1. It's only to be given to, handeled or drunk by people above the age of 21
    2. You're not allowed to handle a horse, ride a horse or handle/drive any machine or vehicel if you're under the influence
    3. You have to clean up and repair (or pay for...) every damage and chaos you cause.
  6. Make sure your parties aren't too loud after 10 pm, other might want to sleep ;)
I was gonna talk about competitions, but I guess we should start first before we come to that point ;)
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Breed & Discipline Guide:
  • Boarded horses can be of all breeds, sizes and be ridden or driven in any discipline
  • The stud itself breeds Appaloosa Sport Horses from 3 breeds: Hanoverians, Trakehners and Appaloosas
  • The stud horses are all trained in either Dressage, Show Jumping or Cross Country. The purebred Appaloosas are also trained in Showmanship at Halter.
  • Trainers are available for Dressage, Show Jumping, Cross Country and Saddle Seat/ Show Hack (check for NPCs above)
  • Schooling Horses are available for Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country.

  • You can actually have private "booked" trainers that come for you. Just send me the names, discipline descripiton and a short note so I can add them in a private trainer post.
  • Those private trainers can come for any discipline, including those with pre-scripted NPC trainers.
  • You can ask the Jenny NPC to show you how to present yuour horse at Showmanship at Halter competitions for free... but it takes a lot of training ;)
    • If you're nice she might offer you a stud Appaloosa for a show.

  • We can still add disciplines. However if you want a pre-scripted NPC trainer you should choose one that fits somehow to the stud breeds...
Stall and loose barn plans
Please consider - like the plans above they're made by hand and are not true to a scale... they're merely suppose to give you an orientation.
All stalls; all loose barns and all activity loose barns are resembled by the plans as they're all identical...
  • Individual paddocks are fenced by metal ranch rails (the same are used for building tying options and dividers at the washing and grooming areas.
  • There are tying options at basically every building of the farm - so now trouble to find a place.
  • All horse fences (group paddocks, loose barns, activity loose barns and horse fields are fenced with recycled "wood style" vinyl fencing.
  • Outdoor Show jumping and allround arena are fenced with a white vinly fencing, outdoor dressage arena provides a competition-suitable low fencing.
  • Cross country course if fenced with an adaptable rope-fencing system. Trail crossings are secured by light beams.
  • Moveable bleachers for competitions are available, same as competition suitable show jumping obstacles and course accessories.
  • Timer automats are installed at the show jumping arenas and the cross country course. They're only in use for competitions, so you'll have to use stop timers for training. Or beg Aiden or Jenny to start the computer for the timers.
Stall Plan

  1. Exit to the individual paddock* (* = 8x4,5m)
  2. Stall front: full height on each side (0,5m) then rounded lowered to half wall height with revolving door
  3. Programmable feeding automat: contains a trough (bright area) and a container for 3 days á 6 portions; controlled by a microchip (halter or under the skin)
  4. Corner hay feeder - full height with a divider plate if the stall divider is lowered to half wall height, adaptable to a container and through for flakes or pellets
  5. Freezing safe horse drinker. Rectangular with a floatation valve.
Feeders and Drinkers are lowered to a more natural feeding and drinking position.
The stall floor is covered with a rubber mat and a thicker layer of natural fiber pellets.

Loose barn plan


  1. Paddock area, sand covered and drained
  2. Resting loose barn; floor is covered with a rubber mat and a thicker layer of natural fiber pellets.
  3. Automated feeding station - chip controlled
  4. Salt licking area - chip controlled
  5. Hay feeding stations - each group feeder is chip controlled as well - so a feeding place opens only, if the horse is allowed to eat. This limits access for horses with laminitis.
  6. Freeze safe (heated) rectangular horse drinkers - accessible for any horse at any time. A computer monitors drinking time per horse - but no regulations.
Activity loose barns


  1. Resting loose barn; floor is covered with a rubber mat and a thicker layer of natural fiber pellets.
  2. Salt licking area - chip controlled
  3. Automated feeding station - chip controlled
  4. Paddock area, sand covered and drained Important: in this area there are a total of 2 Hay feeding stations - each group feeder is chip controlled as well - so a feeding place opens only, if the horse is allowed to eat. This limits access for horses with laminitis.
  5. Roll areas - sand piles for natural skin care. Ground limited by single poles (to avoid the sand moving away)
  6. Freeze safe (heated) rectangular horse drinkers - accessible for any horse at any time. A computer monitors drinking time per horse - but no regulations.
  7. Trot poles/ low jumps - fixed to the ground so they can't roll away. made of wooden poles or average diameter tree trunks. Trunks are made horse-safe (any branches have been removed, the ends are clean cut and grinded
  8. Grass field - so your horses can feed natural grass (of course influenced by time of year). The grass field is divided into up to 2 different fields so your horses have access to only 1 to provide recovering time for the other.
  9. Racing course - sand filled and drained racing course around the grass perimeter. Offers a nice stretch for your horse to migrate on or run on. Actually provides water and hay 1 point on each of the outer sides. I've just forgotten to draw them in...

Feeding Notes:

  • Hay can be fed in form of hay flakes, hay pellets, dry and natural or water sprayed.
  • Every individual feeding automat is monitored and gets cleaned and refilled regularly (cleaned daily, refill every 3 days)
  • The loose barn feeding automats get cleaned and refilled daily.
  • Mixed provender is mixed at the equestrian center - different base versions are available
    • 1 with oats
    • 1 with different cereals but no oats
    • 1 without any cereals (nuts, alfalfa and feeding oils are added for energy gain)
  • Mineral mixes for the provender are available
    • for young horses
    • for stud horses
    • for competition horses
    • basic mineral supply for all horses without any specialized needs
  • Any other feed supply or any other brand/mix of horsefeed can be used by the owner but has to be provided on time (e.g. you can make sure your horses feeding automat is not touched but you'll have to refill it on your own)
  • Loose barns and activity loose barns offer a feeding automat that can hold 4 types of provender, 2 types of provender are offered in 2 versions: grainless and with oats.
    • activity loose barns offer: basic mixed provender or competition mixed provender
    • loose barns offer either: young horse provender or stud horse provender
  • Loose barns and activity barns offer only normal hay - neither sprayed nor in flakes or pellets
Stable list (will be added)

Diablo - comes in later.
  • Loose barns:
  • activity loose barns:
    • Jester (Aiden)
    • Dereivka (Devin)
  • individual stalls with low dividers:
    • Thyme (Aiden)
    • Thunder CaT (Farm + Rory)
  • individual stalls with high dividers:
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Competition Info
  • Competitions can be held in 2 forms: directly and indirectly
Direct competitions:
Direct competitions are held within the thread - they will be extremly tricky as you actually play through the competition in a number of posts.
It takes up to 4 hours - if you're playing in the same time zone. Since we're spread all over the globe it would be mega-long and really complicated.
If there is any interest I can describe further but I won't right now as they're really not practical at all.

Indirect :
These will probably be the regular type of competitions that we'll play.
How do they work: You announce them in the Chatter or here (or you'll send me the info and I'll announce them), including Info on competition rules, location, ingame-time etc. You might want to add a description of the course or lections that has/have to be ridden.
Any other player can join by posting in the orga or the chatter.
When the time is reached ingame, every player who wants to play gives 1 longer post on the competition (starting by traveling there, ending at the return to the stable).
If there are more than 1 player competing directly (in the same class etc.) you'll have to talk about competition results in Chatter/Orga before you post - so we don't end up with 2 players both winning the same competiton at te same class.
  • Each competition has to be announced at least 2 ingame-weeks before the competition.
  • I'll post a form - please use it to present your competition ;)
This is the form - I'll add notes in red and examples in green... just so you'll know what I mean.

Competition Name
Kentucky Classics

Well - the title...

discipline(s): Show Jumping / Dressage / Cross Country obviously the discipline you'll want to offer - it can be 1 or more, that's up to you. In my example it'll be a competition week with all 3 main english disciplines. Your riders can choose to participate in 1 discipline.

level(s): S* This is a high level competition

Guiding Standard:
FEI Rules This guiding standard is a reference... so FEI Rules are applied to all the obstacles etc.


Tack Rules : Horse needs to wear a saddle and a headstall with reins attached to the headstall. Te following bits/headstalls are allowed: Snaffle, Bridoon, Natural Hackamore, Mechanical Hackamore etc.
Rider has to wear a competition jacket in dark colours, a helmet, white riding pants, knee-high riding boots... // check FEI-Rules Here you can add tack specifications - you can either specify them manually or refer to a .pdf or website. Please check that these should be available for free for anyone. These rules should be precise ... please do note things that you imply down here... not that players get into a fight afterwards.

Technical Rules:
Each obstacle has to be jumped between the red and the white flag. The jumps have to be jumped in the order implied by the jump numbers. A jump counts as clear if the horse does neither knock down nor touch the obstacle poles, planks, bricks oder rubber bands. The jumps have to be approached in canter - any slower gait and the rider will be disqualified etc. // Check FEI Rules. Specified: Here you can add technical specifications - you can either specify them manually or refer to a .pdf or website. Please check that these should be available for free for anyone. These rules should be precise ... please do note things that you imply down here... not tha And please keep in mind: if you offer low level competitions, players that have no idea about the discipline should be able to follow as well.

Location Specifications: All competitions are held in outdoor arenas tat are set up in a park... So tey're all on green grass. Stalls for competing horses re available ... These infos are useful to know for the competing players so that they can describe things better in their posts.

Ingame-Date: July 24th, 2018 I'll start with a special date and specified location and I'm asking you to note this date ahead of your post - so everyone can see where your chara is and when. It'll also help us keeping track of any charas so we don't change dates too often.

Competing Charas: Aiden Weslake - Thyme; Every Chara and his/her horse. The horses ave to be chosen upon the guiding standard/ rules... so in this example I wouldn't be allowed to start with Thyme in a level L competition since he's already in a higher class... the other way around: a chara that is riding his first show jumping competition ever would not be allowed to start in this one.


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