• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Wilderness Survival for Idiots


ur lite fades awey
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Read survival books for help!
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HeavenlyTraitor said:
This seems to have two more spots... Though, in the interest check posts, they are taken... Which do I believe?
I don't know. The guy in the interest check hasn't joined yet, so I guess you can join if he doesn't reply in the next day or so.

Kyzaba said:
Any more spots left? If so, I'll reserve one.
Sorry, it's full at the moment. However, you can be in the next Survival RP, Wilderness Survival for Idiots: Mountain!
HeavenlyTraitor said:
This seems to have two more spots... Though, in the interest check posts, they are taken... Which do I believe?
All spots have been taken up, sorry, but you can sign up for the next Survival RP, Wilderness Survival for Idiots: Mountain.
Seriously, let me catch up :( Can we establish a posting order so everyone gets a chance to participate???
riahxoxo said:
Seriously, let me catch up :( Can we establish a posting order so everyone gets a chance to participate???
Yeah, sure, go ahead.
No, you post as and when you like. Your IC post that has your character can be in any time frame, like not the same time the current story is taking place. As in, your character can have some interactions not related to the post before, but still related to the story.

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