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One x One Wild Horses Run Free

Name: Conway "Con" West

Age: 22

Personality + history:

Con is a old western cowboy type... the kind that tips their cowboy hats to the ladies, to wear chaps and spurs, use western saddles and fearless above the mountain men.

Thing is, he is scared of one thing: his father.

Con would rather tangle with a grizzly bear protecting her young than have his father angry at him.

One would say Charlie, his father, was abusive, even towards his full grown son, but since Charlie doesn't go down to the towns, living in solidarity, living off the land, no one thought to bother him. Until the ranch showed up.

Charlie quickly made it clear to stay off his land or be shot. No one realized he had a son until Con was seen riding a horse straight down a "cliff", as any normal person would call it. His father hunts the wild horses, both for meat, hide and for to break them.

Con is gifted with a friendship with the local mustang stallions, especially with the small group of silver horses, which everyone, especially Charlie, want. A coat of beautiful horse hide, mixed with the speed and strength... that's what all the various mountain men valus most.

Con is different from the mountain men, as he started interacting from the time the ranch came until now with the hands. He learned what they had to offer, and helped them protect and sort the herds, making sure they were safe, yet didn't overpopulate. He disapproves of killing anything unless it's in a lot of pain. As a friend of the stallions, he gains their aid in the round ups. No one says a word to outsiders about the mysterious man and the silver stallion he is often seen dancing by the lake with. If an outsider would know, both Con and the horses would be in grave danger.

Con runs a high risk of being caught by his father, which wouldn't go down well at all. That's why the round ups happen when Charlie is hunting.

Although Con hates killing, he would rather pull the trigger himself than watch an animal suffer. He just will not hunt for fun. Be doesn't like even hunting for food. He can tolerate if it was going to be eaten: rabbits, deer, elk.. but not horses. Cougars only when they pose a high threat, bears only if attacking, and wolves only if dangerous. Otherwise one would have a ticked off Con.... which no one wants that.



Me and my blonde dudes. C:

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