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Graded [Widersia, Eastern Border] Edge of Enigma


Roleplay Artist
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob

The purpose of this RP is to successfully partake in a joint adventurer-Widersian military defense recognizance exercise in response to strange activity ongoing in the Easten arid region of the border.

With the way Widersia was situated there was an arid region on the edge of the eastern border, it was a no man’s land of sorts of area where the only naturally occurring vegetation which remained was resistance to significantly dry conditions.

With Widersia being sandwiched between two powerful places on the global stage, military reconnaissance activity on the border was not uncommon. This was particularly true with the ongoing conflict between it’s neighbors. The military was on high alert to begin with in lieu of this, so when there was a report of strange activity going on at night in this arid region a formal investigation was assigned. Since it wasn’t anything major yet, the Widersian military opted to send in some lower ranking individuals with construct support and a superior to oversee the operation.

There was also Yunaesa who was an abnormality in that she was part Construct and Fae, with that said she was more than happy to prove to them that she could be of use when they had taken interest in her, with the promise that she could get affiliated within their ranks if she proved her worth. It hadn’t been lost on her that the reason for her creation was to ascend and defeat those who were deemed ‘bad’ and in assisting the Widerisan military she should be able to protect the people of Widersia which seemed like a good goal in her mind, also recognizing the Emperor and parliament being worthy of protection as well.

Beyond that the Widersia Adventurer guild had also taken note and as part of a joint defense practice, members were permitted to go and assist, just in case it turned out to be anything more problematic than was assumed.

The rendezvous point chosen was notable, it was at the halfway point to where the strange activity had been detected, and could be identified by its landmark, a very large construct body from years ago which was largely buried in the ground and completely inactive, also very damaged. The land which it was stuck in was flatter than others in the surrounding areas which were more elevated.

Partially Buried Construct

Widersian Landship
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A hefty steampowered armored vehicle made its way across the region leaving tire tracks as it did so, the sound of a steam engine puffing along, inside would be many of those who were coming. Yunaesa and Cadet Decimus Valerius being notable. There were also a couple squads of clockwork Widersian soldiers and any other Adventurers who may have come along like Almeida.


Yunaesa seemed to pace around the landship-like vehicle while it was in movement, with Zjorn in hand.

Widersian Clockwork Soldiers

“[Come on! How much longer is this going to take?]” She’d exclaim impatiently looking around the rows of unmoving clockwork soldiers, with a pout on her face. Yunaesa looked far from someone who one might expect to be involved in military operations with the way she dressed, and her more diminutive size, but there she was.

Thankfully for organics there were some more formalized seating areas to wait with one’s equipment near the back which could open up and let them out at the site.

“[Zjorn says he wants to fight now!]” She’d announce to no one in particular, moving Zjorn around for effect.

Officer Surius

Nearby a young taller man who was wearing military garb with white hair, red eyes, and rather skin which what appeared to be a sword at his side like a field officer might, looked to Yunaesa and spoke with a reassuring smile.

“[Calm yourself Yunaesa, we’ll be there soon and I promise if there are any bad guys which need to be taken out Zjorn will be one of the first out.]”

What made him stand out a bit more was how his sword looked like it was in the beastman style, perhaps it had been claimed as spoils at some point.

“[Hmph!! Zjorn says you better not just be saying that!]” She announced getting up close, looking up at the Officer like she was assessing him for honesty.

Thankfully Zjorn wouldn’t have to wait all too much longer either as the large vehicle came to a slow stop.

“[If I could get everyone’s attention please!]” Officer Surius called out once more.

“[For those of you who were not present for the initial brief, we will now embark into the borderland! It is pivotal that we all keep our positions and roles in mind. I don’t think I need to say this again but DO NOT go wandering out there by yourself without permission! There are plenty of possible threats out here which we could be dealing with, from criminals to even monsters trying to infiltrate our border. Splitting away from the group without permission is an easy way to get yourself killed!]”

“[Yunaesa, this is your trial period, just do as your told, and I’m sure you’ll do fine!]”

“[Cadet Valerius! I want you and your group toward the back to provide support if it’s necessary, pay attention to where you position them. This will make for a good field exercise so you can show crown and country what you’re made of!]”

“[I’ll stay near the front of our formation with my unit.]”

“[As for the adventurers guild members here, you may use discretion with how you act, but I do not want to see any of you disobey orders! You may have free range when you’re working for the guild but you're working with the big leagues now.]”

Some grumbles here and there could be heard presumably from some of the adventurers who had accompanied them, even if their numbers were not large.

“[Do I make myself clear?!]” He’d call out to everyone awaiting for a response.

“[Now then does anyone have any questions before we gear up and head out?]” He’d call out.
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language key: "Common", "[Terran]"

It had been at least fifteen years since the old veteran had retired from the military of the East Empire, ten since he had managed to cross the borders between his old nation and Widersia, effectively defecting to the technologically advanced region. Although Decimus’ youth had been spent, his decades worth of campaigns probably were considered of some value for the Widersian military when he had decided to enlist, just a few weeks prior to this operation, despite his age. He had seen much during the ongoing conflict between the See and the East Empire, young lives being extinguished by the hundreds with his own eyes.

While a staunch nationalist at first, as maturity came to him, it became clear that the war was nothing short of useless, being just a meat-grinder. Furthermore, with the nepotistic regime in place, change through legal means from within appeared to be far-fetched. And, the fact that his only family member, his wife, had passed away many years ago, only made the decision of his defection much easier: there was nothing else tying him up to the East Empire, only his origins. Under a new banner, he sat on one of the seats of the vehicle as it moved, legs crossed one on top of the other. His catalyst, a smoking pipe, was held comfortable between his lips, unlit at this moment. His wisened, azure eyes moved around to find the source of the voice, which chirped with clear impatience. A rough chuckle left his throat as he found the source, finding curious seeing such girl joining their ranks. However, his experience in life taught him not judge a book by its cover. “[Ahhh, the excitement of youth. Depending on what we find, I am sure Zjorn will be very busy.]” He told her in his gravelly tone, adjusting his glasses and smiling slightly with the corner of his lips.

As the vehicle came to a full-stop, Decimus readjusted the peaked cap on top of his head, getting up from his seat and standing at attention immediately as Officer Surius began addressing all those present in the vehicle. Despite how long the elderly man had been out of the army, the discipline and drilling who had been hammered into his head in the military of the East Empire was still very much present and fresh. With his back straight, both hands at his sides, he answered as Surius as he gave the instructions. “[Sir, yes sir!]” Decimus answered, his voice husky, yet not lacking potency. The elderly man didn’t waste time in reaching the holster in his uniform, which was located on the left side of his uniform. From it, he drew his sidearm from it with his right hand, cocking the slide with his left and making it ready for use. Turning his head back for a moment, it didn’t need much more than a glance from him to make the constructs which were destined to accompany him to move from the rows and form up behind Decimus. The old guard was truly ready to start his trajectory once more.


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Imposter Valerius Maxxob Maxxob

After the less than ideal goodbyes in Nan Pass, Almeida was really up for a change of pace. It's why she decided to travel all the way back to her country of origin. Widersia. She hadn't met Sverre in a while, but she wanted to tell her teacher about some of her adventures. However, before she even got to meet up with him, she learned of an ongoing mission between the Adventurer's guild and military. Considering how rare it was for the more 'neutral' adventurers to team up with a national military, this seemed to be a pretty ideal mission to go on in order to get more credit as an adventurer with both the guild and the military.

It's why she figured she'd go say 'hi' to Sverre later and would join up with that mission first. “%What do you think, Valerius, are we going to beat up some baddies or will it turn out to be a bust?%” She asked her hammer as they were heading to the meet-up point. Missions like these seemed like they might prove to be a waste of time due to a false report or something that'd evolve into a blood-boiling battle alike.

Getting to ride one of the land-ships she'd only seen from afar prior to this was pretty neat. “[On a ship, on a ship, travel on a landship~]” She hummed to herself at her own made-up tune. She'd occasionally greet the Clockwork soldiers with the regular old “%Whazzup?%” and continue to go around, exploring the landship.

She was glad the dude in charge spoke Terran, as that meant she could actually listen to what he was saying this time around. It was a bit odd going on a mission and being informed of what they were doing, after having gone in mostly blind so often lately. It's why she was able to gather when she heard someone call out for their attention. “[I'm here!]” She stated, after rushing to the dude to come listen.

Upon the mention of Valerius, she was shocked, as she looked to her hammer. “[Dude! When did you sign up with the military here?]” Seriously, the hammer could've told her something about this. Leaving her totally in the dark about his dealings with the Widersian military. If she were to bet, Sverre's hammer had set him up to this.

“[Sir, with all due respect, I think Valerius and I are better fit for the front-lines!]” She replied to the officer. “[He's better at hammering folk down into a bloody mess than he's at providing support!]” She wondered how the hammer would even be able to provide support on this own. Like... hammering in nails at a temporary war-room or something? That was just silly.
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob

Clockwork Soldiers

Probably Surprising enough one of the clockwork soldiers which had been standing in line actually turned it’s head to look at Almeida and gave her a semi nod. The model of the clockwork soldiers which were with Officer Surius weren’t exactly known for being huge speakers unless they were doing it for operation reasons like sharing information with allies, responding to a superior or conveying information to others.


Yunaesa looked over at Almeida when she was humming and tilted her head a bit curiously, wondering who this new individual was given how she carried around Valerius and interacted.

She looked to the cadet Valerius and an affirmative and assertive wide stance. “[ Even if he does he's a natural! You got nothing to worry to worry about with Zjorn around.]"

Officer Surius
Officer Surius looked to Almeida when she said she was present.

Officer Surius looked a bit more confused when she started speaking to her hammer like a person would, his eyes lingered on her looking her over like he was in thought. It wasn’t long before the gears started turning in his head, when she mentioned that Valerius and herself was better fit for the frontlines,..Just as he was about to speak up and ask her what she was talking about, since he knew what he was talking about, since that Valerius was a cadet he was good where he put him, it all came together when she mentioned that he was better at hammering people to a bloody mess.

“[Oh I see..you were Almeida from the adventurer guild right?..Your hammer’s name wouldn’t happen to be Valerius would it? And you wouldn’t happen to know Yunaesa would you?]”

He gestured over to her. As he put more together, why else would there be two people who spoke to their weapons and were kind of eccentric if they weren’t related in some form? Unless it was some massive coincidence, it looked like he was reasoning.

“[I don’t know who she is!]” Yunaesa exclaimed. “[But she looks tough! So if she says Valerius is good to fight on the frontlines then you should let him fight on the frontlines Officer Surius Sir!]”

Presuming Almeida confirmed her hammer’s name was in fact Valerius the officer continued, “[Right, why don’t you join Yunaesa and myself on the front then? If you’re anything like she showed I’m sure you and Valerius can handle it.]”

Yunaesa looked a bit surprised at this realization “[Ooooh! There are two Valerius! Your Valeirus and Officer Surius’ Valerius!]” She’d point at cadet Valerius.

“[It’s okay! Cadet Valerius can stay in the back and your Valerius can come up front with us!]”

She announced like she was calling the shots.

“[Right..all things considered that’s probably the best course of action.]” Officer Surius spoke on the matter finally, looking like he was unsure if he should reprimand people for not just following his orders or not.

“[I bet Valerius will like to see how Zjorn can cut things up really well!]” She said looking at Almeida with a confident grin. Still wielding the magic based chainsaw.

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Toward the back of the group another adventurer looking type who wore a hat and seemed to also have a couple of steampunk like revolvers at his sides spoke up.

“[I think me an’ Ruell will give the newbie some support from the back, if it don’t matter much to you.]”


The figure next to him looked like a construct who had some sort of longer ranged steam rifle on their back.

“[I think things would work out considerably better that way.]” Ruell spoke in proficient Terran, the voice not passing for organic like it was processed some but overall it was masculine.

“[...Very well.] Officer Surius responded.

When all was said and done the landship back hatch had opened up and a ramp extended down to the arid ground, revealing the buried construct and the surrounding area.

There were hillier places of elevation throughout the arid region as well as incline valleys. What was more notable when people would get off and look around, was that it looked like some makeshift trenches had been built, their materials aged quite a bit like they hadn’t been in use for years, perhaps it had been a relic past from the liberation efforts.

From that point the officer would organize everyone into formation to start, bringing his group of ten clockwork soldiers in neat lines in front of him.

Yunaesa made her way to the front line of the formation to take a spot at the front. Decimus, and the two adventurers would be placed near the back, while Almedia and hammer Valerius were invited to join at the front near Yunaesa.
Fallon Canyon

From that point the group would begin to move down a path away from the large construct into a canyon area and evidence of what might have once been a river passing through it, it became pretty apparent the reason they weren’t taking the landship further was because the path became too narrow at certain segments.

“[The strange activity was said to not be all too much further down the main path of the Fallon Canyon..a..dark smog was reported to be seen in the distance down the path according to the report. With that said, everyone keep your eyes peeled. This is a potential hot zone. ]”


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | The more boring Valerius Maxxob Maxxob

Taking her first victory in getting a sign of acknowledgement from one of the Clockwork soldiers, Almeida was already in a good mood.

She'd cheerfully reply to the officer-dude, probably unaware of how she'd barely dodged martial punishment for speaking out against an officer. “[Yep! I'm trying to get good with adventurer's guilds all over the continent!]” She'd add. “[Also yep! He's Valerius!]” She added, not sure why he was commanding Valerius and asking for a name confirmation only after the fact. “[It's a cool name, but nope, never heard of her~]” She'd answer to the last question.

Oh, she instantly liked Yunaesa. “[Muahhauha! I'm the toughest, just like Valerius!]” She'd reply. “[Although you and... Zjörn, was it? You two look like you're lethal on the front-lines as well~]” She was pretty curious about it, in fact. “[I can't say I've ever seen a... sword? Machine? Like him.]”

It was only when Yunaesa pointed it out that Almeida learned there was another Valerius. “[I see, I see, but if he's also called Surius, we can just stick with that, right?]” After all, Valerius was just Valerius. If they other one was also Surius, he should just stick with that and not also try to claim Valerius' name.

“[Oh, sounds cool! I bet we'd both like to see him cut things up~]” She replied. “[Then you two can see us hammer 'em flat.]”

She was a tad surprised by the looks of Ruell. He looked a bit likes Sverre. “[Hey, you, you don't happen to know a Marshall working in the outskirts of Clockhaven by the name of Sverre, do you?]”

She looked up the edges left and right of her, as they went through the canyon. “[Don't they normally hide somewhere up in the walls of the canyon in ambush?]” She asked, a bit on guard, but possibly just more eager to hammer anything that might come down at them. “[Dark smog? Like something being on fire?]”
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language key: "Common", "[Terran]"

Decimus looked over at Almeida with a raised eyebrow as there was some confusion going on. Him? On the frontlines? What would he do, whack possible hostiles over their head with his pistol? Actually, that didn't sound like a bad idea at all, if they managed to get too close for comfort. A requisition for a stronger pistol frame seemed wise, and the R&D of the Military certainly could make that a reality. Then, as things progressed, it became obvious that the humanoid was talking about the hammer which she carried around. A hammer, named Valerius? The notion made the old soldier's expression relax a bit, finding it amusing, before it hardened once more. That wasn't time for games, in his view.

"[Sir, it might be better to address me by Decimus instead of Valerius for the remainder of this mission. Miscommunication on the battlefield would be dangerous.]" He put his suggestion forth towards the young officer, respecting the chain of command, while already anticipating the possible confusion if things become more hectic. Straightening his posture once more, Decimus' attention was directed towards the other two adventurers who spoke up, both donned in some curious garments. Seeing that they would work together, he gave a brief nod towards the pair, trusting the guild's vetting process.

As soon as he stepped out of the vehicle, his jackboot hitting the arid soil, he looked towards the narrow path of the canyon. His eyes immediately darted towards the higher ground, seeing how the elevated positions could make the perfect locations for either snipers, mages, bowman, crossbowman or any other sort of ranged combatant. Lightning up his smoking pipe, Decimus' eyes narrowed, his mind advising him to pay attention to the hills, as the white smoke left the bowl of the pipe.

Turning to the constructs who were under his orders, he made a hand signal, pointing his index finger first to the right and then left, ordering them to spread out and keep as much distance as they could from each other. When he was glad about their position, he would begin to follow the vanguard, keeping a considerable distance, around 50ft, which would still give both him, and the mechanical troops, 50ft to work with if hostiles were to show up.
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob

Officer Surius
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The officer probably would have sighed a bit when he heard that Almeida was pretty much unwilling to accept the existence of any other Valerius’s hopefully she wouldn’t have trouble in the East Empire where that was a name with Royal connotations, to Deny the Emperor existing would probably be most problematic.

Nevertheless when Decimus Valerius said it might be better to call him Decimus he’d slowly nod. “[While unconventional, it would seem you are correct, we cannot afford miscommunications during this operation over mere naming conventions, you will be referred to as Cadet Decimus while Almeida is in our party.]”

He was reaffirmed that they did not know one another from Almeida not long after, carefully nodding as she said she was trying to get high accolades in adventurer guilds around the realm, it looked like he was in thought when she revealed this information.


Yunaesa still looked excited, her attention largely on Almeida now rather than anyone else, only before pouting a bit when Almeida said that she and Valerius were the toughest, but her expression did soften when she acknowledged how great she and Zjorn were.

“[Haha that’s right! We’re very lethal on the front lines! We won’t let any bad guys hurt the innocent!]”

“[I bet we’d be even stronger if you, me, Valerius, and Zjorn worked together to defeat all the bads!]”
She’d exclaim confidently, a hand at her hip now in a more alpha stance.

“[Zjorn is a powerful chainsaw Silly! You know like a blade with a moving chain to deal extra damage!]”

She shrugged when the name thing was brought up, “[Fine with me and Zjorn!]”

“[Yeah we’ll destroy whatever’s out there!]”
She reiterated to everyone else present after Almeida.


Ruell looked back at Almeida, tilting his head a bit. “[I may have heard that name and seen this individual before, why do you ask?]” His voice somewhat stilted but understandable.

“[Yah! Zjorn said that’s where they hide some times! The bad guys, and if Zjorn agrees then it must be true!]”

Officer Surius listened to the pair,

“[Hm, not bad newbies, looks like you didn’t even have to attend the academy to pick up that much..]” It almost sounded like Surius was impressed.

“[Normally for that very reason we might consider alternative routes but for the purpose of this operation it is the most direct based on the report.]”

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The human adventurer in the back spoke up, “[Might be possible, personally wouldn’t surprise me if there was somethin’ more foul than just a fire all the way out here, it just seems like this conflicted land is ripe for something mighty wicked.]”

As the group continued down the arid path in formation they had been walking for awhile until some strange looking aggressive marks that were scratched in white into the right most canyon wall the party was closest too showed up. Officer Surius confirmed they were now close to where the smog had been seen. What might have been a bit more curious was that head of the group 30 ft or so was what looked like a collapsed East Empire Soldier who was wearing very old armor, dating to a past emperor’s time, the armor rusted, the old styled sword still in the the skeletal hand of the corpse, their body had withered away only leaving what looked like a skeleton, as well as the remains of what seemed to be a tattered East Empire flag nearby on the ground of the long canyon expanse. Some small rocks here and there decorated the path as well. The officer would halt and take a gander at the scene, given the strange activity nearby this scene this might be something of interest. The clockwork soldiers stopped not far behind Surius.

Collapsed East Empire Skeleton
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From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Decimus Maxxob Maxxob

Upon hearing the older man's willingness to forgo the Valerius' name for now, she saluted him. “[Your sacrifice is appreciated.]” She'd state with a smile. He seemed to be a good 'old lad after all.

She didn't entirely grasp why the dude up top insisted it was only whilst she was in the party, even though Valerius was the one named twice, not her. Perhaps it was just related to how closely together the two of them normally worked? Yeah. That must be it. “[Sir yes sir!]” She'd reply.

“[Oh! How noble! I do like breaking the knee-caps of baddies!]” She'd add, wondering if Zjorn would break or cut more. Probably cut, right? “[Let's go try and find out~]” She'd reply to the idea of them being stronger as a 4-piece supergroup.

“[Oh! That's so fancy! Valerius has this trick where he uses Valkanite to put some fire to his impact! Yet moving chains sound really cool too!]” She'd reply, excited to see that in action.

She was surprised when Ruell knew of Sverre. “[Cause he's the one that taught me how to hammer! I learned everything I know from him!]” She'd reply, a bit proud to have had a possibly famous teacher.

She'd nod at Surius acknowledging her insight on where the baddies would hide. “[If only some of us could get up there...]” She wondered, although she feared that'd not be an option with what they had available right now. “[Alright, so whatever might come at us from atop, we just have to slam back from whence it came!]” She'd state, somewhat (over)confident.

Upon seeing the skeleton and marks, Almeida immediately reached the most exciting possible conclusion. “[Oh! Do you think there might be necromancy going on! Are we going to beat up some undead?!? That'd be so much cooler than just some grave-robbing. Can I got check if that thing will start moving if I get closer?]” She'd ask, pointing at the collapsed soldier. “[Ah... but what if it's just there to lure is towards it as a trap... Perhaps we should chug some rocks at it first?]”
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language key: "Common", "[Terran]"

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

From the back, as they threaded through the canyon, Decimus could hear a few bits of the conversation which were happening up ahead. He was certainly glad that Officer Surius didn't attempt to wrestle down the idea that more than one Valerius could exist with the Almeida girl. The old veteran preferred practicality to anything else. Still, his wisened expression relaxed a bit when Almeida had saluted him, nodding towards her in acknowledgement.

When he heard a passing comment from Yunaesa about 'innocents', it made him grimace slightly. By that height of his life, he didn't hold the naïve ideas about good and evil, innocent and culprit, at least when it came to war. Things were a tad more complicated to that, according to his own experience. But the girl seemed to have her head in the right place, just needed to mature.

Keeping his eyes trained on the higher places of the canyons and possible crevices, the white smoke kept leaving his pipe and going towards the skies. Each step the human took were accompanied by the clanking of Constructs which walked alongside him, spread out and in formation. While doubting that anything would spring up and surprise them, with that many eyes surveying the scenery, one could never be too certain.

"[No need to worry about the top of the canyon. My squad and I have been watching the hills since we entered it.]" The old guard offered in a relaxed, professional manner. Too many eyes on the top would mean too few on the ground. His right arm remained flexed, his hand holding the pistol firmly, ready to use at a moment's notice. And the same could be said with the steam-rifles being held by the mechanical troops.

As the group came to a stop, the skeleton of an East Empire soldier in front of them, Decimus' eyes narrowed behind his glasses. Taking in the comments from Almeida, about possible necromancy, a singular thought made its way into his mind. Pointing his left hand towards the skeleton, extending his left finger at it, he piped up with a stern and commanding voice. "[Reposition, take aim and fire!]"

With the orders to the constructs to shuffle, as needed, to avoid friendly fire, and fire at what could be simply remains or an animated being, his attention was shifted again towards the top and other possible blind spots of the canyon, getting ready for the even of it being a trap.

1 - Order the Ranged Squad to shuffle and attack the remains/skeleton with their rifles.
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario


For some reason Yunaesa stood at attention and did the same when Almeida had done it, also saluting him, standing right next to her.

Yunaesa also gave a “[Sir Yes Sir!]”

“[You like doing that too! Very good Almeida!]”

“[We won’t just try we’ll dominate! I’m sure of it!]”

Yunaesa’s eyes lit up when she heard Almeida discuss Valerius using something called Valkanite to give his hits more impact.

“[Never heard of that but it sounds pretty awesome! And, Thanks Zjorn is really proud of his chains so he’s happy to hear you say that.]” She announced hand her hip again with a bit of a proud look herself.


“[Oh really? That’s most interesting, that he would teach you the art of the hammer…]” Ruell replied.

“[Huh? Some metal guy helped you learn how to work with Valerius? That’s cool if he looked anything like this guy!]” She’d point at Ruell with enthusiasm.

Ruell shrugged a bit, “[I suppose we have some similarities in appearance.]”
Officer Surius
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He looked up and over when Almeida mentioned if only they could get up there, the canyon was pretty severe, “[It’s a good thought for removing some of the possible enemy ambush elements in this terrain but would make it more difficult for us to respond to the reported possible threat if it’s still down down here, as wouldn’t be as easy for us to retaliate from up there..at least that’s how I thought it all through..however if there’s something hostile waiting for us here and it’s up there, then I guess I’ll be left wishing I made a different call, but hindsight is much more clear..]”

He rambled a bit before acknowledging Decimus “[Very good, Decimus. Keeping our eyes peeled is essential to this operation’s success.]” With that said the officer returned his attention to the ground and the skeletal body which was laying there.

“[What’sa… ‘Necro-man-cy?]” Yunaesa asked looking puzzled at what Almeida had just said.

While Almeida suggested throwing rocks at the thing possibly, which there were some small ones around which Yunaesa was about to go and fetch on to throw at it,
What might not have been expected was Decimus taking the initiative and ordering for his units to open fire on it.

The construct soldiers which Decimus were controlling diligently rearranged themselves and fired, the shots ringing out, as it looked like momentarily the skeleton was shifting up right after the first one before armor and bone were shattered alike from the impromptu firing squad.

Officer Surius looked around the area with great discrimination after the firing, a tense look on his face before letting out a small sigh of relief.

“[That wasn’t a bad call Decimus..all things considered.]” he finally spoke again.

“[Looks like there might be something more nefarious here based on how that skeleton moved, I say we get a move on and look fo-]”

Surius paused in his words, his eyes widening as the strange symbols on the wall began to glow a nefarious looking red and black, as a black smog began radiating from the wall symbols.

“[GET READY FOR ENGAGEMENT!]” He’d announce, reaching for his steam punk looking revolver but by the time he even got the words out suddenly there was the sound of rock breaking and a hulking [Large] muscular creature appeared looking around at the group, as it let out a roar, rock debris flying throughout the smog cloud. It’s freakishly long tongue jutting out and far down it’s body.


The creature let out another yelling sort of sound which was incredibly loud before it smashed it’s arms into the nearby Canyon side and ripped out a chunk of sizable rock from where it had broken through, lifting it above it’s head and facing the group looking out like it was trying to figure out where to hurl it.

(Narrator note: combat in effect 3 action rounds and cooldowns in effect as usual feel free to discuss/ask questions ooc.)


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Decimus Maxxob Maxxob

She grumbled a bit upon Decimus telling the hills were covered. “[Something, something, high ground advantage...]” She mumbled, pretty sure she'd heard something about it, but unwilling to argue further about it. The one thing she did scoff at was him firing at the skeleton. “[Mister Sverre would tell me that's a waste of ammunition and making enough noise to give our position away to anyone in a mile radius.]” She still like her idea of chugging rocks at it better. Cheaper and more silent.

“[Oh, domination sounds fun~]” She'd reply to Yunaesa, infected by her enthusiasm. “[Oho~ Seeing Zjorns chains run will be great~]” She'd nod at her hammer. “[Valerius says he's eager to show off his Valkanite in turn.]”

She'd nod at Ruell. “[Yep! Mister Sverre told me it was cause I was one of the few who truly heard the hammer speak to me!]” She tilted her head. “[Not that I think it's special, but it did mean that he taught me and Valerius how to work like a true team!]”

“[Yeah, Sverre looked a fair bit like this dude.]” She'd confirm for Yunaesa. “[Necromancy is when you make dead things move and fight again, it's pretty gross~]” She'd reply to Yunaesa, perhaps a bit more cheerful than the topic warranted, but she was in an overall good mood.

To her surprise, Surius called out he was getting engagement. “[Oh, that's so cool! Who are you marrying? Can I be the best man? Or bridesmaid? Or both?]” She asked, although the fun surprise was soon ruined when some gross monster came out of the woodrockworks.

“[Ewwwww, that's so gross!]” She called out. “[Yunaesa, how about you cut off its left leg, I break it's right knee, the others can shoot at its torso and head?]” That felt like a clever enough plan. Divide and conquer and all that.

She'd live up too the promise as she would [Move] towards it to face it head-on. Or perhaps knee-on was a better way to put it? With her remaining two actions, she'd sent a Grand Slam into the creature's right kneecap.

Grand Slam E – Martial Ethos E, Initiative [Attack] E, Blight (Valkanite) E, Continuing (Valkanite) E, Enervation E, Flare (Sight) E - Grade E – 2 actions – 1 post Cooldown.

Action 1: Move
Action 2/3: Grand Slam E

E CD 0/1
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language key: "Common", "[Terran]"

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

"Almeida's Misunderstanding"
Cici's full theme - Power Instinct Matrimelee

The cadet gave the officer a brief nod after being praised by his zealous nature, regarding his attention towards the possible ambush positions. Next, Decimus' azure eyes narrowed as he watched the skeleton being the target of a summary execution, by firing squad, conducted from the constructs under him, a small grin tugging at the corner of his lips. His next actions mimicked the one's performed by officer Surius, as his attention was next directed at the surrounding area, watching for a moment if there was any change of the landscape and on top of the hills.

“[Mister Sverre would tell me that's a waste of ammunition and making enough noise to give our position away to anyone in a mile radius.]”

Chuckling slightly at Almeida's comment, he commented in a rather humorous tone. "[So you prefer a more stealth approach? Interesting...]" He didn't really take the female as a silent type at first, but maybe he was mistaken on how she would choose to engage possible targets, as she looked like the 'in your face' type of melee fighter.

The brief moment of respite did allow his mind to think about something he hadn't paid attention so far: how both Yuanaesa and Almeida talked about their weapons as living creatures rather than tools. Was that some sort of mental condition which hadn't been diagnosed thus far? It worried him slightly, but he had some trust in the Guild's vetting system. Surely they wouldn't send someone insane in a combat zone... or maybe that was exactly their objective?

Regardless of what was or wasn't, the old guard's train of thought was forcefully interrupted as a large abomination erupted from one of the sides of the canyon, along with an ominous, dark smog. Decimus' face turned to one of disgust, looking at the monstrosity. Without missing a beat, he brought up his ranged squad to action, pointing at the creature and ordering. "[Center of mass! Open fire!]" With the order being given, the old human himself would bring his pistol up, aiming at the creature and also firing a shot against it, directed at its muscular chest.

1 - Emergency Reinforcements - Magic F, Minions F, Focus F, Energized F - Decimus is able to magically summon his Minions for a single turn - Grade F Cooldown -0
2 - Ordered the Minions to attack the [Large] creature -> 9 BE of the shot of the first Minion + 4 BE from the other 4 as a Team-Up
3 - Basic attack against the creature -> +1 Team-Up with his minions. Final attack: 14 BE
Last edited:
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario


She looked curiously at Almeida when she spoke about something advantage. “[Something something, high ground advantage?]” she mirrored the hammerer, but with an inquisitive tone instead.


Something like a chuckle came from Ruell after Almeida mentioned what Sverre would think, perhaps Ruell had enhanced hearing based on that bit.

“[I think it is the same Sverre we are speaking of, that probably is the type of thing he’d say.]”

“[Throwing rocks at the skele would have let Valerius seem totally even more manly too!]” Yunaesa seemed to agree.

“[Haha all three will be fun!]” She’d exclaim with a grin. Referencing the chains running and the domination bit, as well as Valerius unleashing explosive power.

Ruell nodded once more, “[I see, Sverre would be one to know these things. I am pleased to hear you have become more efficient because of him.]”

“[If Almeida’s coming I wanna come too!]” Yunaesa called out with a pout, regarding the possible wedding from the sound of things which Almeida had asserted.

“[We’ll keep talking about this later!]” She asserted, as the monster came out, and she revved up Zjorn.

“[Okay! Zjorn is ready to go!]” Yunaesa cackled gleefully as she ran toward the large monster, chainsaw at the ready, as she went in to go target the left leg.

While she did that Almeida managed to strike with a good amount of force the knee cap making a large cracking sound as it looked like the creature’s leg was giving out.


The abomination would promptly try to throw the rock before it’s leg was lost completely and the rock went flying in the general direction of Decimus and his Units probably due to the fact that they had started shooting at it first which clearly had enraged the abomination with the aggressive sounds it had started making after as it was pelted with gunfire.

Thankfully because of Almeida’s swiftness the rock chunk had been off path and instead landed in front of Decimus and his units as it kicked up a bit of a dust cloud in front of them when it hit the dry canyon floor.

Yunaesa than began to saw through the left leg, a foul purplish substance spurting out from where she cut, as Zjorn sped up greatly the chains tearing through the limb, as she hit the abomination with her specialized fighting Style, using Incurable F. When she cut through the limb the abomination fell forward

Officer Surius
Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 10.46.38 PM-1.png

The officer having much more stressful things to worry about didn’t even respond to the marriage discourse as he gave the order and communication “My units will Aim for the head!, Fire at will” To his units closer to the front.

Clockwork Soldiers

All ten diligently began to pelt the abomination with their advanced steam powered firearms, having quite effective accuracy from the looks of things.

It was then that Ruell who had been charging his shot fired off a very concentrated amount of steam from his large rifle with great force which managed to properly pierce the skull of the abomination after it had been weakened by the other shots.

Yunaesa had moved out of the way when the creature pitched forward with it’s legs being inoperable.

The other adventurer had assisted Ruell by loading what looked like a larger capacity fuel source to the rifle quickly during the rapidly changing exchange.

Screenshot 2024-05-26 at 2.16.11 AM.png

Finally the abomination stopped moving and it looked like the scene had gone quiet. When the dust cleared it became apparent there was a cavernous space where the abomination had come from in the side of the canyon wall, and there was a large double sided metallic door within the space which was within moving distance too, the space not looking the most inviting with the only light being natural from what could get in from the large hole.


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Decimus Maxxob Maxxob

Stealth? What was that? She wasn't sure what Decimus was on about. All she knew was that Sverre would tell her not to make noise or trouble until she could 'hammer 'em flat' for sure. Well, to each their own, she guessed.

“[Hmhm. The higher the ground, the more advantage.]” She'd flawlessly explain to Yunaesa.

“[Yep! Mister Sverre taught me well!]” She re-affirmed.

“[Oh, we could've totally have him bat some rocks at it as well!]” What a waste of a missed opportunity to play base-ball.

“[Let's go for all three then!]” She'd exclaimwith Yunaesa.

“[Oh my, you're making it bleed like a fountain!]” Almeida called out upon seeing Yunaesa at work. “[UIgh... smells totally foul though. We'll totally have to go to a bathhouse after this!]” She declared, remembering how neat it was to wash off the bear blood after her battle in Kuridan.

She'd hop out of the way, not wanting to be squashed by the falling abomination. She had more fun ways to spent her afternoon in mind than having to be dug out from underneath this thing.

By the time it finally stopped moving, she'd wipe some sweat and purple blood off of her forehead. “[That's one foul giant down~]” She'd state, satisfied enough.

“[Oh my! Is that a giant door into some sort of secret laboratory that I spot? Are we going in? I bet there's some interesting stuff in there~]”
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language key: "Common", "[Terran]"

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Valerius quickly raised his arm to cover and protect his face from the debris, as the large rock had fallen just in front of him. Because of the dust that it ended kicking up, he coughed a bit, before he had the chance to clean his throat. When he brought his arm down, the creature had already been despatched, its body falling against the ground.

The old guard let out a small sigh of relief, he took out his spectacles and rubbed the lens against the fabric of his uniform, to clear some of the specks that ended up attaching to the glass, placing it once more on his face. "[That was... quite something...]" He would comment, appearing to be slightly confused as of why that abomination had appeared there in particular.

Before moving on, he would walk over to its gigantic body, while doing his best to ignore the smell coming from it. He would take a few moments, as if analyzing the creature, his azure eyes locked on its carcass, while his eyes narrowed. He didn't quite remember seeing anything like that at all, from his time in the army of the East Empire, which just increased his confusion. Eventually, he would shake his head from side to side. It didn't matter what it was, just that it needed to be dealt with.

Turning on his heels, he saw the expanding, seeing the gigantic metallic door from the crevice which had been opened by the large abomination. "[We best be ready to deal with more things like this one in there.]" The old man commented, already getting ready for the worst.
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario


“[Oh okay! Higher the ground more advantage!]” Yunaesa repeated like it being repeated the same way suddenly made more sense.

“[I bet Zjorn could hit a rock pretty far and hard at it too Maybe we’ll have to try it at some point if we have to do another ‘stealth’!]” For some reason Yunaesa…knew what Almeida meant when she said bat rocks..it was like a term she knew what it meant but didn’t remember hearing it before? That was strange, and it did puzzle her a bit but not enough to take her off her track and current task.

“{Haha I know right! Zjorn is the best at making baddies bleed! Gotta make e’m bleed so they stop doing bad things!]”

Yunaesa sniffed and looked a bit green after. “[Ugh, you’re totally right! That smells awful. You know where there’s a bath, if you’re going I wanna come too!]” she declared.

“[A laboratory? You mean like where I was when I think I first woke up? I haven’t seen one of those in a long time!]” She exclaimed curiously. Thankfully also avoiding being crushed when the abomination giant fell over.

Officer Surius
Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 10.46.38 PM-1.png
“[My units, clear the area!] the officer called out after the dust had settled and there wasn’t any more immediate movement.

Clockwork Soldiers

As if by clockwork the construct soldiers split apart and began to search all the way around the perimeters of where the fight had taken place, taking a look around the large rock, examining the body of the abomination and looking on either end of the Canyon a good distance, each communicating an occasional “%Clear%” in analog to one another.

While they were doing that, he called out again, “[As for the rest of you, resume formation, we will be breaching that door in short notice, if there are any others in there, as Deciumus pointed out and worse yet, something more intelligent, it isn’t a stretch of the imagination to say they know that we’re here and that we defeated whatever that thing was!]

“[When we’re all set we’ll take cover behind that rock and I’ll get some constructs to set some charges, cause I don’t see us getting through that door easily otherwise.]”

Presuming no one interjected once everyone was ready Officer Surius would have everyone in formation get behind the larger boulder and send two clockwork soldiers out with sizable powder explosive satchels which they would set on either side of the door and prime, and a verbal count down would be given.

“[I think this might be a bit loud Almeida, cover your ears so they don’t feel hurt!]” She exclaimed as she covered her own, keeping Zjorn leaning against the rock at her side, waiting for the inevitable boom.

The boom would come, pieces of metal and rock flying as the charges went off, as well as quite a bit of dust kicking up as the destructive energy discharged, and the large doors were broken violently as a result with a hole certainly large enough for them to breach.

“[Proceed to follow breach protocol then resume formation!]” the officer called out once more, and would begin to move ahead once again, as the clockwork soldiers at the front line of his took either side of the hole and strategically moved into the space.

Strange Moonlight Chamber

Looking into the darkness of the area, it was rather strange..lots of dark stone pillars which almost looked gothic in their design, with dark but smooth marble flooring which expanded throughout the sizable chamber. There were also mirrors hanging along the walls, the whole space was illuminated as if it was night time, a moonlight like glowing filling the area. The dark smooth “ceiling” was likely about 220 ft high. The length to the end of wall farthest away from where they had made the hole was about 200 ft in the distance, difficult to see given the light situation. The pillars were a bit..disorientated in a way with how they just kept repeating, the whole space somewhat of an enigma.

“[...This might just be some kind of illusion, keep your guard up, we’ll be moving in to clear out any would be hostiles, it’s clear that whatever is transpiring here is a potential threat to the safety of our nation if that thing was anything to go by..]”

“[This does look really werid!]” Yunaesa said looking around her voice echoing a bit. The other two adventurers followed not far behind where Decimus was presuming he was following orders.


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Decimus Maxxob Maxxob

“[Something really big and smelly~]” She'd confirm with Decimus. She clicked her tongue. “[Ugh, you're right, we're really going to need a bath once we're done if we're gonna be dealing with these giant smelly bastards.]” She complained.

She'd not at Yunaesa picking up quickly. “[Indeed. It's easier to hit and shoot downwards than it is to hit and shoot upwards.]” She'd give an actual explanation, surprisingly enough.

The next bit surprised her. “[Isn't Zjorn more about slicing than hitting? Perhaps you and Zjorn can, like, throw the rock and me and Valerius can bat it at the thing it needs to hit?]” She tried to come up with advanced batting stealth tactics.

“[Oh, that's clever!]” She'd reply to Yunaesa's tactics on dealing with baddies. “[Me and Valerius normally just hammer 'em until they stop moving!]” She'd share her own wisdom.

“[Oh, we can find a bath afterwards then~ They're good fun!]” She'd happily respond to Yunaesa, who seemed eager enough to join her for one afterwards. That also meant she had to worry less about getting smelly in undead blood for the time being. What a win-win situation.

She was surprised by what Yunaesa said next. “[No way, you woke up on a laboratory as well? That's crazy! Me too!]” She'd nod at the next bit as well. “[Last time I saw it was when the folk were tearing it down cause they said a madman was working in it! I'm not sure what happened after...]”

Hearing the constructs go 'Clear' she couldn't help reply. “%Clear!%” As well, cause, you know, the undead giant was still dead, so this bit was also clear.

“[Sir, yes sir!]” She'd salute and moved behind the rock upon being told to do so. Nodding towards Yunaesa, she covered her ears. Upon the boom, she gasped in shock. “[Wow, that was so loud and cool. Can I have some of that stuff?]” She asked, although that was probably not a great idea.

“[Breach protocol? What is that?]” She asked, confused if he was shouting at her as well. In the end, she just followed suit, hoping for the best.

“[Whaaa?]” She asked, confused about what in the world this room was. “[Seriously, what the hell is up with this place?]” She asked, unable to make any sense of it.

“[An illusion? That's not good. Do we just smash the mirrors?]” She asked, not being overly fond of walking into this weirdness without a clue of who's the what and what's the who.
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language key: "Common", "[Terran]"

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Looking at officer Surius, Decimus nodded with practiced discipline, seeking cover behind the rocks which the monstrosity had burst through. His own constructs fell in line behind him to protect their metallic carcasses from the blast. Even with the old soldier covering his ears, the rumbling explosion was heard, as well as the vibrations it caused. His glasses were covered by the dust that had been kicked up, which prompted the man to quickly remove and clean them up against his uniform, quickly placing them back.

The cadet kept his silent apprehension, his mind so focused on what was going on around him. If whatever laid inside that space hadn't noticed them thus far, which was unlikely, they sure were aware of the group's presence by now. With his officer's commands, Decimus quickly fell back into formation, ready to enter the laboratory.

Inside the chamber, the place was confusing for his mind. Azure eyes scanned the moonlight space with due vigilance, the smoking pipe in his mouth kept releasing white smoke towards the ceiling which each deep drag of the tobacco. "[This reminds me of Eastern architecture...]" He commented, as his eyes ran across the smooth marble make of the chamber. However, there was a jarring difference: its ebony color. The pillars almost accentuated the distortion of that place, the mirrors on the walls just added to how bizarre that place was.

"[An illusion... some sort of security measure to keep those who manage to breach the entrance out...]" He mused, as his mind tried to work overtime, trying to match this experience which any of his priors experiences during the Fae/Empire race war. "[I think Almeida is right. Maybe we should try and smash some of the mirrors to see what happens. What do we do, sir?]" He asked officer Surius, taking aim with his pistol towards one of the mirrors, but waiting for the officer's decision. Decimus ought not to act autonomously once more, for it was best.
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario


“[Lets have a bath then!]” Yunaesa replied cheerily enough, not seeming to be as bothered at the prospect of the smelly liquid as excited as she was at the prospect of getting to use a real bath.
“[It's easier to hit and shoot downwards than it is to hit and shoot upwards.!]” She’d repeat still sounding enthusiastic like saying it again was how she was processing what she just heard.

“[Thanks Almeida!]”

“[I bet Zjorn could do it if he put his mind to it too! Zjorn is great and powerful! But maybe you are right, maybe it’d be better if he was the best pitcher and Valerius can be the best hitter ever!]”
She announced.

Yunaesa put her hand at at her hip and smiled a bit proudly, “[Of course It’s clever, Me and Zjorn came up with it!. You and Valerius smashing them is good too! Maybe working together to do both will be really effective then! ]”

“[Oh that’s funny how similar it sounds! I heard a lot of noise when I woke up and there were people yelling about some guy who they said was doing bad stuff and it was against nature and stuff, then there was some sort of big boom and then I dunno what happened after that but I woke up outside!]”

“[Maybe our Madmen knew each other!]”
She said with a chuckle.

She would also throw in a “%Clear!%” more for fun it sounded like than anything after Almeida
Officer Surius
Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 10.46.38 PM-1.png

After the big boom Officer Surius heard Almeida ask if she could have access to the explosive charges, as well as her question about what breaching was.

“[First, Maybe later.]” When they got to the breaching protocol and making their way through that’s when he spoke to the hammer slinger again.

“[Secondly, Breach protocol is what we just did. It typically means forcefully entering a space in a strategic way.]” He spoke rather patiently with her, whether it was because he was being kind, saw value in doing so or both, was anyone’s guess.

“[This place is really weird Almeida, why is it like night and why are there mirrors all over the place?]”

“[This may very well be an illusion we’ve stepped into..without a clear way of getting through..]” he added the latter part sounding like he might have been grumbling in annoyance.

Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 2.48.52 AM-1.png

The hatted gunslinger who still hadn’t named himself nodded in agreement. “[Yeah this is looking like hell in a handbasket real quick if we don’t figure out what’s going on here Ruell..]” He said looking around at all the mirrors.

“[Cause I don’t like the look of this one bit..]”

The officer looked like he was in thought for a moment, before he would give the next commands.

“[It looks like we could walk for hours in this strange place if we don’t try to make some progress by experimenting..Those of you who are made of skin and bones and Ruell, take cover around the pillars if need be, I say we have some of the clockwork soldiers take aim and fire first at some of these mirrors before any of us try breaking them just encase it’s a trap. I'll have the ones directly under my command make the first attempt.]” He made the call.

“[Awh, I wanted to cut through some of the mirrors and pillars with Zjorn!]” Yunaesa pouted a bit before she made her way behind one while Surius gave everyone who his orders applied to do the same, before he would command his clockwork soldiers to assume lines and take aim at several of the mirrors nearby.

When everyone was ready and had gotten to possibly more secure locations he would call out.


Clockwork Soldiers

Surius’ lines of soldiers would open fire on the different mirrors and at first it just sort of looked like the mirrors were cracking and making very loud breaking noises which echoed throughout the chamber in a booming fashion, but suddenly it wasn’t long before silvery beams of energy shot back at some of the constructs from the trajectory in which they shot the mirrors! A few of them got struck and their bodies sparked as their chests sustained damage, while others managed to get out of the way, and after that point a strange figure began to appear in the mirrors.

Part of a very not natural looking figure stared back through multiples of the mirrors which had been shot, the figure looking shattered and it was as if it was speaking simultaneously from all the places it appeared on the mirror with a most unusual voice which almost sounded ethereal.

“[You do not know where you tread mortals. If you wish to survive you must leave this place and tell no one.]”


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Decimus Maxxob Maxxob

“[When in doubt, break things!]” She called out in glee when Decimus agreed with her. Sadly enough, it seemed they'd have to wait on the higher up dude to give the official command.

“[Good, good!]” She'd compliment Yunaesa for quickly picking up on the bathing and high ground lessons. It turned out the smaller girl was totally clever. “[You're welcome!]”

“[The four of us would totally be baseball champions in no-time!]” She exclaimed, imagining their new careers. She'd almost forget they were on a job already. A totally different one.

“[Smash 'em, slash 'em leave no baddy alive!]” Almeida cheered for how amazing and epic their future teamwork would be.

Surprised, she listened to the girl talk about her madman experiences. “[No way! I hear some stuff about him being called a madman, that he'd gone too far, that ties to nobles couldn't save him and ehhhh... right, that he kept causing power outages through-out the city with his experiments! I woke up in a hospital after a lots of gunshots and smoke and stuff.]” She added. “[They might totally know each-other!]” She'd exclaim excitedly.

“[Oh, nice~]” She was pretty hyped about getting her hands on explosives later. That totally wouldn't go horribly wrong.

“[Ah, I see, I see. Cool stuff.]” She replied, already bored by breach protocol.

“[I know right!]” She answered Yunaesa. “[It's like some sort of Fae joke or trickery, or perhaps some secret East Empire weapon!]” She theorised.

“[Hell in a handbasket?]” She'd asked one of the other folk after the weird expression he used. “[You don't like the look of a mirror..? I think that might be an issue with your self-image. Don't worry, you're pretty handsome. No need t to worry.]” She'd comfort the adventurer.

“[... and me and Valerius wanted to smash one!]” She added, feeling the same disappointment as Yunaesa, but agreeing.

Upon seeing the soldiers fire, until the mirrors fired back at them. “[Woooow... that'd not good. It knows [Reflect]! Like... oh! It's like a mirror in magic and in ability! That's neat!]” She realised. “[Well, tough to beat, but also neat, you know. Neat as in, interesting, not good for us.]” She tried to explain.

However, when a figure appeared, she got totally excited. “[Oh my bolts you look so cool! Are you trapped in that mirror or something? Are you a Fae spirit? Do you live here?]” She rushed up to it without much fear, asking a lot of questions.

“[If you're warning us, that means you're nice, right? Do you need any help? It can't be neat being stuck in a mirror! Or are you like a mirror spirit? Do you know what this place is? Why was there a giant undead thing coming out if it? Why do you want us to leave? Don't worry though, we're totally strong, we can survive. You can totally just tell us how to help you out and fix stuff here or something.]”
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language key: "Common", "[Terran]"

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Decimus nodded with the officer's suggestion of using the constructs instead of either him or Almeida trying to break up the mirrors. Taking cover behind one of the pillars, the old human watched as the mirrors were shot and retribution was dealt swiftly. His azure eyes narrowed, knowing that he had just narrowly escaped having a very bad time, thanks to Surius' orders. Seems that he ought to thread onward very carefully.

Looking at the human gunslinger for a moment, the cadet sighed to himself. "[Looks like things are already going that way.]" A small smile appeared on his lips as he said that, looking slightly unnerved as he watched the creature who ended up appearing on the mirrors. Still, what surprised him the most was Almeida's barrage of questions towards the creature which had, so seamlessly, returned fire against the constructs.

"[A fae who isn't from Widersia that speaks Terran? That would be the sight.]" His tone was quite dry-cut, not really thinking little of Almeida's first supposition, but more towards whatever that thing was. Whatever that thing was, it had been bold enough to tell the group to leave its place. It would be quite the sight if they left now, just to come back later with the golem-sized constructs and brute-force their way into knowing every little thing the odd place had to offer. Afterward, the old soldiers simply fell silent, as the girl had posed enough questions that, if answered, would shed the light on exactly where they were treading.
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge, Canyon, Chamber of Mirrors

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario


Yunaesa seemed giddy enough when Almeida reinforced what she wanted to do in that very moment, break things.

She was also pleased when she was told her understanding and ideas were good, giving a bit of an elevated giggle.

For some reason Yunaesa knew what the term ‘baseball’ was despite never having heard of it in this world, that felt really strange to her. Regardless she was still excited at the prospect. “[Maybe some sort of sports guild needs new members!]”

In response to Almeida cheering, Yunaesa revved up Zjorn.

“[They must have been friends! The scientist looking guy who spoke to me sounded like he had similar problems, maybe they were brothers or something who both did experiments that caused outages in the city! And maybe the same people came with guns too either before or after what happened to you!]”
Unfortunately for Almeida it was dubious that she was actually going to get any, it was just as likely that the officer said it to placate her at the moment.

Officer Surius
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“[Yes..cool stuff.]” He responded not terribly enthusiastically.

“[I never seen this kind of fae joke before! Maybe it’s new joke, or maybe you still right and it’s some kind of weird East Empire weapon.]”

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The hatted adventurer looked back at Almeida and chuckled, “[Well I’ll be damned then, you looking in the market for a suitor? I would have thought you might have already had Valerius on the mind.]” He asked playfully with a grin at what Almeida said, assuming she had been joking from the looks of things, his seriousness doing a complete 180 at the moment.


Ruell let out some kind of sound that sort of sounded like the construct equivalent of a sigh.

After the display of power from whatever was in the mirror Officer Surius looked a bit tense. Thankfully his constructs hadn’t been destroyed or incapacitated but they were visibly damaged
“[ Everyone whose ranged, Get ready to return fire again on my command..when it’s time I’ll fire the first shot and I want all of you to target the same mirror I do..Understood?]” He asked while Almeida was playing twenty questions with the being.

Clockwork Soldiers
The Soldiers looked like they were at the ready to start firing once again when Officer Surius spoke these words. As did Ruell who readied his large sizable steam rifle looking weapon.

Yunaesa was far too distracted by Almeida and what she was doing.

“[You got this!]” She’d call out confidently to Almeida who was standing right in the face of danger, seemingly not worried at all, convinced that Almeida and Valerius’ great power would be able to counter anything the foe threw their way.

The creature looked to Almeida, it’s eye’s now glowing a sort of clinical white energy color.

“[I..used to call myself something like that, and no I do not live here, I was trapped here to be put on duty.]”

“[What you killed was the doing of my de facto master, I do not think someone of my kind could be called nice..this place is, is a security web of sorts to keep outsiders out while he attends to his business. I warned you to leave because I know even with your confidence he will kill all of you with little effort, that is if you even manage to get that far. I do not want to fight you so please you must head back but…ngghhhh.!]”

The mirror figure looked like he was in a great deal of pain suddenly as a red crackling energy went over his neck and everywhere else before suddenly he stood up and directed his arm forward, in many of the mirrors and a large white beam of energy shot out from his finger, except for the one which was standing in front of Almeida and all the beams from the mirrors created a very large beam which struck the surface of the floor burning a large sizable black hole on it.

Yunaesa was very surprised, shielding her eyes at how bright it was.

“[Now do you understand my power!? Begone, before he makes me strike you down! I do not know if there is any hope for me but turn back and you can live! If you leave!]” The mirror guy looked like he was struggling for control of himself.

It was the choice of the group and superior command, would they risk trying to hear him out? Trust the words he said? Or would they attack at a potentially opportune moment.

“[As Much as I love fighting we..gotta help this guy!]” Yunaesa announced, quickly deciding her stance.


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Decimus Maxxob Maxxob

“[Wow! They might've even been twins or something if they were so similar!]” She called out in surprise. Who knew there were two mad scientists so alike. “[Oh, now I wonder, do folk also keep telling you that you have some screws loose? I mean, I can't deny I have some loose, because I can hear them clang when I shake my head like this]” she shook her head “[but, you know, it always sounds a bit like an insult? It's weird.]”

She was a tad surprised by the gunman's response. “[Suitor?]” She asked, trying to figure out what he meant. “[Nah, I'm broke as it gets so I'm not in the market for anything right now~]” She eventually replied, figuring she might as well roll with it, whatever it was he meant. “[Hah! Valerius is the best hammer ever! I'd never replace him!]” She'd ensure to both the gunman and Valerius himself.

“[No offence, sir mister, sir, but didn't you see it reflect stuff back just moments ago? Won't it just do the same thing all over if you hit it again?]” She was a tad worried about hitting those mirrors right now.

“[You were trapped here? Bloody hell, that must suck!]” She called out in surprise. The mirror spirit seemed nice indeed. “[Yikes, what kind of person makes stuff that gross?]” She questioned, shaking her head. “[What? You are nice though.]” She countered him.

“[Oh my, yeah, you're pretty strong. That's funky.]” She stated, having witnessed the light-show he'd shown them. “[So where do we go to beat the bastard that trapped you?]” She asked, although she did notice he was struggling for control. “[Just point me in the right direction and I'll head straight for him!]” She stated, planning to just try to run off and leave this guy be if possible.
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language key: "Common", "[Terran]"

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Without disobeying the orders of his superior, Decimus got himself in position, bringing up his pistol and aiming at the same mirror which Surius was aiming at. His azure eyes narrowed slightly, looking towards the mirror with apprehension, over the top of the iron sight. His index finger wrapped confidently around the trigger, ready to squeeze it at a moment's notice.

As another puff of white smoke left his smoking pipe, his breathing slowly slightly. Without turning around to face his own constructs, he ordered with his firm, wisened voice. "[Take aim at the mirror and wait for Officer Surius' lead! Remember, every shot counts!]" The old officer spoke as if talking with human troops, rather than mechanical ones. That was one of the things he didn't quite manage to get used to yet.

And, as the creature in the mirror focused all its firepower against floor, the blinding light burning brightly, Decimus had to cover his eyes with his free hand for a moment, trying to keep his eyes still working at the moment. However, even with the demonstration of power, his shooting stance didn't weaver. The pistol kept its true aim against the mirror. Regardless of Almeida's attempts to deal with this situation in a different manner, the old soldier's new loyalty was with Widersia, and he would be damned if he would disobey his officer. He had his orders, and he would follow through with them, whatever the costs.


1 -
Emergency Reinforcements - Magic F, Minions F, Focus F, Energized F - Decimus is able to magically summon his Minions for a single turn - Grade F Cooldown -0
2 - Order his constructs to aim at the same mirror as officer Surius is aiming at
3 - Wait for the signal to start firing.
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge, Canyon, Chamber of Mirrors

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario


“[Haha maybe they are twins!]" Yunaesa called back cheerily, before her eyes widened a bit about the hammerer saying that people kept telling her that she had some screws loose. “[Wow really? I guess I feel like that sometimes too! And yeah I’ve had people tell me I have some screws loose, or maybe words that are kinda like that! It’s okay! There are some people who always got something to say about whatever!]” She replied encouragingly, seemingly not taking the loose screw comment as an insult which needed to have much weight if one didn’t let it.


The hatted one simply gave a bit of another chuckle, this time albeit more serious at Alemida’s response, probably recognizing that there was a whole lot she probably wasn’t going to be very quick on the uptake with on account of how she seemed to interact at times.

Officer Surius
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Back to the present, Officer Surius shook his head. “[I know exactly what I’m doing.]” He spoke simply to Almeida. It looked like his left eye was glowing a strange greenish hue in that moment while he aimed his firearm at a nearby mirror.


"[Yes what you say is true…My name is Tamriel nghh..I’ve been taken here against my wishes..their influence and grip is very strong..part of me is corrupted, and I try to resist..I do not want to fight youI will say this again..in order to free me you must either..dispatch or free my master, I would tell you where..if I were..capable.]” The being continued sounding pained.

“[Heh she did a better job than I thought..]” He spoke aloud to no one in particular. “[Very well then if you truly don’t wish to fight us, we’ll be moving through. I can see right through your master’s tricks thankfully. Normally I might preemptively extinguish any possibility of you surviving, but I can see there’s a pretty nasty curse on you. You’re saying we just need to incapacitate or ‘free’ this individual and you’ll be freed? Very well then It’s obvious this individual is dangerous to Widersia so there’s no harm in us doing what we came here to do., but if this works out..I have someone in mind who’ll want to meet you..Tamriel, I know we’re short on time, so..move out of the way!]”

The officer called out to the mirror being.

The mirror being’s reflection nodded and then shifted away from the mirror the officer had been pointing at.

Meanwhile Yunaesa lit up “[Then..That means we’re going to help him! Yay!]”

“[Almeida, Yunaesa! Step aside!]” Officer Surius called out once again.

Yunaesa gave a quick at attention salute before she got out of the firing range of the mirror.

“[Present!, Aim!, FIre!]” Officer Surius commanded. A powerful looking stream of steam left his revolver looking gun after he fired it , followed by a volley of fire from his constructs, Ruell was quick to fire his large steam rifle at the mirror as well, the hatted adventurer also firing off both of his chamber guns. Due to Decimus’ prior command his construct unit would also open fire, and it wasn’t long until it became clear the entire mirror shattered and created yet another large flash of white light this time a good deal of energy being released , thankfully the group was not pelted with the attacks they had sent forth. Eventually a space large enough to be a door opened up into another room like environment

When everything settled Surius looked to the group, “[Get back into formation! Follow breach protocol!”

After the group presumably got into position, and got ready to head in, the space they were heading toward did not look much better than where they had been, a large very dark red rock floor fill the space, and in the distance there was smog, and a hellish orangey glow coming from around the dark red rock floor they were walking into, as it became apparent there was a cavern roof above them, the same material as the floor, and beyond the boundaries of the sizable platform they were on, there seems to be quite a good deal of glowing molten lava, the temperature in the space a not dangerously so, but a deal higher than where they had been.


In the distance about 90 ft away from where the group came in were some large obsidian looking obelisk like pillars with symbols carved into them in a circle of six, with some sort of strange circle on the ground, if one was more observant they’d notice that the circle symbol looked somewhat similar to what the group had seen before that earlier monster had emerged from.

“[There could be traps, be careful. It looks like we might need to approach those structures..do so with great caution and discretion. Unfortunately this was the only path way way I could see that would get us through that last chamber.]” Sirius spoke once again, his eye lighting up the same way it did before as if he was surveying the environment with it.

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