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Fantasy Why is it Never that Easy?

The Orc pulls up next to Azriel with one hand on his axe, holstered on his hip. "Well we're short for time and our horses aren't the fastest so we should take shortcuts where we can." Fen sits for a moment tapping his axe thinking of the things they might incounter. "Call'yl is a Fey name isn't? Or was it Sylvan? If it's Sylvan I'd rather not run into Yeff Hounds." Either way he knew theyd need to go the fastest way to make good time.
Azriel grinned, she had hoped that was the route he would pick. The last time she had been to Archen, she passed through the halfling village. That isn't to say the experience wasn't nice, or that she wouldn't want to go there again, but she at least wanted to have some fun while she was stuck with the Orc. She was surprised he would ask the question, but answered anyways, "Sylvan, but it doesn't particularly matter. This should be interesting." Honestly she was thinking about ingredients she could find in the forest that she might be able to use for making status-affecting potions. She had been wanting to make something that would put enemies to sleep, but she wasn't sure exactly what she'd need that wouldn't kill the target
Fen looked down the the forest road and smiled back at Azriel "Believe it when I say a name matters. A place doesn't get a name it hasn't earned. Keep your eyes open for bright lights and fog we'll want to avoid em." He said spuring his horse to singal it to walk.

Contrary to what Fen said earlier he does wish to find something along the way to fight. Even if it is one of those hounds. He wanted to see Azriel in combat not just to see her magic up close, but to see how she handles herself in a fast past battle.
They might have been literally making their jobs harder by taking the more dangerous route, but Azriel didn't care. When she was originally picked up by the guild off the street, she did it mainly did it for the sense of adventure. Well, having cash in her pockets and food in her stomach was also nice for a young girl who, otherwise, would probably have been doomed to die alone. She would make her time out here enjoyable, whether Fen had anything to do with it or not was of no consequence. She spurred Geneles one more time to start moving faster, heading to the forest of Call'yl, keeping her eyes peeled

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