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Why Do I Have Your Life!?

She runs up to her apartment and kicks a box over in frustation "Hes such an....an" She can't find the right word and sh throws her welf onto her bed in frustation
"I'm going home. See you people in another life." he walked to his home and got on his computer to find some kind of entertainment.
( I probably should of asked earlier but what's her name?)

He couldn't find anything worth his attention so he watched some youtube.
Maybe I should visit Safari girl's house. for some reason he knew the location. It may of been because he caught her at her house once.
He decided to call her home. A friend of her's that he also became friends with gave him her number.
"Because I loooove you soooo much! Also I've never described them as ''super cool'' in my entire life." he stated while looking at his roof.

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