Video Games Who's your favorite champ in League of Legends

Soraka is my love, but Rakan is climbing. I have mained support for a very long time, last season i mained Miss fortune, this season i am actually wanting to main Jungle, playing Vi or Sejuani, because I am really tired of the troll bot lanes I have been getting with preseason.
Oh god, back when I was playing I was a support main; usually I played Lulu (god I owned every skin), Nami and Sona. Sometimes, when I was laying normals and the team started to fight about anything ridiculous (or we had 2 junglers, why god), I actually said "You want me to go nuts? FINE! Suppport Viktor, good luck my pals!".

I stopped playing after the dude I have been playing with started rumors about us being in a relationship. Nobbody believed me and everyone believed him. So I cut contact and stoped playing. Thank god, the community is incredibly toxic.
My favorite Champion is Katarina then Lux then Zoe. My main is Katarina but I due like to constantly play as Zoe. XD
Oh man, it's been a long time since I've played that game. But I do remember that I played Lux the most.
When I first started playing back in S6 around the time when Jhin came out, I fell in love with a special little kitty called Rengar. He was my main and I played him sooo much and learnt the game with him. Rework fucked him and so I have now switched to Darius the DUNKMASTER. Now I am sitting at p3, patiently waiting for my precious Kitty to be reverted.
I couldnt say that I have a favourite one but I have a top three.

Poppy, Lulu... and Sion.

Love me some cute champions~
Mains change per season, but I loved Kayle and Kindred just as characters. I'm not a dedicated player anymore, but I started preseason 1. Feels like a lifetime ago.

Tryndamere reminds me of a king/tyrant character of my own, he's a beast.

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