Looking for Who needs friends anyways?


Skittle? Skrillet? Skimmer... SKILLET!
c o u g h the answer is me. I am in need of a friend. I Haven't been on the site for too long and haven't talked to too many people, but of the people I have talked to/role-played with... y'know it's just been kind of stiff conversation. So with that out of the way, who wants to chat?

Just the basics about me that you could find on my profile anyways:
I'm 15, if that makes you uncomfortable that's perfectly fine
I'm from Texas, I use a fair amount of Texas slang

I can't think of much okay anyway ask away!
im alright, just chiling and totally watching a history video lol (1 sec brb time for linch)
-is a hospital worker irl fun time.-

-also, shamelessly adds that he posted a traven setting in the group roleplay if anyone wants to join.-
not me, classes are weird tho
we only get 3 classes total (technically 2 or me cos i got a credit recovery) teachers come to our classes and we all stay in the same class (except for credit recovery)
it really sucks lol
we didnt even have zoom for our classes, we just did it on CK-12, a school stuff site and google classroom

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