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Realistic or Modern Who Dunnit?


The one an' only
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
When you were in high school there was a kid named Eric Jefferies who was....let's say eccentric. He never quite fit in and many people picked on him for it. He never seemed to mind though, in fact he would smile through all the teasing and even join in and mock himself. You may have even picked on him yourself. He was always friendly, even to the worst people. Eric offered help and advice whenever and wherever needed. While being so nice helped keep him from being completely tormented his quirks showed through and brought bullies to him.

When Eric graduated everyone was perplexed by his strange and ominous quote; "I'm going up in the world, the only place you're going is the grave." but it was generally shrugged off as another strange thing he did.

Many years later you received a letter with fancy embroidering. It turns out it's from Eric, and he has done quite well for himself. He has an estate secluded from civilization where luxury is everything. It is more like a spa resort than a home really. He has personally invited you there for a week stay. It's less of an invitation than a command really as he states the next day a limo will be there to pick you up. You are confused as to why he invited you and how he remembers you but you gladly accept the opportunity to relax for a while.

When you arrive at the estate it's just as magnificent as you pictured. The wide gates open to a massive yard and an equally large mansion.

The winding driveway leads up to the front entrance where other limos are parked and other apparent guests have begun to mill about. The driver of your limo opens your door and helps you out. "Please remain out here while the host prepares. He will be out shortly, in the mean time feel free to chat with the other guests." he says giving you your baggage and gesturing to the others. Some look confused as to why they are there, others impatient.

[Note: while I may use some themes, locations, faces, etc. from the show Whodunnit, I will not be using the crimes themselves. So if you're thinking of cheating, it won't help ;P]
BishPlz BishPlz Psykofreac Psykofreac ismaddy ismaddy lyn. lyn. GhastlySquash GhastlySquash McMajestic McMajestic Monster Lady Gay-Gay Monster Lady Gay-Gay laybaeby laybaeby @Jasil Loki777 Loki777 Blu3 Blu3 LaDouxTromperie LaDouxTromperie Squad141 Squad141

Characters: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/who-dunnit-characters.342422/
Other and OOC: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/who-dunnit-ooc-and-other.342423/
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Alfie Fisher

Alfie stepped out of the car and nervously looked at the somewhat intimidating mansion for a moment before stepping up onto the front stairs. The limo driver opened the door and Alfie stepped into the house. The limo driver told him that the host and other guests should arrive to greet him shortly and Alfie was confused. He didn't know there were other guests, which was a big relief. Since he was a lower classman to Eric, he didn't know very much about his graduating class. He hoped there might be someone else he knew that was coming to help ease the tension. He stood awkwardly in the doorway with his luggage for quite sometime just looking through what he could see if the house in the entranceway. He looked around for pictures or anything he could find on Eric's home life and social life. He saw a limo pull up. He looked out of the window trying to guess who would be stepping out of the limo and he was surprised. He guessed that everyone invited had to have something in common.
Jessa Laney


Jessa pondered as the limo drove towards the destination, Eric's estate. It was hard to make sense of the fact that the weird kid in high school was this well off. She expected it to be one of the popular kids, of all people, who'd be successful enough to have an estate at this point in life. She was curious, but it didn't really both her. No one seems to care about anyone from high school after graduation; everyone leads different lives and soon one's reputation in high school means nothing in the real world. She wasn't sure why he invited her. They were never close back then, but she did remember they had a few classes together. Maybe she had signed his yearbook at one time. She shrugged it off, thinking he must've just wanted to enjoy some sort of rich people activity while making friends. Shortly, the limo pulled up and she thanked the driver who opened the door for her. As instructed, she stayed outside and looked the place over. It really was nice. After a quick glance, she sat down on the steps and waited for everyone else to show up.​
This is really fishy, Ryouta thought as he looked out of the window of the limo. He was hardly known back in high school, let alone invited out, he wondered what for. He'd need to be ready in case it was bad news. Sources told him the host was a familiar Eric Jefferies inviting a bunch of people to a luxurious estate secluded from civilization and seeing the passing field and trees outside the limo's window. What other people were invited however? And why were they picked? Was it because he was a classmate? Ryouta could only ponder that question while waiting for the arrival.

He supposed he needed some entertainment on time off his training anyway. As hundreds of questions filled Ryouta's head, he noticed they finally arrived at the estate as the limo's door opened to welcome him out. Ryouta pulled his luggage out with him and as he stepped out, got a closer look at Eric's new home. It was certainly fancy though just two stories, it was more spacious in terms of width. The surrounding wilderness was one he would like to appreciate if he wasn't bugged by so many questions running through his head right now.

It seems there were a few other limousines escorting people here, likely more people who were invited. Ryouta wondered who else there are.

Soon after Ryouta and Jessa arrived so did Tiffany. She never really talked to Eric, but at least she knew him. Now he has an estate?! I mean he may not have sound appealing back then but now he does. He may even be cute. When she arrived she saw the huge estate and all its glory. It was magnificent and Tiffany's dream home. She quickly got out of the limo and dragged her luggage behind her, quickly running past.... Ryouta? He looked like a geek and she didn't care. She then moved up to the steps and saw Jessa. She then smiled and said a little too loud as always "Jessa! Darling! How are you doing! How have you been!" She didn't really care too much but her tone said other wise.

Mentioned: Psykofreac Psykofreac
Talking to: laybaeby laybaeby
Henrietta sat in a relaxed sort of intensity. The very way she leaned back was a contradiction on itself. How could she be so relaxed and yet so tense at once? It was an odd thing, but she had gotten used to contradictions over the years. Sometimes that was all one needed to be known.

As she pulled up to the estate, she couldn't help but let a cold smile cross her face. It was the same kind of smile she used in interviews. It was confident and terrifying and beautiful. It made people pause, it made them uncomfortable even, which was just what she wanted. The estate was nice, she thought. It even looked a bit like her own mansion of a house. Though she had never wanted something so big for just one person- then again, it seemed Eric had never planned on this home being for just one.

She thought back to her invitation to such a place, thought back to the high school years she despised so much. She hadn't paid much attention to Eric then, too caught up in her own drama. Oh the nights she cried like a pathetic little girl. At least those nights were over. Now she slept in a king sized bed, alone from the world. Well, not anymore. Now she had other people around her, at least for as long as she was going to stay at this estate. Hen glanced up towards the driver, thinking of the week's worth of clothes she had packed, meaning to go to Hawaii on vacation. Instead, though, out of pure curiosity for why a stranger would invite her over, she had made last minute changes to come here.

And as the limousine halted and she stepped out, she couldn't help but think perhaps it was because they were both picked on, maybe that would be it- or maybe it was just simply her fame. Though as she looked around at everyone else who had arrived, that idea quickly went out the window. None of these people were famous in any way. Just pathetic people from high school. So then, now what did they all have in common? She sighed, carrying herself with frustrated confidence as she walked up towards the columns, yet merely leaned against one, her black suitcase by her side as she stared down at the few others who had arrived, even more curious now.
Jesse was nervous. It could be seen in the way his fingers tapped against his knee, or the way his foot tapped against the floor of the car. He kept looking out the window, squinting into the sunlight, looking back down. He tried breathing slower, but it didn't seem to work. Why was he here? What was he doing? He should have never come. Eric's invite had just been an accident. Nobody knew Jesse's name, let alone invited him to fancy estates.

He looked down at himself, at his blank tee shirt, at the jeans with holes in the knees. This wasn't proper to wear. He wanted to turn back. "Can we turn around?" he asked the driver, though he hardly got a glance back. He shouldn't have been there. Not in the fancy car, not pulling up to a fancy estate. None of it was right. Why had he come? His friends. He had very few, but they all managed to convince him it would be fun, that maybe he'd meet new people, maybe Eric wanted to be his friend. Eric probably didn't even know his name.

It was an accident, it had to be. And yet as the limo stopped and the door opened he had no other choice but to get out, but to grab his backpack and sling it over his shoulders, but to walk forward and search desperately for a shadow to dive into. He saw people. Familiar people. Terrifying people who seemed to glare at him as he walked forward, trying and failing to keep his head held high. Maybe it will be fun, he thought, because it was the only thought that would keep him from chewing his nails off as he paused in the yard, looking around for a quiet spot to hide in.

@ Anyone
If there was one thing that Ally loved more than rich wealthy estates, it was amazing food! Working in a diner downtown exposed her to all kinds of flavors, from all across the world. Of course, a waitress didn't make enough to eat at all the fanciest places in the world but she made due with what she could get.

High school had always been a curious year. Ally had always been told it was safer to be in a group. She believed that and even with all the people arriving, she never faltered in that regard. So what if there were outliers. Ally never believed in them. She believed the group was always right. The majority always wins.

Just like a popular restaurant or a good yelp review, only the masses could guarantee success. As Ally stepped out, she realized however that neither the rich nor famous were in attendance. Instead, only her high school classmates were here.

"Huh? I didn't know reunions were in order?" Ally chuckled, waving at Henrietta and Jesse as she passed them to go inside. "Hey guys! Long time no see am I right?"

If anyone remembered Ally, it was that she was pathetically normal. She was always the girl in the middle. The one that kinda answered a question or two. The one that would cheer from the sidelines. Another face of the student body background. In essence, Ally personified the audience. If high school was a movie, Ally would have been an extra.

"Oooo when I found out I was going to a mansion! I had to get my Instagram ready for all the yummy yum yum food coming our way! I wonder if we'll get seafood!"

McMajestic McMajestic

As she talked briefly with the pair, she noticed Tiffany and Jessa and Ryouta. Scampering off like a lost butterfly, Ally waived at them too. "Hey Tiffany! Hey Jessa! Hey Ryouta! You guys are all here too! Wow, high school memories really flood back don't they?"

Blu3 Blu3 Psykofreac Psykofreac laybaeby laybaeby
GhastlySquash GhastlySquash

"Huh?" Ryouta noticed Ally a student from an upper class to him back in high school, waving at him, or at least people around him. He doesn't have the best social experience, so to be safe, he raised a couple of fingers and signaled a wave much like a salute and went back to folding his arms deep in thought. The most socializing he did back then was with some kids he trained with at a dojo, other than that, he was off checking out some books, games or TV shows, just had other focus.

Speaking of which, he noticed the pattern of those invited, they all went to school with the host. Like others, Ryouta never bothered with Eric much back in high school but come to think of it, he remembered it was a bit dumb how he was nice to everyone despite them picking on him, or at least, Ryouta himself didn't get how it's reasonable to do so. Perhaps Eric invited everyone because he really did believe himself to be friends with them all, that's at least the most likely theory. Any others?

Ryouta looked back up at the luxurious estate and thinks how unusual some people get rich so soon. He couldn't yet figure how Eric had done it but another possibility is that he wants to show off his success to everyone back in high school, not as likely as the former theory but it's something. Ryouta would probably need to wait for more information and hear what others had to say. For now however, he checked his watch to see what the time was.
Jessa Laney


Jessa watched as some familiar faces from high school kept appearing. It brought back memories she didn't want to think about. Not that it was necessarily a terrible time, but back then most people annoyed her. During high school she was part of a group that always sluffed off and did their own thing, which mostly consisted of smoking in the bathroom back then. She remembered the group created an "Art Club" so they could meet and do whatever they wanted during school hours. The club stayed alive for a while, until some students discovered the true reasoning for the club and ratted them out. She glanced over at Tiffany as she spoke loudly to her, completely judging her over the top enthusiasm. She figured Tiffany hadn't changed a bit since high school. She decided it would be fun to at least attempt to interact with some of them. So, she replied in the most energetic voice she could stomach. "Oh my god, hi! It's been like a millennium since I've seen you. I'm fine. How are you?" She cringed internally at how annoying that was. Then, suddenly Ally was running around the group to greet everyone. To be honest, she didn't look familiar at all despite chatting it up with everyone here. Jessa couldn't help but laugh when Ally mentioned high school memories coming back. "Yeah, unfortunately they do," she added.

Interaction: Blu3 Blu3 GhastlySquash GhastlySquash
Alfie Fisher
Alfie was just as confused as more and more people showed up, all of them his upperclassman. He only knew them from stories and rumors or seeing them in the hall. The only person he knew was Eric and he hoped that he would show up soon. He uncomfortably watched and listened as he thought to himself that maybe these were all the people Eric had fantasies about in high school. He knew it was unlikely, however it was a flattering thought. He looked over at a few of the pretty boys he only knew the names of as they socialized with people he didn't know. He figured none of them really even saw him much in the halls, since he wasn't extremely popular to his knowledge, and he felt powerful knowing that he knew all of them, even if only through rumors. He chuckled a little to himself wondering what Eric was thinking.
Walter got out of his Limo wearing his Southwest outfit since he'd just flown in from a working flight. Knowing that, people would look, he walked in and headed for the place with the most noise. He walked in, and said loudly "Guess who's Here" and waited for anyone to show notice for him. So while he waited he walked over the food table and started eating food 'I haven't eaten since Pheonix' He muttered to himself.

I'll write more soon.
The door to the manor opens enough for a person to slip out and in a moment a tall thin man wearing a suit is standing in front of the door. "Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. My name is Giles. I'm the head of staff here at the manor. I've been asked to invite you all in as your host is ready to greet you now." with a slight bow he takes a step back and opens the door revealing the inside of the glorious manor.

At the top of the stairs stands a man with a wide grin on his face. "Welcome my esteemed guests and friends. Sorry to have kept you waiting, I had some business to attend to. What do you think of my home?" It would appear this is Eric and his tone is somewhat exaggerated as he is trying to sound fancy but it doesn't quite come off that way. He makes his way down the stairs and at the bottom the man who identified himself as Giles whispers something into Eric's ear and then goes around the corner. Shortly after, the butler comes back holding a tray with glasses of ice tea and offers one to everyone. CharlesAngel CharlesAngel Monster Lady Gay-Gay Monster Lady Gay-Gay Blu3 Blu3 GhastlySquash GhastlySquash laybaeby laybaeby Psykofreac Psykofreac McMajestic McMajestic
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Hen glanced back at the slight creaking of a door opening, and noticed an older man who soon introduced himself as Giles, head of staff. As he opened the door wider to allow everyone's entrance, Henrietta took hold of her bag and wheeled it inside, taking an appreciative look around before noticing Eric. As he spoke, she took another glance. It was a large entryway and she did have to admit he had good taste. "It's nice," she said simply, moving over to grab a drink and stand a bit closer to Eric since nobody else was rushing at the opportunity. "Though it would be even nicer to know what made you invite all of us to this estate." Hen swirled a glass a bit, listening to the ice crunch as it moved in a melodic sort of circle, and took a sip as she waited for Eric's response. She was hoping for an honest answer, something that would put her curiosity to rest, and yet she doubted that would actually happen. From the invitation to even this moment, Henrietta had been nothing if not fueled by curiosity, and part of her was sure Eric intended to keep it that way.
Jesse moved rigidly, his nervous energy consuming him so much that he jumped slightly when he heard Ally greet him. "Um hey!" he said, his words cracked and he winced slightly, listening to her talk as Hen all but ignored her and trailed inside. He bit his lip, nodding once and trying to share her enthusiasm though it was difficult. He was just about to respond when she turned and ran off, and he was left to stand awkwardly for a moment before heading back inside. Maybe he'd get to properly talk to her later.

As he stood inside he watched as Eric greeted everyone and as Hen confidently walked up to ask the question on everyone's mind as the drinks came by. He noticed it was iced tea, which made his nose crinkle. Jesse had never big a fan of having more ice than drink. It led to him getting up for refills for too often. "Could I have one without ice, please?" he asked, his voice small in apology as he felt he was inconveniencing the person holding the tray. They only smiled and nodded though, handing him just what he had asked for, and he took a long gulp, trying to relax as he moved towards a wall, hoping to rest against it as he watched everyone mingle.

PenguinFox PenguinFox
GhastlySquash GhastlySquash
Walter hadn't talked to anyone, nor had anyone talked to him, and he wanted to talk to someone. But didn't have the guts, and he was the only person that was wearing the most flamboyant outfit ever. He took an Ice Tea and drunk it in 20 seconds. 'Ugh' Then he noticed Hen, "Hey Hen long time no see" Walter said with a grin, it had been a long time, but it was a weird time since they talked.
McMajestic McMajestic
Casey's limo slowly pulled up at the mansion that belonged to so called Eric, she had trouble believing that it was actually him but there is only one way to make sure. As the car stopped, the driver opened the door and she stepped out of the car and carried her luggage with her through the doors. She saw everyone from her graduating class, it was a weird concept to see how they have all changed since high school. That was one of the things that she missed, being surrounded with all of her friends, having her boyfriend next to her, winning Queen Bee at the prom. She missed all of those things, it was much easier to get by then.

A few eyes looked at Casey as she stood at the back of the group and put her luggage on the floor looking around at the room they in. She was shocked, how a scrawny little nerd in high school became a supposed millionaire with a mansion. His looks have even changed a little bit. "Sorry I'm a little late... Traffic I guess...." She felt powerless having the people looking at her, she is usually never late. Her eyes scanning everyone's face, trying not to laugh at some of them because of the dramatic change.
Walter's eye caught a movement by the front door and someone arriving It was Casey "oh my god Casey? It's Walter" Walter said walking towards her in his Overly Gay outfit, 'This outfit is why I work for Southwest' Walter thought.

T That_Irish_Person
"Oh my lord it is the legendary Walt Whisky! How have you been?" She walks up to him hugging him a little awkwardly, she was never really the best of friends with Walter the only really important history they had was when Casey was drunk at a party and almost had sex with him. Maybe this wan't going to be so bad after all? Her smile grew and she giggled a little, he was still wearing the same cologne as he did in high school.
"It is it is, how have you been?" Walter asked with a smile, it had left off weird with Casey "Hey, don't get too drunk" Walter joked 'My God, she remembered his nickname' "I don't think we've spoken since high school, as you can see, they gayest Flight Attendant you'll ever see. What are you doing with your life?"
T That_Irish_Person
"I've been better hahaha," She playfully punched his arm at the joke laughing a little, Shit he still remembers that night.... "Oh wow, you're a flight attendant, I mean of course you are. I'm a professional photographer that also works at your local Starbucks. You haven't changed a bit" She shook her head a little Is he gay? I mean he looks it but still that's pretty out there.

Monster Lady Gay-Gay Monster Lady Gay-Gay
"Ha... Pretty cool I guess." She fixed her hair by pushing a strand behind her ear, her eyes ended up laying on Jesse, "I get the feeling that this is going to be an awkward time...." Her phone started to buzz from an incoming phone call, "Sorry, I have to take this." She answered the call and walked away from Walter, it was an employer of the job she was applying for in graphics. There were a few short answers and long answers before she finally ended the call her smile a little deflated, but she didn't let it show too much and walked back to the crowd.
Alfie was thankful to see Eric and felt relieved since he was the only person he actually knew personally in the crowd. He decides to make his way around, looking Through the crowd at the other guests, hoping to find anyone who seemed friendly. He didn't even notice when Casey slipped in until he was standing face to face with her.
"Casey! It's a miracle!" Alfie exclaimed as he saw her just hanging up her phone! "And just as I was thinking I was the only one from our class." Alfie smiled. He scanned the crowd again looking from each guest to Eric.
"Do you have any idea why we're here? The only thing I can think is these are all the people Eric had a crush on in high school. And though I'd be flattered, it's unlikely. I mean look at all the competition I'd have," Alfie laughed gesturing to Casey.
T That_Irish_Person
Casey's face instantly lighted up at the sight of Alfie, "Oh my god, Alfie! Is that you?" She walked up to him and hugged him her face in his chest. She missed having him in her life, he was her best friend even though they didn't really talk in school, he was practically her bother. She laughed little at Alfie's joke, "And he still hasn't changed," Casey messed up Alfie's hair, "How have you been?"

CharlesAngel CharlesAngel
Hmph, show off, Ryouta wondered how much Eric rehearsed for this moment. Not only does he own a fancy estate, he even looks the part, the theory earlier may really be true after all. If Eric just wanted to showcase his success, Ryouta had to admit it's working and couldn't help but be jealous of the class here.

From being offered a glass of iced tea, Ryouta took one but just stood idly, anyone have a problem and they can ask him. He looked around seeing students from his old school reuniting and eventually, Alfie asked what sounds like a question for the group. Considering Eric's already around for it, Ryouta commented, sounding somewhat reluctant, "Well if you wish to know someone's reason, isn't it best to ask the man himself?"

As Ryouta finished, he glanced over at Eric.

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