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Futuristic Who Are We?

Misty could feel something but she couldn't tell what it was. She turned around to see nothing while she waited for the elevator to come down. 'I hope the man doesn't get caught.' She thought knowing that the area she sent him to was not as guarded. 'How did he get in here though. There are not suppose to be any openings that big.' She knew she would have to report this so she jotted down a note when the elevator opened. No one was on, as usual so she stepped in. @Quark

He waited quietly to see the elevator's door close, and he crouched low to shift his body further out. Looking left and right, he could see which floor did it stop at. His eyes narrowed a fraction before he walked over towards the elevator. It didn't require a password, just simply a button. He was about to press it, before stopping himself. Had it been Valeria, she would have perhaps reminded that there was the possibility of someone on the other side watching. Clenching his teeth, he grasped onto the edge of the elevator, and with as much strength his arms could do to pry open the doors to the elevator by a fraction.

He peered down the strong thick cables holding the descending elevator. Cracking his knuckles, he grasped onto the cable to slide down.



Valeria walked out of the electronics store, her hands in the pocket of her skirt. The computers in the store were not able to connect to the internet. But this was the "modern" day, where it was absurd to not have connectivity. Even the mobile phones that were on trial could not have connectivity to the outside world's internet files. And yet, mobile phones worked fine. She stared outside at the sky as she stopped at an intersection in the city. She squinted, though all she could see with the naked eye was the sky and the clouds.

There could be no doubt that something was stopping the wireless communications outside the island. It was as if there was some invisible radiowave shield around the entire island. Or maybe it really is one.

Misty walked out of the elevator as it reached the level she wanted. As she walked out she took her book and finished writing in it. She was on her way to the school when she passed by a girl staring at the sky. "Look up too long and you'll hurt your neck." She said giggling a bit. She looked the girl up and down smiling. 'I wish I knew who you were before your memory got wiped.' She thought as she reached her hand out. "I'm Misty May. Nice to meet you." She said with a bright smile. Her father always told her to get along with everyone so that they wouldn't suspect anything form her. She knew this was something that would change anyways. She knew given enough time no one on the island would know who she was, no matter how many times they met her. @Quark

He slowly climbed down and pried open the rooftop of the elevator. before climbing down. The woman was gone, slowly he opened the door to see that there was no one around. He peered a little, perhaps now would be a good time to do some snooping around. One of his hands reached into his pocket, as he lifted up his eyepatch.


In the middle of her thinking, there was a voice and she turned. It was a woman wearing casual clothes, and with white hair. She looked rather young though, and the only other young person who had white hair was "Sniper". Her hands immediately delve into her pockets, just a small sign that she was uncertain why this woman was approaching her all of a sudden. Judging by her words, it was likely she had never met her in her past life. "I see, Misty." she nodded with a polite nod, showing that she was a little shy. "I'm "Valeria"." She said, while looking into Misty's eyes and body language, whether the name was any familiar.

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Misty smiled. "It is a pleasure to meet you." 'I know I've seen her name before.' She smiled looking towards the school. "What are you up to today? Shouldn't you be in class, I know I'm late myself." She said as she tried to remember where she saw the name from. She had been helping her father for years now but it always seemed there were a few that he would work on secretly. "How long have you lived here? I don't think I have seen you around before, and I know almost everyone?" She asked not giving away any information that would ruin the experiments. @Quark
Gautama walked through the woods between the tunnel and the city. Once in the city he looked around entirely confused. Had this been here the entire time? Well at least he could get some food now.

Gautama wandered around the city trying to find a place that would give him a free meal. His signature Buddha smile and he less than nourished appearance would probably convince someone to let him have a meal or two but he needed to make sure there wasn't any meat.

Being asked about why she wasn't in class, Valeria shifted the position of her foot a little. She didn't really find any reason to explain to this woman, and it wouldn't be hard to simply ask the teachers. Like Veneno, Valeria had also skipped her classes from time to time. Reason? On the surface she just didn't appear to be interested in the lessons or had some prejudice against the teachers. The black-haired girl's eyebrows raised when she said that she knew almost everyone. In this big city? Whatever for? It wasn't like she was the mayor or anything. "Don't know. Perhaps a few weeks. I don't remember" she said, not bothered in the least in her answer before turning back to Misty. "Yourself? You sound like you've been here for a while."

Misty smiled. "Been here for as long as I can remember. I think it has been almost 3 years now." She lied. Truth is she has been working with her father for over 5 years now. She knew all the islands like it was the back of her hand. She knew almost every person she has seen paperwork on. "Well come on. We should head to school so the teacher doesn't get mad. I know my father will be angry if he hears from the teacher again." She said grabbing her hand and pulling her. @Quark
After a little searching Gautama was able to get some good from a generous soul which he gratefully ate and shared with his new companion he would start calling Orrily. Once he and Orrily finished their meals Gautama began to wander the town trying to think of what he could do to earn money. He wanted to make a temple here but that didn't seem very likely unless there was already one here.
ZekeDude said:
Roy looked up at her with the last thing she spoke. "I have absolutely no idea what you just said... What language is that, French?" His voice sounded slightly condescending but anyone who knew Roy, knew that it was a legitimate question. He never made fun of anyone and that was one more thing that made him out to be more like a little innocent child.
Jess laughed. "Yes. It's French. 'C'est la Vie' means 'such is life'." She cocked her head. "Why? Was French a language you wanted to learn?"

SleepyBuddha said:
After a little searching Gautama was able to get some good from a generous soul which he gratefully ate and shared with his new companion he would start calling Orrily. Once he and Orrily finished their meals Gautama began to wander the town trying to think of what he could do to earn money. He wanted to make a temple here but that didn't seem very likely unless there was already one here.
Orril shook his head and followed Gautama into town, being sure to stay close to the Buddha and gentle and careful enough so that the large Griffin's wings or tail didn't hurt anyone. He sat down on his haunches next to Gautama, looking at the streets with interest. A small child approached the Griffin, and Orril looked pleasantly surprised that the small being didn't seem afraid of him. He purred and bent down, allowing the child to touch his soft Featherfur. Orril looked at Gautama, amused as the child stroked his beak and then walked away. The owl Griffin fluffed his featherfur and laid down on his stomach, looking very much like a lounging Cat.
Dkingow said:
Misty smiled. "Been here for as long as I can remember. I think it has been almost 3 years now." She lied. Truth is she has been working with her father for over 5 years now. She knew all the islands like it was the back of her hand. She knew almost every person she has seen paperwork on. "Well come on. We should head to school so the teacher doesn't get mad. I know my father will be angry if he hears from the teacher again." She said grabbing her hand and pulling her. @Quark

"Oh." was all Valeria said about her living here for three years. She wasn't sure if that was useful, but she nodded for politeness. Having her wrist grabbed, Valeria reacted fast, and her heels anchored towards the ground, not wanting to move away from the spot. The moment that Misty was going to pull her, something flickered in the back of her mind. Something of being pulled in towards a dark alley. Roughly, she yanked her hand away. "Sorry," she said looking sideways, "I didn't mean to be so rough. But..."she lifted her head to look at the white-haired woman. "I don't want to go to school... it's stupid. And besides, that's your father will be angry, not mine."
Misty looked at her confused. "Will you parents not be upset if you don't learn?" She asked. It seemed like any parent would be upset if there child did not try to learn all they could. "I know school is stupid, and you don't learn anything, but the interacting with so many people just makes life less boring." She said with a happy smile. "Like right now. If I was not heading to school at this very moment I would not have run into you after taking the lab reports to my father." She said before she realized what she was saying. She cupped her hands over her mouth. 'Crap, now I've doomed her.' She thought as she took a step back. Tears started to form in her eyes. 'All I had to do was walk away and now I have ruined this girl's life.' She thought as she turned and ran. "I'm sorry." She mumbled as she took off as fast as she could towards the school. @Quark

Valeria merely raised her eyebrows at Misty. Well, this woman seemed certainly quite attached to her parents. Valeria didn't even know who her parents was. When she woke up, she was at an apartment, where Venono was her next-door neighbour. She shifted her weight while the woman continued babbling on about meeting more people at school, and how one needs to learn at school. As if I can't just learn by myself, she thought to herself irritably though her face was rigid. Just when she spoke about some "lab reports", there was suddenly a look of horror on her face, that had the black-haired girl almost tense up herself. "Wha? Hey wait!" she took a step forward but the woman had already ran towards the school. Not really understanding what was going on, Valeria shrugged for a moment. What a weird woman...



The white-haired boy's body tensed and immediately crept towards the wall when he heard footsteps. It was a worker in the facility, at least that's what he concluded by the protective gear (lab coat, closed in shoes, safety glasses). It didn't seem like he would be leaving soon, nor was he away of the boy watching him. Perhaps best I go, better to not get caught and still be alive to come back later. He watched the movements of the facilitator scientist walk around the room carefully, and at the right opportunity sprang up to run past the benches and out the door, back through the tunnel again. After that, it was simply retracing his footsteps back towards the elevator, climbing up the cable, then through the tunnel again. Though this time he was running through the dark again, he had somewhat of a better idea of where to step. Very soon, he arrived at the entrance of the tunnel again, hidden behind the boxes he had set up in the storeroom at school.
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Misty did not stop until she stepped foot on the school campus. She didn't remember why she ran, only that if she didn't something would have happened to the girl. 'I need to watch what I say around people.' She thought as she bent over to catch her breath. It had been a while since she had to full on sprint after anything and she was tired. She held her backpack in her hands while she panted. "At least I'm at school." She said out loud.
sitanomoto said:
Jess laughed. "Yes. It's French. 'C'est la Vie' means 'such is life'." She cocked her head. "Why? Was French a language you wanted to learn?"
Roy heard his slightly annoying ring tone go off and he picked it up while ducking into an empty classroom to answer the call. "Dude I'm in the middle of school...." There was a long pause as Derek was explaining that Roy had to come home as soon as possible and that if he wanted he could drag Jess with. Roy took his face away from the cellphone and looked over at her curiously. "You wanna have a reason to skip school for today? Apparently there's some sort of emergency or something. Derek said he found some kid near death on the streets and he needed out help to clean him up and get him in a better state or something. Ya coming?"

As Gautama wandered searching for a place to stay he noticed two boys. One who seems to be younger and injured and another who looks to be helping him, " Is everything alright?" He asked as he approached.

(Trying to get him involved.)
ZekeDude said:
Roy heard his slightly annoying ring tone go off and he picked it up while ducking into an empty classroom to answer the call. "Dude I'm in the middle of school...." There was a long pause as Derek was explaining that Roy had to come home as soon as possible and that if he wanted he could drag Jess with. Roy took his face away from the cellphone and looked over at her curiously. "You wanna have a reason to skip school for today? Apparently there's some sort of emergency or something. Derek said he found some kid near death on the streets and he needed out help to clean him up and get him in a better state or something. Ya coming?"
Jess grinned. "Nobody's going to question my absence. I'm a straight-A student with a record to match. It wouldn't hurt to have a day off." She pulled a small silver whistle from her pocket, and blew into it. It made no sound that any human being (unless otherwise enhanced) could hear. "Let's get going." She hefted her bag over her shoulder and looked at Roy. "Are you coming, your Majesty?" She liked to tease Roy about his name.

SleepyBuddha said:
As Gautama wandered searching for a place to stay he noticed two boys. One who seems to be younger and injured and another who looks to be helping him, " Is everything alright?" He asked as he approached.
(Trying to get him involved.)
Orril's ears perked up, and he turned his head to the left. He stared in that direction for quite some time before getting to his paws and springing off into the sky.
(Sorry for not replying at all, I have not been getting notifications.)

Lily had ran her entire way to the other entrance/exit she knew of. Lily was terrified. There were more people coming to the lab via tunnels. She knew she wasn't the only one aware of the tunnels, but she wasn't used to there being more than one person else being in the tunnels. Lily stopped when she reached the location. She held onto the ladder and tried to catch her breath. She climbed up to the exit and then left the tunnel. Lily looked around. Outskirts of the city, not very populated. Lily sat on top of the entrance. A simple rock. An onlooker would simply think it's another rock the litters the ground not truly knowing what lied beneath.

Hunter was walking out of the facility when he was given an additional task, watch over a scientist's daughter, as he put his backpack over his other shoulder, (finding his tranquilizer a bit heavy) he thought, how hard could this be. Take note and report any individuals who have powers and watch a girl. He gave a small grin as he was reaching the school
sitanomoto said:
Jess grinned. "Nobody's going to question my absence. I'm a straight-A student with a record to match. It wouldn't hurt to have a day off." She pulled a small silver whistle from her pocket, and blew into it. It made no sound that any human being (unless otherwise enhanced) could hear. "Let's get going." She hefted her bag over her shoulder and looked at Roy. "Are you coming, your Majesty?" She liked to tease Roy about his name.
Orril's ears perked up, and he turned his head to the left. He stared in that direction for quite some time before getting to his paws and springing off into the sky.
Roy laughed embarrassingly. He noticed some one approaching the highschool with an unsettling grin. He frowned and looked over at Jess. "Hey JJ maybe we should just walk home... it's only a few blocks..."

@sitanomoto @Nexion

(Sry for late response xD )
ZekeDude said:
Roy laughed embarrassingly. He noticed some one approaching the highschool with an unsettling grin. He frowned and looked over at Jess. "Hey JJ maybe we should just walk home... it's only a few blocks..."
@sitanomoto @Nexion

(Sry for late response xD )
Jess noticed the man too, then nodded, looking to the sky. "Yeah, or...."

Orril landed in front of Roy and Jess, then purred. "Orril! How's my kitty?" Jess leaned into Orril's fluffy face and the large griffin purred, swishing his tail back and forth and closing his eyes contentedly. Jess laughed and stepped back, putting an arm around Roy's shoulder. "Roy, you know how you've never been to my house? Well......" She gestured to Orril, who had pounced on a leaf and was trying to figure out what the hell it was. "He's why." She looked at Roy. "Pretty cool, huh?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/ccf7d2d85e91c0c5aec95e4325c1ba23.jpg.1b67e084164c9d7f672a382b6b61da03.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134593" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/ccf7d2d85e91c0c5aec95e4325c1ba23.jpg.1b67e084164c9d7f672a382b6b61da03.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Roy stared at it unsure how to react. He put his hand forward slowly and felt the fluff. He had never felt anything so soft and irresistible in his life. Seconds later he started hugging Orril's leg and tried crawling onto his back. "JJ, help me up!" Roy said, failing to get up and now reaching his hands up for help.


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