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White Room

Alyssa Chamberlain

Junior Member
Isabelle slowly opens her eyes and is greeted with the bright flash of white walls and tiles. She slowly sits up, her red hair cascading along the white tiles, giving a sharp pop to the otherwise mono-coloured room. As she stands and looks around, she notices a rather handsome looking fellow in the corner who appears to be asleep. Isabelle slowly steps over while looking throughly at him. He appears to be fine, no injuries are present and his breathing is normal. Isabelle gently rests her hand on his forearm and tries to shake him awake. "H-hello? Hello? Are you okay?"

@Totally a hero
mays eyes slowly open. red. red is the only thing he can notace. he grunts softly as his body catches up with being awake. he pushes his glasses upwards and proceedes rubbing the drowsiness from his eye. "this place again..." he yawns seeing the bland walls trapping him. after shifting his head his hear almost stops. a girl with the richest hair he has ever seen is leaning above him. mays mouth hangs open slightly as he notices every word in his vocabulary escape him. she is so stunning...if only may could breath in air to tell her.
Isabelle knelt down in front of him and noticed that he struggled to breathe. "No, no please don't try to speak, but.. You did say "again"... What.. Have you been here before?" Isabelle pushed some hair behind her ear and moved the rest of it to the left side. She looked at the room and tried to look for a way out.
May quickly covers his mouth as he begins coughing. "Y-yes...I've been here a-" another coughing fit erupts him in the middle of his speech.

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"O-oh crap! Are you okay? You can catch your breath, you don't have to talk right now. You can talk when you're ready." Isabelle gave May a comforting smirk and sat cross legged next to him and rubbed his back to calm down his coughing. "I hope I'm not being too forward by doing this, it always seems to help me when I have a coughing fit." She stared at the walls and analyzed them in case they appeared to have a weak spot.
"Oh god what's wrong with me" may thinks to himself as he feels her small hands on his back. The coughing soon stops as he try's to make the situation better. "I-I'm so sorry." He smiles sheepishly at the girl, hating himself for his awful introduction. "Thank you for the help,, I-i really appreciate it"

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Isabelle giggled at his sheepishness and smiled. She removed her hand from his back and set both of her hands on her lap, smoothing her dark jeans and tugging at her mint sweater. She took off her hairtie from her wrist and put up her hair in a nice ponytail, she was getting tired of her hair always swinging in her face. She looked at him as he thanked for her for her help. "Hey, it's no problem! Can you stand? Or do you need help getting up?" Isabelle asked with a bit of concern in her eyes.
"I-I'm alright thank you." May laughs trying to play off his sickness. He stands up and try's not to look at Isabelle to much. "So...have you been in this room before as well? For the past mount I've been having this dream where I'm stuck in this room till I wake up." Wait, is it still a dream? It might not be due to the fact that he's no longer alone. The thought of this sent a sharp pain to his head, he does his best to avoid the thought for the moment.

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Isabelle got a slight twinge of a hint that he may be lying. 'Well,' she began thinking to herself, 'what do you even know about him? You just met the guy. Surely he must be telling the truth..'. She pushed this thought aside and turned while standing up when he asked her about being in the room. "Uhm, no. No this is my first encounter with this place. I was actually quite scared I was in some sort of mental institution perhaps and I just never came out of my delusion until now. Hahha." Isabelle nervously laughed at her joke to try and make the best of a situation. She felt a strong, peircing headache come on and thought it might be related to her hairtie. So she slowly pulled it out and let her hair cascade down to her waist before fixing it. She looked at May just as he winced. She slowly walked over to him and rested her fingers gently on his shoulder. "Hey, maybe you shouldn't stress so much. You appear to be getting a headache. Come on, let's see if we can find our way out of this place." She began, "Well, if there's even a way out I mean." She nervously said while surverying the room.
Mays skin develops goose bumps when she touches him, a feeling he dosint feel that often. He gasps slightly and then bites his tongue. "I'm alright...sorry I'm just kinda jumpy." He quickly scoots away from her, "if there a way out I've never found it. I-I just have to wait out the dream..." He scratches the back of his head while staring at the ground. The floor is so polished he can see his reflection in it. " this may sound kinda strange but...d-do you remember...umm...f-falling asleep?"

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Isabelle shrugs when May scoots away, 'Maybe he's just shy.' she thought. As she looked around the room, she began to listen to May as he asked her the question. Isabelle turned to look at him and put on a thinking face for a minute. "Hmm, no. To be honest, I don't.. Is that bad?" Isabelle asked while she could feel the anxiety of her missing time spread throughout her body.
"Umm...I'm not sure" if she dosint recall falling asleep, then maybe this was no longer a dream. May begins to think that Maybe she is part of his dream,like maybe she's just something his mind made up to make the dream less lonely. How could he figure out if she was part of his dream or not? May plays with the tips of his hair trying to get a grasp of something. "Hey, what's your home life like?" This is definitely a strange question to ask somebody you just met but if she was a dream mays mind could only make so much details up by itself.

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"My home life? Hmmm." Isabelle tried to find the words to describe what her home life was like. She began to think that this was his way of getting to know her. "Well, I have a mom, a dad, and a younger brother. My younger brother likes to go out a lot, so it's mostly my mom and dad and me. But we always make time for family. But all in all, it's a relatively nice home life. We all get along and tell each other everything." Isabelle smiled at this thought and then frowned. What if there wasn't a way out of here? She'd never see her family again. She turned to May and offered a slight smile. "So," she began, "what about you? What's your home life like?" She asked as she played with the seam of her sweater.
Ugh...to may she sounded far to reel to be a conjuring of his imagination. May sighs, he's having a hard time distinguishing dreams from reality. "Oh me? I don't do a whole lot...u-umm...I play in a band...and umm..." Mays face begins to turn red, he dosint have a whole to say about himself. " I live alone for the most part...my moms off on Business allot. I have a sister as well, but she's really young." May tried to tell her as much as he could, it was only fair considering he questions her out of the blue

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Isabelle practically jumped at the sound of May being in a band. "W-what?! Really! What kind of music do you play?" Isabelle asked as she had an excited glimmer in her eye. "Um, why don't you tell me while we look for a way out of here?"
"S-sure" may was surprised by her reaction. It's not that interesting right? "I play base in a band called suicide sophomore, I do so of the background and harsh vocals, but that's it" may lays down looking under his chair, he hazing checked there yet. "We're not. Big at all,weave only made one album and it's sails are really low" he pushes his hand underneath the seat expecting to find nothing, I intead he feels a large chunk of wood. "W-what the?"

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Isabelle nods and gives an interested expression. The type where you kind of pout your lips and nod. She then stared at the corner of the ceiling for several minutes while May started poking around the room, she snaped out of her hand and whipped her head to look at May when he questioned something he found. "What? What did you find, May?" Isabelle asked as she stood up and walked over to May.

@Totally a hero
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