White Phantom


Gentlemenly Gentlemen
Name:  Jonathan Samson  

Alias: The White Phantom 
Gender: Male 
Age: 25

Backstory: Jonathan Samson was born in Paris.Samson's family was rather poor, always having to save every scrap. Samson growing up was give care and compassion from the other children. Only joking they beat him up routinely. That was when Samson learned that being good didn't pay in both metaphorical and literal sense. He did find some soles though. Magic tricks, slight of hand. His first job was that of one of his young tormentors fathers had a business in jeweler. Walking past one day, the young man 'borrowed the wallet, revealed it of its funds, and placed it in one another one of his bullies farther  pockets.  Wasn't much but still it made a tidy sum. And that was only at thirteen. At sixteen he left home, wasn't because of his family more because he need to spread its wings as it were. To be fair they didn't really care for him anyway. The feeling was shared He didn't get along with before moving out to Paris at sixteen. He has also spent time in Russia, Spain, Germany and many other countries, honing his skills as both a magician and a con-artist . Eventually he ended up in the great land of America. A land of hero and villains it seems. Samson having no interest in that just wondered, wonder what a hero and a villain might have worth stealing. 
Family:  Hasn't seen them in a while. 
Friend(s): A few broker who help with stolen good that's about it. Friends get in the way of business.
Personality:  Cocky to the extreme believing himself above everyone. Sarcastic taking great pleasuring in taunting his foes. Is fairly level headed with it taking a lot to anger him. Compassion isn't flowing through him but he will help if someones life is threatened. Is not trust worthy at all always out for himself and will only help if it benefits him. Is quite intelligent in terms of both book and street smarts. He doesn't really deal with people, not that he is an introvert more because he views his work as more important. Plus if they found out they probably wouldn't get along with him that well. 
Strengths: -While not superhuman agile, he is rather adapt at parkour which helps with the job
-Isn't strong in terms of brute strength but knows some martial arts, mostly knock out moves and the like.

-Has many magic tricks which while not of a magical nature can help get him out of scraps.

-Is rather con man being quite good at convincing people of things,lying and other wise misleading people.
Weaknesses: -Sometimes is a bit overconfident which can lead to some unfortunate incidents
-Has no real allies so if he gets caught or hurt no one is bringing him home.
-Can sometimes get greedy leading to more unfortunate incidents.

-Isn't very durable in terms of a fight with just a few punch able to knock him out.

Equipment : His trade mark suit and hat. No mask of course though he dose have make up to change his appearance. 
-A series of  notes to be left at the scene of all of his... expeditions. Reputation is very important in this business
-His apartment- One of the nicer ones in the city  with a high rent fee. It also has some a hidden room. Behind a bookcase of course. It house  equipment/
Job: Stage magician. 
It's Kaito Kid! Any who approved. Glad to see you back again SirGrey!
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