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Fantasy Whisper In The Woods


Six Thousand Club
Character Sheet









Martial Status:

Name: Merry

Age: 23

Gender: Female




Species: Human

Personality: Quiet, Shy, Timid, Loyal, yet puts too much trust into people.

Bio: As a child her entire family was killed by the creatures within the forest. She became a waitress at a local tavern. It gives her a free room there, and half price food.

Powers/Abilities: None

Martial Status: Married to @las0r0o7

Extra: She also is a bard, so she sings songs and tales.

Name: Lamya

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female



Species: Spirit

Personality: Quiet, Serious, Insane, Almost mindless.

Bio: She drags people to their death. In her web where she feeds on them.

Powers/Abilities: Can make webs, can climb almost anywhere, extremely strong.

Martial Status: Is this even a question. SINGLE

Extra: She doesn't remember who she was before she became a lost spirit.
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[QUOTE="elissia gem]Name: nexus gem.
Age: 19.

Gender: female.

Appearance: look at my profile pic.

Species: elf.

Personality: quiet, reserved and very shy.

Bio: having being born in the streets and her mother dying in childbirth she was said to be cursed, everyday for her is a new day to chose when to explore the woods, her father as a man who wanted her dead and he died to her by accident, she knows one day she will head into the woods, that day will be when she does not chicken out.

Powers/Abilities: none she knows off except better hearing.

Martial Status: single, she hates the idea of dating.

Extra: good at singing but cant due to many ulcers from stress.

Quick question,would a orc be accepted in the village ?or he would be one of the many creatures in the forest ?
DaedricSkaarj said:
Quick question,would a orc be accepted in the village ?or he would be one of the many creatures in the forest ?
He would be accepted. Mostly ghostly things or spirits would be shunned.
All right then,give me a moment and I will write about him)







Personality:Serious,careful,somewhat calm most of the time,although when things go rough,he becomes a brute and somewhat sadistic

Bio:Living away from his now destroyed clan,Skorn lives in a small house in the village,trying to make a new live,a more calm one,trying his best to be a useful blacksmith,he is rather new to the village,although he hopes that most are used to him,and he usually dont like to talk about his past....(more might be explained during the rp)

Power/Abilities:Being a good blacksmith,having a large steel axe that he is an expert to use,great strengh and being able to go berserk if things go rough

Extra: his theme [media]

DaedricSkaarj said:
All right then,give me a moment and I will write about him)






Personality:Serious,careful,somewhat calm most of the time,although when things go rough,he becomes a brute and somewhat sadistic

Bio:Living away from his now destroyed clan,Skorn lives in a small house in the village,trying to make a new live,a more calm one,trying his best to be a useful blacksmith,he is rather new to the village,although he hopes that most are used to him,and he usually dont like to talk about his past....(more might be explained during the rp)

Power/Abilities:Being a good blacksmith,having a large steel axe that he is an expert to use,great strengh and being able to go berserk if things go rough

Extra: his theme [media]

Name: Melina Katára

Age: 20 (died at the age of 16, so appears to be that age)

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/ghost.jpg.be8cc82370e9398a2ec4a7e6259286df.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71120" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/ghost.jpg.be8cc82370e9398a2ec4a7e6259286df.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her body is all black and gray, except for her eyes, which glow faintly as a light green to anyone who can see her.

Height: 5'3"

Weight: She is weightless due to her having no living body.

Species: Spirit

Personality: Quiet, Assertive, and occasionally cruel. Though she doesn't understand that she isn't alive, she tries to interact with others as if everything was a dream. Most importantly, she loves interaction with people, although is confused as to why most "ignore" her, or run away. This leads her to be angry and unforgiving, as well as sad and lonely.

Bio: Before her death, she was a young girl that worked with her father at a bakery in the town. She was a sweet girl, and her family loved her with all their heart. One night, she was walking through the town at night, finishing a supply run she was making for her dad. A noise appeared from the alleyway next to her, then all the sudden she was grabbed and pulled back there, murdered in the process. Now, she wanders the forest near the town, in search of who she was. The only thing she knows, is that she gained powers. She doesn't know that she died, and thinks of this all as a dream, although doesn't remember her past life.


- Can fade through objects and organisms, as she does not have a living body.

- Has the ability to manipulate small objects, meaning she can move them around.

Martial Status: Single

Extra: None.



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Name: Mirae

Appears 17

Female (loud trolling noise)



Fallen Angel

Mirae is an immature and playful woman who is usually up to no good. With her unpredictability in stealing and in brawl, her usual alias is the Asymmetric Angel. The powers that were meant to be holy are instead used for the worst, and she's mainly known around town as a criminal. Most people dislike her with her bandit-type ways. She acts childish and playful, but she has a vast amount of knowledge on the world. The problem is that she isn't willing to communicate it with anyone, rather using it for immoral causes and to break people down.

(To be made, just know that she's a hella good bandit)

Where she is at strength isn't the strongest, but her strategic skills are fearful. Able to make strategies in an instant, her skills as a bandit and a thief are hated due to her unpredictability. Her weapon is a chain that she had looped around her belt that she can remove any time, and she can use it in many different ways. Adding onto that, she has one wing (not two, so she can't fly) that she can also use in terms of defense. It does feel pain when hit, but a lot less compared to being hit in her torso or leg or anything. It's about twice the size of her, but it has no actual power itself other than to conceal itself when necessary. She also has the ability of enhanced speed, so her fighting style mainly consists of wearing an opponent out.

Martial Status:
"What's that? Can you eat it?" (Single)
FlameintheRoses said:
Name: Melina Katára
Age: 20 (died at the age of 16, so appears to be that age)

Gender: Female

Appearance: View attachment 160470

Her body is all black and gray, except for her eyes, which glow faintly as a light green to anyone who can see her.

Height: 5'3"

Weight: She is weightless due to her having no living body.

Species: Spirit

Personality: Quiet, Assertive, and occasionally cruel. Though she doesn't understand that she isn't alive, she tries to interact with others as if everything was a dream. Most importantly, she loves interaction with people, although is confused as to why most "ignore" her, or run away. This leads her to be angry and unforgiving, as well as sad and lonely.

Bio: Before her death, she was a young girl that worked with her father at a bakery in the town. She was a sweet girl, and her family loved her with all their heart. One night, she was walking through the town at night, finishing a supply run she was making for her dad. A noise appeared from the alleyway next to her, then all the sudden she was grabbed and pulled back there, murdered in the process. Now, she wanders the forest near the town, in search of who she was. The only thing she knows, is that she gained powers. She doesn't know that she died, and thinks of this all as a dream, although doesn't remember her past life.


- Can fade through objects and organic organisms, as she does not have a living body.

- Has the ability to manipulate small objects, meaning she can move them around.

Martial Status: Single

Extra: None.


Entarriance said:
Name: Mirae

Appears 17

Female (loud trolling noise)



Fallen Angel

Mirae is an immature and playful woman who is usually up to no good. With her unpredictability in stealing and in brawl, her usual alias is the Asymmetric Angel. The powers that were meant to be holy are instead used for the worst, and she's mainly known around town as the Assymmetric Angel. Most people dislike her with her bandit-type ways. She acts childish and playful, but she has a vast amount of knowledge on the world. The problem is that she isn't willing to communicate it with anyone, rather using it for immoral causes and to break people down.

(To be made, just know that she's a hella good bandit)

Where she is at strength isn't the strongest, but her strategic skills are fearful. Able to make strategies in an instant, her skills as a bandit and a thief are hated due to her unpredictability. Her weapon is a chain that she had looped around her belt that she can remove any time, and she can use it in many different ways. Adding onto that, she has one wing (not two, so she can't fly) that she can also use in terms of defense. It does feel pain when hit, but a lot less compared to being hit in her torso or leg or anything. It's about twice the size of her, but it has no actual power itself other than to conceal itself when necessary. She also has the ability of enhanced speed, so her fighting style mainly consists of wearing an opponent out.

Martial Status:
"What's that? Can you eat it?" (Single)
Name: Magdalena Blu

Age: 10

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.301a0f4a710199fc0fad0f73dd3cf3af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71126" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.301a0f4a710199fc0fad0f73dd3cf3af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: Witch

Personality: Sweet, Bubbly, Childish, and Colorful. She is super sensitive and cries easily. But she loves casting spells but won't do it to hurt someone

Bio: She was born in the forest but she escaped at age 5. She fled to the small town hoping they would take her in. She made her house using a spell and she has lived in the town since then. Sure she can be a troublemaker and spells go wrong but she isn't evil. She is nice to everyone and loves making new friends.

Powers/Abilities: She casts spells. She can fly and has telekinesis.

Martial Status: Single

Extra: She has ADHD and a pet bunny named Oreo who is a mix of spots that are black and white.



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Character Sheet

Name: Valinos Bodakiil (Val)

Age: looks 22 but actual age unknown

Gender: Male



Species: Hyper human

Personality: Fun, caring, loyal to his own desires OR blood thirsty, ravenous, murderer (only when he wandered into the forest)

Bio: He grew up as a test tube child made specifically for running tests on for trying to enhance human capacity to adapt. After running who knows how many tests on him he began developing powers and abilities, the list was moderate but none of them were of much use asa child, except for one, he inherited the Physiology of a dragon, his skin stopped being able to be pierced by needles. Once all this became about the scientists decided to abandon the project (him) and start new so they used a helicopter and dropped him out in the middle of the forest. He survived for a while as one of the toughest creatures around but eventually made his way to the village he lives in now and is happily married to Marry, The End..... Or is it.... He seems to be one of very select people through the course of time that can come out of the forest, much less unscathed, it seems to only happen when he's really angry and 'needs to go for a walk' which is very rare, throughout the time that he's been in the village he doesn't look like he's aged a day over the past few years.


Dragon Physiology

Levitation / Flying (more like floating)

Ice fire & Black lightning

Peak physical condition / Hyperactive senses

Embodiment of Wrath / Evil aura

Martial Status: Married to Merry @Queen of Fantasy

Extra: he likes reptiles, alcohol, and food, don't forget sleeping.
CelestialBunny said:
Name: Magdalena Blu
Age: 10

Gender: Female


View attachment 160487

Species: Witch

Personality: Sweet, Bubbly, Childish, and Colorful. She is super sensitive and cries easily. But she loves casting spells but won't do it to hurt someone

Bio: She was born in the forest but she escaped at age 5. She fled to the small town hoping they would take her in. She made her house using a spell and she has lived in the town since then. Sure she can be a troublemaker and spells go wrong but she isn't evil. She is nice to everyone and loves making new friends.

Powers/Abilities: She casts spells. She can fly and has telekinesis.

Martial Status: Single

Extra: She has ADHD and a pet bunny named Oreo who is a mix of spots that are black and white.


las0r0o7 said:
Character Sheet
Name: Valinos Bodakiil (Val)

Age: looks 22 but actual age unknown

Gender: Male



Species: Hyper human

Personality: Fun, caring, loyal to his own desires OR blood thirsty, ravenous, murderer (only when he wandered into the forest)

Bio: He grew up as a test tube child made specifically for running tests on for trying to enhance human capacity to adapt. After running who knows how many tests on him he began developing powers and abilities, the list was moderate but none of them were of much use asa child, except for one, he inherited the Physiology of a dragon, his skin stopped being able to be pierced by needles. Once all this became about the scientists decided to abandon the project (him) and start new so they used a helicopter and dropped him out in the middle of the forest. He survived for a while as one of the toughest creatures around but eventually made his way to the village he lives in now and is happily married to Marry, The End..... Or is it.... He seems to be one of very select people through the course of time that can come out of the forest, much less unscathed, it seems to only happen when he's really angry and 'needs to go for a walk' which is very rare, throughout the time that he's been in the village he doesn't look like he's aged a day over the past few years.


Dragon Physiology

Levitation / Flying (more like floating)

Ice fire & Black lightning

Peak physical condition / Hyperactive senses

Embodiment of Wrath / Evil aura

Martial Status: Married to Merry @Queen of Fantasy

Extra: he likes reptiles, alcohol, and food, don't forget sleeping.
Accepted! :D
Name: Reik Mason

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.6bc7c486f392963c7cd460f4450b94af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71139" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.6bc7c486f392963c7cd460f4450b94af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: Magic-kin

Powers: Reik has the unuasual ability to absorb materials and mimic their chemical structure with his body.



-Getting hit when his body is normal



+Extremely logical


+His surroundings

+Savage af

Personality: Reik is a pretty unique individual, from his mind to his body. He can usually be found singing to himself anywhere, sometimes quietly, loudly when nobody is around. Other than these rare moments, he's pretty quiet. Reik is a very thoughtful individual, and is prone to wandering. Reik is extremely fidgety and jumpy, he snaps at the slightest things people do to annoy him, but calms down twice as fast. Reik does everything that he deems logical, and is incredibly streetsmart, focusing and picking out things others would miss. But other times he is lucid, and can be seen staring at nothing for long periods of time.

Bio: Reik discovered his power when exploring the edge of the woods as a young child. He found a strange stone, but when he went to pick it up, it sunk into his flesh and spread through his bloodstream, quite painfully. He didn't tell anyone about it, not ever. He knew he wasn't supposed to be by the woods, and he knew people would shun him if they found out he was different. He instead worked as the town blacksmith, and his legendary smithing skills are known throughout the land. Possibly as a byproduct of his power, but others don't know that. Reik is incredibly lonely, but keeps himself away from people so they don't discover his powers.

Maritual status: Single. He is fearful that if they find out he has powers they'll leave him.



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Alstromeria said:
Name: Reik Mason
Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: View attachment 160511

Species: Magic-kin

Powers: Reik has the unuasual ability to absorb materials and mimic their chemical structure with his body.



-Getting hit when his body is normal



+Extremely logical


+His surroundings

+Savage af

Personality: Reik is a pretty unique individual, from his mind to his body. He can usually be found singing to himself anywhere, sometimes quietly, loudly when nobody is around. Other than these rare moments, he's pretty quiet. Reik is a very thoughtful individual, and is prone to wandering. Reik is extremely fidgety and jumpy, he snaps at the slightest things people do to annoy him, but calms down twice as fast. Reik does everything that he deems logical, and is incredibly streetsmart, focusing and picking out things others would miss. But other times he is lucid, and can be seen staring at nothing for long periods of time.

Bio: Reik discovered his power when exploring the edge of the woods as a young child. He found a strange stone, but when he went to pick it up, it sunk into his flesh and spread through his bloodstream, quite painfully. He didn't tell anyone about it, not ever. He knew he wasn't supposed to be by the woods, and he knew people would shun him if they found out he was different. He instead worked as the town blacksmith, and his legendary smithing skills are known throughout the land. Possibly as a byproduct of his power, but others don't know that.
Name: Creed (real name is Dr. Frankenstein)

Age: over 100 years old looks 21


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/assassin_killer_outfit_by_sunsetagain-d816jdn.jpg.a43691b5b0b8453940654049700a85d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71177" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/assassin_killer_outfit_by_sunsetagain-d816jdn.jpg.a43691b5b0b8453940654049700a85d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: Alchemist(human)/demon

Personality:a very smart sadistic man with very few words to speak, stabs, gunshot, fire, nothing stops him from pursuit for knowledge or from his work

Bio: Creed was a man of ambitions and a major, that goal was to become immortal so he could keep doing experiments and collect more cult and scientific knowledge, after finding a book of his grandfathers witch explain dark rituals to make a pact with something of the dark realms, creed jumped in head first into this so called magic as he combined it with his current technology to summon a demon who attempted to take over his body but creed's greed was to strong. after regaining his mind from the attack. after years of experimenting and being hunted creed took refuge in the forest where no one would dare set foot in and he has yet to take a step out.

Powers/Abilities: creed has a homonculus he created to help with his alchemy experiments she is also his body guard, can control the 4 elements and blood but hates using them for fighting (only uses his demonic powers to keep taking his experiments to another level), he knows how to wield a blade just don't expect anything crazy since he doesn't like to fight

Martial Status (..his homonculus looks like his assistant/wife)

Extra: (how his homonculus looks like..just with out the mystical bunny)..also don't be fooled she can lift up to 1000lb (hope this ok since creed hates fighting)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_mpw5trqnfF1rfiet9o1_1280.jpg.eee297939b339a5bac991c429d10787c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71180" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_mpw5trqnfF1rfiet9o1_1280.jpg.eee297939b339a5bac991c429d10787c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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  • Teleportation: She can teleport to anywhere, though she can't go through walls
  • Enhanced Sight: She is able to see quite far away plus can see in pitch black darkness
  • Flight: She can fly using her black feathered wings which she can pull out at any time (not visible in picture)


As any other young kid there is, Brook is very playful. She is kind to almost everyone, only skipping past those who she is not as fond of. She can be really hard to find at some times, being sneaky, and loves to prank others just make them laugh.


Brook used to live in a whole other universe. There she had a great family and a lot of friends. One day she and one of her friends were playing near the portal to the other universe. They both had brought their miniature dragons (almost everyone had one).

Well eventually, Brook's friend tripped fell into the crater that held the portal. Brook jumped in to help her out but fell through the portal instead. Goddard, not knowing what else to do, dove in after her. They never knew if Brook's friend was able to get out of the crater.

Brook and Goddard landed in the center of the village. Confused with where they were, she started to explore. She forgot all about the portal and her friend. They were amazed with where they were. She knew she wouldn't be able to find her way to the portal back, but she didn't care. She had a whole new universe to explore. She and Goddard quickly built their own house in a tree (having a carpenter as a dad really influenced her) and settled into their new life, unaware of the evil in the forest.

Marital Status:



She has a pet miniature dragon named Goddard (practically a father to her). She lives in a small treehouse that Goddard helped her build (he brought the materials and nailed the boards together). Also she loves to sing.

(This is Goddard. He doesn't need wings to fly.)
LeoKing said:
Name: Creed (real name is Dr. Frankenstein)
Age: over 100 years old looks 21


Appearance:View attachment 160577

Species: Alchemist(human)/demon

Personality:a very smart sadistic man with very few words to speak, stabs, gunshot, fire, nothing stops him from pursuit for knowledge or from his work

Bio: Creed was a man of ambitions and a major, that goal was to become immortal so he could keep doing experiments and collect more cult and scientific knowledge, after finding a book of his grandfathers witch explain dark rituals to make a pact with something of the dark realms, creed jumped in head first into this so called magic as he combined it with his current technology to summon a demon who attempted to take over his body but creed's greed was to strong. after regaining his mind from the attack. after years of experimenting and being hunted creed took refuge in the forest where no one would dare set foot in and he has yet to take a step out.

Powers/Abilities: creed has a homonculus he created to help with his alchemy experiments she is also his body guard, can control the 4 elements and blood but hates using them for fighting (only uses his demonic powers to keep taking his experiments to another level), he knows how to wield a blade just don't expect anything crazy since he doesn't like to fight

Martial Status (..his homonculus looks like his assistant/wife)

Extra: (how his homonculus looks like..just with out the mystical bunny)..also don't be fooled she can lift up to 1000lb (hope this ok since creed hates fighting)View attachment 160590


Puggie said:


Brook Valen










  • Teleportation: She can teleport to anywhere, though she can't go through walls
  • Enhanced Sight: She is able to see quite far away plus can see in pitch black darkness
  • Flight: She can fly using her black feathered wings which she can pull out at any time (not visible in picture)


As any other young kid there is, Brook is very playful. She is kind to almost everyone, only skipping past those who she is not as fond of. She can be really hard to find at some times, being sneaky, and loves to prank others just make them laugh.


Brook used to live in a whole other universe. There she had a great family and a lot of friends. One day she and one of her friends were playing near the portal to the other universe. They both had brought their miniature dragons (almost everyone had one).

Well eventually, Brook's friend tripped fell into the crater that held the portal. Brook jumped in to help her out but fell through the portal instead. Goddard, not knowing what else to do, dove in after her. They never knew if Brook's friend was able to get out of the crater.

Brook and Goddard landed in the center of the village. Confused with where they were, she started to explore. She forgot all about the portal and her friend. They were amazed with where they were. She knew she wouldn't be able to find her way to the portal back, but she didn't care. She had a whole new universe to explore. She and Goddard quickly built their own house in a tree (having a carpenter as a dad really influenced her) and settled into their new life, unaware of the evil in the forest.

Marital Status:



She has a pet miniature dragon named Goddard (practically a father to her). She lives in a small treehouse that Goddard helped her build (he brought the materials and nailed the boards together). Also she loves to sing.

(This is Goddard. He doesn't need wings to fly.)



Nia Tereshi










  • Teleportation: She can teleport to anywhere, though she can't go through walls
  • Enhanced Sight: she is able to see quite far away plus can see in pitch black darkness
  • Flight: She can fly using her black feathered wings which she can pull out at any time (not visible in picture)


  • Because of her night vision, Nia has a lot of trouble seeing during the day. All she can see is a blinding, painful white light. She has to wear special sunglasses that are extra dark so she can see



Marital Status:
Name: Xenon

Age: give or take 1,000 yrs old

Gender: male

Appearance: Dragon form:

Vampire form:

Species: Vampire/dragon

Personality: Xenon is not generally a people person he tends to find being alone quite the pleasantry. He occasionally aids those who prove their worth to them, and has even over the years turned a few into his blood line. while he has not had contact with the council they have created he still holds responsibility for their actions for they reflect on him. He is smart, calculative, cold, kind, vengeful, Evil at times and somewhat contains a heart.

Bio: Xenon was born a dragon a centuries ago in a time long since passed. He was hateful ravaging the lands into chaos and destruction. One day he was challenged by a band of warriors a elf, a witch, a knight and a vampire warrior. They fought bravely beating Xenon to the brink of death, but not before he had killed all but the vampire warrior. In a last act the vampire bit into a vulnerable spot on Xenon long neck where some scales had bin cut off. While Xenon did pull the vampire off pinning it in his claws before igniting it in dark flames, the vampire was successful in infecting Xenon with vamperism. After this he would go into a deep sleep for one hundred years, while the vamperism for the first time combined with draconian blood to create a new breed. Once emerged Xenon discovered his new form....his mortal form. He discovered a new perspective from the vampire side exploring the aspects of hunger, and the dark embrace. Over the years he would grow in power, and would later sire his first child. He now resides in the largest mountain cold beyond measure he rest occasionally exploring back into the mortal world to do whatever his mind or agenda seeks.

Powers/Abilities: Dark magic, Dracopire physiology, Draconian darkness flame can only be put out by powerful holy or celestial magic and black lightning.

Martial Status: Single

Name: Kazuma Riyuuou

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Search Up Saber Male Alt [sorry I Just Started Yesterday And I Dont Know How To Put A Pic]

Species: Human

Personality: Kazuma is a person who can be trusted with nearly anything. He stays loyal to his friends and his comrades. However, he is stubborn when it comes to defeating an overpowering enemy. Though, his stubborness gives him his Courage and Bravery.

Bio: Kazuma was summoned from a magic circle close to the city, reincarnated from a king centuries long before this time. He trues his best to keep his skills up every day so he can protect something precious to him in the future. Kazuma tries to stay a bit hidden so no one knows what he is. He has killed many armies by himself but he couldn't even protect his own kingdom at the same time. He was then called a False King, A Mere Knight. Those names insulted him which caused him to hide for now.

Powers/Abilities: Channel Energy into weapon equipped doubling it's damage. Also when he channels energy it doubles his armor strength and resistance. However if he ever get hit on the back of his head or spinal cord, his energy gets absorbed by the attacker making Kazuma weak. Lastly he has a power that can only be used 3 times a year. It transforms his current sword into the Holy Sword Excalibur. It gives him one slash to cut through nearly anything.

Martial Status: Single

Extra: The Reincarnated King Arthur








((Sorry, couldn't choose just one!! >W<))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/crona__soul_eater__fan_art_1_by_nevermindgirl1970-d7trdqc.jpg.0ba7437b895f860392853eff7bc4c837.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71240" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/crona__soul_eater__fan_art_1_by_nevermindgirl1970-d7trdqc.jpg.0ba7437b895f860392853eff7bc4c837.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/crona_and_bunny_by_crystalizeddarkness-d4vayjr.jpg.545e040ee318551ae915e1857da5b066.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71241" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/crona_and_bunny_by_crystalizeddarkness-d4vayjr.jpg.545e040ee318551ae915e1857da5b066.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Crona-soul-eater-11395793-368-500.jpg.09d6f7549ba8a86db4b24848b0207916.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71244" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Crona-soul-eater-11395793-368-500.jpg.09d6f7549ba8a86db4b24848b0207916.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





-Extremely Insecure



-Tries to smile

-Doesn't understand emotions





((To be Revealed in RP))


-Blood manipulation

-Enhanced senses (e.g. sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste.. etc...)

-High pain-tolerance

-High agility

Martial Status:



-Low-level of Sanity

-Amazing at Singing

-..just wants...a friend?..

"Did you know...my blood is black?.." *hehehe...*

((Is that good? tell me if I need to change anything!!)) @Queen of Fantasy<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Crona-crona-26462312-445-600.jpg.3d34818aec0a63043f8b8ed8cd06dcd1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71242" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Crona-crona-26462312-445-600.jpg.3d34818aec0a63043f8b8ed8cd06dcd1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/crona-soul-eater-characters-23867387-220-229.jpg.2b6fdf3fd4679e470551f8209ef34fd7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71243" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/crona-soul-eater-characters-23867387-220-229.jpg.2b6fdf3fd4679e470551f8209ef34fd7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.4516f485a46d9385b39e6144840d8de4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71261" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.4516f485a46d9385b39e6144840d8de4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Dante

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Species: "Tame" Werewolf

Marital Status: Single

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.7068915775f61911b046701ebba7f506.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.7068915775f61911b046701ebba7f506.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Height: 5'4"

    Weight: 160 lbs

    Hair: Medium-short white/pale cream, natural hair color

    Eyes: Bright yellow-hazel, darker ring on the outer edge of the iris

    Body type: Heavyset, looks like she could probably throw a full grown man if she wanted to but the muscles aren't pronounced (hidden under her chubbiness giving her a soft and sweet appearance)

    Clothing: Normally wears a big baby blue sweater and dark colored jeans (shorts in warmer weather), prefers flip flops but only ever wears tennis shoes when in public otherwise she goes barefoot seeing as she can't walk correctly with her feet flat on the ground

    Ethnicity: Russian



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