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Fantasy Whisper In The Woods

He finally sat upright and somehow managed to stand and looked at Lamya and then to Nexus "You seem to think you know this person pretty well, shall I take care of them for you." He pointed up a finger with a bit of black lightning coming off of it. Throughout the forest, that was a well known for being something you don't mess with, it had the nickname black death, not many survived after seeing it "it would only take a couple shots, if I can hit her of course" he was still playing drunk really well, and his aura was starting to take more of a notable range, just being near the aura would make people uncomfortable.
Melina walked out to the approaching shadows in the town, and looked around at the place. It felt very familiar, as if she lived her before. Did I live here? She looked around, noticing a bakery. The look of the place made it seem a little run down, and not taken care of. Her soul felt connected to the bakery, yet she couldn't move out to investigate it quite yet, the sun was still setting. She then looked over to the man, awaiting his response. He acted a little strange, and possibly mistrusting. Melina didn't understand why, and that made her feel a bit anxious and scared. Her light green eyes wandered to the man, looking with curiosity as she floated there for a short silence.

Lamya hissed and retreated into the forest quickly. So fast you could hardly see her move.

Merry waved goodbye to the last customer, an hung up her apron. "Good bye!" She said to the man behind the counter. He simple gave a nod, and she exited the tavern. As she walked home a whisper could be heard from inside the forest. She stood simply watching as the forest seemed to grow toward her. She sighed and clenched her fists. "Merry..." A voice could be heard from inside the forest. Her eyes widened. "Who are you?" She asked shakily. A small laugh burst from the trees. "I am destiny." It answered. "Veniat in silvam." It chanted. Merry's eyes went dull and she started to walk inside... She was gone.

(She's not dead. Just in the forest. c:)
Nexus falls backwards from the hiss and lands and on her back, she gets up quickly and thinks before chasing after her "get back here!" She enters the forest.
Reik cracked his neck. "Hello." He said quietly, voice calm and collected. "You think I'd have met something else from he forest. My workshop's right next to the treeline. Guess you don't like hanging around people who are like you." His veins stood out in his arms. This was actually the first encounter he had with some sort of being from the forest, aside from the rock all those years ago. He really didn't know how to respond to the ghost, but his eyes flitted around nervously, making sire he was still alone.
Melina was now certainly confused by this man. How could he never have met another person like her? She pondered the thought for a moment, then dropped it. It really wasn't important to her at the moment. She needed answers, or a sign, something to tell her what happened and why people acted so strangely.

"What do you mean? I'm a person, there are many people here, I just don't remember who I am. I'm not different from anyone else..." She paused her speech, and thought of ways she could of been different. Of course she couldn't leave the forest in the day, that was one thing. But she didn't understand why she was this way. Why did he say that? I'm not different, I'm just a young girl... But who am I? Her head tilted, then paused in a normal position. All of this confused her, and made her unsettled. She knew she acquired powers from this state, but she didn't know why. The only thing she knew about was her current state, and nothing more.

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(And now we have two people on the forest, yay, and now my work has doubled xD )

Val had gotten fed up with having to play drunk with Nexus, he made a big black ball of lightning in his hand and when she fell backwards he chunked it towards the forest and made a quick pathway for Nexus "You have about thirty minutes to be able to see and find your way back, if your not back in that time, I'll assume your dead or need my help, get up and make it quick." He walked back over to where he dropped his mug, picked it up and brushed it off and started taking it back to the tavern. Once he got there he looked around trying to find Merry but didn't see her, he set the mug down and started sniffing the air, she was near by, but she was wandering away "Maybe she went to my house to temm me she loves me." He went back out of the tavern and started making his way to his house following Merrys scent but then his nose wanted to turn, he followed it without thinking what was next to him, and it was the forest. "You've got to be kidding me." He didn't think twice before he bolted off into the forest following his nose but it seemed like she was getting farther away by the second, but that couldn't be right, he was much faster than her, 'something not right, this is unusual, even for the forest' he thought

@Queen of Fantasy @elissia gem
nexus starts to walk deeper into the forest, "30 minutes? i will surely be there longer then expected." she gets a branch to her face as she tries to walk past a large bush, something was wrong, she wanted to find out what it was.

  • U6uBPw9.jpg

    This kid was pretty enthusiastic, and fast. Startled that she just spawned right in front of her, she laughed. Looking up towards the sky, she saw that the sun with gradually setting, dying the town over in a rich shade of orange. The bustle of people calmed down a little bit, but it was sure to pick right back up again once night settled. Now, that was the prime time! The black silhouette of birds were reflected in the sky, flying over the forest. Surely, those birds have to know what lies in that cursed realm. Well, no use thinking about it now.

    "Oh really?!"

    Might as well seem like a playing group, reduces suspicious. Breaking out into a run, she could always make use of her enhanced speed now, but she shouldn't. It would definitely give her out. Running off, she taunted the girl, hoping that she'd play along at least.

    "Come'n'catch me!"

    She'd be running off towards the marketplace. It wasn't the biggest place, and there wasn't the freshest foods, but it was something. Where else could we get our food, other than the tavern? Considering such little people, it wasn't too crowded too, so the kids tended to play around there a lot. That would serve as a good insurance with Brook with her as well.

Reik gritted his teeth. Was this being playing with him? He stepped back a bit more, remaining in the safety of the sun. "You're not a person. At least not anymore, if you were one. I'm not entirely a person either." He cracked one of his knuckes with a resounding *pop*. He didn't like this thing. It looked like it was young, but not four years young. It wa either lying and messing with his mind, or heaven forbid, telling the truth.
Melina's eyes grew big, fearing what she was thinking. I... am not alive...? Her floating body then sank to the ground, sitting with her legs placed to the side. Fear became the one emotion she felt, but was also mixed in with another emotion she couldn't quite understand. Was it shock? Yes, she was shocked. Her head bowed, allowing her hair to cover her face. For a minute, she fell silent, then spoke two words, the only ones she could come to a conclusion with. Her voice was calm, yet monotone. "I'm dead..."

She then looked up at the man quickly, and backed away from him, giving distance between them. He was acting as if he was seeing a monster, and she wasn't quite sure if he was right to do so. "Do... do you have any clue as to how I..." Her voice lowered as she spoke her last word in the question. "..died?" She didn't sound so calm anymore, but now had a shaky tone to her voice. Maybe if I find out how I died... I can finally remember who I am.

Reik clenched his fist. He was getting angrier now. This ghost claimed to be here four years and it didn't know it was dead? Bloody hell. The veins in his arms became outlined in silver, albeit lightly. Noticable up close, but not far away. "Well, I don't know, you obviously were killed by something in the woods. You died of evil, reborn of evil. Nothing good comes out of the woods. Nothing!" He glanced around, he had gotten louder. He was unaware his veins had turned silver. But they were still alone, that was allright. His fists remained clenched at his sides, his eyes were cold. His mind flashed to the day the rock sunk into his skin and caused him unbearable pain. "Only evil things come from the woods." He repeated softly, his voice almost a whisper.
The ghost looked to the man, now afraid of what he would try. Now knowing she was a ghost, she couldn't handle all what was happening now. Tears rolled slowly down her face as she backed away from her man, going back into the treeline. It was horrible how he treated her, but she understood why now. Who would speak to a lost soul in these woods anyways? Soon from floating away from the situation, she sat on the ground, letting her cold tears drip down her face. The grass showed through her body when she sat, and waved in the wind as if she wasn't even there. The pain of realization struck her hard, causing her to weep even more. Her voice carried out for the evil of the forest to hear, and possibly the town. Although, most of the town would just hear it as the wind that blew into the air.

The day was coming to an end, and soon Melina will search the place that holds her soul restless. The bakery.

Brook laughed playfully. Oh I'm sure. She stretched out her wings, which had up until recently been hidden under her shirt. She rose up into the air and shot shot forward. She quickly passed the girl but slowed down so she could keep up.

Although Brook was fast, Goddard was even faster. He flew past, faster than a bullet. The two of the were at the market in a matter of minutes.
So, how'd we do? She giggled and Goddard snorted.

Lamya cackled, and her voice boomed and echoed throughout the forest. You couldn't see her. She was camoflauged into the haunted trees.

Merry continued to mindlessly walk into the first. "Merry..." The voice whispered again. "Who are you?" Merry asked, still unaware where she was going. The voice cackled and took a deep breath before BAM. Merry hit a web, and was stuck. Her hypnotized state broke and she screamed for help. It seemed the more she struggled the more tangled she became.
nexus heard the scream and ran to where she thought it came from, several trips later she tripped and also landed in a web, "merry? over here!" she saw merry a bit away struggling, "dont struggle as dramaticly! try to break one point or something!"
nexus starts to think, a tear rolls down her cheeks, "t-there must be a way." she sounds unsure as she starts to cry.
Val had been wandering in circles until he heard Merrys scream "And this is why I hate this forest." He grumbled to himself as he took off on all fours darting between the trees and roots up out of the ground. It didn't take him very long before he got near enough to see the two of them stuck in a web. While he was crouched down on his hands and feet he looked around to make sure nothing was there to see him stand and walk close enough for them to see him "I told you thirty minutes and you get caught in a mater of ten, nice job Nexus, and you little Missy, you have no reason to be out here, but you two are lucky, especially you Nexus, if I hadn't have followed Merry out here, you would be dead." He sighed and snapped his fingers making a nice crystal blue fire around them in a ring shape, while he took his other hand and made a little lightning knife and cut the web away so they could fall to the ground and untangle themselves while he stood on guard for anything that was going to try and show themselves, mostly Layma is who he had in mind.

@Queen of Fantasy @elissia gem
"Hmmmmm.... I think it's about time to explore this feared forest."

Kazuma jumps down from one of the tallest buildings in the village, his white and blue cloak flowing behind him. He places his helmet on in midair, holding his sword on his hip, landing with a roll. He then stands and burst into a sprint hearing a small distant scream in the forest.

"Looks like someone needs saving."

Kazuma runs into the corrupted forest following the direction of the scream, finding the 4 four people there and no one in danger.

"False alarm?"

Kazuma says a bit depressed not able to save someone.
Reik was walking home, ignoring the ghost's cries of agony. He had his hands shoved in his pockets, his head hung low. He had been extremely harsh with the ghost. He didn't even get her name. He realized the way he had treated her was only because he feared what he was himself. He punched a tree by his house in frustration, and grunting with a bit of pain as his hand began to bleed. But it healed, faster than anyone should heal, because of the damned rock that was still in his bloodstream.

Reik heard another scream, this one not from the ghost. His ears became a tinted gray color and he could instantly hear better. He could hear crying. Not the ghosts... the girl from before. Reik sighed with a heavy grimace, she was in the woods. He shifted his weight from foot to foot nervously... He had to. He was practically part of the woods. He'd save someone who wasn't. With that, he dug his toes into the ground and sprinted off into the woods, the silver creeping up his veins.

He made it to a gap in between the trees where a huge spiderweb was. The waiter girl was trapped in it, the other one was the one crying. The web had just gone up in flames, but Reik saw something crouching behind the man who had done it. A shade. And the man was like him, not entirely human. No time to think about that, he'd get to him later.

Reik's pace quickened, moving inhumanely fast. The tips of his fingers began to glint, then silver metal crawled up his arm. He was running, running insanely fast. So fast, so fast. Before he knew what he was doing, a tingling feeling was felt in his palm, and a double edged curved blade sprouted from it's center. He lept into the air and swung down, the small curcular blade spinning in his hand and slicing straight through the shade. It let out a large shreiking cry and dissapated. Reik had seen shades before, but this was the first time he had killed one. But more would come, they hunted in packs. Reik's velocity had sent him skidding five feet forwards after that, leaving a large rivlet in the ground. When he looked up his eyes were tinged with silver, the area around his throat and mouth was traced with rivlets, making a kind of war paint. "Run." He said, his voice sounding a bit metallic, "More are coming."
nexus faceplants the ground and quickly stands up, she thanked val many times before trying to take a deep breath, she untangled herself and then apoligized for getting caught in the web, she felt shameful for getting caught.
Merry fell to the ground and quickly ran over to Val, crying. "Someone called my name. It sounded like my mom, Val!" She sobbed into his chest. Her voice turned into a whisper as tears streamed down her face. "I had to follow it. She disappears years ago. She might have survived."

Lamya chuckled has she hung from one of the towering trees. "Such a heart throbbing moment. Too bad it has to come to an end." She loudly said hysterically. "I'm getting... Hungry." She quietly murmured, let let out a bellowing laugh.
Reik's eyes continued to blaze as he spun the small sythe in his hand. He had heard legends of the arachnid that lived in the woods, and he had never encountered her before. He had seen remnants of worn down broken webs tumbling by like weeds in the wind by his house though. His eyes twitched to the side, focusing as the man he know knew as Val. "Think we can take her?" he asked, voice still sounding like grated metal
Skorn lived in the corner of the village on a large house with a anvil near it,as he was the blacksmith of the town,he would stay near his anvil as he was cleaning his axe,sighing abit

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