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Fandom While We're Young: A Young Justice RP (Open)

Will post both character profile and starter post soon! (Reeeeaaally hope I don’t screw up the starting post and describe the base wrong.)
Ooooh got it. I guess just find the closest approximation of what you're looking for, but I'd say leaning towards something DCAU/Anime style works
We're using pictures? :puff: I gots a picture but I didn't know if we were doing that. Also, do I gotta wait for character approval before writing a starter?
You can use a picture if you like but it isn't mandatory as long as you can describe your character well. Your character is approved, go ahead and write a starter when you'e ready.
.......To quote CJ: "Ugh!!!!" I didn't refresh the page at any point while writing, so I didn't see your post before posting my own. Sorry, Jade Emperor Jade Emperor .... It's well past my bedtime so I'll fix it tomorrow. G'night, everyone.
Love both of these posts! Excited to have you both! I added a picture I like for Trip to the character database as well if that helps. :)
OK... This is probably way too much to ask and I’m sorry for sucking, but could I please not have to change my post? If I have to make mine fit with Ultra-Girl’s, I have to literally scrap my entire post. CJ arriving early just had a lot to do with all the characterization I wanted to start off with.. I’m totally up for starting from scratch, especially if not doing so will inconvenience anyone. If me starting from scratch is the best for everyone, of course I’ll do it. I just would rather not, you know? And I definitely won’t during Christmas, so I’d wait until Tuesday to try again.... Ugh, it’s just a big mess, I’m seriously sorry!!
I like them both a lot. If Jade Emperor Jade Emperor is alright with it we could have a thing where Ultra-Girl has been there, just sort of watching CJ stress herself out this whole time? I don't think we have to scrap or massively change either post, and they're both very well written, so I'm down to figure out a way to keep them. :)
OK... I'm gonna write my starter post AGAIN. I'm gonna do it after I get into the base, cause I'm not rewriting that. Also, forewarning: Incredible detail? Ain't happening. With being on mobile AND a broken wrist, it don't work. I'll give you a good bit to work with as much as I can give.

Hope y'all understand.
I like them both a lot. If Jade Emperor Jade Emperor is alright with it we could have a thing where Ultra-Girl has been there, just sort of watching CJ stress herself out this whole time? I don't think we have to scrap or massively change either post, and they're both very well written, so I'm down to figure out a way to keep them. :)
I guess

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