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Fandom Where the Mask Meets: A Sherlockian Role-play


yer basic trash-packing junkie
(Set directly after the event's of "The Hounds of Baskerville") With paranoia bordering on obsession, Sherlock takes hold of any lead that may inform him of the whereabouts of Jim Moriarty, abandoning any previous cases without hesitation. When Sherlock's early departure leads to disaster, John's concern begins to rise, fearing that the detective may become the obsession he had once hated.


Hello everyone, I am afraid I must set down a few ground rules in order to ensure that nothing gets out of hand.

First of all, I must tell you that I have a strong dislike for one and two-liners, or posts that prove that the role player cares nothing for basic grammar use, punctuation, and/or staying true to their character's personality. I would personally prefer posts four paragraphs or longer, but if you feel that your post is still decent but below said number of paragraphs, I would still be happy to accept it. We are telling a story, creating something together; in your novel you wouldn't give only poorly executed emotions and half-developed points. I get that no one is perfect, but I expect that you try your hardest to fulfill your part in writing this story.

Mary Sues and Gary Stues will not be accepted. I don't care how wonderful and beautiful your OC is as long as they have proper flaws that stray far away from the common "She never realized her true beauty" or "He was too stubborn for his own good" type of thing. I'm not saying that you can't spin those flaws into plausible traits, but it might be more difficult to do so. Everyone has something that they dislike about their appearance, so that gives your OC no excuse to have perfect curves and gorgeous, wavy hair. Sure, a few people get lucky, but when you have multiple flawless characters running around a forum problems may begin to occur. Keep in mind the different people have different views on what they think is attractive. What is beautiful to one person might be astoundingly ugly to another, so don't try to force your opinions on people. Remember, we all have to make up our own minds regarding other fellow role players characters.

Please no God-modding. I know you wouldn't appreciate it if your character was doing something as simply as eating an ice-cream bar and then suddenly they were entering an explicit situation with their crush. Even simple things like making another role player's character flinch or look horrified could interfere with what the other person had been planning. If you wouldn't want something to happen to your character, don't do it to someone else's.

Stay true to your character. It would be mighty odd if one day your character was in love with another, and the next they hated each other. Unless they have a good reason to hate each other, we don't want that happening. Not staying true to one's character is different than character development. Your character is probably not going to be the same person they were at the end of the story, but the changes will be so realistic that no one questions if their actions are out of character.

If you choose to select a canon character, the expectations are primarily the same. We do not want John to spontaneously begin murdering people, or for Sherlock and Moriarty to suddenly enter an exclusive relationship... Unless there is a good, believable reason.

But most of all, have fun!
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Hello! Can I join in? I'm new here and my english is not perfect, but I would play with pleasure... If I understand well, I can choice a canon character too, because not mandatory that I create an own character.

Well, in this case, I would like play the role of Irene Adler or Molly Hooper, but if not other possibility or player I could play Sherlock too...
Of course you can join, I am glad to have you! Don't worry about perfect English; I'm American and I still make mistakes... You should see my Spanish, it's absolutely horrendous.

Due to the recent edits to the site, I have lost my character creation sheet... I will rewrite it tomorrow so that you can claim your characters. Sorry about the inconvenience. On a side note, my posts may be rather rare for the remainder of this month, as I am all tied up with sports and school. After that, my writing shall appear at more frequent rates.

Once again, thanks for joining. I really appreciate it. :)
My pleasure that you accept me. :) Indeed, thanks that you see my english nearly good! I have some questions: Must I create a character creation sheet? Sorry, but where I can create it?

Anyways, I think the school not will mean problem, I hope, because student me too. I'm patient. :)
I hope that I'm not too annoying, but I have some questions.

Who will play whom then?

We will write in first personal or not?

Who will start when we start ?


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