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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus looked at her then jack "yeeeeeeeah cutie is upset. Fuck if I'm getting involved there. I'd suggest leaving. Quickly" he leaned back and ate his ice cream. He figured now was a time to make it stop raining. Didn't wanna hop on the Luna's anger page
Tazmodo said:
Jacks expression darken. "Ok just call me when your ready for an actual conversation and like I said my name is Jack." He walked away.
Luna hears the term actual conversation comment. She clenches her fist and it erupts in a black flames. Whispers and curse symbols emit from the flames. She takes a deep breath and opens her hand, the cursed flames fade away. Luna turns to the others, along with the ice cream on the table. "I hope you all know that mortals whom are uber curious will start making their way up this mountain sooner or later. We have to let them know of our intentions and get this castle situated, like a path for them to safely get up here. I don't want to lock them out of this castle in case they must visit us, unless you all don't want them too. Anyways we must decide on what to say to these people and about whom will be ruling what. Dru has already decided on ruling the dreamscape."

( @Drumonkey )
Eric got up and walked away. "I got death." He pick up aome ice cream. "Thanks morph." He sprouted wins and flew to the top of the building.
"Well of course. I would reality and chaos, Decimus would underworld, so on. It shouldn't change from our parents. Too much. What should change is who leads us. And personally, j don't like mortals so I wouldn't want, nor trust, them to walk up here casually. Humans aren't 100% loving and trusting cutie. They'll fear and try to destroy. You know that. But I nominate myself to speak to them if you want. Who to lead us? I don't personally want to but I will if I have to. And we know Decimus feels the same. And Ryan is a definite no."
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Well of course. I would reality and chaos, Decimus would underworld, so on. It shouldn't change from our parents. Too much. What should change is who leads us. And personally, j don't like mortals so I wouldn't want, nor trust, them to walk up here casually. Humans aren't 100% loving and trusting cutie. They'll fear and try to destroy. You know that. But I nominate myself to speak to them if you want. Who to lead us? I don't personally want to but I will if I have to. And we know Decimus feels the same. And Ryan is a definite no."
"Yes I know this but for a second I wished to believe they would be different this time around. How about this? You could go if you'd like to address them. That is true, Zeus wasn't all too great. Also why don't we put up barriers that block out those with ill intent? I don't want to block out those whom have good intentions or those whom need help."
"Increase the dept to 4 feet and make sure this leads to the ocean. Also make a staircase space on one side so that people can come up and down this canal. Dax pointed his trident at the walls and glowing algae began to form illuminating the tunnel at even intervals. "Also we might want to make a fork and lead this to the human civilization in case we need to get down to them."

Dru glanced at Luna, "I can also deliver messages at night to those dreaming in case something happened, I am willing to talk to the humans if I need to ."
Decimus laughed. "Now you're getting demanding" He did so. He was curious as to why this was easier to use than darkness but whatever

Morpheus shrugged "forgot we could do that. That's brilliant do that. And dru definitely do that"
"I want to make something nice for the people we will be ruling over and this is the best I can do for them. Besides we are taking off the training wheels and using our godly powers to do things." Dax smiled and enjoyed the tunnel they were making.
Decimus sighed "very well Dax. I'll make the mortals feel welcome. Uggggh I hate humans. So... Ugh." He continued on "I'm putting pictures of Morpheus and Luna kissing. Don't tell them"
Drumonkey said:
"Increase the dept to 4 feet and make sure this leads to the ocean. Also make a staircase space on one side so that people can come up and down this canal. Dax pointed his trident at the walls and glowing algae began to form illuminating the tunnel at even intervals. "Also we might want to make a fork and lead this to the human civilization in case we need to get down to them."
Dru glanced at Luna, "I can also deliver messages at night to those dreaming in case something happened, I am willing to talk to the humans if I need to ."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus laughed. "Now you're getting demanding" He did so. He was curious as to why this was easier to use than darkness but whatever
Morpheus shrugged "forgot we could do that. That's brilliant do that. And dru definitely do that"
"Yes, that works." Luna nods her head. "So now that we have this situated I've already had a barrier set up all around the mountain. So nobody with ill intent can enter. Now over time we'll just fill this place up with furniture and items to make it feel more.... home like. Now to decide on our new overall ruler when Dax and Decimus get back. We all need to get situated on what we'll rule over so Dru can give accurate information on us." Luna sits down in a chair beside Morpheus and rests her head on his shoulders. "Though I do fear for these mortals... I can see it now. Dru entering dreams and making them sit and listen to him explaining a book to them. Ryan appearing in back yards explaining to children about love and how it could be a waste of time in some periods of your life. Morpheus popping up at a random family dinner and making ice cream fall. I can also see myself appearing in someone's car just for the sake of wanting to talk." Luna laughs until her cheeks start to turn as red as her eyes. "Gaige building a doomsday device in a daycare center. Oh we're going to be the worst rulers in a good way."
Morpheus wrapped his arm around her "why do you get to be the good one? What if I want to pop in family dinners just for the sake of wanting to talk? As for furniture...." He snapped and it appeared all around the castle, makin a loud thud "well that was easy. Or should we carry it up here? Know what no" he snapped and it was gone "we're carrying it up here! And dear it would just be easy to rule what we already do. Trying to branch will get too... Difficult"
Dru closed the book and raised an eyebrow "Excuse me but I will only stop in dreams that want me there. As for the explaining a book part I will gladly share my extensive knowledge with the world. Actually we have to find the library if this place has it so I can start filling in all the books from my memory into that place."

Dax laughed and let it happen before passing the fork and coming out to the ocean. Dax began walking across the water as he hardened it enough for Decimus to walk on too then he turned to the entrance and pointed his trident at it and two giant stones that looked like seahorses appeared framing the entrance then the water began to creep with 3 large sea monsters ready to sink any unauthorized ship or anyone that bore ill will. "Decimus are you ready to go back up the mountain?" Dax smiled evily.
"Time for a reverse roller coaster ride." Dax sprinted to decimus grabbed him and then the water launched them up the tunnel. Dax was grateful for the twists and turns because he was rounding edges at 40-50 mph and getting very close to the walls. As Dax sprinted up the tunnel he commented to Decimus "We should have some way for people to get up here quickly how about we ask Gaige to build some boats that can go up and down and I'll ask sea creatures to be on call for anyone who has an emergency."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus wrapped his arm around her "why do you get to be the good one? What if I want to pop in family dinners just for the sake of wanting to talk? As for furniture...." He snapped and it appeared all around the castle, makin a loud thud "well that was easy. Or should we carry it up here? Know what no" he snapped and it was gone "we're carrying it up here! And dear it would just be easy to rule what we already do. Trying to branch will get too... Difficult"
Drumonkey said:
Dru closed the book and raised an eyebrow "Excuse me but I will only stop in dreams that want me there. As for the explaining a book part I will gladly share my extensive knowledge with the world. Actually we have to find the library if this place has it so I can start filling in all the books from my memory into that place."
Dax laughed and let it happen before passing the fork and coming out to the ocean. Dax began walking across the water as he hardened it enough for Decimus to walk on too then he turned to the entrance and pointed his trident at it and two giant stones that looked like seahorses appeared framing the entrance then the water began to creep with 3 large sea monsters ready to sink any unauthorized ship or anyone that bore ill will. "Decimus are you ready to go back up the mountain?" Dax smiled evily.
"Yes you're right. We'll just rule over what we already govern." Luna notices the furniture appear and disappear. "Haha very funny, I meant we as individuals fill it up. We all prefer different things. For example Dru, he wants to fill up the library with books of his knowledge. We must all contribute or else it won't feel like home." Luna starts to rest in Morpheus's arms. She sends a shadow to get Jack.

"We need to decide on a new King or Queen. In other words a new overall ruler. No it won't be like Zeus or Chronus as in ruler of the universe. Just the ruler of this new form of government. Like a figure head or so." Luna closes her eyes as she takes in Morpheus's scent.
"We should have dove be the real brain of the outfit and you and Morpheus can be the king and queen. The people will like you guy's relationship and it seems pretty human too not too way above them and then there is the fact that Luna deserves a break from leading and Morpheus isn't really fit to lead this but the two of you working with Dove is perfect." Dru went back to reading, then he looked up "Also my father had beings called the Oneiroi and they helped him with the daily dreamwalking can I make those too do you think?"
Jack was relaxing on the steps when a shadow appeared and swallowed him up. He was spit out onto the floor. "Was the drool necessary." He said as the shadow disappeared. "So are you ready to talk some more?" He saud standing up.
"Hey! I am super fit to lead thank you very much. And yeah probably can why wouldn't you" he stuck his tongue at dru "not like I almost died to get yall to be able to speak to each other or anything nooo"
"You know you wouldn't want to sit still long enough to deal with most of the issues and leading is hard besides like Luna you need a break so become the eccentric King that everyone will love." Dru smiled he was finally able to put his memory to good use and was helping his friends set up their new lives together.
DizjayDeathPride said:
He raised a finger to speak but stopped at the end "you're flattering me stop. Very well I won't argue and I'll agree. I can so lead"
Drumonkey said:
"You know you wouldn't want to sit still long enough to deal with most of the issues and leading is hard besides like Luna you need a break so become the eccentric King that everyone will love." Dru smiled he was finally able to put his memory to good use and was helping his friends set up their new lives together.
Luna didn't want to flaunt her relationship with Morpheus around as some tool to seem equal. It made it seem like their relationship was more of a bargaining chip than an actual relationship. "There is no such thing as a break. Things only get harder from here. I don't intend to sit around and let others do the work for me. My dream wasn't cut out like that. But I thank you for the gesture. I plan to use this immortality for them, not myself. So I don't see myself taking a break. If I must be at continuous work every day for millennia then I shall." Luna wasn't trying to argue, nor did she have an attitude in her voice. She was simply stating what she intended to do from the very start.
He clenched at that. He had forgotten "right. Or we can do this. Luna will be the brain. Decimus could be her second so she doesn't overwork herself."

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