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When Love Falls Like Rain (Closed) [TokumeiNoJorogumoXshadowgasai)


Arakkna Kashiko, Mankind's Web spinner.
Welcome to the age of cinders. It's a time of ruin, and war, in Nirvanhaa.  

A tribe of ruthless magick wielding beings dubbed the "Daemon tribe" ravages the lands, pillaging, thieving and murdering wherever they happen to be, or (Truth be told) where ever they feel like.  Prior to the cinder age, The Gaian era was omnipotent across the land of Nirvanhaa (Nerve-ah-naah).  Also referred to as "The age of light" and "The growing time", This was a span of time where people trusted loved and cared for each other as if they were family. If you saw someone sitting on the street, head in hands, you would ask them what was wrong. If they needed help, you helped. There were no questions.

Where once there were metaphorical rivers of wealth and prosperity, now runs hatred, distrust and fear thanks to the daemon tribe. Most of them could shapeshift, so you never knew.... 

Lac'Cruxia (Lack'Crooh-Shah) houses the largest city,  Ironically thought to be the daemon's spawning place, and the highest-ranking nobility as well as royalty. The royal castle sits upon a hill, over looking the prosperous city.   Though the city of Lac'Cruxia is the most protected and richest of the cities, The king takes no action at the moment, sitting in his chambers he drinks wine from his enclosed royal vineyard, And watches the world burn.  

Awaiting the return of his bane.

@shadowgasai @TokumeiNoJorogumo

{[Still a WIP, will begin posting tomorrow.]}


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