Other What's Your Roleplay Go-To?

Always the immature wise-guy who's more perceptive than he cares to let on. He's that guy you either love or you hate, the one who charms the pants off of you or annoys you to no end. Some people can't keep up with him 'cause he's a bit of a motor mouth. Others are just that boring and unwilling to humor him.

That's the archetype I lean towards by default.
I dont mean to, usually: but when given the opportunity to do so, I always play the villain. The cruel, inconsiderate character that messes up everyone else for the fun of it. If no one else is taking up the role, then why not take it myself? Of course, I always craft characters based off the roleplay that they're in, so every "villain" defers from the rest, but, I wouldn't say they're going out of their way to make people happy, either.

In general, I've always loved fantasy or sci-fi genres. I've gotten a bit more tolerant of more modern themed roleplays, such as high school or the like, but it's never been very interesting to me.
Supernatural or zombie roleplays is where I always end up. ( :P )

Although I have many variations of characters, most of them tend to be quite dominant, in the sense that they have the need to be in control almost always or want to lead in every situation because they think it'd be in the interest of others. For the most part, however, they tend to stick out like a sore thumb because either: a) Their form of communication to get their point across is rather loud or, b) They refuse to be a part of something that might involve too much interaction (Especially if it's emotional). Having said that, I have characters that are particularly... Closed off from others and it was quite rare for them to actually open up since they tend to say or do things that are frowned upon. In fact, I think it's safe to say that many of them tend to be chaotic neutral.

I also just realised that this reply is a little too much (?). Sorry. (' :| )

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