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What's Wrong With Me? With Us? [razorstar and KoopaTroopa]

Danny sat in the darkness, shaking. This was insane. This was completely and utterly insane. There was no way this was happening. He was trapped, alone in a cell. He couldn't even remember how he had gotten there. But, it's a bit hard to remember things when you're trying not to have a mental breakdown. Danny's blue eyes could barely make it through the gray light around him, and the slight flickering of the light that was making it in from the corridor wasn't helping his vision much. He could hear animal and human screams around him, and every slight sound made him jump and shake even harder. "Help me." He breathed, curling his knees up to his chin and trying not to start crying.
"Let me go you bastards!" Sam had been yelling, paired with some more curses towards the people holding him and a lot of struggling and squirming. He didn't even remember how they had gotten him here, but he knew this wasn't good. He was being kidnapped, for gods sake! "Just let me go!" He tried and tried, but they didn't seem bothered by his ugly words. They came to a halt in front of a cell of some sorts and without a mercy they threw him in there. He groaned, as his back had hit the wall pretty hard. Those bastards..

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