Other What're your sports?

The Forge

New Member
I play Football and Rugby, I love both for different reasons. Rugby is physical and fast, you're hitting and taking hits without pads and its bone on bone. But I like Rugby because there's nobody on the sides telling you what to do, its just you and your team mates trying to figure out a plan on your own. Football on the other hand its controlled and measured. I feel like its the smarter of the two sports and has more strategy. Its probably harder than Rugby, not on the field but mentally. In football if you come from a small town and a competitive good team, there is so much drama that comes with it. Training soaks up most of your summer and it doesn't stop, even when you're not at practice its like a lifestyle.

Anyway those are my sports and my take on them, what about yall?
I'm the most non athletic person I know. Seriously in high school I'd make up any excuse not to have to go to class. However I do horseback ride, it's been about a year since I've been able to and I miss it.
I'm not that athletic either. Well, not until my last year of middle school to current day (highschool ofc). I play volleyball. I'm not sure if I could even say that since I haven't played a game yet lol. But yea. I like the sport mostly because of the fact that it's probably the only one I'm good at, which makes it fun and it motivates me to be more active. I like the idea of spiking because it looks cool af. I mean, come on, you're jumping up at least 1 foot (I'm guessing) and hitting the ball as hard as you can (I'm easily impressed). I honestly like hitting the ball a lot more than bumping it just because of the fact that hitting shit is fun. So yeaaaaa

not sure if anyone will see this but whatever
I would love to play volleyball, but in all honesty, I'm a soccer player. It's just something about it that gets my adrenaline pumping, I just love running, being out on the field, the connection that you make with your teammates. It's just so amazing.
I would love to play volleyball, but in all honesty, I'm a soccer player. It's just something about it that gets my adrenaline pumping, I just love running, being out on the field, the connection that you make with your teammates. It's just so amazing.
Oh I wish I could run. I have almost no endurance. And I've tried kicking a ball multiple times before. I can barely touch it with my foot while it's still, so trying to while running would be a train wreck haha
Oh I wish I could run. I have almost no endurance. And I've tried kicking a ball multiple times before. I can barely touch it with my foot while it's still, so trying to while running would be a train wreck haha
haha, I think I suck, although people say I'm pretty good at it. I've fallen on my face ton of times.
No sports team, but I like to play ultimate frizzeebee
I also enjoy practicing tennis in gym. We never actually play, and I know I'd be terrible at it, but it's fun to swing the racket at the ball coming from the wall.
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I'm not really what you could call an 'athlete' because I lean more towards academics, but I do play almost all sports. I'm not bragging, though- please don't think I am, xD. I'm just a very open-minded person so I try out almost everything.

Basically, in other words, I'm not an expert, but I do enjoy playing soccer, volleyball, badminton, and basketball.
I used to run until I hurt myself and realized running sucks. I've been riding horses for about 15-16 years now. Used to play polo for my university but switched to dressage (look it up). I find riding to be a mixture of several different skills: strength, coordination, intelligence, patience, endurance...etc. It allows you to communicate in a common language with an animal that you normally wouldn't be able to mesh with which is pretty cool I think.
ah i love sports! i'm currently playing field hockey (which was also my first sport), but then i switched and played tennis for a few years. then i bmx raced also for a year or two and in between that i used to dance for really really long. oh and i jogged for a few months but i ran 5km (later more) three times a week BUT IT NEVER WENT SMOOTH, IT NEVER GOT EASY. also just wasn't it for me lol.
I like orienteering. It's where you try and figure out where you're going on a map, then run through forests and fields to try and get there before the other teams. It's a lot of fun, I'm always called upon to be the nurse, because all the guys do crazy stuff and end up with sprained ankles.
Volleyball! I wanted to join something like that but wasn't able to sense i'm not of right part -_-
I fence, aha. My main weapon is Sabre, though I do like to get me a little Epee action for fun ^^;

I used to do martial arts and I play badminton for fun ^^;
Well I started horseback riding months ago, and started fencing like last week! Besides that, I hate the other sports. I’m no athlete! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Marching band. We win more state championships than the football team.
It does strengthen cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and both the upper and lower body. The same athleticism involved in competitive swimming or running a marathon.
Basically winter sports. I really enjoy hockey (but don't play it other than on a pond with friends) but I do snowboard a lot and I ride horses. I like snowshoeing and skidooing and playing shit like man tracker/orienteering too. The only sports I actually take seriously and do competitively is snowboarding and horse riding
Ayy what discipline? I do dressage and show jumping so far and hoping to get into cross country once I get a horse that can

Oooo! I ride western! So I do barrels and such! But My barn works with Vetrans and horses for therapy! So my big Keiger Mustang (whos not mine but close enough :P ) works with vetrans! I do natural horsemanship with him! So we do a lot of bareback riding and some casual jumping lol! I love him to death!
Oooo! I ride western! So I do barrels and such! But My barn works with Vetrans and horses for therapy! So my big Keiger Mustang (whos not mine but close enough :P ) works with vetrans! I do natural horsemanship with him! So we do a lot of bareback riding and some casual jumping lol! I love him to death!

Keiger Mustang.. jealous. My friend has one and I want it. I only have an old Standerbred/Morgan now since we've moved and she's retired, so I currently don't have a horse to ride
Marathoning TV. I do it really well.

Naw, but fur serials.

Archery. Barebow recurve. That's my thing.

Only because there are no trebuchet clubs anywhere near me.

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