Other What would you do if....


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What would you do if you were stuck in a forest? With your best friend(s)?

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I wouldn't go into the forest to begin with. Outdoors and me don't mix. I'd be the first to die. Everyone else would survive xD
NickOnTheReg said:
I wouldn't go into the forest to begin with. Outdoors and me don't mix. I'd be the first to die. Everyone else would survive xD
Oh my gosh I get you. I actually really like the outdoors and used to go to the creek with my friends all the time, but I was always that bumbling idiot that trailed behind everyone.
Emu said:
Oh my gosh I get you. I actually really like the outdoors and used to go to the creek with my friends all the time, but I was always that bumbling idiot that trailed behind everyone.
I like the outdoors too but I hate bugs. So so so much. And yeah I also have the balance of a new born deer. I'd slip and fall into a river and be doomed haha
Time for the murder round (:3)


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Try to remember that he survival tips Batman taught me and try not to freak out about the bugs.

Also ask my friend if she knows woodland sewing. She makes hella crafty cosplay so who know we might not do too bad for a couple of nerds.
We if we're stranded there with no sign of help coming anytime soon, me and my bff Jill would probably just die. In some pathetic way. Immediately. ( -_- ")
I know how to surivive in the woods. I would build a fire and a shelter.

"We may have to cook and eat Chaka." Will Ferrell, land of the lost
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I got lost in the woods with my best friend and her brother once when we were kids. My friend lost her shoe, her brother was whining the whole time (and he's older than my friend), and I got my leg cut and was bleeding. When we finally found their grandmother, we discovered we'd only been missing for like an hour.
I'd get hungry eventually and I'm no tree eater.... that's right... we'd go The Revenant on this forests ass!
(Names have been changed)

Kestrel: I'm hungry.

Leo: Well, let's go back to camp. It's this way.

Selena: No it's that way. Kes freaked out over the wasp nest, remember?

Kestrel: Wasp! Where! *hides behind Leo*

Aianna: Leo's not gonna save you.

Leo: Hey, look! A spider!

Kestrel: *runs off screaming*

C: Way to go, Switzerland. You scared off Belize.

Leo: Do I look like I care, Canada?

Allison: Considering your girlfriend is running through the forest having a mental breakdown, you probably should.

Leo: *sigh* She can take care of herself-*Splash!*

-Unless there's water involved. I'll go retrieve her.

Kestrel: Brr... Cold, cold, cold...

Leo: Now what have we learned from this?

Kestrel: Assume all water is above my head since I'm short?

Leo: Close enough. Do you need my jacket?

Selena: Aww... You two make the cutest couple!


Kestrel and Leo: *sigh in annoyance* Calm down.

Allison and Aianna: Don't tell me I need to calm down! I don't care, I ship it!

Kestrel: This is why Allison is single...

Allison: It's okay, though! I'll live precariously through you.

Kestrel: Umm... Guys? We're still lost you know.

Everyone else: Oh, yeah...
Most of my friends are dancers or nerds but we all have a strange talent, I'd think we'd probably start working on surviving. We would be fine out in the woods, so much worse has happened in the past ;P
I would ever so casually disappear and see what they did. Once they decided what to do, I would act accordingly... I did nothing wrong!
If we were stuck in the forest, away from our happy place at the computers... We'd probably dare each other to do stupid shit while we went back home xD
id just be like cool and start picking stuff to cook and be like yep this is the life lol i live in the woods so im use to it

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