TV & Film What show/movie are you hooked on right now?

[QUOTE="Loco Mofo]Episode 7 is solid stuff. I had complete faith in JJ Abrams but also expected a more modern, edgy experience and he stayed within the canon closely enough despite people being outraged Ben Skywalker doesn't seem to exist or describing it as a remake of A New Hope (Ep 4, or Star Wars 1 chronologically speaking).
I didn't like Ep 1 or 2* but only because of Hayden Christiansen and his whiny BS. -_- '

Edit: Little shit almost ruined Vader for me. But Yoda's unparalleled badassery in 2&3 are worth every agonizing Padme/Obi Wan and Anakin scene.

I honestly couldn't agree more with you. Yoda is such a badass. I love him. You go, little dude.
Mad Max: Fury Road. Ever since seeing it in the theaters I'm in there. Like a worm on a hook.
Fury road left me disappointed.

Always good to see Rosie H. scantily clad in white cloth though.

I mean that alone is a premise for a film.

Galavant, The Mindy Project, Superstore, and Jane the Virgin.

I'm waiting for Walking Dead and Game of Thrones to come back on.
Orphan Black is my favorite. Walking Dead of course. AHS. Agents of Shield. Basically everything that's not on right now lol.
lately I've been rather obsessed with watching "Laugh In" and rewatching "F-Troop." <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-2_14-48-0.png.19cb2eb04b3d34496f3b156f4d0a13de.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103444" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-2_14-48-0.png.19cb2eb04b3d34496f3b156f4d0a13de.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I've gotten myself obsessed with Star Wars all over again after seeing the Force Awakens.

Also, TV show wise, The Last Kingdom on Netflix has been really enjoyable for me.
Just got hooked on Better Call Saul!
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