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Fandom What Remains: End of the Multiverse

Pucca: Seoul-Don, Gladius-I
Pucca looked towards the man when he spoke up again thinking he was about to tell her which way to head.

"Your village...It's."

Pucca let her let the down the picture and smiled but it soo turned into confusion when he said try Gladius-II. What was Gladius-II? She watched as he pulled out a note book and started to write down something on it. He then tore it out and handed it to her. Pucca took it to see there was a number on it. Apparently he wanted her to call it. Maybe this person could help her. But where was she suppose to get a phone from? The man started to the door to leave.


Did he have to call her that? Pucca turned to look at him. "Mm?"

"If you walk onto those streets by yourself, you might not make it out alive. Stick with me at least till we can get you back to the human part of this city, okay?"

It was clear Pucca didn't understand what he was talking about. Not make it out alive? From being on the streets? Streets were scary and what did he mean about human part of the city? Well she was certain still confused but she might as well go with him considering she had no idea where to go. She stuck the number and picture back in her pocket and walked up to him and smiled brightly. She then glanced back at the woman waving goodbye. She then looked back up at the man ready to go.

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

code by pasta
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Yamada clicked his tongue in disappointment, "...An Irregular, huh? Yeesh, and just when things were finally going my way."

Motioning for the alien to follow, he returned to the lift with the same measured stroll.

"Ko-ma-to~, eh? I've heard of Klingon, Zentradi, and Thraddash, but never Komato. What's a big guy like you want with tech like this, anyway? Last I checked, you warrior race types didn't- Replay, please tell me that gun isn't pointed at me."

The young man in question, a beak-nosed dwarf with a bleach-blonde fauxhawk and neon green cybereyes, was making a valiant effort to aim his HK-227 at Yamada's torso region against the whims of his swaying hands.

"Fuh-fuh-FUCK you, Yamada! Think you ca-can just do whuh-whuh-whatever you want cu-cuz the buh-buh-"

Yamada quietly brushed the gun's barrel aside with one hand, waiting for the dwarf to finish.

"-buh-boss put you in charge, buh-buh-"

"-But I 'ain't no better than the rest of you', yes.", Yamada casually withdrew a flip phone from his jacket pocket, "Tell me, Replay: Does your mind stutter as badly as your mouth?"

Replay made an incoherent braying noise (not entirely unlike a donkey in heat) and swung his gun upwards at Yamada's face, squeezing the trigger hard.


"Nice smartlink."

Opening his phone, Yamada flashed the screen at Replay who was, within seconds, writhing on the floor and screaming.

"Anyone else want to tell me I'm wrong? No? Okay then."

Closing his phone, Yamada looked over his shoulder at Dejama.

"Sorry you had to see that, big guy. Now, where were we?"

DrBones DrBones
Bowser, Xing Empire, Gladius-III

"Please, I don't know who your friends were but I'm Bowser, the biggest baddest Koopa out there. I doubt Thanos would stand a chance against me" Bowser said over confident in himself. Steve then brought up needing to find out were they were. "That what I wanted to know in the first place." Boswer said putting his claw to his head. "Let's just go ask one of locals" Bowser suggest before turning around. Bowser than headed to the nearest person he could find and simpley asked "Hey you! Do you know were we are?"

While Bowser wasn't trying to be scary at the moment the man still look frighten by Bowser appearance. "Your in the city of ******* in the Xing Empire. Sorry I have to go" The civilan said before running off.

"...Xing empire? Wheres that?" Bowser said confused as he never heard of such a place. Bowser then went back to Steve and Pavium. "So we are in some kingdom called the Xing Empire... Does that ring any bells for you guys because I don't have a clue where that is compared to the Mushroom Kingdom."
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Sleek Sleek
Tophat: The Wasteland, Gladius-III
Tophat was absorbed in his music and almost didn't notice the intense heat of the fire as it came speeding towards him. Almost, but it was enough to get him to stop playing and dodge the flame. "I don't know who you are, but you are no rock'n'roller." The anger in his voice was clear, as if he saw this entire encounter as some sort of insult. "These matters are beyond you, your kind are mere playthings to me, so why do you resist?" He swung his guitar to his back and grasped the hilt of his sword.
"Oh. Man."
"Tophat. Is. Pissed."
"Very. Pissed."

ChazGhost ChazGhost
Marlin Bossk
Gladius-II The Green Lands

Marlin frantically scoured his office piecing together parts of the puzzle of his latest find, the liber Ultima, a strange book bound in an even stranger material, the scrawling's, pointless, or so marlin thought soon after finally understanding he spoke the words on the first page and opened a rift into another plane, unfortunately for him the book vanished after usage, marlin became agitated that such knowledge was lost but nevertheless discovery awaited, marlin packed up his essentials and prepared to leave, fortunately Luna decided to come with marlin so he wouldn't be lonley marlin tried to pull off a smile, after feeding Luna her pre travel cracker, putting on his tentacle covering face mask and pulling up his hood, marlin grabbed his pack and other equipment stepping through the rift with Luna into this new unknown

After a flash marlin opened his eyes to witness a bustling town not too different to the kind he knows, there was lots of racial diversity, although something felt off, something out of place, but regardless marlin shrugged as Luna landed on his shoulder, marlin sought out a tavern nearby, as soon as he entered he ordered the same drink as normal feeling the usual reception, getting his drink marlin found a cozy dark corner in the tavern and sat down pondering his next move, did he just get teleported elsewhere or is this a new realm... Time will tell

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The funny thing about the brawl Dice had basically helped start was that the man himself wasn't throwing hands after lightly punching Crowbar Crowley into next week. There was no need to. Everyone was busy taking things out on someone they knew or trying to profit from the chaos, stealing everything that might be valuable even if it was nailed down or trying to get at the cash on the premises. Bottles and chairs and bodies flew and security was already out and about, a squadron of faceless, outdated and not exactly pristine security droids in black shirts bought second hand trying to physically push everyone outside.

And all the while Dice danced around the danger, humming softly while he filled a brown paper bag with assorted food items, anything that looked good. Sway back to dodge a stray fist, catch a pack of candy. Pivot around the charging green gentleman, grab the two bottles of soda. Popcorn cone? Sure, weave under the arms of the freaky faceless security guy and pick it up as you go, feint right then exit left. Somewhere along the way Dice had put on some sweet round shades and gotten a lit cigarette in his mouth and was looking mighty fly running backwards to keep the vacating crowd in sight when Taskmaster reached him.

"Heeey, you're the guy in the ring! Hell yea brother, I dig your style, lets ditch this joint and carry on the party!".

There was only one question in Dice's mind: was the joint even gonna hold together with the angry human stampede exploding from within?

Freshet Freshet
"Ahaha!" laughed out the Taskmaster as he began clapping his hands together. With a menacing yet very cheerful grin upon his face, the Taskmaster Kevin Sullivan gazed upon Dice as he continued on. "Just outside I have a chariot forged from the pieces of the Pharaoh! Scattered across the land until I had gathered them from the disciples of his toooooomb!" As he somewhat explained that he had a method of transport that they could use, another faceless security dressed clad in black tried to be a hero of sorts and go after the man who helped start this powderkeg. Unlike Dice, Kevin Sullivan wasn't about to weave his way to avoiding it.

No, the Taskmaster had a simple way of solving this. And that was by throwing a right forearm at the security, which sent him flying towards another section of the stands and crashing through the rickety base. A few moments later a steel-chair began sliding down as it no longer held a stable position, and clanged right ontop of the head of the security. With that settled, The Taskmaster began to make his way out of the abandoned building of the ruined dockyard, making sure to avoid any further racket in the blitz that had quickly taken over the place. Well he tried to, but another faceless drone tried to do the task it was felt, or rather compelled, to do but this one ate another forearm. And this one quickly slammed into a wall, leaving a distinctive and prominent silhouette of itself into the frame of the building.

Leaving the building, the Taskmaster could notice that it was shaking among the loud everpresent rumbling that was occurring within it. At the time perhaps it was okay to construct some buildings with some, euphemistically said 'less than proper materials', but it wasn't a wise idea now. Of course the builders wouldn't have known that it'd be eventually used for illegal activities such as these or that people would get into such a brawl they were going to start tearing each other apart at the seams.

But this didn't really matter to the Taskmaster. It wasn't like this was a wrestling ring or anything, so who was he to care that in the chaos people were fighting each other into some support beams or further striking against a wall he had already damaged.

What did matter to him was getting back to his van.

Which really was going to be a simple bit walk back to his van, where he'd allow this newfound friend to ride in if he wanted. Hey someone had to pay for gas; and Kevin Sullivan knew what sorta things fans would do to get a chance to hang with their favorite wrestlers.

Zerohex Zerohex
Rush Valley

Pavium frowned. Xing Empire? Thanos? Mushroom Kingdom?
He almost wished for the flood, for as confusing as it was, it couldn't be as bad as this.

"No. But if we wanted information, it might be more wise to find a local terminal, or other navigational technology. The locals might be as confused as we are.
Caution, both of you. One wrong move and they might attack."

He warned, locking eyes with Bowser with the last sentence before turning to Rodgers.

"For now, I will accompany you where you go, as I believe we all have a common goal of returning home. I am Pavium, 'The Unbreakable'."

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen ChazGhost ChazGhost
Victor Zsasz
Mega-Gotham, Gladius-III

That explains why he can't find the Falcone headquarters in this new Gotham, he began to piece the puzzle out whether he is in the Gotham from the future or he is from another world. The lecture coming from Doctor Hugo Strange makes him aware that there are infinite universes filled with infinite realities that is called the Multiverse.

As the robot is heading towards the bank to face the robbers, Victor pulled the kunais out of the robot's head and jumped down to the ground. He faced the armored guards as he raised his kunais.

"That explains why I can't find them in this world, what a shame." Victor said, smirking.

He is ready to fight these armored guards with all the resources he have at this moment.

Carl Johnson
The Wasteland, Gladius-III

CJ is confused of what this man said, teleportation, blue lights and shit like that. He never believed in science fiction being applied to reality. Living in this post-apocalyptic world run by madmen, cannibals, and mutated animal made CJ considered it as a challenge but he is still don't know what the fuck is going on.

"Look man, I don't know what the fuck you talkin' bout. I just want to know where the airport is and go back to L-S." CJ said.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Tax Scalin/The Dragonborn, The Wasteland, Gladius-III

Once the music stopped Tax finished getting up. Even with the music no longer playing there was still fear left in him. As Tophat spoke it just made Tax annoyed and made him want kill this guy. But Tophat abilities were far different then anything he had deal with before. So for time being it was time for a "tactical retreat". "Why I resist? I resist because don't want crazy people like you in power and because I enjoy good fight..." Tax said thinking of the best way to escape. "And once I figured out how get pass your music fear trick that exactly what we'll have... But until then I have to bid you good bye werdios" Tax said before turning around and retreating. "WULD NAH KEST!" Tax shouted using Whirlwind Sprint to make a quick escape. After his head start Tax kept running. Tax kept a eye for his surroundings making sure he wasn't being followed or that Tophat was catching up to him...
KnightOfNight KnightOfNight
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Tophat: The Wasteland, Gladius-III
Tophat stood in silence as the knight suddenly dashed across the wasteland before turning back to the direction he was originally going. Ultimately, he wasn't important and would be consumed in the dark age of metal just like all the others. The archers glanced at each other and spoke.
"Should. We. Follow?"
"He. Is. Fast."
"Very. Cowardly."
Annoyed by his time being wasted by the knight and now his own band, Tophat growled. "Do you see a guitar anywhere near him? He doesn't matter, he will die with all the others." And with that, he set back out in the hopes of finding a town. While the comforts provided were meaningless to him, rockers often flocked to settlements and he could always use more picks.
"He. Is. Really. Pissed."
"So. Pissed."
Berserker Dejama, Mega-Gotham Slumblock 92, Gladius-III

Dejama blinked. Was it normal among humans to commit mutinies and murder eachother at the first sign of trouble? It would explain how the Tasen had so thoroughly wiped their colony on Origin, and how something as horrible as the Human Anomaly could have been made. This one was a textbook example of human social structures; a valuable learning experience if Dejama was going to have to live among them for the foreseeable future. Dealing with him would be a matter of understanding primitive hierarchies. She needed to either assert her dominance, or kill him immediately and continue with her original plan.

"You are going to give me the cyberware you have taken into that mechanical lift, I am going to assimilate it, and I am going to leave," Dejama stated slowly and clearly, "after that... hm."

Dejama paused. Only now had she realized she didn't have anything close to a plan. She was just going to... wander around the city until she either destroyed something important or died. She would need a better idea of how this worthless place worked, and to do that she would need someone who had lived here some time.

"I will have a use for you," Dejama announced. "you do not have a grasp on this situation. With the rapport you have made with your comrades, you will be overthrown and killed the moment I leave. So, I will offer you a choice: give me the cyberware and I leave you, or give me the cyberware and follow me."

Zeed Zeed
Namorae: The Western Graveyard, Gladius III​
The woman has her eyes closed, but the ear Venkman can see lifts slightly, having heard his footsteps. One pale green eye opens to look at him, and a few ghosts that surround the mage. She still hasn’t stopped her song, but she smiles around the flute, and nods to the ground next to her. She hopes her message to him is clear. She’ll speak to him when she’s finished her song. She just doesn’t want to upset her audience by letting him interrupt.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
"Whoa-ho there, big guy! Let's make one thing absolutely crystal clear, okay? These scum-sucking chip jockeys-"

He punctuated the statement with a swift kick to Replay's ribs.

"-Are not my comrades, alright? I am an independent contractor and these gentlemen-"

He gestured to the procession of barely-aware bangers sprawled across the garage.

"-are my clients- or, more specifically, they work for my client- and they couldn't touch me if they tried. Now, if you need an agent, I'll gladly 'tender my resignation' with Lo-Fi."

He struck the elevator's call button with the heel of his palm.

"Shall we discuss your terms on the way up?"

DrBones DrBones
The Operator, Gladius IV
Ahhhh. You know what? I'll take a risk.
I steer Jeremy towards the lift signs, and gently inch the drone towards them. Of course, upon hostile action, I'll get Jeremy out as soon as possible.
I keep Cori still, monitoring movement, while John also inched forward towards the life signs. Time to see what the life signs are.
This is a stupid move. But one I'm going to have to do in order to see what's on this planet.

As Jeremy approached the life signs, the drone found himself hovering near a large body of water. The ocean was dark, with it's depths unable to tell without a closer look. The life-signs drew closer, but appeared to stop within the depths, not reaching the surface but still looking up towards the drone.

Harleen Quinzel: Mega-Gotham One (Gladius-III)
The second guard raised a shotgun, preparing to shoot Victor if he made any more sudden movements while the first guard chuckled and activated a large stun baton.
"Alright, Falcone. Try it."

Downstairs, ED-209 stormed towards the top of the stairs, aiming it's guns at the robbers.
"Aw, crap. Everybody down!" Harleen shouted
"Lower your weapons. You have ten seconds to comply." The robot ordered
"Oh, screw you!" One of the robbers shouted
"I think you should do as he says." Harleen added.

Rysesaka Rysesaka

Steve Rodgers: Rush Valley, Xing Empire, Gladius-III
"Steve Rodgers." He thought about offering Pavium a handshake, but stopped himself. It could mean something different in the alien's culture, after all.

"He approached the civilian, who appeared somewhat shaken by Bowser's appearance and introduced himself with a friendly smile.
"I'm just wondering if you could tell us what planet this is?" He asked
"Gladius-III..." He answered, raising an eyebrow "How did you not know that?"

So his assumptions were right, in that Thanos had transported them to another planet?
"Oh." The civilian's mouth widened, as did his eyes "Oh no. You guys just got here?"

Steve stepped forwards, a questioning look on his face "What do you mean, son? We're not the only ones to suddenly..."
The civilian nodded "Yeah. Not the first, and probably not the last. If you guys just wait there I can go and get help. The Emperor pays people to explain these things so..."

Sleek Sleek ChazGhost ChazGhost

The Sole Survivor: The Wasteland, Gladius-III
"Did you not listen to a word he said?" Cait asked
"Listen. There is no airport, at least not in a few thousand miles." Harry shook his head "But getting to Mos Eisley from here is suicide, especially if you haven't got a clue."
"The place is a shithole anyway..." Cait added
"That too. The drinks are alright but the music is a bit..." He shook his head "Listen kid, you've been teleported to another place."

Douglas Ken: Seoul-Don (Gladius-I)
Douglas looked back at Ginny "Remember. You hear anything. Call immediately."
Opening the door, he gestured for Pucca to follow him. All he needed to do was get her out of the trap street, but he had to make sure she stayed quiet about it. Even if she was just a kid in his eyes there was a chance someone would believe her stories.

Looking around every corner, Douglas started to walk towards the same alleyway he had entered through.
"Look. There's some things we need to talk about." He began
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood animegirl20 animegirl20

Venkman: The Western Graveyard (Gladius-III)
Seeing how some of the ghosts were reacting to the melody, Venkman decided not to interrupt and instead found a piece of rubble to sit on. He watched with fascination as some even appeared to dance in tune to it, but remained cautious.
He started to move with one of the ghosts, taking her by the hand as he physically interacted with the Twilight. She wore a ballgown and had her hair let down.
"Just keep playing." He told Namorae "I've got an idea."
Namorae: The Western Graveyard, Gladius III
The woman watches him curiously, and her eyes crinkle a bit in a smile as she keeps playing. She seems to be very good at managing her breath, able to play for long periods without needing to take breaths. She keeps playing for him, and for the spirits, pleased that he’s here to dance with them. This is something she loves to do for the ghosts here.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Bjornson Gudrun: Gladius III- The Wasteland
A violent flash of light somewhere in a barren landscape, littered with dead and decaying trees that were once a lush forest, a figured appeared, he wore leather armor and a tattered kilt, he grasped tightly onto his large claymore which steamed from the sudden shock of lightning. As Bjornson looked around, his vision still blurry and ears still ringing, he believed the lands around him to be the aftermath of his previous actions.

As he slowly regained his bearings, he quickly found that this was not the battleground that he once stood, he was now faced with this barren empty lands, deprived of any fertile soil, what so few flowers or bushes that stood were wilted and decrepit in nature, browned or black as if life and color had ceased it's existence.

Bjornson was, without much surprise, gobsmacked at the sight. He felt his muscles still aching after the battle that he was so roughly tore from, and this new environment which lacked any clean atmosphere made it even more tiresome. Bjornson fell to his knees, his sword planted into the ground in front of him. He leaned onto his still warm blade, the fur padded his shoulder as he rested there momentarily. What was he to do in a situation like this?

He sat there on his knees a moment which dug into the blackened soil.

(Open to anyone)
Victor Zsasz
Mega-Gotham, Gladius-III


Victor Zsasz introducing himself to the armored guards.

He smirked when these armored guards were sure that they feel victorious since they thought that Victor has nothing left to fight. Back in his universe, even when elite police units like the GCPD Strike Force fought Victor, they will be still wary of what will happen next when it comes to Victor Zsasz. Before he will outsmart these armored guards. He puts his kunais back to their respective pockets. He then hold each side of his suit as he began to introduce himself.

"Before you die, I would like to introduce myself - my name is Victor Zsasz and I have a nice time fighting with you." He said in a calm and yet casual manner, he didn't look like a threat when he introduced himself to the armored guards apart from saying 'before you die'.

He grab his one kunai from his pocket and quickly throw it to the armored guard who has the shotgun, he quickly dive down to the ground just in case he fired back. The kunai is completely attached to the guard's armor, the kunai itself is blinking with a red dot and the sound is like counting down to zero. The guard may able to see that the kunai itself is attached with a small sticky bomb that will explode from three, two, one..


A small sticky bomb that is attached to the kunai.

Carl Johnson
The Wasteland, Gladius-III

"Look, sir, wha' chu' are sayin' is scientifically impossible, not even dat old man - wha' his name 'gain? Einstein? Chea'! Him! He can't even prove dat dis things exis-.." and finally, CJ vomits and the smell of the vomit is a beer like Jack Daniels. He wiped his mouth out and turn his attention back to the man.

"Look, man, I don't feel so good, a'right? I'll just follow ya'." He said as he shakes his head from the hangover effect.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
The Operator, Gladius IV
"Ahhh... hehehe."
Nervous laughter escapes my lips. I knew this was a horrible idea.
Ohhhh, I am going to regret this. Yes, they may be peaceful. But given that very few other lifeforms were peaceful during my salvage operations, I doubt that.
Well... here I go. Time to investigate, preferably from land. These life forms can't go past the water, right?
I have Jeremy take a closer look at the life forms, preferably still from land. The drone moves an inch forward, and begins scanning the ocean for life forms.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
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Gladius-III Mos Eisley

Ridley finally came too after the ship crash, a good number of his space pirates survived with him but still he was fuming, Ridley roared at the nearest pirate

"You imbeciles! I want this ship up and running and back out there to bring down Samus Aran... NOW YOU WORTHLESS WRETCHES!!!"

The remaining pirates quickly got to thier feet and began working on repairs, one pirate approached Ridley and said

"My lord I bring good news and bad, the good news is we crashed nearby a city that we can raid for repairs, unfortunately we lost samu-"

Suddenly Ridley whipped his tail sending the pirate flying through the desamated ship and crashing into the wall winding the pirate, Ridley roared out angrily and after a moment Ridley said to his pirate's

"While I'm gone repair the ship by any means necessary am I understood?"

The pirates collectively shout

"Yes Lord Ridley!"

Ridley then opened his wings and flew up and out of the top of the ship, taking to the skies he saw there was indeed a town of sorts neigh a spaceport of all things, Ridley couldn't believe his luck but before he could show the space port his hospitality he noticed that on his crashed ship there was tiny creatures scurrying all over it wearing brown robes, scavenger's taking from Ridley's crashed ship not happening, Ridley dived and shrieked at the creatures sending them fleeing in terror, landing on his ships hull he grabbed one of the scavenger's and slammed it into the ships hull with lethal force, seeing them flee Ridley grabbed another one and flapped his wings with such force that the scavengers were blown away with the wind and sand, Ridley landed and looked at his captive, the creature made loud noises but it sounded as if it was mumbling, Ridley started to squeeze him and said

"Speak slowly and clearly, I might let you live if you tell me why you and your people tried to steal from me?!"

The creature responded the same way, Ridley rolled his eyes and crushed it in his hand, Ridley said

"Oh good we are dealing with incoherent morons"

Some space pirates escaped the ship to investigate, Ridley said

"Keep watch for scavengers kill any who take from us, and clean up that mess"

One pirate said

"Where are you going lord Ridley?"

Ridley chuckled and said

"Well there is a space port so I'm going to paint the town, dead, Hahahahahahahaaaaaaa"

Ridley took to the sky and flew towards mos eisley while the space pirates stayed with the ship to watch over it, repairing the damages and cleaning the ships hull

Bowser, Xing Empire, Gladius-III

"Gladius-III?... Is there a Gladius one and two?" Bowser said confused as Steve talked to the civilian. "Wait this happens often enough that the big boss of this place pays a guy to deal with it?" Bowser said as the civilian went off to get the whoever was hired the emperor. Bowser then looked to Steve. "How often does this Thanos guy teleport people here? And how does he even do this?" Bowser asked confused.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Sleek Sleek
Jim Gordon
Seoul-Don, Gladius I

All he remember was he was in a train with Leslie Thompskins (who would become the Doc in Season 4), he was able to successfully cure her infection from the Alice Tetch virus using the antidote that was reverse engineered by Doctor Hugo Strange except for himself, he failed to cure himself as he was distracted by the blue light that came out of no where and here he is, in a futuristic city that is so unfamiliar with him. He have no idea how he got in this place but at least he is alive.

He slowly opens his eyes as he heard the footsteps coming towards him although his visions are still blurry, he is able to get up and leaned on the wall. As he looked straight to the alleyway, he can see three individuals walking towards him but since his visions aren't straight yet, he can't see their face well.

"Hey! Don't - don't come near me." Jim said as his infected form suddenly revealed towards them. His eyes were pure black and his veins were showing in his face.

Although the individuals may notice that he have a police badge attached to his waistbelt. The badge is written 'Gotham City Police Department' with the logo of the GCPD on the center of his badge. His rank is also shown in his badge.


Jim Gordon in his infected form.


Jim Gordon's police badge

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Eliasdagood Eliasdagood animegirl20 animegirl20
Rush Valley

Pavium frowned. There were others? Perhaps that meant that the Banished had been taken through to these planets?
He felt relief that someone would explain the situation. Meant that this area was perhaps more stable than he thought.

"Perhaps. Though, if that is the case, we can expect more...diverse crowds.
Be careful in how you act."

The brute cautioned, saying

"We should wait and see what they have to say."

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen ChazGhost ChazGhost
Shafaqat: Seoul-Don, Gladius I
The djinn gets up to join the two humans as they leave, deciding she’ll walk them to the exit of the street. Better safe than with two more dead bodies to deal with. She narrows her eyes slightly, seeing a man on the ground. All the alarms in her mind go off at once as he turns his head to show pitch black eyes.

She steps forward slowly, licking her lips, and obviously very frightened. In her world, black eyes generally means a demon. A grunt, usually, not of high rank, but still very dangerous for even a djinn such as herself. “Hey.” She says softly, stopping about ten feet away. “It’s going to be okay. Just… try and keep calm, okay?” She can’t be sure this really is a demon, but if it is, they need to deal with this now.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen animegirl20 animegirl20 Rysesaka Rysesaka
Jim Gordon
Seoul-Don, Gladius-I

"I'm fine, it's just the reaction of the virus I have." He replied to the female as he grunt from the reaction coming from the Alice Tetch virus which it's becoming worse but making him more powerful at the same time. Seconds later, his form came back to normal as Jim was able to control it. His eyes turn hazel brown and his veins that were showing in his face were gone. He takes a deep breath, he inhaled and exhaled. He sigh.

He straighten up his posture, looking at the three individuals. He also eyed the kid for a second and shifted his attention back to them. He began to speak by asking,

"By the way, where am I?" He said in a curious tone, awaiting for their response.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Eliasdagood Eliasdagood animegirl20 animegirl20

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