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Fandom What Remains: End of the Multiverse (Character Sign-Up)

Names: Douglas Ken, "Digby", "bastard"
Fandom: OC from Chronicles of Darkness/Werewolf the Pure
Age: 25
Gender/Sexuality: Male, bisexual
Species: Werewolf
Douglas has a head of short and neatly combed dark hair, light blue eyes and stands at 6ft2. While his face is somewhat youthful and clean shaven, he has a large scar running across his right cheek that runs down to just below his heart. When asked about it, he'll claim he got it after being cornered by thugs...At least to most people. On his back are even more scars, which he'll claim to have received from the same thugs. In reality they are all the markings of a silver blade he had to endure as a rite of passage ritual.

He tends to be well-dressed, sporting a dark blue sport's jacket/blazer and blue suit trousers to match. Atop his head is often a trilby and he wears black oxfords.
On occasion he will also wear a burgundy tie.

Werewolf: His coat as a werewolf matches the colour of his hair, and the scar across his face is visible. His blue eyes change to the yellow eyes of a wolf when in any form outside of human.

Douglas is a self-hating Ivory Claw (one of the Pure clans), treating the heritage from his mother's side and the ability as a curse rather than something he gained. When about to fight a Changeling who he believed was threatening his sister, Douglas talked about fighting a war on two fronts. One was against the Forsaken ("impure" Werewolves) and the other was the war within himself.

Over the course of the game, Douglas rarely changed out of his human form and only went Gauru (full werewolf) once. This is due to valuing his humanity but also partially due to a fear of losing control (Gauru may go feral upon changing). Up until the fight with the Forsaken, Douglas was very conflicted and wondered what side he was on. He detested The Pure for what they had done to his family, but due to being brought up and indoctrinated he also hated the Forsaken. Currently, he hates the Pure with a burning passion but isn't a fan of the Forsaken either. He views them in a higher regard to the Pure but tends to avoid them for more reasons than them trying to take his head.

Douglas' true loyalty lies with his family (apart from his mother). He is fiercely loyal and protective of them as well as other people he loves to the point of plotting to have his mother killed so she couldn't turn them into soldiers, nearly killing a Changeling he believed was putting his sister at risk and even torturing (and breaking) somebody mentally to have some Paranoia spirits feed off of him rather than Douglas' younger brother as part of a deal he brokered.

However, his upbringing has very much rubbed off on him. He is cunning and while he's not as arrogant or as ruthless as he used to be, he still shows shades of it here and there. While not proud of being a Werewolf or a Pure, he is proud of being a Ken.

Douglas' childhood was split into two parts, that being the time spent with his father and with his mother. With his father, Norm things seemed easy enough. If asked, Douglas will praise Norm as being a "damn good dad married to a total bitch" but the time with his mother, Plume-Tall (refused to be called by anything outside of her Werewolf name) was very different.
One memory of his mother's "teachings" involved him and his twin brother being stranded in the Irish countryside for weeks and having to scavenge and fight to survive. Their mother had told their Norm she was taking the boys on a camping trip when in reality she was "teaching" them wilderness survival skills and trying to get them to use animal instincts. In truth, neither boys had unlocked their Werewolf sides yet and wouldn't for another few years.

His younger brother, Errol had psychological scars after many years of "teaching" as their mother was particularly hard on him. Douglas believes this was due to her wanting Douglas to give into anger and embrace his animal side or the knowledge that as Douglas was the eldest he would likely be Alpha.

He craved approval from his mother as well as the need to protect Errol, and eventually Rebecca (his sister) and tried to impress her in order to divert attention away from his siblings. However, while in high school he met a girl called Jessica who was interested in the occult. The two hit it off and a high school romance had blossomed into something far more by the time the two went to university.
Jessica was fully human though, and as an Ivory Claw Douglas was only allowed to "breed" with Wolfbloods in order to produce more Pure Werewolves. Not only that but Jessica brought out a nicer side in Douglas and the two had even spoken of having a life together. Balancing rituals, teachings on the Pure as well as a human live was difficult for Douglas but he was willing to drop the Werewolf side altogether, instead taking Errol and having a life with Jessica.

Plume-Tall arranged to have her killed and it was Douglas' anger was what caused him to transform for the first time. Needless to say, Plume-Tall managed to defeat him quite easily. He was a feral Werewolf having turned for the first time and she had decades of experience under her belt in combat.
In reality, and something Douglas learned over the Brambles Cross storyline was that Jessica had been smuggled to England in secret by Mort, who had run away from home around the same time.

As a means of protecting Mort, Douglas cut all ties with him in case Plume-Tall was to use Douglas to track Mort down. In his eyes, she'd killed the only woman Douglas had loved and he wasn't going to let her kill anybody else.
Realising there wasn't a lot he could do, after all his mother had taught him how to fight and how to be cunning Douglas kept his head down and tried to think of a way to have his mother killed. All the while, he would climb the ranks to eventually become the Alpha of his own pack. He could use converted Forsaken as troops as well as a means of staging a Coup d'état and taking over the Pure packs in the area surrounding Belfast (which is a Forsaken city).

As part of this, Douglas was able to track down, trap and have a pack of feral Werewolves put down. It earned him some respect among the Pure ranks.

Brambles Cross
When the game starts, Douglas is invited by a Water-smoke spirit to meet a young Werewolf called Daniel. In the first session it's revealed that Douglas' first transformation was five years ago and that Daniel's original pack was wiped out by a group of Forsaken called the Deadwood Mongrels, leaving him as the only survivor. Wanting to help Daniel out and seeing it as an opportunity to gain a pack, Douglas agrees to help. He discovers the existence of Changelings and by proxy, the True Fae due to Daniel's other allies being Changelings.
He doesn't take it well. Calling every family member he can to warn them to be on the lookout for suspicious activity. Due to a pledge he makes, he cannot reveal full details however but tries to warn as much as possible.

In the second session he brings a Changeling named Bast along as a lookout while he checks in with his family, seeing that Errol has taken his warnings a bit too literally. While Bast hid the car (mostly to screw with Douglas and causing him to leave) he enters the house and makes a deal with Douglas' sister. Douglas doesn't take it well, drives Bast out into the middle of nowhere and prepares to turn into his Gauru form to tear him to pieces. Thankfully he is talked down.

As the game progresses Douglas gathers more allies, successfully manages to resist mind-control at the hands of the Vampire Prince and after discovering that paranoia spirits are driving Errol insane and feeding off of his anxiety he makes a deal. At first he offers them his mother when the two talk to the spirits, arguing that Errol's mental state is her fault but the spirits don't buy it.

Instead, he offers up a law student named Bruce who Douglas met in a bar and kept the number of in case he needed somebody with his expertise. Arriving at Bruce's flat and at first hesitating as Bruce tries to sleep with him, Douglas instead uses his powers to mind-control Bruce and drive him mad. Errol was rescued and Douglas would check in on Bruce from time to time just to see how he was doing and add to the paranoia.

Much to his dismay, he learned that Bruce's house was in Forsaken territory when he showed up at the house to find a number of Forsaken werewolves waiting for him. At first he tried to cut a deal and bullshit his way out of a fight but they weren't listening. Douglas ran all the way back to Norm's house where he collapsed and told his father everything, sobbing at how he'd broken an innocent man for nothing.

Colder and bitter, he joined Vampires on a raid against a group of hunters called Ashwood Abbey who were notorious for treating their hunting of Supernatural beings as a sport. Going in with Bast, another Changeling named Kevin, two Vampires and two other Werewolves, one being Daniel and another a potential pack candidate named Wilfred. Wilfred was killed by Bast during the raid after he killed a sleeping hunter, adding to the list of reasons Douglas mistrusted Bast but the real kicker was finding out that Mort was with the hunters.

Trying to smuggle Mort out didn't work and he instead cut a deal with a Vampire called Aeon. He would make Mort one of his Ghouls in return for a favour from Douglas. Mort informed Douglas on Jessica being alive and due to his study of spirits he also informed his twin on the fact that the paranoia spirits would either tear each other apart or be put down by the Forsaken due to running out of food and going feral.

Keeping Mort's return a secret, Douglas was eventually made Alpha of his own pack: Brutal Mercy. It consisted of Douglas, Daniel, a young Wolfblood and one of Douglas' cousins. With the pack, as well as a few of their allies gathered Douglas launched a sneak attack on the Deadwood Mongrels. Using the Changelings to open a Hedge-gate and sneak into their territory, Douglas took the parents of the Alpha hostage and threatened to torture them unless the Deadwood Mongrels surrendered. It was all a ploy of course, for Douglas had no intentions of hurting anyone.

He needed the converted Mongrels for his pack if he was to execute his coup, and he was the parents as innocents. Agreeing to meet with Douglas at a mutual location, the Alpha surrendered and awaited "conversion" with the rest of his pack. That was the moment when everything went to shit.
Firstly, Kevin released the prisoners as he realised that the "conversion" process involved a lot of torture. Changelings are beings who were "converted" via torture at the hands of the True Fae.
Secondly, Hawke was there. Hawke was a sociopath Vampire who was there wanting to kill something. The moment the Alpha was released, he went in for the kill and dealt a nasty wound to him.
Thirdly, Douglas panicked and meant to fire a warning shot. However, the shot struck Ace-Face/Richard (the Alpha) and killed him. For the shot was a silver bullet, something the Pure regard as heresy to the point of banning silvery cutlery.

Cornered by Pure, Douglas finally snapped and told them what he really thought of them and their religion. It didn't go well. He was brought for "conversion" and when the ritual went wrong and he lashed out, Hawke tore his throat out.

Douglas remained dead for a number of months, with it driving Bast further into insanity, breaking Norm and causing more fall-outs within the group. He first returned to life as a Spirit brought back by Tomacco as part of wanting to create a pack with Hawke (who at that point had no allies), was merged with a Ghost to restore his memories and make him more powerful...And then when offered to join, he told the two to "fuck off and die" before fleeing to England.

He met back up with Jessica only to see her murdered by a Pure Werewolf and managed to save her life by making her a Sin Eater, with him serving as her Giest. The two travelled around the country helping the dead as well as catching up and trying to restore Douglas to normal. Going back to Belfast, the two met up with the old gang just in time for Bast to fall off the deep end and become a True Fae.

Following him, Bast restored Douglas to life in Arcadia as "thanks" for helping him on his journey to Godhood and severed the bonds he had with Jessica, restoring her to a normal human.

In the epilogue, Douglas moved his family to the south with the promise that he would return and eventually kill his mother while Jessica and Douglas went their separate ways.

Death of the Multiverse
Being a Werewolf and thus having a connection to the Shadow (Spirit realm), Douglas had a bit of an early warning on top of his animal senses. Avoiding the fight altogether and heading as far away from civilisation as he could manage with his family, they all managed to make it deep into the Irish countryside. However, it wasn't far enough from The Great Hunger's reach and Douglas was almost killed trying to defend his family. Before a killing blow could be dealt, they were transported to Gladius-I.

Learning of the history between the Forsaken and Pure on the new planet, Douglas made an extra effort to make himself hidden. As such, he wandered into a Trap Street and made a deal with a Witch who could hide his Werewolf side from senses (supernatural and normal ones) but the cost was quite high. Using his skills and some leftover cash, Douglas put together a small detective agency in Seoul-Don and is currently trying to pay back the debt. He solves crimes between both the human world and that of the trap streets, with help from his brothers.
His sister and father are currently in another part of the country living under false names, as Douglas is afraid that his mother followed them to Gladius-I. He offered the same deal to his brothers (being very insistent that Errol take it) but they refused, agreeing to stick around and help Douglas pay off the debt.

Detective Skills: Douglas acted as an investigate journalist and freelance private investigator for a living. As well as being able to sustain himself, he used these skills to track down feral werewolves via a string of random killings.

Manipulation: Douglas has both a silver tongue and a silver pen. He was able to convince the press and by proxy, the public that said string of werewolf killings were carried out by cultists. He used this excuse to convince a young Wolfblood to follow him. Despite having no ill intent towards Ace-Face's parents he was also able to convince an entire pack of Werewolves that he was going to cut out their eyes and skin them alive among other things. His most notable feat in manipulating people was when he played along with his mother and other Pure for years pretending to be a loyal soldier, hiding his true intentions.

Hand-to-hand combat: Douglas isn't afraid to fight dirty no matter what form he's in. While lacking that much martial arts training, aside from kickboxing his dirty tactics give him a slight advantage. With a combination of claws, bites and other moves he tends to go for the face, not holding much back.
Swordplay: Has trained with a greatsword
Firearms training: Skilled with shotguns and handguns

Supernatural Knowledge: Has researched into Werewolves, Vampires, Changelings and Mages. Their politics, and weaknesses. As a Werewolf he was also required to research into the Shadow (the spirit realm). Due to his experiences as a Giest, he also has knowledge of the Twilight Realm and Sin Eaters.


From left to right:
Hishu: Human form. An Uratha appears to be a normal, if very fit and healthy, human. An unconscious or dead werewolf returns to this form.
Dalu: Near-human form. The Uratha is slightly bigger, hairier and stronger. The supernatural features of an Uratha become more prominent in this almost-human form.
Gauru: Wolf-man or war form. Half-human, half-wolf, Gauru form Uratha are generally 8 to 9 feet tall and much heavier and stronger than any human. In this form a werewolf's blood-lust rises to the surface and is much harder to control. Uratha can only channel the power of the Gauru form for a limited time, and generally only take this form to kill.
Urshul: Near-wolf form. An Uratha in this form is a huge wolf 3 to 5 feet high at the shoulder.
Urhan: Wolf form. The Uratha is indistinguishable from a normal wolf, though different Uratha resemble different breeds or species of wolf.

First-Tongue: Allows Douglas to speak the language of Spirits and Canidae regardless of what form he's in. He does not have control over them using these words, but can influence them.
Shadow-Step: Douglas can vanish into the Shadow, where his tribal marks glow and he can converse with spirits. The Shadow is a dangerous place, and his various marks light him up like a Christmas tree so he tends to avoid it.

Werewolf Regeneration: Werewolves are stronger than humans. A bashing wound (getting punched really hard) is something a Werewolf can heal from in seconds, a lethal wound (stab or non-lethal gunshot) in minutes and an aggravated wound (mortal wounds) in days. While this physical regeneration doesn't increase in rate as he changes form, what does change is how well Douglas can take a hit. He could tank a gunshot while in Gauru form that would knock him down in human form (such as a shotgun blast).

Heightened senses: Much like an actual wolf, he has animal instincts that alert him to danger. These are very subtle and weak in human form but greatly increase to the actual level of a wolf while in non-human forms.

The Deal: As stated in his backstory, Douglas made a deal with a Witch upon arriving to Gladius-I to hide his Werewolf side from Forsaken and hunters. To various supernatural/magical senses, he appears as a normal human so long as he remains in human form.

Dominance Gifts
Warning Growl: This Gift is the simplest of the secrets of Dominance, lending supernatural power to the sort of growl an alpha wolf uses to warn off a potential rival. The werewolf using this Gift growls deeply and loudly while focusing his gaze on a particular target, striking sudden doubt into her heart and affecting her ability to face her opponent.

Luna's Dictum: With this Gift, the werewolf is able to articulate a command of no more than a few words and compel obedience. Some werewolves choose to speak these words in a soft, subtle whisper. Others prefer bellowing orders. This Gift cannot harm those who hear it, either directly or indirectly; it simply conveys a brief impulse to surrender to the werewolf’s authority. Note: This is the ability Douglas used on Bruce to mentally break him.
He convinced Bruce to hold still and hold a knife to his own throat but could not have actually made him stab himself with the blade.

Voice of Command: At this level of Dominance, the werewolf learns to voice more complex and subtle decrees, in a tone that demands attention and respect. A thread of anger runs through the werewolf’s words, making everyone in earshot take notice of his declarations.
When activated, this Gift affects up to three targets, but for more Douglas targets the harder it becomes to use Dominance. Therefore, some subjects might obey while others resist.

As stated above, Douglas tends to stay in his human form. This not only makes him more susceptible to wounds.
Gauru form could cause him to lose control.
Silver bullets deal aggravated wounds and the very touch of silver burns his skin. Even silver cutlery or a coin could cause horrible, burning pain if exposed to his skin
In terms of psychological warfare there are a few targets. His relationship with his mother, his relationship with Jessica and the protective nature of his family to name a few.
Stubborn to a fault
While he doesn't have a no-killing rule per say, he does draw the line at harming children. This could be used against him.

Cold Iron longsword: For use against Changelings
Pump-action shotgun: Carries regular rounds, Cold Iron rounds (Changelings) incendiary rounds (Vampires) and silver rounds (other Werewolves)
A kitted-out and slightly armoured RV Douglas and his brothers are keeping in case they need to make a quick escape
A friendship bracelet given to him by Errol that lets Douglas know when he's been pick-pocketed

Douglas' Wolfblooded younger brother (19). While he suffers from an anxiety disorder among other things due to his treatment at the hands of their mother and isn't much of a fighter (or hugger), Errol more than makes up for it due to his knowledge of supernatural beings, his surveillance skills and most notably his computer skills. Over the course of the Brambles Cross storyline he was Douglas' tech and research guy, providing him with hacking and knowledge of other supernatural beings outside of Changelings.
He has his mother's eyes (hazel), mother's hair (fair) and is a tall and thin young man who dresses rather casually.
Mort is Douglas' identical twin and a Wolfblood. Due to having spent some time as a Ghoul, he has an understanding of Vampire politics and due to his life as a hunter and their mother's training he's pretty effective in combat. During the events of Brambles Cross, he got his girlfriend (Aoife) pregnant. He had a son he called Douglas (in memory) and is currently married but both of them life across the country with Norm and Rebecca.


"Fuck tradition. Fuck the Pure. Fuck Father Wolf and fuck his followers. All of you!" -Last words to the Pure before the ritual that killed him.

"What did I do?!" -Bruce
"Nothing. You didn't do anything... Don't you see, Bruce? You're not special. You never were. I'm only doing this to you because we me in a bar once and I need a target for spirits. That's the thing, it could have been anyone in that bar, and I mean anyone. This could have happened to your friends, your parents, your grandma. Anyone. We met by chance and I'm doing this to you...By chance. That being said, if you tell anyone about this night or about me, I will go after your family. Understood? Good boy. Now think about everything I said in as much detail as possible. I need you afraid." -Douglas, while mentally torturing Bruce

"I've done stuff you could call evil. Some of it I'm sorry for some of it, well...I would do it all again, if it means they can be safe for just another day."

"You mess with my family, and you'll come face to face with the. Big. Bad. Wolf. So keep your distance, because if you don't...I can smell you from across the country, and I will blow your house down."

Goals: Pay back the debt, not just for himself. Keep his Werewolf side hidden and make sure his family is alive by the end of it. If his mother somehow made it to Gladius, his other goal is to kill her and destroy the Pure pack she's a part of.
Fears: Being discovered, the witch claiming her debt back early, harm coming to his family and his mother still being alive.

Theme Song:
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Names: Queek, the humbled
Fandom: (warhammer)
Age:N/A possibly 29
Gender/Sexuality: male bi
Species: Skaven
Appearance: black fur and gnarly facial features
Personality: calm but unforgiving
Backstory: a skaven like any other clawing and biting his way to the top of his den, now the current leader to the Rust Stalkers gang, notorious raiders known for their hit and run tactics and covert night assaults

Skills: hand to hand combat, driving and weapon usage
Powers/Abilities: he has a frightening grip, once he gets his claws on an opponent they won't be around for long
Weaknesses: a crippling fear of the brood mother, also not a fan of psychics
Gear: metal claws, wrist plasma cannon and lethal syringe, bulk armour and a gas mask
Companions: the rust stalker gang


Quotes: "soon we will swarm it's metal carcass and rip out what we need"
Goals: to turn his gang into an army
Fears: treachery and water
Theme Song:
Names: Fug, "the big guy" "heavy weapons"
Fandom: (warhammer)
Gender/Sexuality: male doesn't know his sexualities
Species: Skaven
Appearance: big, mostly hairless and has blood shot eyes
Personality: big and stupid, speaks in somewhat 3rd person
Backstory: Queek rescued him from the brood mothers hunger but at a cost to his faculties not being great, despite his lack of intellectual prowess he makes up for in sheer strength and stubborness.

Skills: fights with his fists, teeth or anything nearby
Powers/Abilities: none (unless you count his ability to deter brain seekers)
Weaknesses: he will not harm anything he likes, and large body's of water
Gear: bulk armour, mega plasma cannon
Companions: the rust stalkers (friends)

Quotes: "Go away flies, you always want to follow Fug"
Goals: to get that nice cake he saw one day
Fears: rabbits
Theme Song:
Names: sindri "the sly"
Fandom: warhammer
Gender/Sexuality: male straight
Species: skaven
Appearance: smooth-ish skin one scar on his cheek and black fur
Personality: sly cunning and treacherous
Backstory: he saw Queek rescue the others and pledged himself to Queek, for now.... He waits patiently when Queek is ripe he will do what comes naturally

Skills: CQC and deceptive
Powers/Abilities: persuasive and fast
Weaknesses: he isn't much for a fair fight and will flee if it's even
Gear: gas mask, rust stalker armour plasma pistol, serrated knife
Companions: rust stalkers (leads the shock squad)

Quotes: "of course my lord.... Of course"
Goals: to lead all of the rust stalkers
Fears: Queek and fug together and healthy and being totally alone
Theme Song:
Names: Ridley, Geoform 187, the cunning god of death

Fandom: Metroid
Gender: male
Species: Space pirate dragon
Appearance: piercing yellow eyes, black claws, almost skeletal body with a pale purple colour to his flesh, two bat-like wings with pale pink skin and one long tail with a bladed spike on the end

Personality: with a foul temper, a love of death and destruction he is cruel, cunning and boarderline evil, between laughing at your pain which he has no problems deepening and his unrelenting savagery make Ridley a combatant to remember

Backstory: A high ranking space pirate, Ridley also known by his aliases Geoform 187 and The Cunning God of Death, is an extraterrestrial dragon, he became Samus Aran's archenemy after leading a Space pirate raid on her homeworld that killed her parents and Ridley himself alludes to Samus that he devoured her mother too. Despite having been destroyed numerous times by Samus, he is always resurrected, thanks in equal part to Space Pirate engineering and his natural regenerative ability, which allows him to swiftly recover from what would otherwise be fatal wounds as long as he is able to consume enough biomatter from his fallen adversaries Ridley will continue to be a living Nightmare.

Skills: excellent military tactician
Powers/Abilities: strength, fire breathing and an unknown kind of beam, flight, prehensile bladed tail and regeneration
Weaknesses: he can be harmed by plasma weapons and big explosions
Gear: none
Companions: space pirates

Quotes: why are you so surprised? As long as you live i will keep coming back to life that is the destiny this world has chosen for us, Hahahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!

Goals: to finally kill Samus Aran and continue his raids unabated
Fears: none
Theme Song:
Names: Tax Scalin (The Dragon Born)
Fandom: Elder Scrolls
Age: 28
Gender/Sexuality: Male/Straight
Species: Argonian

Personality: Tax would be your average murder hobo adventurer if it wasn't for his destiny to become the Dragon Born. His main motivate for doing what he does is to get rich, finding power artifacts, and fight powerful and interesting foes. Helping others is usually only a side effect of his adventures. He's a fairly up beat man with a decent moral compass, though he has been know to cross his moral line many a few times when he saw fit to. To people he can come off as sarcastic and slight bit over confident in himself. And he is, but when you kill a dragon know as the world eater you would think you take on anything to. In the end of day while he proclaimed as an hero across Skyrim he is still the traveling adventurer who likes a good fight and gold to line his pockets.

Tax came from humble beginnings. Born to from two Argonian doc workers for the city of Windhelm. While his parent did the best they could for him, Tax just wanted more out of life. As kid and teen Tax explored the docks and streets of Windhelm looking for fun and excitement. Some times the fun came from climbing on crates and play fighting with other Argonian kids. Other times excitement came from sneaking behind people and picking their pockets. With the money earned from years of pick pocketing Tax left home and planned to leave Skyrim. He made it to the border when he was captured with other criminals. While Tax had commited crimes before this imprisonment was just cause by being in the wrong place at the wrong time... Or destiny.

Tax was taken to Helgen with the leader of Stormcloaks, Ulfric Stormcloak, another Stormcloak rebel, and a horse thief. At Helgen he was lined up to be killed even after the Imperial captain there learned he wasn't on the list to be killed. Tax blood turn cold as his head was set to be cut off, when destiny came to rescue him. And by that I mean a dragon attacked and destroy Helgen giving Tax the chance to escape. After getting some weapons and armor Tax began his adventure, grabbing a special tablet from a ancient nordic tomb and gold claw for some quick cash before going off to Whiterun to warn them of a the dragon attack. Shortly there after giving the warning Tax was tasked with helping Whiterun's defenders protect the city from a dragon. After killing his first dragon Tax learned something that would change his life forever, he was the Dragon Born.

From there on Tax spent years exploring Skyrim and saving it Alduin the world eater and many other threats. He became the leader of Companions... as well as the Theivies guild... He may of also killed the emperor and became the leader of the Dark Brotherhood to. Tax was very busy with his many (some times morally questionable) deeds to across Skyrim over his years as an adventurer. This leads us to present as he was exploring an old tomb when blue light flashed around him and he appeared in a very unfamiliar place.

Expert with two handed Weapons, favoring the battleaxe.
Skilled archer
A way with words
Knows how to pick locks and pockets
Resistance to Disease- Has good resistance to getting disease.
HIstskin- Heal quickly over short period of time when used.
Water Breathing- Tax can breath under water
Nightingale Strife- Adsorbs the health of those around him. Only can be used once a day.
Magic- Tax know a bit of magic. The spells he mainly uses are Flames (A short stream flame shoot out of hands), Fire Ball (Launches a fire ball at opponents), Healing (Heals himself), Fast Healing (Heals himself faster), and Fury (Makes weak minded people go into a rage like state and attack all those around them).
Dragon Shouts- Tax has the special ability to adsorb the souls of slain dragons and use them to learn words of power that he can "Shout" for a variety of effects. The shouts he mainly uses are Clear Skys (Clear bad weather condition in a short area), Dragonrend (Forces dragons to land on the ground and stops them from flying for a short time), Fire Breath (shoots a large fire ball), Unrelenting Force (Push enemies back with a great deal force knocking them down), Whirlwind Sprint (Moves Tax in one direction very quickly), and Call of Valor (Summons a legendary hero from Sovngarde for a short time)

Tax does have a lot of mana so that limits how many spell he can cast before recharging his mana.
He has to wait a moment after using a shout before he can use it or another again.
He also overconfident in his abilities

Gear: Ebony Mail (Muffles sounds of the wearer when sneaking and lightly poison enemies around the wearer),
(Helmet, gauntlets, and boots) Wuuthrad (A battle axe that deals extra damage to elfs), Nightingale Bow (Does freezing and shock damage), Steel arrows, health potions, about a thousand gold Septims, and Gauldur Amulet (Increases health, mana, and Stamina).
"I'll listening"
"What's in it for me"
Goals: Explore, make money, and fight strong opponents.
Fears: Losing everything he worked so hard to get.
Theme Song:
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Names: Khanfusio, "Karla", The Self-Proclaimed Pirate Queen, That annoying Tiefling Bitch
Fandom: OC from Multiple Dungeons and Dragons campaigns
Age: 28
Gender/Sexuality: Female, bisexual
Species: Tiefling


Tail is a devilish in style, with a pointed tip at the end in the shape of an arrowhead.
For clothing, Karla normally wears a long, dark red pirate coat that has some bronze and black markings running along it. The trousers are purple and her boots are black. On certain assignments, she has also worn a dark blue cocktail dress and she sleeps in light blue rubber duckie pyjamas she had enchanted to always appear on her when she feel asleep.
Around her neck is a necklace of a Tiefling horn identical to one of her own while she wears a leather pirate hat on her head with a blue feather in it.

Personality: A Chaotic Neutral Loose Cannon, Karla is driven by her own survival, money, fun and her dream of becoming a Pirate Queen of whatever universe she ends up in. While she often comes across as insane and juvenile, there is a much more serious side to her. This isn't to say that the juvenile side of her is an act but rather she has times when she recognises when a situation is serious. She does possess a sense of self-awareness for her personality, as she has used it to her advantage before.
She isn't completely selfish as she has gone out of her way those she has considered friends, even risking her life for them without giving it a second thought. She will not risk her life for the sake of strangers unless there is some kind of reward at the end of it, however.

She cares little for bodycounts unless children, pregnant women (or men) and dogs are involved. Everyone else is fair game when the chips are down, except for people she considers friends.
She has a fascination with fire, especially that of dragons and magical fire in general, not to the point of an outright pyromaniac who sets fire to everything but she studies it like one would study a wild animal in it's natural habitat.

Karla has a problem with authority and will only really work for authority figures if there is a common enemy or there is some kind of reward. However, she won't work for just anyone as she also has issues with slavery and racism.
Being a Tiefling does mean she's often a target of persecution and so she relates to others in similar positions, and will stand up for them. Her hatred of slavery stems from this, as it's putting people below you in one of the worst possible ways.

In the Beginning
Karla was born in a small Tiefling travelling community in the north, they were a persecuted people and lived with some Orcs and Goblins. While her mother was pregnant, a Sorcerer channelled magical energy through her in order to heal her mother of a curse.
The magic flowed into the baby, however and although the birth was a success the child seemed...Odd. Magical power flowed through her veins and her parents leaned of this when a pack of wolves came to the village and a 1 year old Karla managed to scare them away by using fire magic.

She did not know how to control the raw power inside of her and so she was taught by the elders far away from the community while her mother and father, fearful of her magical power simply abandoned her. When she was a 12, Karla ventured out of the community to learn more about the world and about the magic inside of her.
On her way to the coast, Karla came across a small city beset by a Goblin army and while reluctant to help at first, she was convinced into helping the townspeople as there would be gold involved at the end of it. She met a Kenku, a very dim-witted Gnome named Jim Pickens and a human monk. Not caring for the Monk as he considered her an abomination, she still fell in line with Jim and the Kenku and saved the town. Jim was killed by the Monk but in response Karla set him ablaze.

Rather than fight the Goblins or drive them out Karla convinced them to leave, saying that there were much nicer downs further north and that some kind of human-led militia would arrive and wipe them out if they didn't. She got some gold for her trouble, said farewell to the Kenku and continued heading for the cost.

Reaching the coast, she came across some pirates and joined up, becoming the first mate eventually and seeing the Captain, one Captain Pugwash as a father figure. During the time on the Boaty McBoat Face, Karla took part in many raids and battles. Boaty McBoat Face became a tyrant of the seas...Up until one day when the captain got into a fight with a dragon...
Karla was left alone, with no family but a dream in mind. She learned more about her magical power and sailed the continent, fighting and raiding along the way...

The Talons Campaign (aka the one where the DM was a Douchenozel)
Karla, a wanted woman pulled up to the coast of a new continent and joined a party of adventurers at a tavern to investigate a supposedly haunted mansion . It had been created by an omnipotent wizard, who would strike her with lightning for even opening her mouth. Said wizard had set it with traps, locking the party inside. Due to said magical energy, the house was going to explode and take a large chunk of the town with it.

With the desire to stick it to the wizard and her own survival, Karla pressed onward. Through waves and waves of enemies, the party pressed on and Karla grew a friendship with a zombie named Tim, a Paladin named Ser Richard, an assassin named Thalra and a small robot-like creature named AL.
It was during this time that a mad scientist wizard named Stien revealed to the party that they were all characters in a tabletop game. Karla didn't take it well, stating that if she was being played by a male character "These would be bigger! Unless he's gay."

The discussion didn't last long as a spell was put on her that silenced her by said evil wizard. Upon solving some dull riddles, the party saved the city but not before AL was dragged through a portal by said Evil Wizard who killed Karla in one punch...
Until she was saved at the last minute due to the Paladin and the mad wizard working together to bring her back. She had still suffered a near-death experience however. Due to said evil wizard having a bit of political power, the party were branded as criminals, while Karla's bounty simply went up.

Travelling to another city for some reason, the ground also went to a lighthouse for some other reason where they encountered the dragon who had massacred Karla's pirate family only in human form. A trial by combat was called, and Ser Richard agreed to be Karla's champion for the dragon also had a lot of political power and Karla was a wanted criminal, after all.

Although he didn't die, he didn't last long (for he was a level 6 character and said dragon was level 70). Karla was then made to be the dragon's bitch, being forced into 150 years of "community service", which was 50 years over what a Tiefling normally lives and sent on a suicide mission to some city to retrieve a magical book she apparently stole (had no memory of doing so nor any interest in a magical book as she was a sorcerer).

Upon going to the city, Karla used her skills in deception (nat 20) and was told by the guards that if she spoke again, she'd be sent to the gallows due to the crime of being a Tiefling. Seeing no other option, Karla simply walked away and left half of the gold she'd taken from the house with her friends.

A New Universe (A New Hope)
Upon walking away from the party, Karla was wiped from existence by the God of that universe, all memory of her simply erased. She did not die, as she emerged somewhere else. This was a world of steam where pirate ships took to the skies rather than the seas. Due to being given a new chance at life, she knew enough about the world to get by and was filled with knowledge of the new world, of experiences she hadn't actually had. In the new world, Tieflings were still persecuted to an extent but it as more casual racism that those with ideas of outright genocide and slavery being in power.

She stood a better chance of becoming the Pirate Queen, after finding out that Captain Pugwash and her pirate family lived in the alternate reality. They became very successful sky-pirates, but Karla soon found that the world wasn't all sunshine, steam and explosions. Something dark was looming, an ancient threat that was going to consume the entire world. For the first time in her life, Karla actually acted as a hero and fought an invasion of demons from Hell itself alongside the rest of the world, or rather what was left of it. They won, but at a heavy cost.

Karla lost her father. Again. Determined to make him proud, Karla set out to become the pirate queen.

Tavern of Worlds (the one where she was a NPC)
In another reality, Karla appeared at a trading post (in spaaccceee) called the Tavern of Worlds, where she ran a dog shelter. A player character bought a German Shepherd from her. Karla mentioned her past adventures briefly, but mostly just talked about dogs.

During the "Murder at Ahhhggaaaa Manor" session, Karla was revealed to have a biological sister who just so happened to show up at the same party. This sister was not a factor in the other universes, but Karla did remember her fondly despite the two going in different directions with their lives. Karla, a life of piracy and eventually selling rescue dogs and her sister, "Miss" Damina becoming a secret agent.
She helped the players kill Count Crawford Mannerly after he switched souls with a Vampire Lord and escaped in the Space-Uber as the mansion crumbled into another dimension, likely to return to the Tavern or back to her own universe.

  • Skilled swordsman, is capable of fighting with three one-handed weapons or one two-handed weapon with one one-handed weapon.
  • As a Barbarian, she is skilled in survival, and is trained in hunting. She also has a certain knowledge on traps, not so much on how to set them but how to avoid them. Most of the traps she has set over the years have involve fire, however.
  • Sailing, both with sea-based boats and skyships
  • Seduction: she has used her body to her advantage multiple times and even uses the cocktail dress for such an occasion.
  • Performance: Karla is capable of performing charming music numbers and/or sea shanties at the drop of a hat.
  • Deception: Tricked a group of locals at a port into thinking that she was the avatar of a God once. She's also lied her way out of trouble multiple times.
  • Karla uses her tail like a third limb when it comes to jumps, combat, swimming and sweet flips. She managed to stop two party members from falling to their deaths and on more than one occasion has used her tail to trip somebody up.
  • She can speak multiple languages: Common, Infernal, Celestial and Draconic. Due to a Draconic bloodline she is also extra charismatic when it comes to dragons.
  • Special affinity with dogs, as in Tavern of Worlds dogs bark Celestial as a language.
  • Good baker as is capable of making some decent quality cakes and traybakes.
  • Skilled swimmer: After Boaty McBoat Face was destroyed by the Fascist dragon she swam to shore despite injuries.

  • Karla is a Sorcerer of a Draconic bloodline, and as such has focused her training into mostly fire magic. She is capable of casting fireballs, rays of fire, walls of fire among other things from her fingertips...Or from her mouth. One of her favourite however is creating a scimitar made of fire magic.
  • Fire magic is not the only thing she is capable of, for she has one transmutation spell that allows her to alter her appearance even to the point of giving her gills for a few hours.
  • She has a version of Magic Missile (firing multiple projectiles composed of magical energy) that has become charged with fire magic.
  • She has unlocked more features of her bloodline, allowing her to grow two dragon-like wings out of her back once per day. This came in handy during battles in the sky.
  • While not completely immune to fire, she does have a high resistance to it.
  • As a Barbarian she can trigger a Rage mode during combat. This somewhat increases her physical strength, and has her attacks deal a bit more damage. While in Rage mode, she goes into a frenzy and has extra defence against psychic attacks and spells. However, while in this mode she can't use any spells of her own. She can also only do this once per day and is physically exhausted afterwords.
  • Can see in the dark up to 60ft.
Gunter is a voice and/or presence only Karla is capable of hearing/seeing. He once took the form of a bear-like creature but has settled on the form of a giant pug wearing a brown fur cape. While he can't interact with the environment around him, he is capable of giving Karla guidance and has saved her life on multiple occasions...Most of those occasions were situations caused by Karla though.

  • As mentioned above, her Rage mode puts her at a significant disadvantage as she can't cast spells and she's exhausted afterwords.
  • Love for gold and adventure can be exploited, so long as person doing so isn't into slavery, a Fascist and/or a horrible racist...Or they just keep those things well buried
  • Will hold back or even put herself in harms way if children, pregnant women or dogs are involved. Even more so if it's her friends and/or family.
  • Her sheer annoyance was apparently so bad it got her erased from existence once, which does say something about her.
  • She doesn't always listen to Gunter, despite him having the best intentions for her.
  • Appears to have a case of ADHD
  • Weaker to ice magic.
  • A warhammer she's named MC. It's bronze with a bright pink handle and she obtained it during the second campaign.
  • Dual Scimitars.
  • A fancy Spyglass
  • Multiple disguises, with at least two fake moustache/glasses combos.
  • One bag of holding. It's purple.
  • A battlehorn
  • A Viking style shield with a dragon painted on the front of it. Has no magical properties, but it's served her well.


A pet Dassie (rock hyrax/rock badger) Karla found while in the second universe. While not aggressive or even any good in combat, he has acted as a scout before.

"No problem in the Multiverse can't be solved without the application of explosives."

"I punched a Priest." -Karla
"Oh good, did you break his nose?" -Party member
"I'm not sure, but I hope so." -Karla

"How are you talking inside my head?" -Karla
"I don't exactly know!" -Tim
"Well bully for you!" -Karla

"I like the word umph. It describes what it is."

"Hey Stein I'm gonna set the plants on fire so that they don't try and eat us. Are you okay if the paintings get burned?"
**plants attack**
"Calllllled it."

"Let me see if I can find a fuck to give in my bag of holding..." -Karla
"I'll pay you." -NPC
"Okay, I managed to find the fuck to give. Keep talkin'." -Karla

Goals: Become the Pirate Queen, survive the new world.
Fears: Being enslaved again, losing someone else.

Theme Song:

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sweet-natured, loving, friendly, energetic, childish
Pucca lives with her current guardians, the three Master Chefs, at the Goh-Rong restaurant, where she works as a delivery girl who drives around town on her red scooter.
Martial arts
Theme Song:
Names: Harry, The Sole Survivor, The Silver Shroud, "Bullseye" (Railroad agent name)
Fandom: Fallout/Fallout 4
Age: 245-250 (physically, presumed), early 30s mentally.
Gender/Sexuality: Male, heterosexual
Species: Human? Due to events in Far Harbour, he suspects he may be a Synth.



Personality: Although when he first emerged from Vault 111 he was scared, confused and above all else: angry the Commonwealth and the people within it have changed him dramatically. He cares about the suffering of others, and goes out of his way to avoid it if he can. However, he's more than prepared to torture and kill to defend people, especially those he cares about.
He admits to being a bit screwed up, given events in his life but doesn't allow the past to weight him down. He's a futurist at heart, trying to build communities for the future of a devastated world and trying to build a life for himself. Not to replace the one he lost, but he feels that dwelling on what happened won't do favours for anyone.

He has moments of being selfish, such as not helping people unless there's caps involved but this is only on certain occasions, like if they can afford it, said mission is very dangerous and/or they don't take the serious mission seriously enough. An example of this was after retrieving a Deathclaw egg which the employer intended to cook as a meal.

He has a fascination for machinery and enjoys creating weapons and armour. More often than not he'll build an item and then never use it, handing if off to a settler to defend themselves. The more impressive items he gives to friends or keeps to himself and sometimes develops a personal attachment to.

Although the Commonwealth was filled with hatred he didn't let it get to him. He sees (non-feral) Ghouls as his fellow men, but treats the ferals as "too far gone" and sees putting them down as a mercy above just self-defence. This view extends to Gen-3 synths (human "copy" ones) as he treats them no different from other humans aside from feeling a sympathy in their plight.
They were capable of independent thought among other things, which made him see them as human.

He questions whether or not he is a Synth himself (mostly due to Far Harbour events) but sees it as unimportant whether or not he was grown in a womb or built in a lab underground. What is more important are his actions now and what he'll leave behind when he's gone. He thinks he's human, and that's enough for him. For now, at least.

The Sole Survivor was a male retired U.S. Army veteran who, according to pre-War records served in the 2nd Battalion, 108th Infantry Regiment, while his wife Nora was a lawyer. He mentions having a great-grandfather who served in World War II as well and believes that he was born to an Irish-American family in Boston.

At some point during the Sino-American War, Harry married, had a son named Shaun and bought a robotic butler named Codsworth. On October 23rd, 2077, the Sole Survivor was preparing for an event at the Veteran's Hall in Concord when a Vault-Tec representative approached the family with pre-approved papers for access into Vault 111. Moments later, a newsreader announced that nuclear detonations were being reported, forcing the Survivor and his family to rush to Vault 111. They were then sealed in cryogenic stasis under the pretence of being "decontaminated" by Vault-Tec scientists. In 2227 they were awakened by the Institute and their "pitbull", Kellogg who had been sent to retrieve Shaun.

In the struggle, Kellogg executed Nora while Harry was forced to watch from inside his pod. He was put back into stasis for a few more decades and emerged as the Sole Survivor of Vault III. Vowing revenge and promising to bring Shaun home, he emerged into the Commonwealth to see the full signs of nuclear devastation.

Rather than go through all of Fallout 4, here's a summary of what he did:

-Helped the Minutemen get back on their feet, teaming up with Preston Garvey to liberate and rebuild settlements.
-Became the Silver Shroud.
-While exploring the wasteland he encountered a fight club of sorts that he met Cait in. The two travelled together for a long time and became close.

-In the search for Shaun he ended up having run-ins with Nick Valentine (having to save him from Skinny Malone and his Triggermen) and looked into the Railroad. In return for helping them with the Institute, he was promised help in return. While seeing them as a means to an end at first, he grew close to their cause and a few of their members (in particular, Deacon and a Synth named Glory) over the course of the Commonwealth war.

-After more travelling with Cait, she opened up about her drug use, and revealed that it was slowly killing her. The two travelled to Vault 95, where Vault-Tech had been performing experiments on drug users and found a cure. After this, the two became lovers.
-Helped MacCready save his son
-Chose to give the Cure in Vault 81 to the dying child.
-Travelled with Nick Valentine for a while, becoming good friends and helped him tie up a loose end.
-Joined the Brotherhood of Steel temporarily, learning of their true intentions for Ghouls (including non-feral ones) and Synths. Having become good friends with people they wanted to wipe out, and seeing their intentions as genocidal he decided to stay as a double agent, reporting their activity to the Railroad.
-Allowed the Mechanist to live.

-Found Shaun in the Institute, only he was a bitter old man. While trying to rekindle their relationship at first, he found that the elderly Shaun was using him as an attack dog. There were many times that he wanted to just walk away, but the Railroad required that he stay undercover in order to liberate synths and bring down the Institute from within.
He's not sure if Shaun suspected him of being a double agent. He put down the "failures" to retrieve Synths (such as during the battle of Bunker Hill) down to another faction getting in the way, and Shaun seemed to buy it as he was allowed to continue within the Institute, even being promoted to it's leader in the event of Shaun's death. In his new position of power he made moves to destabilise the Institute, such as executing two scientists who tried to stage a coup.

In order to keep his undercover status he helped the Institute recover part of a nuclear reactor the Brotherhood was guarding, making him a permanent enemy of the faction. Paladin Danse parted ways with him after that, but Harry deemed that losing one friend was worth stopping the Institute.
With the reactor core retrieved, the Brotherhood attacked Railroad HQ, killing many agents but the one that stung the most was Glory. In a fit of blind rage, he picked up his friend's minigun and cleared the tunnels of Brotherhood Knights.
The Railroad retaliated, destroying the Prydwen with explosives Tinker Tom had made. In order to ensure the Brotherhood's downfall, Harry and Deacon fought their way to the command deck and killed Elder Maxon.

It was a hell of a fight, but a tougher battle was on the horizon as the Railroad charged into the Institute to destroy it and rescue the Synths. During the fight, Harry encountered Shaun and while he initially apologised for how things had gone between them he told his "son" to go to hell before putting a dying Shaun out of his misery with Deliverer, a gun given to him by the Railroad at the very start of his journey. Due to wanting to save as many people as possible he also engaged the evacuation protocol so that the innocent people who worked within the Institute could escape.

On the way out he ran into a Synth duplicate of ten year old Shaun and decided to take him before the Institute exploded. He had mixed feelings at first, but told himself that he couldn't leave an innocent Synth to die regardless of who's face he wore. Blowing up the Institute, he debated on what to do with the Synth Shaun. Although he had lost his son to the Institute, he decided to allow the new Shaun into his life. This wasn't due to wanting to try and rekindle the life he had lost, but simply as he believed it was the right thing do to.

Going into retirement, occasionally helping folks throughout the Commonwealth while looking after Shaun and trying to enjoy the new life he had built as much as he could Harry was called into action by Nick Valentine to investigate a missing person's case in Far Harbour. What he discovered was more questions than answers, with a Synth colony far from the reach of the Institute, allusions to Nick's past and even questioned whether or not he was human himself.
Although disgusted with the actions of the Synth leader, he decided to spare his life and pacified the hostile Children of Atom cult so that Far Harbour, The Children of Atom and the Synths could live in relative peace.

With another adventure out of the way, he went back home where he remained till the death of the Multiverse...

What Remains
After a few years of life where he balanced saving people across the wasteland, looking after Sean and trying to build a life the many settlements were suddenly under siege from the forces of the Great Hunger. A few fell within minutes, while others lasted a few hours and a team led by Harry tried to save who they could. The remnants of the surviving settlements were transported to Gladius-III's wasteland.


  • Having served in the military, he's trained in hand-to-hand combat and with the majority of firearms. He favours single-shot weapons and energy weapons but overall prefers rifles, shotguns and pistols above others.
  • His strength is above average for that of a human, able to lug around plenty of materials and weaponry that would encumber most even without power armour. This also helps him with holding heavy weapons, improving his accuracy with them to a certain extent.
  • He has a keen, perceptive eye for materials (especially adhesives) and equipment, able to spot items others might just pass by. This keen eye also makes him much more skilled at picking locks, being able to open safes with bobby pins and a trusty screwdriver
  • Through a mixture of his sheer stubbornness and his physical build, he's able to take hits and still endured in a fight despite heavy injuries. He's gone up against monsters with several broken bones whilst bleeding to death and still hasn't caved over.
  • He's quite charismatic, being able to persuade (sometimes threatening) people away from engaging in fights with him, bartering for more caps and talked some foes into surrendering outright. Some minor animals (like Mole rats) can be calmed down. Overall, he has a way with words and with people.

  • His intelligence is above average for that of a human, and he has a deep understanding of crafting weapons, armour and robots. His knowledge of General Atomics International and RobCo robots extends slightly, as he's been able to hack a few hostile in his day. He's capable of hacking RobCo terminals too, and does it quite well.
  • In terms of agility, he's about average for someone who's served in the armed forces.
  • Luck is a little below average.
Powers/Abilities: He has a slightly higher resistance to radiation, mostly due to his high endurance skill but still succumbs to it like every other human.

Weaknesses: The people he actually cares about could be used against him, as could his need to help others. Furthermore, he's confused about his own existence (is he human or synth) which could be a good use of psychological warfare.
Finally, he's human. Although he has a slightly higher resistance to diseases and radiation than the average man, he's still weak to it. Enough bullets, a lack of oxygen or just hitting him in the right places will end him.
Also, if he is a Synth there's a shutdown code out there.

As naming every weapon or item he's used would be too long a list (as per any Bethesda game) and might make him OP, I'm going to name a few favourites and say that's all he has access to. Furthermore, he won't have all of them at once just due to the sheer carrying weight.

-"Boomstick" was a term he picked up while in the military from a fellow soldier with an appreciation for shotguns.

-Given to him by the Railroad

-Took from Glory and used it to fight off the Brotherhood's attack. Due to it's attachment to a fallen agent, he hasn't made any modifications

-Took one look at the rifle within Vault 88 and bought it almost immediately.

-Recovered from an alien who crashed to Earth and modified to meet with the energy weapons of post-nuclear America. The name was Deacon's idea.

-Found and modified during his war with The Mechanist

-Named after a rather nasty schoolteacher


X-01 Mk. VI Power Armour: Comes with a VATS Matrix Overlay, a jetpack, calibrated stocks (increases carry weight) in the left leg and explosive venting in the right. Overall, it's the toughest armour he's worked on and so only wears it in case of emergencies. It got him through the Glowing Sea.


Tesla T60-f Power Armour: The torso and arms of this armour are covered in Tesla coils, dealing electrical/energy damage to enemies to get too close as well as adding that damage into melee attacks. He recovered the pieces during his war with The Mechanist and has put them to good use. It acts as his standard power armour, which he wears if he knows a situation is going to require it.


T-51F Railroad Armour: Equipped with a Stealth Boy in the torso, which covers the armour in cloaking so long as the wearer remains still, a red headlamp, calibrated stocks in both legs and a VATS overlay, this armour was able to carry Harry and Deacon through the Prydwen and the Institute. He wore it as a symbol in both battles and had defeated multiple Coursers with it.

Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV: Has a built-in inventory tracker, geiger counter, map (that updates when a new location has been discovered), radio, light health-monitoring device and an adaptor plug, which allows it to link up to computers (such as robots and some Vault doors, essentially making it a vault key to Commonwealth-based vaults) and run diagnostics on power armour.

He also has a few stimpacks, radaway, some bobby pins and a screwdriver handy.



On her 18th birthday, Cait's parents sold her into slavery. For five years, she stole small sums of bottlecaps from her owners, until she had enough to buy her own freedom. In a pique of rage, she returned home to seek vengeance on her mother and father and shot them both dead. At some point after she left home, she began using psycho, developing an incurable addiction and arrived at the Combat Zone in Boston where she was hired by owner Tommy Lonegan as a cage fighter, soon becoming a strong and ruthless fighter. In 2287, a raider gang moved into the area, which then required Cait to buy friends to make life easier, making the cage fighter mistrustful of selfless offers of kindness. Sometime later, the Sole Survivor arrived at the Combat Zone just as Cait was winning a match and killed all the raiders. As payment, Tommy offered him Cait's services.

The two travelled together for several months across the Commonwealth and Cait grew to trust her companion, opening up as the two began a friendship. Due to her addiction she continued taking psycho behind his back until she discovered she was slowly dying. Requesting Harry's help, the two travelled to Vault 95 and cured her. With it being the first time she had "fully depended on someone else" and wasn't let down, the opening up was rough and after a long talk they decided to take their relationship further. This has continued through the death of the Multiverse.

She rarely trusts others, and has a liking for violence, rewards (caps) and theft but ultimately has a softer side under her rough exterior. She's admitted that she kept herself alive through a hope that not everyone living in the Commonwealth was horrible (with the Sole Survivor helping her proving her right). Bits of this softer side have shown themselves whilst travelling with Harry, but in front of strangers it's rough exterior all the way.
She rarely cares for history, more so focusing on the now instead of "old junk" and is incredibly sarcastic at times.

Due to her experiences in the ring, Cait is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and through her history she's picked up on skills like lockpicking, bartering and pick-pocketing. In terms of ranged weapons, she favours the shotgun and has equipped the Boomstick (Mark II, which deals extra damage to limbs).


Raider Power Armour II: The right arm in particular provides extra protection, and most of the armour's modifications provide either extra protection or extra melee damage due to Cait's fighting style. It was built by the Sole Survivor originally for himself but Cait liked the look of it.


During the time that the Sole Survivor was cryogenically frozen in Vault 111, Dogmeat assisted Nick Valentine on a number of cases, and also accompanied Preston Garvey and his group of settlers on their way to Concord. When the group was ambushed by raiders, Preston sent Dogmeat to search for help in nearby Sanctuary Hills, where he encountered the Sole Survivor.

With Dogmeat being the first thing (aside from Codsworth) that didn't want to kill him, the Sole Survivor immediately took a liking to the German Shepherd, just as Dogmeat took a liking to him. Dogmeat became a pet and friend to Harry, helping him look for Shaun among other things.
As a German Shepherd, he has a 238 measured bite force (2nd strongest out of dog breeds), can track a scent for miles and has a strong sense of hearing.

"You know... In a hundred years, when I finally die, I only hope I can go to Hell so I can kill you all over again, you piece of shit." -To Kellogg

"Lot of folks died bringing you this delivery. Their deaths really mean that little to you?"
"Come on, you don't want people to think you're cheap, do you?" -Bartering

"What is twelve times fifteen?" -Robot
"It's the square root of 'who gives a crap.'" -Harry

"So thirsty. Need a Nuka-Cola!" -Resident of Diamond city
"Drink. Some. Water."

"To tell you the truth, we're both a little screwed up...A perfect match for one another." -Harry
"I can't argue with that." -Cait

"You ready to fuck some shit up?" -To Dogmeat

Goals: To survive and to rebuild what parts of the world he can. Part of him also wants to know whether or not he's a Synth.
Fears: Losing someone again.

Theme Song:
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Names: Tophat, Death, Duke of the Dark Side
Fandom: Six-String Samurai
Age: Tophat has existed since the dawn of music
Gender/Sexuality: Male
Species: Psychopomp
Tophat.jpgTophat and band.jpg
Personality: Tophat is unrelenting, remorseless, and outright cruel to anyone showing what he considers weakness. While he typically desires the guitars and picks of opposing musicians, he's actually after whatever they value the most, especially if it happens to be a person.
In 1957, on an Earth similar to most, history took a drastic turn. The Soviet Union launched a nuclear strike on the United States of America destroying civilization as we know it. Eventually, Lost Vegas rose from the ashes of the old world with the rule of King Elvis and became a gleaming utopia, but in 1997, the king died and rockers from all over the ruins of America set out to become the new king. Among them Tophat appeared and hunted down rockers so no one could stop him from destroying Lost Vegas and returning America to the chaos of the wastes. However his dreams were not to be and the last rocker left sacrificed himself to help defeat Tophat. Normally such an event would only be a minor setback, but this time Tophat found himself on a new world, that of Gladius-III and after finally calling his band to his side, he begun his crusade once more.
  • Skilled swordsman
  • Skilled guitarist
  • Blend into shadows
  • Teleport himself and his band
  • Can send people he or his band have defeated to an industrial hellscape where the spinach monster resides
  • Is able to play a guitar solo representing his hate for all things he considers weak which triggers the instinctual fear of death in the living (or once living)
  • A fondness for nice shoes
  • Contact with water burns him
  • Katana
  • Electric guitar
  • Necklace made out of the guitar picks he's collected from slain rockers
Companions: Death is followed by his band, the three archers. While they are just stupid, incompetent goons that share a single mind, they can let loose volleys of arrows on rockers Tophat feels are unworthy of his blade.

Quotes: "To all the rock'n'rollers out there whose guitar picks shall litter my path to Vegas to claim my throne... Soon, Vegas will be destroyed and a new song of darkness will fill the airwaves!"
Goals: To plunge the world into a new age of darkness and metal.
Fears: None
Komato Berserker.JPG

Names: Berserker Dejama
Fandom: Iji (OC)
Age: 112 years
Gender/Sexuality: Female, Heterosexual
Species: Komato
Appearance: Dejama is a bipedal alien with hard blue scales, multiple bony spines on her head, shoulders, and joints, sharp talons, and a heavily-armored suit vacuum-sealed to her body. Her muzzled, reptillian face is entirely obscured by her helmet. Dejama's posture is always hunched, and she walks with a vaguely raptor-like strut.

Personality: Dejama is competitive, confident, and not at all likely to shy away from violence. Like most Komato, Dejama is nearly incapable of the most basic risk assessment, and will take nearly any challenge she can find. She enjoys her coffee hot enough to shear flesh from bone, her sports focused mostly on explosives, and her fights loaded with collateral damage. At the same time, Dejama's eagerness to discover new things is boundless. Without the stifling grip of Komato Imperial Command breathing down her neck, Dejama would like nothing more than to find a nice place to settle down and relax, hopefully with a nubile young Trooper or two and a few dozen canisters of hot drinks.

T-Minus 66,000,200 Years: Ancient Komato scientists develop FTL technology. Species leaves home planet "Origin" en masse to form new colonies among the stars.

T-Minus 4,000 Years: Traces of ancient race of precursor aliens found. Secrets of Nanotechnology derived from relics and salvaged research data. Komato nanotechnology and biotechnology experiences universal renaissance, enabling the discovery of true biological immortality and near-total disregard for High Scientist Tor's Three Laws Of Thermodynamics.

T-Minus 2,000 Years: Offshoot race, self-named "Tasen", arises. Rejecting standard Komato bioaugmentations, Tasen devolve themselves into inefficient, primitive forms resembling ancient Komato. Tasen population remains a hundredth of Komato population, technology and industrial capacity equally lagging.

T-Minus 1,500 Years: Tasen-Komato War declared. Initial assaults on Tasen colonies immensely successful following development of the infamous starship-mounted weapon, the Phantom Hammer. Firing multiple Phantom Hammers into a planet's surface, known as an "Alpha Strike", is sufficient to wipe out the planet's biosphere in seconds.

T-Minus 800 Years: Tasen-Komato War progressing decidedly in the Komato's favor. Many new games, such as Hyper Turret Game, Super Minefield Run, and Launch The Commander, are made up on the fly during assaults on Tasen strongholds and quickly become favorite pastimes among Komato assault groups.

T-Minus 112 Years: Successful hatching of Dejama. Initial genetic screening determines Dejama is sufficiently capable of surviving Trooper augmentation up to and including Berserker status. Dejama is subsequently drafted into Trooper Indoctrination.

T-Minus 50 Years: Showing acceptable prowess and achieving 125% of the needed killcount to apply for Berserker augmentation, Dejama is promoted. Recovery period initially calculated to be only six Longturns long is hindered by repeated accidents involving the Augmentation Ship's designated hot drinks dispenser, causing grievous chemical burns as well as numerous bones broken by blunt trauma from the dispenser's delivery mechanism.

T-Minus 45 Years: Berserker A-0451, birth name "Dejama", is assigned to the military fleet of famed war hero General Tor, known for personally defeating the Tasen's famed leader Hel Sarie in single combat. Their mission: to hunt down the final Tasen colony in the universe.

T-Minus 4:00:00 : General Tor's fleet tracks Tasen scouts to System Sol. Planet Sol-3 is immediately recognized as Origin, historically recorded by explorers as currently populated by "humans", a primitive race only recently developing technology smaller than a microgram. Ship scans confirm the presence of Tasen life on Origin's surface, and preparations are made for an immediate invasion.

T-Minus 3:00:00 : Land invasion proves to be rousing success. Initial assault of Troopers and Berserkers in Sectors 5 and 6 of the facility the Tasens are concentrated in deals heavy casualties. Reports from Troopers on the ground of an unidentified anomalous human female equipped with a Tasen Nanofield and Nanogun are initially dismissed, then acknowledged as video footage is delivered to Tor's command ship. All Komato units engaged with the "Human Anomaly" are wiped out, along with any Tasen units nearby. A consignment of Komato Assassins are diverted from their current missions to hunt down the Human Anomaly.

T-Minus 02:30:00 : Human Anomaly reaches Sector 7. Through unknown means, Human Anomaly manages to board Komato Starship Sri-Ara, slaughter all units onboard, and demolish the Phantom Hammer mounted on it. Permission to deploy advanced units, including Beasts, Sentinels, and Annihilators, is granted.

Dejama is deployed to guard General Tor's Origin-bound command post in Sector X. Along with a unit composed of forty-four Troopers, eighteen Berserkers, and four Annihilators, Tor's personal exosuit unit Eidolon is fielded. Theoretical combat potential for the unit is calculated to be at or above "Planet-Buster" level.

T-Minus 01:30:00 : Human Anomaly breaches Sector 8. All contact lost with Komato units in Sector 8.

T-Minus 00:00:30 : Human Anomaly breaches Sector X. Visual reconnaissance confirms Human Anomaly is equipped with the hypothetical worst-case scenario: The Null Driver. Presented only as a theoretical "unweapon", the Null Driver utilizes the same basic physical principles all Nanoweapons function on. Only, instead of merely ignoring them as Nanoweapons do, the Null Driver actively disrupts them. Possible results of the activation of a genuine Null Driver include total destruction of the immediate surroundings, total destruction of the planet, and total destruction of all known laws of physics.

T-Minus 00:00:01 : General Tor's garrison, Dejama included, engages with Human Anomaly.

T-Minus 00:00:00 : Null Driver activated.

T-Plus 03:00:00 : Dejama regains consciousness. Status report conducted. Results follow: Entire garrison either wiped out or displaced. Subject has been relocated to an unknown urban environment. Basic astronomical assessment confirms that Dejama's current location is definitively not Origin. Human Anomaly, Tasen survivors, and fellow Komato are nowhere nearby. Significant numbers of humans, numbering above the tens of thousands, inhabit this urban environment. Atmospheric content and building composition notably similar to Dejama's birth-planet.

T-Plus 27:20:00 : Nonviolent reconnaisance and less-than-lethal interrogation of nearest source of information completed. Results follow.
Current location: Human city designated "Mega-Gotham 1", on the planet Gladius-III.
Racial composition of location: 95% human, human offshoots, human mutations; 5% other.
Economic potential of location: Less than 1 in 3 sapients are employed in any regard.
Strategic value of location: Negligible.
Percent likelihood of death per day spent in location: 25%.
Access to recreational or medical activities: None.
Location sufficient for indefinite survival?: No.
Additional Notes: "This is going to be great!"

Tech Expertise: All Komato soldiers are trained in the use of Komato technology, and in Cracking it. For ontologically strange reasons, Komato technology works extremely similarly to human technology. By manipulating her Nanofield carefully, Dejama can hack, reprogram, or otherwise manipulate electronic and nanotechnological systems.

Komato Berserker Training: Komato Troopers with a sufficiently high kill count are given training to better suit their expertise, and are inducted into the ranks of the Berserkers. Dejama is a beast in melee combat, using her claws and teeth to shred enemies up close. She can reliably hit a target up to a hundred meters away, even using a weapon that travels at roughly the same speed as a baseball.

Resonance Reflector Training: Unlike Troopers, who are only taught to duck under projectiles, Berserkers are given the training to utilize Resonance Reflectors. This has also given her an impeccable sense of timing.

Berserker Cybernetics: As a Berserker, Dejama has been granted a powerful boost to her strength, speed, and mental faculties. Dejama is powerful enough to wrestle a bull to the ground, and fast enough to swat a missile out of the air. In addition, Dejama's legs have been heavily augmented, both allowing her to land on her feet from any fall and avoid injury falling from distances up to one thousand feet.

Nanofield: All Komato soldiers are equipped with a dense field of nanomachines that act as their tools, ammunition, armor, and EVA suit in the field. Dejama's Nanofield will keep her safe from small arms and most environmental hazards.

Komato Teleport Unit: A Nanofield-mounted quantum tunnelling device meant for personal use only. The Komato Teleport Unit allows Dejama to teleport up to 56,000 feet in any direction. However, the Teleport Unit needs several hours to charge up after use. Dejama refuses to use the Teleport Unit indoors or near unstable terrain, due to the significant risk of teleportation into a solid object.

Komato Gene-Modding: The Komato have uncovered the secret to biological immortality, and threw themselves full-tilt into enhancing themselves. Dejama is functionally immortal, and has had her body structure edited through a battery of combat drugs to turn her into a hulking beast of a figure.

Weaknesses: Dejama is pathologically fearless, to the point that even basic discretion is alien to her. The level of foresight she is willing to show in potentially dangerous situations is less than a black-out drunk Russian teenager would show in any situation. There are almost no situations in which Dejama would back down from a fight, and even fewer situations where she would plead for mercy.
On the more physical side, Dejama is intrinsically linked to her Nanofield and heavy armor. If it goes down, she will die instantly and subsequently explode, taking out anything within five yards of her body. Her hunched and spiny posture prevent her from disguising herself, and her heavy armor prevents her from any acrobatics more complex than landing on her feet, climbing ledges, and moving at the pace of a vigorous jog.

Nanofield: Dejama's body is infused with a sparking, crackling field of Nano. This not only grants her her enhanced speed and strength, it passively generates ammunition for her weapons, charges her Teleport Unit, seals her wounds, and energizes her body. The Nanofield naturally forms a defensive barrier that disintegrates most small arms, regulates against extreme heat and cold, and removes the dangers of dust, toxic particles, and micrometeorites. Unfortunately, the Nanofield does absolutely nothing to protect against explosives and strong physical impacts.

Nanogun: A specially-constructed weapon housing designed to store and facilitate a colony of Nano. Dejama's Nanogun is ID-locked to her Nanofield only, and is effectively a large hunk of electronics and plating in the hands of anyone without a Nanofield. Dejama's Nanogun is built to act as a modular weapon, and is equipped with a number of subweapons. A description of each subweapon is hidden below.

Shocksplinter: This subweapon fires an explosive plasma projectile that bursts on impact. The initial heat- and shock-wave is backed up by a cloud of white-hot plasma globes that scatter themselves in the air and explode shortly after.

Plasma Cannon: A concentrated, inefficient upgrade to the Shocksplinter. Instead of firing a splintering projectile, the Plasma Cannon spends more ammunition and charges longer to unleash a single, powerful laser blast. The Plasma Cannon shears through most forms of cover, but doesn't emit any plasma globes whatsoever.

Resonance Deflector: A close-quarters weapon consisting of a single powerful shockwave localized at Dejama's body. The Resonance Deflector is used to both blow targets back at breakneck speeds and reflect slow-moving projectiles, sending them back to whoever fired them.

Hyper Pulse: A combination of the Shocksplinter's plasma projectile and the Resonance Deflector's pure force projection. The Hyper Pulse unleashes a continuous stream of plasma projectiles with tremendous force. The Hyper Pulse is capable of sending foes flying while shredding them, and is even more effective against structures and cover than the Plasma Cannon.

Komato Heavy Armor: A military-grade EVA suit for almost any hazardous environment the Komato can think of. Komato Heavy Armor is reinforced with triple composite alloy plating, the same material the Komato use in combat drones and hot drink containers. Dejama's armor bolsters her Nanofield, allowing her to shrug off most small arms. Unfortunately, its tremendous weight and ungainliness prevent her from sprinting or performing any feats of agility.

Companions: Unknown. Other Komato units may have been transported to Gladius-III under similar circumstances, but Dejama has no idea where they are or if they even exist.

Quotes: "You got that right! I got hot drink coupons riding on this one - check THIS out!"

Goals: Find a source of hot drinks, find a way to get in contact with Komato Imperial Command, die gloriously in battle.

Fears: Mecha, anomalously-powerful humans, Annihilator-Class Komato Officers

Theme Song:
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Name: Buckets
Nicknames: Buck, Bucks, Bucky, The Perplexing Pistoleer, The Mysterious Stranger
Real Name: ?
Fandom: Lisa: The Painful
Age: ??
Gender/Sexuality: Male/?
Species: Human?

Buckets stands at a perfectly normal six feet sharp and weighs some 180 pounds, giving him an athletic but not overly bulky build. Apart from this it's really quite hard to tell what he looks like exactly because his head is always, forever covered by what appears to be a large can or bucket of paint with a hole that he can see out of but doesn't let others see through it. He's otherwise clad in tough black pants with riding chaps and boots, a brown long-sleeved tunic with red wristwraps and a red sash around the waist and finally a large red cloak hiding his body away, though his exposed hands reveal a pale, fair skin tone.

Once entirely mute, the only real pieces of personality displayed by Buckets were his love for gambling and guns, as well as an addiction to a dangerous mutagenic substance. With his passing into Gladius and new clean state he presents himself as an educated, smooth talking rogue, an always calm and self assured daredevil with an oftentimes melancholic and world-weary air, though also given to an occasional penchant for dramatization and grandstanding. He is also a coldblooded blackguard, however, who will readily wrong others for personal gain and is greatly at ease with violence and bloodshed.

Buckets is a mysterious drifter, an enigma in the world of Olathe after the Great White Flash: an event that brought about the death of nearly all women and reduced the land to a dying wasteland with a now barely human, perverse and violent population, hounded by the spread of the drug known as Joy and the dangerous cannibalistic mutants it creates. Buckets, himself a Joy addict, survived in this chaotic state of affairs through superhuman skill with pistols of all types and he spent the majority of his time around a gambling den dedicated to russian roulette, simply standing atop its roof, waiting for someone or something.

That someone turned out to be Brad Armstrong, a karate master searching for his kidnapped daughter who might have been the last human female left alive. For whatever reason, after Brad and his group beat the den's ten players, Buckets came down from the roof and joined them. They would adventure through the brutal hellscape of Olathe but it could not last, for Brad too was a Joy addict, and with time and trials his psyche visibly deteriorated. Some feared what he might do to his adopted daughter, they feared that the last hope of their race might be lost, others simply had come to hate Brad or wanted his daughter for themselves.

Ultimately, they turned on Brad before he began his final assault on his daughter's kidnappers, but it was for naught. Posessed by inhuman rage, Armstrong tore through his companions with monstrous strength and therein ended the pistoleer's adventures in Olathe. But so began his journey through Gladius. The gunman awoke to a miraculous new life. Certainly Gladius III was no paradise, but it was a familiar enough environment and he was alive. Alive and, for the first time in years, free from the warping grasp of Joy and the burdens of his world. He was free, and with his freedom he sought to find himself anew.

-Pistoleer: Buckets is an absolutely masterful marksman, perfectly capable of dual wielding a pair of pistols and facing up to supernaturally empowered foes, mystical martial artists, assault weapon-toting adversaries, attacking trucks, gigantic flesh eating monstruosities and everything inbetween. His accuracy, speed and ability to put multiple projectiles in targets are preternatural, let alone his ability to hurt even foes that should go unharmed by small arms fire, and his control of position and angles of attack through dance-like motions are reminiscent of the Gunkatas of the deadly Grammaton Clerics.

-Other: Buckets is a very good wheelman for someone who isn't a dedicated driver and can handle living mounts as well, he isn't entirely lost around simple motor vehicles or when it comes to dealing with animals and years of living in Olathe have rendered him an able survivalist, capable of coming through in most any environment. He is also talented in sleight of hand and an exceedingly skilled gambler, as well as all but impossible to beat playing russian roulette thanks to his expertise with revolvers.

-Wasteland survivor: One does not simply thrive in Olathe, a hyperviolent mad world where almost anyone can turn anything into dangerous powers, without being some manner of badass. The drifter is physically superior to regular human beings on every aspect, capable of undertaking exertions that would outright slay lesser men, gifted with exceedingly fast recoveries, generally resistant against poisons, toxins and the like and with the capacity to adapt and grow stronger. As a gunman his speed and reflexes are outstanding, with his particular style making him quite agile, and he can rely on his other senses to place accurate shots as well. Finally, trying to mess with his mind is its own uphill battle, and his willpower is such that he can push himself through adverse effects and situations.

Recovering addict, still a relative death seeker, can be distracted by attempts to unmask him, does not use bigger guns as a point of pride, not as tough as one might expect, not exactly great with melee weapons.

-The Snubbies: Not actually snub-nosed revolvers, instead they resemble a pair of semicompact Colt 1911s in black gunmetal with red wooden grips. Like any gun handled by Buckets they do not seem to require the physical ammunition that they fire, only a moment to take a breath and replenish themselves. Worn on belt holsters.

-The Sunsetter: A large, long-barreled gold-plated revolver and possibly the reason why Buckets joined Brad, since it was the gambling den's biggest prize and awarded to his group. It is much more powerful than the Snubbies and far deadlier, similar to the guns of Gilead in its capacity to make all manner of things quite dead, but it is slower firing and holds only six shots at a time. Carried on a shoulder holster.

-Firebombs: What to some might seem just a regular molotov cocktail is in fact one of the deadliest Olathian weapons. Whatever these bottles are loaded with, it burns and it burns hard, long and fast, readily capable of enveloping the extraordinarily strong wastelanders and mutants in a very, very dangerous blaze. Not that it can't be put out by water, but they're still quite nasty. Buckets carries many of these and can make more with time if necessary.

-The Minetti Special: Throwing bottle projectiles similar to firebombs, but they don't burn. Oh no, these are so much worse. Somewhere between a less-than-lethal crowd control agent and a straight up chemical weapon, the bottles contain a thick, gooey, chunky liquid of unidentified source that offends most senses at once. It acts as an extremely potent irritant, capable of closing out airways and making eyes water in the extreme, and the brutally penetrating stench is so strong you don't just smell it but you can taste it, which induces strong nausea. Aside from being unpleasant to the touch and rapid-hardening into a sticky rubbery glue, the substance is slightly caustic and both causes a burning sensation on skin and eats through unprotected sensitive electronics. You do not want to know what this is.

-Odds and ends: Buckets carries a golden lighter with him, both for his firebombs and for the cigarettes he smokes through a long cigarette holder. He makes his own smokes, so he carries a little tobacco kit with him as well, and he always seems to have worthless coins and chips handy to throw around, both for distractions and for little tricks.

-The Bucket: It protects the man's noggin surprisingly well and has the curious ability to be even more resistant to damage than he is.

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Name: Kevin Sullivan aka The Taskmaster
Fandom: WCW Universe
Age: 46ish
Gender: MAN
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Mankind

Personality: The Taskmaster is a dark and dangerous individual with a perchance for performances. He enjoys delivering monologues just as much as he loves cheating in the ring. He is a man who will go to any lengths to achieve his goals. He went to the far reaches of the Himalyas, into the great depths of the Great Barrier Reef, and so forth to claim warriors who could best help him eliminate Hulkamania. The only honor he seems to have is that of following the sacred rites of professional wrestling and won't truly settle anything unless it is in the ring.

Backstory: There is much of the ways of Kevin Sullivan, but these events while important are not important to who he is now. After another devastating loss, in WCW (World Championship Wrestling) to the Mega Powers, of Macho Man Randy Savage and the Hulkster Hulk Hogan, featuring guest star Sting, Kevin Sullivan went mad and turned on his partner The Butcher while Avalanche had already left disappointed at his failure.

Kevin Sullivan had grown angry and enraged by the fact that he had once again had lost to the forces of Hulkamania, and he was not going to take it laying down. It was at this point he heard a mysterious voice calling for him, for weeks Kevin Sullivan explored the darkest jungle and dankest of cave-systems looking for this voice. It was here that he had found the voice of The Master, who had revived Kevin Sullivan as The Taskmaster.

With this new purpose, he began collecting the strangest, oddest and deadliest creatures known in the known universe to form The Dungeon of Doom, so that he can end Hulkamania, and the Mega Powers in general despite Macho Man not being as relevant on his radar, once and for all.

Of course there has been a slight detour, as during a chance encounter with some old mates in Gotham where he expected to catch his old friends, before facing off against Hulk Hogan in a later match, he had found out that he was no longer in the Gotham that he and the Dungeon of Doom knew.

It was a larger and stranger Gotham, and there was no Hulk Hogan here. This validated Kevin Sullivan’s quest as, while Hogan was not present, he could feel Hulkamania still running wild. It’s essence was still present, and The Taskmaster shall finally destroy it (alongside winning Starrcade of course)...



Professional Wrestling – It goes without saying that a leader of an organization who conduct their business via the traditional art in the white mat jungle, is skilled in the ways of Professional Wrestling. His favored finishing move is the Devil’s Stomp and a favored signature move of his is The Tree of Woe.

Then just some basic life skills, alongside signing wrestling contracts for potential members of the Dungeon.

Enhanced Strength and Stamina: Pretty much what it says on the box.

SEND FOR THE MAN – The Taskmaster has an uncanny ability, as a result of meeting The Master and being reforged at the The Iron Gates of Fate; and that ability is conjuration of members who have signed to The Dungeon of Doom to the spot he is at; however he cannot summon all members at a time, only one at a time with a good period of time before he can conjure another.

Dungeon of Doom UNITE - Once all the members of the Dungeon of Doom have been assembled by The Taskmaster, they begin to enter a deep trance, and if uninterrupted, to fuse themselves together to form a warrior which amplifies their dark hatred together and forge The Greater Power. The Greater Power is much more amplified compared to the Dungeon of Doom members alone, with the ability of self teleportation and constructing a massive ironforged tower consisting of many, many White Mat Dungeons.

The White Mat Dungeon: Kevin Sullivan can summon a standard WCW wrestling arena, an 18-foot by 18-foot ring with steel cable ropes covered by hoses on a thickish canvas, which forces the rules of wrestling such as match stipulation and fighting styles within it.

Weaknesses: He is honor-bound to the rules of professional wrestling. An absolute hatred of Hulkamania that takes precedence over any logical decision making.

Lots of spandex clothing.
Foreign Objects; such as kendo sticks, fuji powder (a blinding substance) and coal miner gloves.
A large, and rather road-worn, van in which Kevin Sullivan can comfortably travel around with three other members of the Dungeon of Doom. It is powered by a mix of petrol and hate.

Most members of the Dungeon of Doom possess abnormal strength, stamina (except for Meng but he gets by on sheer ferocity, and Jimmy Hart who is just a man with a gift for gab) and are fairly similar to the Taskmaster.

The Shark – From the depths of the Great Barrier Reef uncovered during a Tsunami, Taskmaster obtained this vicious monster who consumes through metal and bones as if it were candy. He is one of the Stablemates tasked to destroy Hulkamania

Zodiac – YES, NO! YES, NO! Behold the enigmatic warrior known as The Zodiac from the Land of Yin and Yang, light and dark, opposites yet familiarity!

Meng – Forged by the fierce islands of Samoa, Meng is a man. A man feared by even his fellows in the Dungeon of Doom for his sheer ferocity and destructiveness in the ring.

The Giant – Son of Andre, a man who is deserving of his moniker who stands at a remarkable height of seven feet (which cannot be taught) and weighing over three hundred pounds, he is a destructive force with a penchant for nursery rhymes and old cinema.

The Yeti (Yetay – alternative pronunciation) Uncovered by The Master, with the help of Sherpa guides, far in the Himalyas there was a massive iceblock that contained the sheer grappling force that is The Yeti. But now he is freed from his icy prison.

Jimmy Hart - The Mouth of the South; formerly a friend of Hulk Hogan but he betrayed the man known as Hulk Hogan in favor of the Dungeon of Doom!

Kamala - From the darkest reaches of Uganda, the Uganda Savage Kamala has worked in most sinister and foul ways. He masters not only the ways of physical fighting, but has allowed his mind to wander to the ways of the dark hexes and curses of his people.

Quotes: “It is etched in STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!”
Fears: WCW going bankrupt. Meng and other Samoans close to him.
Theme Song: Taskmaster Theme
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Names: Yamada Taro, Kaiser
Fandom: Digimon
Age: 26
Gender/Sexuality: M/Het
Species: Human

>A bitter, angry person who feels he's been betrayed by the world
>Incredibly petty and will go to absurd lengths to ruin those who slight him or his digimon, even if it means bringing ruin to himself
>Actually loves his Digimon partner deeply even if he doesn't show it
>Has sworn a vendetta against King Drasil that he will go to any lengths to accomplish

>Digidestined who was originally partnered with Dracomon
>King Drasil initiated Program X, purging 98% of the digital world's life and wiping Yamada's partner in the process
>Tamed a second Dracomon to replace his fallen partner, dubbed "Number Two"
>Became one of the founding members of the so-called "hacker mafia", Crack Team, in pursuit of vengeance
>Headed development of Aegisdramon and similar
>Declared war on King Drasil and entered the digital world to face off against his (nominal) protectors, the Royal Knights, in a scorched earth campaign
>As always, the Royal Knights were painfully disorganized and for the most part were stomped quite handily
>In a last-ditch attempt to prevent it's destruction, King Drasil used it's vast and ill-defined powers to banish all combatants involved across spacetime
>Yamada Tarou and Nigou awaken on Gladius III

>A genius hacker and programmer, even before bringing Digimon into the equation
>Skilled on the hardware side of things as well, and can repair most electronics from scrap materials
>Excellent wheelman and general pilot, can do all that Tokyo drift junk
>Fluent speaker and literate in English, Japanese, Filipino, Esperanto
>Excellent information-management skills, knows a little bit about everything
>A mean left hook

Powers/Abilities: Yamada's endless reserves of spite give him the unique ability to trigger Dark Evolution on demand.
Weaknesses: Yamada despises the idea of losing and has a bad tendency to escalate whenever it happens rather than make a retreat. He's also functionally incapable of feeling camaraderie or trust towards organic life.
Gear: Modded Gen IV Digivice, high-end laptop, six cellphones of varying make, various electronic odds and ends, faraday cage bag stolen data from three Royal Knights, a seemingly infinite supply of sunglasses, redneck katana

Companions: His Digimon partner, a Dracomon he refers to as "Number Two"

Quotes: "Betcha don't even know the difference between a Cat-5 and an HDMI ya poseur piece a' shit."

Goals: Rebuild Crack Team stronger than before and take another shot at destroying King Drasil.

Fears: Losing his partner a second time.

Theme Song:

Names: Dracomon, Number Two
Fandom: Digimon
Age: 5
Gender/Sexuality: Digital Being/Digital Being
Species: Digimon (Dracomon)

>An archetypal dumb muscle type who lets his tamer do the thinking for him
>Due to it's tamer's influence and the natural aggression of the Dramon-species, it has become thuggish and overbearing
>Prides itself on loyalty

>A Dracomon spawned from an egg by Yamada Taro in an attempt to replace his previous Dracomon in the wake of Program X
>Put himself through harsh training every day to prove himself
>Found his own family of sorts among the Crack Team's Digimon
>Fought hard in the final battle, but was ultimately defeated by Examon during the assault on King Drasil and banished along with his tamer

>Kicking ass
>Taking names

>Can Digivolve to a higher level with the aid of a human partner and a Digivice.
>Is a digital being and thus can Connect Jump, travelling into and through networks at will.
>Likewise, as a digital lifeform, is unaffected by biological attacks and similar.
>Baby Breath: An attack wherein the user breathes superheated air to scorch opponents.
>Tail Smasher: An attack wherein the user rotates at high speeds and smashes into an opponent with it's tail.
>G Shurunen: An attack wherein the user indiscriminately fires laser beams from it's mouth. Can only be used when in a berserk state.

>Digivolving past champion makes Dracomon gigantic, so it can't be done in a confined space without serious risks
>There is a single inverted scale on it's body, located on the small of it's back. When this scale is pressed, Dracomon goes violently berserk and will fire lasers indiscriminately at anyone nearby, including it's own Tamer
>As an entity made of pure data, intruder countermeasures and viruses translated through a network can have unpredictable effects on Dracomon's physiology
>Has a habit of putting anything shiny it finds into it's mouth and attempting to eat it
>As a data-type Digimon, Dracomon is especially vulnerable to corruptive influences such as viruses
>Dracomon is really dim and has a hard time making decisions beyond self-defense, so it's lost without his tamer
>When injured or exhausted, he may devolve to a lower stage (Babydmon)

Gear: None

Companions: His tamer, Yamada Tarou

Goals: Become a Digimon that won't lose to anything and make his tamer proud.

Fears: Losing, abandonment

Theme Song:
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  • Names: Brandon "Big Boss" Babel
  • Fandom: C.O.P.S. (which shares a universe with G.I. Joe, MASK, Jem and the Holograms, The Inhumanoids, and the G1 Transformers)
  • Age: 47
  • Gender/Sexuality: Male
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: "Myeah, I suppose I do cut a good picture."
  • Personality: Big Boss is a ruthless criminal mastermind, willing to steal from anything- from other crime syndicates to charities. His organization, CROOKS, mostly focuses on heists, capers, and shakedowns. Despite his flexible morals and foul temper, he does have a few unshakable principles. He is morally opposed to drugs, going so far as to use his influence to keep dealers off his turf. He's not a fan of cold-blooded murder or assassinations (but kidnapping is fair game). He's very competent as a crime boss, and treats his men with respect and dignity- even he acknowledges that failure once in a while is inevitable, even if he's not happy about it.
  • Backstory: Brandon Babel was born in Spokane in the year 1973. A precocious young lad, at 4 he had already buried his stuffed pig Pooky in his mother's garden because he worried it was going to squeal on him. By 5, he'd already committed his first holdup, and by 1980, he was already the head of Spokane's delinquents. However, society was shaken to its core in 1985, when ancient alien robots from the planet Cybertron awoke on Earth. In the midst of all this, the secret task force GI Joe was in active conflict with the terrorist organization Cobra. Strangely, cities seemed to be safer from Decepticons and Cobra alike, so in 1990 the teenaged Brandon and his mother moved to Empire City, shining jewel of the eastern seaboard. It was here that Brandon truly became the Big Boss. After a burglary went south, he was injured horribly in a freak accident during a police chase, destroying most of his left arm. A costly cybernetic replacement cost him every cent of his ill-gotten gains from the last 17 years. On that day, he swore he would have his revenge on anyone who wore a badge, founding his own gang with fellow cyborg "Buttons" McBoomBooom, strongwoman Miss Stephanie DeMeanor, and constant convict Rock Krusher. The three were holy terrors for law enforcement in Empire City, but the real gamechanger came in 2002- when GI Joe's forces finally drove the Cobra Commander into hiding. Much of the assets of both the Joes and Cobra were sold off as Military Surplus, which Big Boss's gang bought in droves, perfecting it over the years into vehicles like the dragster and the Jailbird Speeder. The use of this military technology helped to cement Big Boss's gang as the de facto kings of Empire City's criminal underworld.

    The next shakeup came in 2004, when Big Boss was informed that the Fatheringhouses, his biological sister and brother-in-law, had perished in a boating accident. He was then informed he had custody of the young, dim-witted toddler Bernard "Barney" Johnathan Fatheringhouse. Seeking to set the boy on the only right and decent path for a Babel, Big Boss set out to teach the boy everything he knew about being a crook. Unfortunately, Barney was a very slow learner. But the gang loved the little idiot, so Big Boss kept him on board, even giving him the alias of "Berserko."
    Things took a dangerous turn for Big Boss and his crew in the year of 2015, when the Autobots and Decepticons ended their 30-year war, and every hood in the world was suddenly packing heat meant for fighting Decepticons. Big Boss's mother moved back to Spokane, leaving him to continue building his criminal empire. After 20 years of being under the thumb of Big Boss and his gang, however, the mayor of Empire City got sick of police incompetence and sought federal help from agent Baldwin P. Vess. This was the beginning of C.O.P.S., the Central Organization of Police Specialists, brought together specifically to battle Big Boss and his gang of crooks. After two years, C.O.P.S. still made little progress undermining Big Boss's criminal regime- and so they sought help from the Mobile Assault Strike Kommand to topple Big Boss. Not to be outdone, Big Boss reached out to the Vicious Evil Network Of Mayhem to help protect his criminal investments... and have his in-house mad scientist Dr. Percival Badvibes reverse-engineer the advanced technology at work. During the ensuing firefight between law enforcement and VENOM, several masks were lost. When the firefight turned south, VENOM's members fled Empire City, and MASK was quick to pursue, trusting COPS to take down Big Boss's gang. However, this left the Big Boss in possession of Leopard, a transforming limousine kitted out with anti-Cybertronian weaponry, and Damper, a mask that could be used to shut down chemical reactions within 30 meters.

    Not satisfied with the technology of M.A.S.K., Big Boss's gang planned a caper to steal Cybertonian technology. They'd use a Spacebridge left behind by Megatron's forces, and warp right in to an arms depot in the city of Iacon. This nearly succeeded, until a member of COPS codenamed Mace blasted the generator just as Big Boss, Squeaky, and Leopard were driving through the portal to Cybertron- leaving them adrift in time and space, before they landed on Gladius III. Since, Big Boss has made the best of his situation, trying to whip the criminals of Mega Gotham-1's underworld into proper CROOKS.

  • Skills: Big Boss's skills lie in organization, management, and larceny. He's been able to orchestrate the kidnapping of the president and the ransom of an entire city, falsified an alien invasion, and even stole a glacier. He's surprisingly stealthy and competent as a lawyer, and is capable of running numerous legitimate fronts.
  • Powers/Abilities: Despite his size, Big Boss is strong and agile- even before his accident he was able to outrun Olympic athletes, outmuscle bodybuilders, and out-leap professional acrobats. His left arm has been replaced by a cybernetic fist- giving him the strength needed to crush cars with it.
  • Weaknesses: He only has access to one mask's powers at any given time, and has to switch them out.
  • Gear: Big Boss, like most criminals of 2020, outfits his gang with the military surplus of GI Joe, Cobra, V.E.N.O.M., M.A.S.K., and the world's armed forces in the wake of the Cybertronian war on Earth and the coming of the Inhumanoids.
    • He has a sturdy wooden cane, which is actually a number of weapons melded together- including one of Cobra's anti-materiel laser rifles, a swordcane, a remote control for Leopard, and a GI-Joe grappling hook.
    • One of VENOM's action suits, which he wears under his usual white suit. The fabric's surprisingly durable, being made of weird future-materials.
    • A number of MASK systems, including:
      • Damper- a mask that halts chemical reactions in a certain radius.
      • Flexor- Creates a flexible shield that halts projectiles.
      • Magna-Beam- Can attract, repel or rip apart magnetic objects.
      • Vacuum- Creates pockets of vacuum energy
      • Lifter- A mask that generates an anti-gravity field
    • Leopard, a swanky 21st-century limo based on technology from V.E.N.O.M., which in turn was based on technology from Cybertron. Includes an adjustable electronic paint job and license plate, and the ability to change into a Limbo-Class Spacefighter.
  • Companions: His pet cyborg weasel Sratch, and his Valet, one "Squeaky" Kleen.
  • Quotes: "Crime's A-Wastin'!" "We'll work overtime! Committing crimes! Day and night!"
  • Goals: To create the ultimate crime syndicate.
  • Fears: He's not a fan of being dirty.
  • Theme Song: He had a leitmotif in the C.O.P.S. show, but danged if I can find it.
Names: Taako (You know, from TV)
Fandom: The Adventure Zone: Balance
Age: Over a century or two (at least)
Gender/Sexuality: Male/homosexual
Species: High Elf


Taako may at first appear to be stupid, a reputation he prefers continue, often referring to himself as a 'simple idiot Wizard'. However, those who get to know him soon come to realise that he is extremely smart and competent, and simply pretends to be stupid to keep people off their guard while around him. He can oftentimes be described as flamboyant, by way of the clothes he often chooses to wear, and his general attitude.

While he is a smooth talker, Taako has little actual charm about him (depending who you ask) and he tends to do things because they are funny, regardless of how that will affect strangers. At times he can be considered both cruel and callous towards those he does not care for. However, Taako has shown the capacity for empathy and kindness towards those he appears to respect.

Taako has issues with abandonment and as such has a hard time connecting with people and seeing them as more than just strangers or acquaintances. He treats these people differently, not particularly in a bad way, but not in a great way either. However, once you make a connection with him, he is fiercely loyal, though he would not personally describe himself in that way. He tries to avoid dangerous situations, but steps up if those he actually cares about are in danger.

While Taako is known to be a trickster and a comic relief type person, he understands that there are times when things need to be taken seriously.

Not much is known about Taako's life. This is mostly due to interference via insert here,
Taako is known to have lived with his grandfather on a farm before a war. He learned cooking from an aunt. Taako and -STATIC- were passed around between family members, never sticking with any for long, after the age of 12. They learned to only trust each other.

Taako had been on the road since the age of 12. He made his livings with troupes of performers and mercenaries, trying to find a place where he belonged. Taako served as a chef with these travelling crews in order to pay his way. During this time, Taako internalised an avoidance to physical conflict. He also picked up enough magical techniques from wizards in the party to be dangerous and Taako graduated top of his class at the magic academy he attended.

Not much else is known about Taako's early life and he does not appear to be keen to share. Six years before the Eleventh Hour arc, Taako was a TV cook on the show 'Sizzle It Up with Taako'. As television does not exist in The Adventure Zone's Balance arc universe, this was a road show that travelled from town to town.
When he noticed that audiences were flagging, he began learning magic in order to spice up his performances. He taught himself magic from books he picked up and from wizards he travelled around with. He toured with Sazed, who acted as his driver, roadie, stage manager, and right hand man. Sazed thought Taako "hung the moon" and learned how to cook during their travels together. As the show grew in popularity, Sazed asked to do more and more with the show, even asking to co-host the show and change the name to Sizzle It Up with Taako and Sazed. Taako said no, due to merchandising issues and maintaining his brand.

For the final episode, the show entered Glamorsprings. The town had enjoyed the show before and forty people attended the show that day. He prepared his famous 30 Garlic Clove Chicken for his audience that day. During the show he showboated his magical skills. Unbeknownst to Taako, the chicken he had prepared has been poisoned by Sazed. When the first person began to die, Taako and Sazed ran. He assumed that the garnish of elderberries he had used on the chicken had been unwittingly transmuted into deadly nightshade. The two of them drove for two days together, but Sazed abandoned him as soon as he had the opportunity.

He met with Merle and Magnus and the three began their adventures, and working under the promise of adventure and riches they were tasked by Merle's second cousin (Dwarves have large families) into helping him find a vault full of Dwarven riches.

There were Goblins, a charming Bugbear named Klarg, an Orc woman, an evil wizard and a magical weapon on mass destruction. After their rather eventful adventure, the Orc woman, Killian recruited the three into the Bureau of Balance (after the director of the organisation put them through multiple tests.
From there, their adventures truly began. There were multiple weapons of mass destruction scattered across the world, known as the Grand Relics. What the party had found on their first adventure was merely one of seven.

The memory of these artefacts had been wiped from the world to prevent the atrocities caused by them from happening again. The gang remembered a brutal war taking place that almost destroyed the planet and from there were sent on multiple missions to recover the relics as "Reclaimers", for they had resisted the thrall of [-STATIC-]

A murder mystery set on a train, a Mad Max-style race, a floating laboratory with a race against time, a town caught outside of time itself and a deadly game awaited out heroes. With stops to Fantasy Costco inbetween adventures, Taako grew close to a young detective named Agnus McDonald. He considered the boy detective annoying at first but took a liking to him, even if he was unwilling to admit it. Taako revealed his backstory to Angus as a cautionary tale about transmutation. It's noted as a particularly vulnerable moment for the normally aloof elf and he showed considerable pride in Angus's developing magical abilities.

Furthermore, after a series of circumstances Taako ended up in a relationship with The Grim Reaper known as Kravitz. After the events of the podcast, Taako set up "Taako’s Correspondence School of Wizardry, Cantrips, & other Magicks" and stayed in touch with his friends, as he appeared in both the wedding in the finale and in the epilogue.

Skills: Skilled cook (since discovering that the poisoning was someone else's fault he's gone back to cooking)
Speaks several languages: Dwarvish, Draconic, Elvish, Goblin and Animal grunts
Knowledge of the arcane
Highly intelligent, despite acting like an idiot
Sharp wit and a bit of a silver tongue

Being a Wizard specialising in the school of transmutation, Taako is capable of polymorph spells among other things such as giving himself or other beings gills, the ability to see in the dark (ect).
As well as transmutation, Taako is skilled in defence spells (like shield), damage spells (such as magic missile), mind control (Crown of Madness, Charm person) and illusion magic. He's skilled in conjuration too, able to summon ebony tentacles into a 20ft square and his Phantom Steed, Garyl:

Weaknesses: Although powerful when it comes to magic, he is ultimately a glass canon.


  • Umbra-Staff: As well as absorbing the wands of fallen evil wizards, this staff casts Feather Fall (slow fall) when opened.
    Ring of Frost : Makes beverages frosty and refreshing; defends against frost damage
  • Wand of Switcheroo: Switches users' place with another person or item of similar mass
  • Pocket Spa : Pocket dimension perfect for rest and relaxation. Get away from it all!
  • Cloak of the Manta Ray: A slick, black leather cloak When the wearer in submerged in water, it grants the wearer water breathing, and allows 60ft of underwater movement speed.
  • Immovable Rod: Stays in one place
  • Hole Thrower: Throws a hole with 1-10ft diameter into any non-living object once per day
  • Mockingbird Gum: Allows player to mimic voice for an hour or so
  • Arcane Trickster's Glove: Turns Mage Hand invisible
  • Low Sodium Salt Shaker: Sprinkle on food, if it turns pink, the food is poisoned
  • Band of Projected Thought : Communicate telepathically with any creature inside of 30ft

Companions: None

"It's not always 'Abraca-fuck you' and what have you! I have a beating heart! I'm mulit-dimensional! I'm a fully realised creation! Fuck!"

"Don't look for society to give you permission to be yourself."

Goals: Survive, gather funding to run his school and somehow have fun through all of it.
Fears: Abandonment
Theme Song:
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- True Identity: Nyarlathotep, The Crawling Chaos, Howler in the Dark, more names than I can be bothered to list.

- False Identity: Olaf Dietrich Heltir, German peddler on an interdimensional roadtrip.

Fandom: Shin Megami Tensei/Persona

Age: Old as humanity, appears/pretends to be in in his mid-40's.

Gender/Sexuality: N/A

Species: Presently confined to a human form, otherwise an Outer God/embodiment of mankind's inner evil.


Personality: Shrewd, manipulative, charismatic, and deceptive are the words that best describe Nyarlathotep. His plots are multi-layered and incomprehensible, with many of those involved not even being aware of the man behind the man. He is a remarkable imitator, able to wear his many guises with such prowess that even when the truth is revealed, many can't help but still feel that he is the person in question. To switch from affable and soft-spoken to a charismatic firebrand is an act as natural to him as breathing.

His skill in manipulation also extends to combat, in which he'll do anything to exploit the psychological weaknesses of his opponents, with little care as to the consequences of his abuse. While immensely egotistical and self-assured of his own supremacy, he does possess a sense of honour, and will gladly exalt those he deems worthy.

Backstory (Heavily Abridged Edition): Curiously, much of mankind's struggles can be sourced back to a simple bet. It was made between Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos and archetypal manifestation of man's ability to do evil; and Philemon, the archetypal manifestation of man's capacity for good. The terms were simple: if mankind uplifted themselves and achieved greatness, Philemon would be the victor. On the contrary, if man became the instrument of their own destruction, Nyarlathotep would win. Additionally, whilst Mr. Skin was free to act directly in his attempts to guide mankind to a premature end, Philemon was restricted to merely granting power and the occasional spot of advice to a group of chosen champions: dysfunctional high-school students, in this case.

To achieve his ends, Shugoran targeted Sumaru, a city in which rumours are made reality. First, he orchestrated the creation of a shadowy organization known as the Masked Circle, lead by an enigmatic wish-granter known as Joker. Through them, he strengthened the people's belief in the power of rumours, while also setting the stage to fulfill an as-of-yet nonexistent prophecy. Once the pieces were all in place, The White Man posed as a group of telepathic Mayan aliens to a schizophrenic. Through him, a book containing outlandish prophecies and conspiracy theories was published and distributed throughout Sumaru. As rumours about the book spread across the city like fire through a dry forest, the Crystal Skulls, the Xibalba spacecraft, and much more were willed into existence by the city's population. As a final touch, Nyarlathotep combined the rumours with popular conceptions of man's evil, assuming the form of an infamous dictator and his hidden army. With that, he commenced his invasion of Sumaru, the final stage of his plan to destroy mankind.

In spite of their technological superiority and occult armaments, however, the Dark One's army was ultimately bested by Philemon's meddling brats and their magical ghost companions. After seemingly being defeated in a final confrontation, one of Nyarlathotep's remaining pawns enacted a contingency plan. In one fell swoop, the last stage of his apocalyptic prophecy was fulfilled, resulting in the near-total annihilation of reality. Only the city of Sumaru was spared, rendering the heroes' victory hollow and Pyrrhic.

The only recourse of Philemon's champions was to erase their memories, reset the timeline, and prevent the group coming together in the first place. Thus, the aforementioned sequence of events also never happened, and all was well. Save for one Tatsuya Suou, who refused to discard the memories of his friends. Whilst undeniably noble, his refusal granted The Royal Pant an avenue to menace mankind once more.

This lead to an equally absurd escapade involving a serial killer terrorist, the Taiwanese Mafia, a mind virus that creates more serial killer terrorists, the NWO, dragons, an Idol group (again), more giant robots, and another ancient spaceship. All of this was, of course, the work of the Black Pharaoh -posing as the mummified body of a tyrannical samurai lord that never actually existed, naturally- as part of his master plan to crash the timelines with no survivors. After getting himself caught, the Thing in the Yellow Mask was bested yet again by a group of questionably responsible adults with actual jobs, and one meddling highschooler.

Thus, Nyarlathotep's essence was banished to parts unknown (where he settled for menacing American television in such horrific forms as Doink the Clown, Papa Shango, and most horrid of all: WWE Creative), with one fragment finding its way to Gladius. This fraction of the Dweller in Darkness found itself trapped in the human form he took during the Xibalba incident, with a cache of armaments and personal accouterments, but little else. Presently, Nyarlathotep operates under the cover of a simple traveling peddler, all the while concocting his latest plot against humanity.

- Painting
- Architecture
- Usage of firearms and assorted medieval weaponry
- Extensive knowledge of German Opera
- Driving/Piloting
- Knowledge of the Occult/Mystical
- Fluent in German, English, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, and Argentinian Spanish
- Public Speaking
- Writing

- Inhuman Physiology: While Nyarlathotep's current body has all the usual organs and functions expected of a human, it is just above the peak of normal human capability, as befits a superior being. It must also be noted that mind-altering chemicals or magics are wholly impotent against his alien mind.

- Immortal (with technicalities): As the incarnation of mankind's evil, Nyarlathotep can never truly die, and will eventually reform to menace humanity if destroyed. But, due to how long it takes for him to reconstitute, this is largely outside the scope of the game.

- Persona [Moon Howler]
Not so much a 'Persona' as it is an echo of one of his many forms, manifesting as a phantom that fights at his side. Moon Howler wields a projection of the Spear of Destiny, allowing Nyarlathotep to attack enemies normally beyond his reach. The 'Persona' serves as a conduit for magical spells, with a specialty in electrical/lightning (shooting lightning bolts and the like) magic. In addition, Moon Howler provides the following spells:
  • Holy Grail: Imbues Nyarlathotep with the power of the Grail, briefly rendering him nigh-invulnerable to harm.
  • Holy Ark: Imitates the light of the Ark of the Covenant, melting the bodies of those unworthy to gaze upon it.
  • Vril-Blitz: Releases a burst of lightning bolts around the user, draining those struck to heal Nyarlathotep.
  • Omega Cluster: Upon removing his Hugo Boss sunglasses, the unfettered gaze of Nyarlathotep becomes an instrument of unimaginable terror. A normal human will lose consciousness immediately upon making eye-contact, and even those possessed of immense mental strength must struggle greatly to triumph against his will.
- Long-term Economics
- Bullets
- Animal abuse

- True Spear of Destiny/Lance of Longinus
The lance used by Saint Longinus to pierce the side of Jesus Christ at His crucifixion, now serving as Nyarlathotep's weapon of choice. Wounds inflicted by the lance are especially grievous, and will typically fail to properly heal, even when assisted by magic. The spear also seals the magical/spiritual abilities of anyone it wounds. Biological abilities are unaffected. Furthermore, due to the spear's status as a holy relic, it is particularly deadly when used against 'unholy' entities such as demons and vampires.

- Marionette Jaeger “Himmel Feurer”, Longinus Vierzehn
The fourteenth Longinus machine, originally intended for Nyarlathotep's personal use. However, due to his already superhuman capabilities, it was ultimately deemed superfluous and promptly mothballed. For whatever reason, the machine accompanied him to Gladius, and now serves as his personal transport. Given its original purpose as a combat mech, it should come as no surprise that it remains a respectable force in battle, albeit one far weaker than the pilot.
  • Has been modified to take the form of a Volkswagen Type 1 'Beetle'
  • Matte white paint job
  • Powered by a miniature nuclear reactor, permitting the vehicle to operate nigh-perpetually
  • Flight-capable both within atmosphere and without, maximum speed of Mach 1
  • Armaments include:
    • MG34 (mounted to the left arm)
    • 'Longinus Copy' Spear (mounted to the left arm, effects are temporary and much weaker than the original)
    • 'Geisteblitz' Tesla Coil (mounted to the back)
    • Multi-purpose launchers mounted to the 'shoulders'; dispenses flares and chaff
    • 'Bewegungskrieg' Afterburner, used for ramming attacks or whenever a sudden burst of speed (evasive manoeuvres, strategic repositioning, etc.) is needed
- A supply of assorted curios, primarily consisting of paintings, architectural blueprints, luxury soaps, and novelty lampshades.
- Six and three-quarter lbs. of gold.
- Parabellum-Pistole/Luger, along with some magazines.
- Crystal Skull of Heaven



Goals: Regain his true power as the Crawling Chaos and drive mankind to extinction, so as to win his 'bet' with Philemon.

- Smoking
- Magic punch ghosts

Theme Song:
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Name: Clint Olympic
Nickname: Mister Handsome
Real Name: Clinton Bart
Fandom: Lisa: The Painful
Age: 32
Gender/Sexuality: Male/attracted to attractiveness
Species: Human
Hair is somewhat less ridiculous, but still a romance novel cover golden mane.

Clint held the title of The Most Handsome Man Left Alive in his world, and while that may no longer be the case he is definitely still up there on the attractiveness scale. Somehow. Despite, or perhaps entirely because of, looking like a fusion between Fabio and Chuck Norris.

Standing at a very nice 6 feet 2 and weighing some 200+ pounds, with a lean but exceedingly marked, muscular physique that always appears to retain a slightly oiled sheen, Olympic is gifted with attractively sharp, angular features hardened just enough by age and battle. To complete the whole package deal, he also sports piercing blue eyes and an enviable beard to go with his long, luscious blonde mane.

For clothing he wears a simple, typical red blooded american badass ensemble: appropiately, fashionably ripped jeans and brown leather cowboy boots with nothing to hide his rippling upper body muscles. When decency is required he dons a simple white shirt and a brown sheepskin bomber jacket, with fingerless black gloves and black aviator shades giving the finishing touches.

Clint Olympic is a right narcissist bastard, but he loves life. He just does. A ne'er-do-well hustler with a nearly perpetual devil-may-care attitude, he relishes what thrills may come his way and delights with the turns fortune might take for good or ill. Though he can come across as a pompous hedonist at times, enthusiastically partaking in whatever debasing pleasures come his way, he also takes exceedingly well to the rough and tumble life of the drifter and has a great appreciation for the freedom and struggles that come with it. Clint is, at least, open and even charming about being a callous, arrogant and violent bastard and he's not entirely immoral, appreciating friends he makes, knowing the benefits of some restraint and disliking treachery and going back on his word.

Once upon a time Clint Olympic was but a lowly criminal in Olathe, with only an odd attractiveness to him and some skills in Taekwondo to set him apart from anyone else. Then came the Great White Flash: an apocalyptic event that reduced the land to an arid wasteland and brought about the collapse of civilization and the death of nearly all women. Those who survive in this desolate world are primarily violent idiots and perverts, haunted by the insidious, hyperaddictive desensitizing drug known as Joy and hounded by the dangerous cannibalistic mutant abominations that all Joy addicts eventually turn into. In this world, Clint Olympic was The Most Handsome Man Left Alive.

Facing the trials of the wasteland and fending off the most desperate of men, driven to preserve his pristine good looks while using them for his own benefit, Clint polished himself physically and mentally and became a fearsome fighter. Though he didn't register on the upper echelons of the warlord-ruled Olathe, it was enough that he could make something approaching a decent living simply by offering to pose or kick ass for a price. His sort of comfortable life would come to an end, however, when he was recruited by one Brad Armstrong: a karate master on a quest to save his kidnapped young daughter, the last woman on the planet as far as anyone knew.

Unfortunately Brad was a Joy addict, and with time and the trials of their quest across the wasteland his psyche visibly deteriorated. Some feared what he might do to his adopted daughter, others simply had come to hate Brad or wanted his daughter for themselves, whatever the case Clint and the others tried to keep Brad away from the girl. Posessed by inhuman rage, Armstrong tore through his companions and it seemed the end of the line for Olympic. Instead, Clint awoke on Gladius III. Sure, he is no longer The Most Handsome Man Left Alive, and after clinging to that title for so long that's a harsh blow to the ego, but there's WOMEN here. WOMEN that find him attractive!

It's a brave new world and an opportunity he won't, can't pass up. Time for Mister Handsome to hustle his way to a sweet new life.

-Jeet Kune Do: Really, it's Clint's olympic (get it?) Taekwondo skills mixed with bits and pieces of his former companion's fighting styles and filtered through a copy of The Tao of Jeet Kune Do that he found. Mister Handsome is still actually quite a masterful fighter, however, capable of contending with supernaturally empowered foes, spectacular gunmen, flesh-eating monstruosities and everything inbetween. An often unorthodox but skilled technical outfighter who maximizes his range with a devastating array of kicks and keeps opponents guessing with constant feints, with a penchant for Judo throws and submissions at close ranges, Clint places great emphasis on effective defense to protect his good looks, using excellent footwork, body movement and reading opponents to deny them their offence.

-Other: Clint is very agile and acrobatic, capable of all manner of stunts he often incorporates into his fighting, and he knows a fair bit about sneaking around and thievery despite his penchant for calling attention to himself. He also knows his way around simple motor vehicles, is an excellent motorcycle rider and years of living in Olathe have rendered him an able survivalist, capable of coming through in most any environment. On a more situational note, he can sing, dance, play the harmonica, mix drinks and he's both very talented at sleight of hand tricks and an exceedingly skilled gambler who may or may not be cheating.

-Wasteland warrior: One does not simply thrive in Olathe without being badass. Clint is easily physically superior to regular human beings on every aspect, capable of undertaking exertions that would outright slay lesser men, gifted with exceedingly fast recoveries, generally resistant against poisons, toxins and the like and with the capacity to adapt and grow stronger. Though not quite as strong or as tough as others in his world he is very, very fast and posesses uncanny reflexes, he's decidedly agile and flexible he has learned to not rely on his eyesight to fight or detect threats. Finally, trying to mess with his mind is its own uphill battle, about as hard as trying to fistfight him, and his willpower is such that he can push himself through adverse effects and situations even when his body's suffering.

-The Most Handsome Man Left Alive: Clint has a talent for calling attention to himself and his good looks that borders on the hypnotic, trascending any barriers of gender and sexuality. It is bizarre. He can make others fixate on him and give him their undivided attention for good or ill, making it easy for allies to do as they please, and his attractiveness makes others far, far more willing to listen to him and do as he asks of them.

Adrenaline junkie, will not use weapons or armor as a point of pride, overly mindful of his style and looks, more skill-based compared to other monstrous wastelander types.

-Testarossa: Clint's trusty steed, a heavily customized chopper motorcycle painted red with a jury-rigged junker air, as tough and slick as he is. That's why he stole it from its unfortunate owner. A veritable crotch rocket that requires a firm guiding hand and excellent reflexes to manage its speeds, but quite the beast with the right rider and still quite readily modified if anyone cares to do so.

Goals: Showing that he is, indeed, a handsome badass still and go higher than he did in Olathe. Clint wants to become a veritable underground star in the vein of his world's warlords, with the ultimate objective of creating a massive vice den dedicated to himself.

Fears: That ultimately his attractiveness means nothing and will leave him with nothing when it dissapears. Going bald.

Theme Song:
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Names: The Operator. Name is unknown.
Fandom: Duskers
Age: Age is unknown... I'll guess 40 something? It's never mentioned ingame
Gender/Sexuality: Not mentioned. I'll guess Male?
Species: Human
Appearance: Also never seen, I believe that he wears something similar to this:

Personality: The Operator has been noted to be extremely observant, a trait required in the universe the Operator hails from. The Operator as a whole seems to be interested in only surviving. He will attempt to avoid all lifeforms, whether friendly or hostile, and if the Operator notices his drones have been spotted, will attempt to flee unless his drones are equipped with a weapon. The Operator also has been noted to be a hoarder, storing junk and loot that his salvage drones have found.
Backstory: The Operator's bio is unknown. However, it is very safe to deduce from that the Operator was formerly working as a salvage man of sorts, recovering items from abandoned ships so that any important objects for, say, government papers or lab reports wouldn't be lost and set back work. It was a decent-paying job overall, and the Operator's life seemed to be sailing smooth from now on.
However, that all changed one day. One day, when the Operator went into stasis for a year-long trip back to a local government to return some government papers, the Operator made the trip fine. What wasn't fine was that when the Operator arrived, he noticed that his ship reported that communications were silent. Everything in the galaxy was apparently dead. How, the Operator was attempting to find out. His Salvage Drones, once used for recovering vital objects needed for critical work, were now salvaging loot and supplies so that the Operator may continue his work and life. Then he wound up in Gladius, his ship damaged, and on the surface of an unknown planet.
Skills: (fighting styles, good at driving, ect)
Powers/Abilities: The Operator is extremely observant. He is also resourceful, judging from the fact he is able to repair his drones with scrap.
Weaknesses: The Operator himself is extremely vulnerable in direct combat.
Gear: The Operator is in possession of 3 salvage drones. All 3 are incapable of offensive action at the moment, but this can change later on as more gear is acquired.
Cori here is equipped with a motion detector and a tool to gather loot.
Jeremy is equipped with a generator that can power nearby electronics.
John has a tow cable and can link interfaces to the Ryder, where the Operator can decide what to do next. Link is lost if the drone moves away
The Operator is also in command of a damaged ship called "The Justice Ryder". While the Ryder isn't capable of flying for some reason, it still links with the salvage drones and the Operator can command his drones from the Ryder.
Companions: The salvage drones.
Quotes: None. However, his drones emit constant whirrs and beeping, although completely incapable of speech.
Goals: Find out how he got here, and find out why his universe is dead.
Fears: Running out of supplies, being stranded without anything to work with.
Theme Song: None.
Names: Pavium "The Unbreakable"

Fandom: Halo/Halo Wars 2

Age: Unknown, though he is grizzled and experienced

Gender/Sexuality: Male/Heterosexual

Species: Jirahalnae/Brute


Personality: Reserved, Disciplined, and above all, calm. Pavium earned his "Unbreakable" moniker through his unflinching resolve in the face of extreme danger and stress. He is also loyal to family and clan, as shown by how his loyalty to the Banished is torn between them.

Backstory: An Architect and Engineer in service of the Banished, a splinter faction that ran against the Covenant Empire's fanatical theocracy. Pavium earned his rank as a warlord through his time fighting for Atriox and against the UNSC crew of the Spirit of Fire. Not much is known about this Brute, but he prefers to speak through actions, not words.

Skills: Tactical genius with an affinity for alien tech. Pavium is well-versed in combat and the logistics of supporting such ventures, as well as maintaining the weapons, vehicles, and buildings required to do so.

Powers/Abilities: As a Jiralhanae, Pavium is endowed with great strength, and endurance, able to take a large amount of punishment and dish it.

Weaknesses: Pavium is slow and unable to out-maneuver his opponents alone. He is also reliant on allies to provide cover as he is also not armed for in-your face combat.

-Heavy Plasma Mortar: A shoulder mounted weapon capable of launching plasma slugs capable of ionizing steel and flesh. The projectile is slow, and the weapon itself cannot be used at close range without harming its user.
-Battleplate: An exosuit given to him by Atriox' right hand, Decimus. Enhances his strength and supplements his hardy body with armor and a shielding system capable of reflecting a small number of projectiles.
-Healing-Drone: Drone enhanced by forerunner tech, able to seal breaches in armor as well as repair delicate components. Can only heal one thing at a time and has a limited area in which it can detech and heal units, though due to Pavium's close proximity to the drone at all times and due to it's mechanical nature, it cannot heal him or his armor, nor can it heal organic creatures.

Companions: none.

Quotes: "They will not break us, they will break upon us!"
Marco Diaz
Star vs. the Forces of Evil

Marco is practically the exact opposite of Star. He is very wary and tries to avoid any trouble or exposure. Because of Marco's cautiousness (and the one time he wore a helmet in the gym shower), he is labeled by both his peers and school staff as the "safe kid". Ironically, despite his predilection toward practical caution, Marco seems to enjoy the prospect of combat and adventure (In the pilot episode, he even expressed a desire for "some action and danger in (his) life"). Marco also seems to want this to be opined so with his reputation, as well; Marco openly expresses disdain for being considered a "Safe Kid", and has repeatedly attempted (to little avail) to persuade others to view him as

In the Pilot episode, Marco was chosen by his school's principal to guide and show Star around the school due to his reputation. As he discovered upon returning home on the same day (after having discovered Star's bizarre background at the end of the tour he had given her), his home had also been selected to be Star's own, though the person or persons who made this decision and the means by which it was reached remain as-yet unknown.

Immediately following his interactions with Star, Marco ran away from home, abhorrent of his new roommate. Star managed to find him afterwards, and acknowledged the hardship she had put him through. Prior to closure being fully reached, the two were ambushed by the villain Ludo and his thugs. After having helped to ward off the assassination attempt, Marco expressed a change of heart toward Star, and a preference for her to remain a resident of his home. The two headed back to Marco's house following this reconciliation.
  • Karate: Marco is learning and currently has a red belt in karate. He is very capable of using karate chops, kicks, and punches to battle monsters at the same level as Star.
  • Culinary prowess: Marco is good at making nachos. He makes a pizza with Pony Head, which doesn't turn out especially good.
  • Academics: It is shown that Marco has good math skills, getting good grades (including an A in psychology) and in "Quest Buy", he uses the metric system to find a charger for Star's wand at Quest Buy. However, he admits in "Naysaya" that he doesn't know how to do long division.
  • Swordsmanship: Marco has become proficient at wielding a one-handed sword.
  • Survival skills: Sixteen years of experience hunting Hekapoo has turned Marco into a hardened survivor and warrior. Upon returning to his original age on Earth, it is unknown if he has kept these skills.
Powers/Abilities: N/A
Weaknesses: Wet socks
Gear: N/A
Companions: N/A

Quotes: “You wear a helmet in the gym shower one time and they label you for life!”
Goals: N/A
Fears: Death, large confrontations.
Theme Song: N/A
Names: Marlin Bossk

Fandom: dungeons and dragons?
Age: N/A
Gender/Sexuality: male bi
Species: illithid
Appearance: pale slightly slimy skin, no hair, octopus like head, pale white eyes

Personality: he is good natured and almost nothing like his own kind, but his thirst for knowledge remains well enough but he will help those in distress if they need it

Backstory: born as any other illithid marlin was at birth a parasite in the brine pool, after maturity the other illithid around him took notice of this mutation in their ranks, the other illithid began to kill others born with the same mutation as marlin, but before they could kill him, he had fled from his home and never looked back, though life on the surface took some getting used to he found peace in a cave, Even making a avian friend which he affectionately named "Luna", soon enough how ever marlin was discovered by a witch that made a pact with a demon, unlike other creature's that intruded this one didn't, and even offered a home for marlin, he accepted and sortly after he had settled in under the witches roof she offered tutelage to marlin, through her he became a formidable wizard, eventually Marlin turned twenty four and the kind witch said that it was time he went out into the world to expand his knowledge and to help others with said knowledge, and so he did he had met many creatures and beings most notably are a tabaxi that seemed to be ridden with disease, a strange being that's head wasn't fully attached and a group of men and their reptilian friend, marlin had traveled with this group to expand himself further and aid others along the way, but that was then, this is now

Skills: he is a good singer, artist and wizard

Powers/Abilities: he has two books a diary and a spell book, he is a potent spell caster but is no conjurer of cheap tricks

Weaknesses: extreme heat and if he goes three months without feeding he could revert back to a feral state but he won't let that happen again

Gear: a cloak, two daggers that are sharp as razors, a face mask, leather armour with some reinforced metal, two books, a quill, an ink pot, spare paper, a crow skull wand and finally a pouch of bird crackers

Companions: Luna, his abnormally large crow

Quotes: "I'm sorry to bother you when your plotting evil scheme's but I'm very hungry"

Goals: to find his old home and rid it of his malicious brethren and usher in a new age for his kind, also to help the world he is in

Fears: he fears very little but he does fear being killed before he can complete his goals and free the world from evils grip, he also worrys about the kind witch

Theme Song:
Screw it, I played this guy in the last RP and somehow pulled it off:

Names: Mark Fischbach/Markiplier,
Fandom: Youtube/OC
Age: 28/29
Gender/Sexuality: Presumably heterosexual
Species: Human


Personality: Mark is very much a caring and loving person, however he suffers from a lack of self confidence. He has been called a saint, even an Angel by some of his followers and friends but rejects said compliments, always looking to do better to help people and better himself as a person. Mark is striving to better himself and better the world as much as he possibly can, but never feels like he can do enough. An example of this is when he broke down in tears during a video about how he couldn't reach out and help all of (at that point in time) 8 million subscribers, admitting that he'd failed many of them.

Despite a lack of confidence in himself, Mark strongly believes in other people, trying to see the best in every person he meets. He also tries to push people to be better, to believe in themselves and to help others in need.

His dad was a military man and although he sadly passed away from cancer, he very much inspired Mark. He tried to be an engineer dropped out. Eventually, after going through many struggles Mark found himself sitting in a hospital bed where he created a new identity for himself: Markiplier

One thing led to another and eventually Markiplier had his own Youtube channel set up. A few years, after trials and triumphs since starting his channel the world was overtaken by The Great Hunger. Mark survived, and awakened on Gladius with new powers he has since been trying to learn to control. Travelling Gladius-II at first, he learned more about how to control his powers, but not about their origins.

Skills: Engineering, videogaming, singing and has a very contagious laugh. He's also pretty good overall in combat too, he's a good warrior and athlete who's held back by nothing more than human limitations, his care for others and his lack of self-confidence. He's also a master of disguise, adopting his Wilfred Warfstache persona when he needs to.

Powers/Abilities: Superhuman strength, near-superhuman durability/stamina, enhanced speed (Usain Bolt speeds).

  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Due to health conditions he can no longer consume alcohol
  • Automophobia: Fear of things that false represent a sentient being, including ventriloquist dummies, animatronic creatures, mannequins, and wax statues. He still manages to play games including those things but in real life it will be a lot more difficult for him.
  • Has an intense fear of the ocean and what lurks in it.
  • VANISH: He hates that game so much mentioning it might distract him.
  • Still human and so has same weaknesses as one.
Gear: Dual pistols, a chair, dual hand axes, a gun that fires flares in the shape of purple moustaches and a guitar.


Quotes: "You can call me Markiplier or Mark, I'm the same person. I'm always going to be the same person, I'm always going to be me and I'm always going to be honest with you. And I really hope that you guys believe me when I say that I care about what you do and who you are."

"Never give up, no matter what may set you back, and know that at the end of the road, you’re going to have something that you can be proud of."

Goals: Discover more about his powers, help/save as many folks as possible
Fears: Failing to save/help people

Theme Song:

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