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Fantasy What makes a human, human?


Chosen Undead



Mankind, during a mining excavation in Antarctica, uncovered a Shard of Heaven. This simple resource could multiply infinitely based on the holder's whim, it is believed to have infinite potential. The Shard of Heaven was kept a secret from all global governments and held by the top archaeologists in a secret foundation known as the Gatekeepers.


The Gatekeepers go public after years of testing the Shard of Heaven. They have learned all that they possibly could with the materials they had. They release the information about their findings in an attempt to draw out the most brilliant minds in the world to help with their studies on this resource.


The Gatekeepers, after failing to cooperate with the highest military governments in the world, have their funding cancelled. This time sparks what is called the War of the Keepers. All original Gatekeepers start killing the loose ends of their findings, split the Shard into pieces, and go into hiding.


The US Government forms a branch called the Key Holders. Their main task is to fan out across the globe in complete discretion and flush out the hiding Gatekeepers in an attempt to reconnect the Shards of Heaven. By the end of the year, 12% of the original Gatekeepers are dead.


The Gatekeepers are almost completely eradicated, the last few are fearing for their lives. Some have commit suicide, some have gone into hiding, some have even turned themselves in; only to be killed anyways. The Key Holders fear nothing.


The few remaining Gatekeepers meet in complete discretion. They unlock the last few secrets of the Shards of Heaven after days of relentless studying with stolen gear and a run-down, abandoned Soviet lab. They unlock the very powers of a god.


The remaining Gatekeepers have become god-like beings by infusing themselves with Shards of Heaven. They rule the world with unimaginable strength and powers. The Key Holders study relentlessly on the Shards they have recovered from the Gatekeepers they've killed, but turn up nothing as they are hunted down relentlessly by the Gatekeepers.


The Key Holders, on the verge of being wiped out, have also unlocked the full powers of the Shards. They use their own powers to combat the Gatekeepers. This begins the first Extinction of Man. In the first day of fighting, 30% of humanity has died in the cross-fire.


After what has looked like a long-spent stalemate, both sides start dwindling in numbers. They're equal forces in powers, strength, and cunning. By now, 60% of humanity has died. When it came down to the last few of both sides, they both decided that the only way to end each other, would be to end the universe as a whole. They believe that these powers shouldn't have been found, and that their fighting is solving nothing. They believe humanity is what is destined to tear humanity apart, and decide to end each other by ending everything.


Both sides have dwindled down to 6 people, with 3 on each side. They both attack the very fabric of reality as weapons against each other. The world is tearing itself apart. Humanity that watches by idly believe that this is the ending, and the beginning, of everything. Everything between this year and 2063 is missing or the results of insane and benign, mindless writing. The years can not be put together clearly; these years are called the Ages of Darkness.


Both sides are dead. Both sides ended with 1 man on each side. They attacked each other too much, and they both seemed to cease to exist. This is the second Extinction of Man, when the god-like beings of man have finally died out. By now, 90% of humanity is dead. Humanity tries its best to recover, but pieces of distorted, broken reality is everywhere on Earth now.


Mankind has started to repopulate, but some children have been blessed with powers akin to the Gatekeepers and Key Holders, but in a smaller extent. These beings are beyond humane, and are being taught by their parents on how to use their powers. Some teach them selfish ways, others generous ways, some good... some evil. The new humans with what are called Fragments of Heaven are called Paragons of Virtue. They will lead humanity back to greatness.​
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