Anime & Manga what made YOU start watching anime?

What peaked my interest was Digimon, actually. The japanese original just got me interested in the culture and I began watching things like death note and Trigun.
Thats a really good question that i don't have a awnser to. I just did then i stopped, then started again then stopped again
Oldest brother told me the name of the animation when I asked him about Inuyasha. Got a little older and started watching it online afterwards. Pretty much it. I use to be really hooked when I was nine-twelve, but I've grown out of it quite a bit. I still like anime, just no where near as much as I use to. Thank goodness, too. There was a time where I tried to emulate "kawaii" Japanese girls.
Back in about the 7th grade, my friend and I were going to watch some good ol' Pokemon movies (which are beloved by everyone with a heart, whether they like anime or not). But they were on VCR, and we couldn't get her brother's player to work. So the next best thing was to watch some of his Dragon Ball Z DVDs, just as a joke, because we thought it was for total nerds. Of course, we loved it. After that my other friend, a total otaku, found out and the rest is history!
in 2004 i was watching cartoon network... (i think) and fooley cooley was on... and i thought it was funny... next think i know... i cant count how many anime ive watched...
Well i got in resently but what got mi in Anime was the action of AoT saw that and i started too watch other animes and thats how mi train started and still going
It all started when I was 4 or five years old and watched Pokémon and Inuyasha on Adult Swim since I have always stayed up late my entire life. I was in a trance by the animation and found it more interesting than other cartoons and found myself watching Bleach and Naruto while my brother watched SpongeBob and "normal" things. And it just grew with age especially when I met others interested in anime and learned I wasn't alone and others had the same obsessions I had. So I guess I was just born this way.
What made me start was that they were relevant to my interests. The subject matter, the themes and the style were all appealing to me. Most series were geared towards my age group, tackled relatable themes or had relatable characters.

However the same can be said to why I don't like anime anymore. It is no longer relevant to my interests. I tend to be unable to relate or connect to characters or their stories. I generally get more irritated than I do anything else when I watch most anime. There are a handful of series I do watch though, Sailor Moon Crystal, Free!, kyoukai no kanata are three more recent ones I did watch and enjoy. Otherwise anime just doesn't do it for me.

I know the second part isn't the point of this thread, but I felt like saying it since I no longer really like anime. Not the same way I did as a kid and teen when I was a fanatic about it.
Personally, while I have no cool story or anything,

I blame the television.

But, at the time, the Anime on T.V was much more entertaining than the commercials aired in my country, so I started to watch them. Years later, on my ....


Second laptop, I watch them.
First anime was CardCaptor Sakura. Also watched Pokemon, Digimon and SailorMoon. Yet it wasn't until the end of 2008 that I really watched anime. By that time I got a laptop and was on Internet most days after school.
I got into anime when I saw an anime named Kanon. Pretty good. I thought it was the best of the best 4 years ago. Then I watched Clannad, Angel Beats, and Stigma of the Wind (actually forgot the name but I'm sure this is it =.="). Since then I've just flooded myself with anime and last year I started to really binge read manga.

There will be painful time...sad times. I'll be with you through think and thin. You are never alone. The hopes we carry are matched by the number of stars in the twinkling night sky. The rustling of the wind on our bodies are premonitions for what's to come tomorrow. Now, let us take a the melody of the fairies. -Mavis
I had picked up some episodes of Speed Racer and Battle of the Planets because that was about all there was in the days before VCR were affordable. Then I saw Star Blazers and that was one of the coolest things I had seen outside of the release of Star Wars the year before. I think I was hooked after that. Most of what I watched for the next 20-25 years were 'bootlegs' shared among friends. One person would manage to copy Akria or Mega Zone 23 or Bubblegum Crisis off Cinemax or something and add it to their collection and then you would trade with friends. "Say I'll lend you these three tapes if you let me borrow those for a few weeks." That was the way I saw and got hooked on most of my anime in the 80's and early 90's when a VHS of 2-3 episodes could run anywhere from 50-100 bucks, which in 80s dollars hurt like clipping live jumper cables to your nipples.
My friend kept begging me to watch it and was trying to prove me wrong as I always thought it was dumb. After watching my first anime, I realized how dumb I was O_O
Pretty much same case with me, channel surfing at night. Though I stumbled upon Inuyasha instead. The show was weird to me at first, but then I gradually got more into it and anime in general :3
I have always been involved with anime. The first anime I watched was Dragon Ball Z and the original Naruto as a child, but after researching them as I got older, I discovered anime in bulk. The first I found after that was Marmalade Boy from 1998, and realized that anime had many different genres, almost like TV. I had never found so many of something I enjoyed before and it made me feel true euphoria for the first time in my life, and continued into the present, with every different series I have watched.
Depression in College. I was stuck in my room and was on Netflix so I watched Dance in the Vampire's Bund.
Depression in College. I was stuck in my room and was on Netflix so I watched Dance in the Vampire's Bund.

Woah... Did not mean to do that
Middle school me was browsing hulu and stumbled across anime. Took me multiple tries to get through the first episode of Soul Eater without cringing, and it was amazing.
The amazing art, arks, plotlines, abd storylines is what makes me watch anime. I cried when watching my first ever episode of anime.
i was reading mangas we borrowed from the library and thought i should give the animes a try. i've still continued to read a lot of mangas however so i haven't watched anime intensively
I started watching anime after I saw a few episode of Tsubasa Chronicles. I found it on a channel at my grandmothers house, and that was the first anime ive watched. :P Ten I discovered more.

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