Anime & Manga what made YOU start watching anime?

Because my siblings were watching anime and I was at that stage where I thought everything my siblings do is cool, so I sat down and watched with them. I started with Naruto and Pokemon - and those are my favorite anime. But KHR will always hold my heart. uwu Too bad Amano ended it.
My addiction started in 4th grade when I went to the book fair. There was this VERY small area of manga (only about 3 or 4 books)

I picked up the first volume of Skip Beat (I now own up to 23 xD )

I remember getting discouraged when reading manga though, because when I would say "Oh this character is cute" or "He's my favorite" people would make fun of me and say I had a crush on a cartoon character so I didn't read much at school for awhile. It just made me really mad since people fell in love with a bunch of words in their novels > :/ (LOL I did too but still >.>)

I ended up reading Vampire Knight and also Godchild by my Kaori Yuki (I LOVE HER TO DEATH) I then read Grand Guignol Orchestra and I am obsessed with it... *sweat drop*

I ended up falling in love with Hetalia a couple years back and I will forever be a happier person because of it :3

Anime and Manga has changed me a lot

if it wasn't for it I wouldn't be who I am today

and I love me <3

My brother watched quite alot of anime, and I found it annoying for the longest time, until he made me watch Death Note. That's when I became addicted. n 7 n
The first anime I saw were Sailor Moon, Pokémon and Dragon Ball Z because they used to be on tele. But that was when I was a child and when I truly learned what anime and Manga was I was watching Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl series and saw other anime on the side of the webpage and thought 'why not, they seem interesting' and from there was where anime watching began for me!
[QUOTE="KT~]Yep.. I pretty have the same story as you Bettsy except I came across Inuyasha and Case Closed =p

Yep Inuyasha was my first and I was hooked I never looked back
A long long time ago I was sitting in the living room being bored and my brother called me upstairs when I went up there he was flipping through channels and he ask me if I knew this show I said no then for some reason he left then I started watching the show called peach girl and I was hooked on it then when that season ended I watched school rumble then I just started watching a whole bunch of anime on funimation then I started getting manga and I then became an Otaku ever since. xD The first Animes I have watched were, Peach Girl, School Rumble, Negima, Moonphase, OHSHC and Angel Burst.
My anime watching started when I was really little and used to stay up too late. Adult Swim would come on and stuff like Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, and Rurouni Kenshin would be playing. I just started getting more and more interested in it from there on out and it's stuck with me.
Hmm.... well, technically I started with Sailor Moon and Pokemon and Digimon. I didn't realize it was anime until I was 12 and started watching Inuyasha. *chuckles* Then it was like the Domino Effect. :)
As much as I hate it when Avatar: The Last Airbender is referred to as an anime, that is what got me started watching anime. I liked the style and I didn't want to associate it with the regular cartoons I watched. After a bit of research I started watching some real anime, mainly Fullmetal Alchemist and that's when I began to love anime.
A few years later I watched an episode of Inuyasha where Sesshoumaru flips his hair over his shoulder and I was sold and keepwell.
Hmmm ah yes well I was a small child with an older cousin about in her early teenage years that was dearly in loved with Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Tokyo Mew Mew, etc.

Now she was also an artist too, and she drew many anime pictures in that cutesy classic big eyed style and me who was so small and newly infatuated with drawing, looked up to her. So you know what kids do...they want to do everything that the older kids do even if it's kinda boring. And at the time a little of it did bore me. I remember watching an Episode of Dragon Ball Z with her and being like "ah this is so cool!" but really I was bored out of my mind and wanted to play with my other cousin that was much more my age. Then again at the time it was a plot inducing-talking scene and I didn't understand any of what was going on either. xD ;

But I would remember when the good old Toonami would play, and some of the more ...better Pokemon shows would air and I'd always try to stay up for them. However, that was all that I knew. So one day I was at the public library, and at the age of hm..11, and I could understand some plots now. And my eye came across a DVD of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle and I watched the shit out of that. And that was the catalyst of my newfound anime obsession.

Once the obsession started however, I went through that classic weeaboo stage...though that's not a tale to tell here xD ;
I saw Lucky Star and thought it looked cute so I started watching. And then started my descent.

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When I was quite young, my older brother would allow me to read Mangas with him. I doubt I even understood the plots at the time and just liked it cause of the art. xD When I got a little older, about a year or so, he gave me his DS to play Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy on. I just remember I would always play the mini-games. Heh.

Anyways, a little bit later, a couple of months or so, my brother bought me all the seasons of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters on DVD, and I watched that so many times. Then, my obsession began to grow.
I was about 5 at the time. My step-brother was big into the usual shows like Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh!, but I never really but much thought into what exactly they were.

Then, Toonami started airing on Cartoon Network during Saturdays, or some day, when little children were allowed to be awake. So, the first anime that I watched on there was Naruto. My brother and I would watch the shit out of it when it came on. Then I started watching more and more of Toonami, like ZatchBell, Bobobobobobo, Pokemon, ect. Then I was up late one night on Adult Swim and Inuyasha came on and I grew to love it, and more anime.
The summer of my 5th grade year I was browsing dress up games with my twin on DeviantArt and we came across this game called 'Ouran High School Host Club Dress-Up'. We tried the game out and loved the characters on their! Especially cause their were these twins. Soooo we both wondered if their were anymore games and Googled it then we found Anime. The first Anime me and my twin watched was Ouran High School Host Club and I'm happy that I discovered Anime with her cause that show got us hooked on Anime for life!! x3
I was first introduced to Anime when I watched Kiki's Delivery Service with my Aunt. But I didn't really get into it until later, when my friends kept talking about Sailor Moon. I wanted to seem cool to my friends, so I watched it. And I fell in love.
For longer than I can remember, my siblings were fans. Thanks to them I grew up watching Pokemon and Studio Ghibli, as well as Inuyasha. I was unaware of the legitimate term "anime", however, until an old friend got me into Naruto when I was nine. I was completely hooked on the genre two years later when my sister got me to watch Fruits Basket.
You see I was a very unstable 6th grader, I was the one kid who really liked gore and lewdness (much more than one would think). None of my friends knew this, so one of them tried playing a prank by showing me Elfen Lied, it backfired and I fell in love with the show. Now that I look back on it, it wasn't exactly the best anime, but I was in the 6th grade. I still remember skipping school to watch it xD , my mother was not proud of me, to put it in small detail. Ugh, that day with Lucy was definitely a scary one... but I LOVE her so much ;) . After that my friend showed me One piece and I could never really get into it, so for a month or so I was done with my little anime phase and thought I'd never get back into any ever again. Of course, my avatar wouldn't be a cute anime girl if I did would it?

A couple months later I caught my friend reading a fullmetal alchemist manga and I really enjoyed it, mostly because Winry was a totally hotty, but I digress. That day I went home and searched up fullmetal alchemist on the internet, hoping to find the manga for free. Instead I found my new found love, the Fullmetal alchemist anime, none of this brotherhood shit (Jk, I love that one too). Again I disappointed my mother and skipped two days of school, but it was middle school so no one cared. After Fullmetal alchemist I got into Death Note, Code Geass and Soul eater. And there begun my Anime phase that still goes onto this date. It is safe to say I have seen more anime females than actual girls, and have probably talked to more as well. Also, I don't skip school anymore xD . Also, don't watch Harem/ecchi anime's at lunch, people will think weirdly of you, or they did of me.
I have noooo ideaaaa.. But i remember my firs anime is spirited away oooor pokemons .. Emm i was 3 years old (maybe4).
I was watching Pokemon abd DBZ before I could even talk (thanks dad!)

What properly got me into anime though is playing FF and KH with my mum from I was like 5 and I just fell in love with the art style! I then found some manga novels in our library (I think Combat Butler was the first I read) and when looking some novels up to buy online came across anime streaming sites... Now I'm hooked!
I watched Dragon Ball Z as a kid, when I got older I found out what anime actually was. So when I found out all my childhood shows (Yugioh, Pokemon, DBZ) were anime I began watching more and more.
I started out watching pokemon, in second grade. I loved it from the first episode. I still love pokemon.

Then, I noticed my baby sister (not much of a baby anymore, but, what can you say?) watching another cartoon. It seemed cheesy and pathetic, but I couldn't stop watching until the end. (That was "Princess Tutu" of all things.)

Eventually, I began chewing my way through the older and more childish series and movies like Ponyo, Beyblade, and Tokyo Mew Mew. Now, I cannot be separated from my anime! :big grin:
I used to watch Toonami after school. But I only really got into anime when I met some friends in middle school. They were really into it, and they helped me get started, so to speak. I've been watching ever since.

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