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Fantasy What Lies After Death?

Well how about me then? I could make my character like death or a guide of the after life or something of the sort who tries to get the others accept their fate and continue their journey to the other world. Because the main idea with limbo (Or from what I know) is someone who cant accept their fate or someone who doesn't know how they died (sometimes both) and the only way to reach the other world is to accept your fate or to figure out how you died. Well you know what I mean right? But if you want me to be like the other characters I can do that.

Interesting idea, but it might need some warpping to fit. The main point of the story is there is no 'other world' and the limbo is the one and only after life, only what they see in the limbo is what they believe in.

Also the people who are trapped in the limbo retain all their memories from the previous life, as in they could watch their whole life before their eyes again if they wanted too.

Though I do like your idea of a character or something that's constantly trying to cause disruption. If you catch any ideas to expand on it I'll happily look into it.

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Glad you like it.

I'll have my reply up so you'll have something to look to when you get back

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